Thursday, December 10, 2015

Inside Story: What Does Donald Trump Stand For?

The potential Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, is remaining defiant about his anti-Muslim statement which has provoked criticism and condemnation. The White House says he has disqualified himself from becoming president.And the Pentagon says his call to ban Muslims from the US endangers security. But Trump has the support of various conservative commentators and at least part of the US public. So, how has Trump been able to set the tone in the Republican presidential race? And why do his comments resonate with some Americans? Presenter: Jane Dutton Guests: Linda Sarsour - Executive director of the Arab American Association of New York; Matthew Del Carlo - Republican strategist and chairman of the California Young Republican Federation; James Boys - author of the upcoming book 'Hillary Rising' and political historian.

Angela Merkel, Person of the Year? Eine Katastrophe, More Like

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in no mood to negotiate
THE TELEGRAPH: The German leader just named 'Chancellor of the Free World' by Time Magazine has actually seen her reputation and popularity take a hammeriing in 2015

Angela Merkel has just been named “Chancellor of the Free World” and Person of the Year by Time Magazine. But the reality is that she is hardly flying high. After more than a decade in office, Germany’s first female head of government is dragging her party down in the polls, openly criticised by her finance minister, out of step with her European partners, and prompting the streets to fill with angry protestors.

Her most powerful rival, the Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, has compared her to a “careless skier” who precipitates an avalanche. His mutiny against Mrs Merkel’s “open door” migration policy has strong support from a German public that is now thoroughly alarmed by an influx with no end in sight. Protests against her policy are mounting, yet she has refused to back down.

So how did it all go so badly wrong for the world’s most powerful woman? (+ video) » | Daniel Johnson | Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Senate Passes Bill to Dismantle ObamaCare

Dec. 04, 2015 - 2:05 - Mike Emanuel reports from Washington, D.C.

Muslim Community Leader Supports Trump's Proposed Ban

Dec. 09, 2015 - 5:15 - Imam and Islamic activist debate the issue on 'Hannity'

Should US Worry about Immigrants Raised under Sharia Law?

Dec. 09, 2015 - 4:34 - GOP candidate Carly Fiorina weighs in on 'Hannity'

Donald Trump Outlines His Muslim Strategy

Dec. 09, 2015 - 10:05 - GOP candidate joins 'The O'Reilly Factor' to discuss plan preventing Muslims entering the US

Wahl in Amerika: Trump droht Republikanern mit unabhängiger Kandidatur

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINER ZEITUNG: Nach der heftigen Kritik aus der eigenen Partei droht Donald Trump abermals damit, auch ohne den Rückhalt der Republikaner für das amerikanische Präsidentenamt zu kandidieren. Seine Erfolgschancen stützt er dabei auf eine neue Umfrage.

Nach der heftigen Kritik führender Republikaner an seiner Forderung nach einem Einreiseverbot für Muslime hat Donald Trump abermals eine Teilnahme als unabhängiger Kandidat an der amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahl 2016 ins Spiel gebracht. Im Fernsehsender ABC sagte der Milliardär am Mittwoch, dass er sich eine eigenständige Kandidatur vorstellen könnte, sollte die republikanische Partei ihn nicht „fair“ behandeln. Auf dem Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter schrieb er: „Eine neue Umfrage besagt, dass 68 Prozent meiner Unterstützer für mich stimmen würden, sollte ich die Republikaner verlassen und als Unabhängiger antreten.“ » | Quelle: AFP | Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

USA: Trump's Muslims Ban Disqualifies Him from Presidency - White House

White House spokesperson Josh Earnest said that presidential front-runner Donald Trump's comments on banning Muslims from entering the U.S disqualifies him from becoming president, and called for Republicans to denounce him immediately, speaking in Washington D.C, Tuesday.

Merkel Becomes Time’s Person of the Year, Tops Trump & ISIS Leader

Time Magazine has named German Chancellor Angela Merkel its person of the year. Among the reasons, the magazine cited her role in solving Europe's crisis over Greek debt.

Germany: Angela Merkel Awarded TIME's Person of the Year 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was named TIME's Person of the Year, Wednesday, with archive footage showing some of the German leader's greatest moments during her chancellery in 2015.

Donald Trump Shakes Up Politics Once Again

Dec. 08, 2015 - 9:58 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 12/8

Trump Doubles Down On Controversial Muslim Plan

Dec. 08, 2015 - 5:01 - How does the United States view Islam? 'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates

Rep. McCaul: Extremists Trying to Exploit US Refugee Program

Dec. 08, 2015 - 4:40 - Congressman explains on 'Hannity' how the president is playing 'Russian roulette' with national security

Piers Morgan and Ann Coulter in Fiery Exchange on Good Morning Britain

THE TELEGRAPH: The right wing pundit, an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, gave a heated defence of her anti-Islamic views

Right-wing American pundit Ann Coulter was involved in a heated battle of words with host Piers Morgan when she appeared as a guest on today's episode of Good Morning Britain.

Coulter, an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump's presidential candidacy, has in recent days has been criticised after cheering Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the US.

On Twitter, where she has more than 700,000 followers, she described Trump's anti-Muslim stance as 'my best birthday gift.'

Appearing via satellite link on Good Morning Britain with hosts Morgan and Susanna Reid, Coulter vigorously defended her views while also suggesting that mentally ill people and criminals should be prevented from entering the US: “Why does our country need them? ... Welfare is for Americans.”

Morgan appeared increasingly incensed as the interview progressed, before eventually cutting her off with the suggestion: "Maybe it would be slightly more helpful to deport you Ann Coulter?" » | Adam Boult | Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Obama: We Cannot and Will Not Succumb to Fear

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Donald Trump, Under Fire, Defends Call to Block Muslims

THE NEW YORK TIMES: As denunciations rained down on him from Washington and around the world, Donald J. Trump on Tuesday defended his call to block all Muslims from entering the United States, casting it as a temporary move in response to Islamic State terrorism and invoking President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s actions toward Japanese, German and Italian aliens during World War II as precedent. » | Maggie Haberman | Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Trump Threatens to Leave Republican Party after Criticism of Ban on Muslims; Obama Says Trump Is Disqualified from White House

THE TELEGRAPH: David Cameron leads the condemnation after the presidential candidate said parts of London were so radicalised "police in London are afraid for their own their lives" - while the Pentagon says his comments play in to Islamic State's narrative » | Harriet Alexander, New York, video source APTN | Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My comment:

Can we see YOUR credentials, Mr. Obama, for being qualified for office in the White House? Have you, Mr. President, ever heard the saying: ‘People in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones’. – © Mark

What Putin Thinks About Gays - BBC News

President Vladimir Putin has defended Russia's law on "gay propaganda" ahead of the Sochi Olympics but insisted he was not prejudiced against homosexuals.

Inside Story: Is Sugar Killing Us?

New research shows global diets are getting sweeter along with a growing health crisis.

Inside Story: What's Behind the Success of France's Far-Right Party?

French political landscape changing after big victory for the National Front in regional elections.