Showing posts sorted by relevance for query captagon. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query captagon. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Assad à la tête du trafic de captagon au Moyen-Orient

LE MONDE : Bachar al-Assad a développé la production industrielle de cette amphétamine en Syrie, afin de contourner les sanctions internationales et de consolider ses réseaux d’allégeance.

Lot de captagon intercepté en Arabie saoudite à bord de fruits importés du Liban (photo diffusée le 23 avril 2021 par l’agence de presse saoudienne)

Crimes contre l’humanité, crimes de guerre, massacres organisés, viols systématiques, campagnes de disparitions forcées, expulsion de populations entières, la liste est longue des crimes déjà imputés à Bachar al-Assad. Convaincu de son impunité, le dictateur syrien y a désormais ajouté le délit de production massive et de commercialisation agressive de stupéfiants. Le territoire syrien sous contrôle du régime Assad est en effet devenu la principale zone de production de captagon, une amphétamine dont l’Arabie saoudite constitue le premier marché mondial. Ce sont ensuite les réseaux affiliés au régime Assad qui, surtout à partir du Liban, se chargent d’acheminer les cargaisons de cette drogue vers la Péninsule arabique. » | Par jean-Pierre Filiu | dimanche 23 janvier 2022


Dubaï, le paradis perdu des narcotrafiquants européens : Après de longues années d’exil doré à Dubaï, des narcotrafiquants notoires ont été récemment extradés vers la France, l’Italie ou les Pays-Bas. »

Sunday, December 05, 2021

On Syria’s Ruins, a Drug Empire Flourishes

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Powerful associates of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, are making and selling captagon, an illegal amphetamine, creating a new narcostate on the Mediterranean.

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Built on the ashes of 10 years of war in Syria, an illegal drug industry run by powerful associates and relatives of President Bashar al-Assad has grown into a multibillion-dollar operation, eclipsing Syria’s legal exports and turning the country into the world’s newest narcostate.

Its flagship product is captagon, an illegal, addictive amphetamine popular in Saudi Arabia and other Arab states. Its operations stretch across Syria, including workshops that manufacture the pills, packing plants where they are concealed for export and smuggling networks to spirit them to markets abroad.

An investigation by The New York Times found that much of the production and distribution is overseen by the Fourth Armored Division of the Syrian Army, an elite unit commanded by Maher al-Assad, the president’s younger brother and one of Syria’s most powerful men.

Major players also include businessmen with close ties to the government, the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah and other members of the president’s extended family, whose last name ensures protection for illegal activities, according to The Times investigation, which is based on information from law enforcement officials in 10 countries and dozens of interviews with international and regional drug experts, Syrians with knowledge of the drug trade and current and former United States officials. » | Ben Hubbard and Hwaida Saad | Sunday, December 5, 2021

Friday, December 13, 2024

Syria: Inside Captagon Drug Factory which Funded Assad’s Brutal Regime

Dec 12, 2024 | It's been called the poor man's cocaine. Captagon: the drug that funded Bashar al-Assad's brutal rule in Syria. It's an amphetamine which - in high doses - induces feelings of euphoria and invulnerability.

Popular with soldiers, they say it offers 'chemical courage' and reportedly suppresses pain. And it's made the Assad family billions - more than 10 billion dollars a year, by recent estimates. Money it used to shore up a crumbling dynasty.

Correspondent: Lindsey Hilsum
Filmed and edited by Soren Munk
Produced by Rob Hodge

Related material here.

My God! And OUR PATHETIC Western politicians and governments worry about people enjoying a smoke: the smoke of a cigarette! It’s a pity that our politicians don’t get their priorities straightened out! They sweat the little things whilst the big things are ignored. Conveniently, of course, because they haven't the courage to tackle problems like this. Unbelievable! – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Drug Fueling Conflict in Syria

Sep 21, 2015 • Syria's War Drug: A look inside production of Captagon, the powerful amphetamine being used by soldiers in Syria.

This Journeyman Pictures documentary is age-restricted, so it is available only on YouTube. It cannot be embedded on external websites. Here is a link to it. Be warned: It is not for the faint-hearted. It is also rather seedy. But it does open one’s eyes to a different and unsavoury side of life. – Mark

Un article lié à ce documentaire.