Monday, July 29, 2024

Kamala Harris Fights Back | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Jul 29, 2024 | With Kamala Harris bringing life back to the Democratic party, she's showing she knows how to do the one thing to take down MAGA and win the election - make it all about Trump.

Trump is yesterday’s man. Trump is decrepit and way past his sell-by date. America deserves better than a geriatric as its president: America deserves a younger, more vibrant, more intelligent, more dynamic, more progressive president than Trump. That person is Kamala Harris. Hopefully, Americans with vote wisely. – © Mark Alexander

JD Vance Calls Trump ‘Morally Reprehensible’ in Resurfaced Emails

THE GUARDIAN: Former friend releases messages largely from 2014-2017 in which Republican VP nominee also says: ‘I hate the police’

Questions continued to mount about the political transformation of Donald Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, after the release of emails from a former friend in which Vance called Trump a “morally reprehensible human being” and said: “I hate the police.”

The messages between Vance and Sofia Nelson, who sent them to the New York Times, were largely dated between 2014 and 2017. In one, Vance sent Nelson a section of Hillbilly Elegy, his bestseller about his Appalachian boyhood.

“Here’s an excerpt from my book. I send this to you not just to brag, but because I’m sure if you read it you’ll notice reference to ‘an extremely progressive lesbian’,” Vance wrote.

“I recognise now that this may not accurately reflect how you think of yourself, and for that I am really sorry. I hope you’re not offended, but if you are, I’m sorry! Love you, JD.” » | Martin Pengelly in Washington | Monday, July 29, 2024

Princess Margaret, Queen of Mustique

Apr 15, 2021

The Dark Mysteries of Hitler's Nazi Manifesto | Mein Kampf | Timeline | Reupload

Jan 8, 2023 | Today, Adolf Hitler’s autobiography-cum-Nazi-manifesto is still sold all over the world, under the counter, on the internet or simply at the bookshop. This 700-page book, published in 1925, was re-edited numerous times since the death of the author. How was it written? Was Hitler really the author? Were the war and the Holocaust truly inscribed in its pages? This documentary plunges deep into the secrets of Mein Kampf. A simple book of paradoxes: famous but unknown, fascinating and repulsive.

Ina Garten's Easy Fan-Favorite Meatloaf | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Jul 26, 2024 | Ina's fan-favorite meat loaf is the perfect recipe for beginners. She promises this classic meat loaf is shockingly easy to make and absolutely delicious!

For the recipe, click here, then click on ‘more’.

Rock Hudson - Hollywood and Closeted Sexuality | True Story Documentary Channel

Jun 1, 2024 | There are two reasons to revive interest in the Hollywood star Rock Hudson in 2010: If he had not died of AIDS 25 years ago, it would have been his 85th birthday in November 2010.

The film portrays a very male-looking gay leading man who had to perform a secret balancing act between the heterosexual Hollywood world and the dark side of closeted sexuality. In fact, he was someone who always needed to tell lies. He had to become a very good actor even in real life.

The film includes interviews with his French doctor, Dr. Philippe Siou, and Dr. Michael Gottlieb, Rock’s American doctor who became the first physician to describe a new disease that would later become known as AIDS. And with friends like Stockton Briggle and his personal secretary Mark Miller, Yanou Collart, his French PR manager, Armistead Maupin, bestselling author, Richard Dyer, film historian, Robert Hofler, author of the book “The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson”, Richard Anderson and Salome Jens, co-stars of “SECONDS”, Leonard Stern, producer of Hudson’s TV series “McMillan&Wife” and Hollywood reporter Rona Barrett.

Evangelikale – Mit Gott an die Macht (1/3) | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Jul 29, 2024 | Am Anfang war Billy Graham. Mitten im Kalten Krieg etablierte sich der US-amerikanische Prediger als "Papst" der Evangelikalen – einer christlich-konservativen Bewegung, die das Ziel verfolgt, den gesellschaftlichen Einfluss der Religion auszubauen. Sein "großer Kreuzzug" wurde in den folgenden Jahrzehnten von einer mächtigen politisch-religiösen Lobby vereinnahmt.

Jesus lebt, und das Christentum ist in vollem Aufschwung. Diese Wiederauferstehung ist nicht den sogenannten „historischen“ Konfessionen – katholisch, evangelisch, orthodox – zu verdanken, sondern den Evangelikalen. Laut Schätzungen werden 2025 über 800 Millionen Menschen dieser Strömung angehören. Die christliche Erneuerungsbewegung hat sie über alle Kontinente hinweg binnen weniger Jahrzehnte bis an die Spitze der Macht gebracht.

Wie ist es den Evangelikalen gelungen, ihre neue moralische Ordnung durchzusetzen und überall dort, wo sie an die Regierung kommen, die Trennung von Geistlichem und Weltlichem, von Religion und Politik in Frage zu stellen? Wie lässt sich dieser ultrakonservative Umschwung erklären?

Am Anfang war Billy Graham. Mitten im Kalten Krieg faszinierte der charismatische Prediger die Massen auf der ganzen Welt ebenso wie die herrschenden Eliten in Washington. Er wurde zum „Papst“ der Evangelikalen und verhalf dieser neuen christlichen Bewegung zu einem enormen Aufschwung. Auf seinen Reisen um den Globus füllte er ganze Stadien, wandte sich in einfachen Worten an die Neubekehrten und brachte so eine Missionierungsdynamik in Gang, die immer mehr Menschen dazu bewegte, sich in den Dienst Gottes zu stellen. Bald wimmelte es auf allen Kontinenten nur so von Megachurches, und von Korea über Nigeria bis Brasilien ernteten neue religiöse Führer erfolgreich, was Billy Graham gesät hatte – und gaben ihrem spirituellen Kampf eine noch radikalere Ausrichtung.

Die Evangelikalen zählen nicht nur zu den dynamischsten Strömungen des zeitgenössischen Christentums, sie sind auch eine mächtige politisch-religiöse Bewegung, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, jede Entwicklung zu bekämpfen, die eine Gefahr für die gesellschaftliche Vormacht der sogenannten „jüdisch-christlichen“ Kultur darstellen könnte. Aus diesem Grund lehnen sie Abtreibung, Gleichberechtigung von LGBTIQ-Personen und Islam vehement ab und bestreiten die Evolutionstheorie ebenso wie die Existenz des Klimawandels. Im Ergebnis verhalf die Christliche Rechte mit Unterstützung ihrer evangelikalen Gefolgschaft Gestalten wie Donald Trump in den USA und Jair Bolsonaro in Brasilien zur Macht, die zwar zwielichtige Machenschaften verfolgten, aber im Namen Gottes regieren wollten.

Dokureihe, Regie: Thomas Johnson (F/USA 2023, 53 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 29/09/2024

Huw Edwards Charged with Making Indecent Images of Children

BBC: Former BBC News presenter Huw Edwards has been charged with three counts of making indecent images of children.

The offences are alleged to have taken place between 2020 and 2022 and relates to images shared on Whatsapp, according to the Metropolitan Police.

The broadcaster was arrested last November and charged last month, the force revealed on Monday.

He is due to appear in court in London on Wednesday. » | Ian Youngs, Culture reporter | Monday, July 29, 2024

Huw Edwards charged with making indecent images of children: Former BBC presenter charged with three offences after Met police investigation »

Related material here.

Islamist Hate Cleric 'Refugee' Raises Millions to Set Up Islamic 'Homeland' on Scottish Isle

Jul 29, 2024 | Yasser al-Habib came to Britain as a refugee and has since vowed to undermine British values and install a sharia homeland within our territory.

Read a related article here.

Crown Prince of Iran Says Islamic Regime Weaker Than Ever, and the People Are Ready to Revolt

Jul 29, 2024 | Reza Pahlavi believes Iran is ripe for a revolution. As the eldest son of the last Shah of Iran, the 63-year-old Crown Prince is on a mission to drive the radical Islamic men who overthrew his father 45 years ago out of power and replace them with a secular democracy chosen by and for the Iranian people. His Royal Highness says the Islamic regime is weaker than ever before and that the Iranian people are hungry for change.

Read the full story here.

Welcome to The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Jul 29, 2024 | The Warning will tell you what happens in politics before it happens. The election ahead is the most important of our lifetime. Make no mistake, that isn’t hyperbole. We are one election away from ending the evolving American revolution. This is why the mission of The Warning with Steve Schmidt is to help people orient to the currents that are shaping our times and the unseen forces driving politics that are rarely discussed on cable news.

Sebastian Gorka's ‘Duty’ to Serve Trump and His Vision for the Future | Four Corners

Jul 29, 2024 | Sebastian Gorka served as Deputy Assistant for Strategy under the Trump administration.

The avid supporter of Donald Trump claims the former president was subverted and sabotaged after becoming president.

Gorka aligns with Trump’s perspective on pardoning those who participated in the January 6 Capitol riots and believes in a mass deportation of undocumented migrants.

His criticism is directed towards the Biden administration and what he refers to as the ‘deep state’, referencing establishments such as the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigations as groups that, he believes, sought to undermine Trump.

Gorka tells Four Corners he has had conversations with the presidential candidate about working in his administration again. When questioned what role he would like to take the radio host repeats ‘personnel’ and emphasises the importance of vetting people to support the new Trump administration.

Tricked into Conversion Therapy in Russia for Being Trans | BBC News

Jul 29, 2024 | Transgender people in Russia have had their human rights systematically eroded, a UN independent expert has told the BBC.

One year after the country passed a law banning gender reassignment surgery, Graeme Reid said transgender Russians had been deprived of their “most basic rights to a legal identity and access to healthcare”.

BBC News Russian has spoken to two transgender people who said they had no choice but to flee their homeland.

If you, or someone you know has been affected by issues raised in this story, sources of support are available via the BBC Action Line.

Elon Musk Accused of Spreading ‘Lies’ over Doctored Kamala Harris Video

THE GUARDIAN: Doctored campaign video featuring US vice-president reposted by Tesla chief executive watched 128m times

Kamala Harris’s election campaign has accused Elon Musk of spreading “manipulated lies” after the Tesla chief executive posted a doctored video featuring the vice-president on his X account.

Musk reposted a manipulated Harris campaign video on Friday evening in which a fake Harris voiceover says “I was selected because I am the ultimate diversity hire” and that anyone who criticises her is “both sexist and racist”.

The video has been viewed 128m times on Musk’s account after the world’s richest man posted it with the words “this is amazing” followed by a laughing emoji. Musk owns X, which he rebranded from Twitter last year. » | Dan Milmo, Global technology editor | Monday, July 29, 2024

Elon Musk’s 20-year-old estranged daughter responded to his rant about her: On Thursday, the billionaire went on a disturbing anti-trans rant about Vivian Wilson, who legally dropped Musk’s name in 2022 »

Elon Musk’s Transgender Daughter Says He Was ‘Cruel’ and ‘Uncaring’: Vivian Jenna Wilson’s remarks, in an exclusive interview with NBC News, were a response to Mr. Musk’s comments about her transgender identity. »

Elon Musk's transgender daughter, in first interview, says he berated her for being queer as a child: In an exclusive interview, Vivian Jenna Wilson said her father’s recent statements, including that she is “not a girl,” inspired her to speak out: “I’m not just gonna let that slide.” »

Tommy Robinson Flees UK on Eurostar amid Contempt of Court Proceedings

THE GUARDIAN: Far-right activist was detained under counter-terrorism powers on Sunday and was due to appear at high court

Tommy Robinson fled Britain on Sunday night to “put himself beyond the reach of authorities” in the UK, where he was due to be in court over alleged contempt proceedings, the hearing was told.

The far-right activist, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was arrested on Sunday at the Eurotunnel terminal in Folkestone by police who used counter-terrorism powers, but he was released on unconditional bail.

Mr Justice Johnson issued a warrant at the high court for the arrest of Robinson but ordered that it not be carried out until early October to allow the activist time to indicate that he would attend the next hearing voluntarily, or to apply to “set aside” the warrant.

Robinson was due to appear at the court on Monday accused of contempt of court for making a documentary, Silenced, which repeats false claims he made about a Syrian refugee that led to him losing a libel case in 2021. » | Ben Quinn | Monday, July 29, 2024

Related material here.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Pete Buttigieg Humiliates Trump Live on Fox... Host Is Stunned!

Jul 28, 2024 | Pete Buttigieg was on Fox this morning and it didn't go the way the Host wanted or expected.

MAGA Republicans Would Destroy 100 Years of Progress

Jul 28, 2024 | MAGA Republicans don't just want to turn back the clock of progress. They want to destroy it completely.

Le destin tragique de la dynastie impériale des Romanov | (Reupload Arte)

Dec 30, 2020 | La fin d'une dynastie impériale

Trump: 'Sick' Kamala Harris Is No Margaret Thatcher

Jul 28, 2024 | Donald Trump told voters that Kamala Harris is being presented as a “Margaret Thatcher” figure as he attacked the “sick” new Democratic nominee in a fiery speech.

During a rally on Saturday night, Trump said the media was rallying around Ms Harris as she closed a polling gap between the two and saw a surge in campaign contributions.

The speech saw the former president abandon any of his initial messages of unity following his shooting, telling the crowd that it may have only made him worse. He said Ms Harris, a centrist former state prosecutor, is being compared to Margaret Thatcher by the media without any evidence.

“Three months ago, she was thought of so badly, [the media] were just killing her,” he said of the Vice President at a rally on Saturday. “And now they’re trying to make her into a – let’s say – Margaret Thatcher. I don’t think so. It’s not going to happen. “Margaret Thatcher didn’t laugh like that. Did she? If she did, she wouldn’t have been Margaret Thatcher,” the Republican added, labelling his rival “Laughin’ Kamala Harris”.

Trump never fails to disgust. One detects a certain level of desperation now. Fact is, Trump knows he stands little chance of winning the presidential race now; so he's aiming low. – © Mark Alexander

Islamic Hate Preacher's Audacious Bid to Turn Scottish Island into 'Sharia' State Raises £3m

SCOTTISH DAILY EXPRESS: Sheikh Yasser al-Habib wants to purchase the isle of Torsa off Scotland's west coast - but he'll need to get past the Women's Institute first!

Sheikh Yasser al-Habib wants to turn the island of Torsa into his own Islamic state (Image: Wikicommons)

An Islamic hate preacher said to have his own 'army' has launched an audacious bid to buy a Scottish island and turn it into his own state based on Sharia law. Sheikh Yasser al-Habib has raised £3 million to purchase the isle of Torsa, located off the west coast of Argyll and Bute.

He is said to be in 'advanced talks' to buy the land. The 45-year-old claimed asylum in the UK 20 years ago and runs military-style training camps for an 'army' group called Al-Shurta Al-Khamis.

He plans to build a school, hospital and mosque on the island which will be run on strict Muslim laws. A video sent to supporters shows the cleric saying he will negotiate with the UK Government and invite Muslims from "all over the world" to Torsa which will become their "homeland". » | Douglas Dickie, Content editor | Sunday, July 28, 2024