Sunday, July 28, 2024

Steve Bannon Wildly Threatens “Everyone Who Opposes Trump!”

Steve Bannon explains.

Leaked Audio Finds J.D. Vance Wanting to End Interstate Travel For Abortions

J.D. Vance’s solution.

1938. Chamberlain cherche la paix avec Hitler | Mystères d'archives | ARTE

Jul 28, 2024 | n septembre 1938, alors qu'Adolf Hitler veut s'emparer par la force des Sudètes, le Premier ministre britannique Neville Chamberlain décide de mener seul des négociations avec le Führer pour dénouer une crise qui fait courir le risque d'une nouvelle guerre à l'Europe. Comment ces trois entretiens effectués en quinze jours se sont-ils réellement passés ?

Septembre 1938. Six mois après l'annexion de l'Autriche par le IIIe Reich, Adolf Hitler veut s'emparer des Sudètes, où vivent 3,5 millions de Tchécoslovaques d'origine allemande. Le leader nazi menace d'utiliser la force pour y parvenir. Neville Chamberlain, le Premier ministre britannique, décide de mener seul des négociations avec le Führer pour dénouer une crise qui fait courir le risque d'une nouvelle guerre à l'Europe. Voulant à tout prix préserver la paix entre le Royaume-Uni et le IIIe Reich, il effectue trois voyages en Allemagne en quinze jours pour s’entretenir avec Hitler. À chacun de ses retours, le pied à peine posé sur le tarmac, il diffuse tout sourire aux nombreux journalistes présents des messages d’apaisement et d’espoir. Mais comment ses entretiens avec une personnalité aussi déterminée et colérique que Hitler se sont-ils réellement passés ? De quelle manière la Tchécoslovaquie et la France, grande alliée du Royaume-Uni, sont-elles consultées par Chamberlain ?

Série documentaire (France, 2020, 26mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 08/10/2024

Bank of England Set to Rain on Hopes of Interest Rate Cut after Economic Bounce

THE GUARDIAN: This week’s Bank meeting is unlikely to bring borrowers any joy amid a strong recovery from 2023’s mild recession

Savers are always on the lookout for the best interest rates and the UK seems like a good bet at the moment. In recent months, the pound has climbed in value against the euro and the dollar as economists speculate that UK interest rates will remain at 5.25% for longer than previously expected.

While the odds of a cut in borrowing have shortened, with a narrow majority of City analysts expecting a reduction, few outside the Square Mile believe a change is imminent. » | Phillip Inman | Sunday, July 28, 2024

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trump Tells Supporters They Won’t Have to Vote in the Future: ‘It’ll Be Fixed!’

THE OBSERVER: Former president implores Christian supporters to vote ‘just this time’, then ‘in four years, you don’t have to vote again’

Donald Trump has ignited alarm among his critics after telling a crowd of supporters that they won’t “have to vote again” if they return him to the presidency in November’s election.

“Christians, get out and vote! Just this time – you won’t have to do it any more,” the Republican former president said on Friday night at a rally hosted in West Palm Beach, Florida, by the far-right advocacy group Turning Point Action.

“You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians,” he said with a slight shake of his head and his right hand pressed against the left side of his chest.

He added: “I love you. Get out – you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”

Trump’s remarks – delivered not far from his Mar-a-Lago resort and home – were immediately met with consternation in some political quarters.

The constitutional and civil rights attorney Andrew Seidel, for instance, replied to video of Trump’s comments circulating on X by writing: “This is not subtle Christian nationalism. He’s talking about ending our democracy and installing a Christian nation.” » | Ramon Antonio Vargas | Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trump is such a dangerous man. Democracy will never be safe in his hands. In fact, it won't even last very long in his hands. – © Mark Alexander

Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán Warns EU on Path to ‘Self-destruction’

THE GUARDIAN: Far-right leader talks of new Asia-oriented world order and throws support behind Donald Trump

Hungary’s nationalist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, said on Saturday that the EU was sliding toward oblivion, in a rambling anti-west speech in which he warned of a new, Asia-oriented “world order” while throwing his support behind Donald Trump’s US presidential bid.

“Europe has given up defending its own interests,” Orbán said in Băile Tuşnad, a majority ethnic Hungarian town in central Romania. “All Europe is doing today is following the US’s pro-Democrat foreign policy unconditionally … even at the cost of self-destruction.

“A change is coming that has not been seen for 500 years. What we are facing is in fact a world order change,” he added, naming China, India, Pakistan and Indonesia as becoming the “dominant centre” of the world. » | Associated Press | Saturday, July 27, 2024

Helmut Schmidt über Ausländerfeindlichkeit und Einwanderung

Helmut Schmidt spricht Klartext darüber.

Julio Iglesias : Crazy

Jan 25, 2017 | Provided to YouTube by SMI Artist

Pete Buttigieg Thinks the Trump Fever Could Break

Jul 27, 2024 | The Democrat talks about the election vibe shift and what a Kamala Harris win would mean for both parties.

Scott McKenzie : San Francisco (Be Sure to [Some] Wear Flowers in Your Hair)

May 3, 2015 | Views on YouTube: 964,406 | Provided to YouTube by Epic

Pete Buttigieg Delivers Knockout Blow to Trump on National TV

Jul 27, 2024

Brian Tyler Cohen’s book Shameless »

Die Geheimnisse der hundertjährigen Sarden | ARTE Re:

Jul 27, 2024 | In den Dörfern an den steilen Berghängen der Ostküste Sardiniens werden die Menschen so alt, wie kaum woanders auf der Welt. Was sind die Gründe dafür? Für Schäfer Antonangelo ist Bewegung das Geheimnis des Alterns, für Carolina ihre mit Käse und Kräutern gefüllten Teigtaschen. Doch auch die Genetik spielt laut einer Forschungsstudie aus der Region eine entscheidende Rolle.

In den Dörfern an den steilen Berghängen der Ostküste Sardiniens, in der Region Ogliastra, werden die Menschen so alt, wie kaum woanders auf der Welt. Wissenschaftler weltweit versuchen herauszufinden, was die Gründe dafür sind.

Der 91-jährige Antonangelo steht mitten im Leben. Er ist jeden Morgen bei seiner Schafsherde zum Melken, die Milch verarbeitet er später zu Käse. "Die Arbeit ist mein Leben, wenn ich damit aufhöre, sterbe ich", sagt Antonangelo. Er und seine Frau essen, wie viele Sarden der Bergregionen, fast nur einheimische Produkte. Ihre Rezepte für ein langes Leben heißen Bewegung und gesundes Essen. Giuseppino ist schon 100 Jahre alt und meistert die meisten steilen Wege in seinem Heimatdorf Villagrande immer noch zu Fuß. Ist die für die Bewohner anstrengende Hanglage das Geheimnis der hohen Lebenserwartung? Giuseppinos Familie kümmert sich, aber er lebt immer noch allein in seiner Wohnung und sprüht vor Energie. Für ihn gehören eine positive Lebenseinstellung und Humor zu einem langen Leben.

Die Geheimnisse des Älterwerdens sind trotz vieler wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen noch nicht eindeutig geklärt. Eine Studie aus der Region kommt zu dem Schluss, dass in der ersten Hälfte des Lebens die Genetik eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Für die 91-jährige Carolina ist klar, dass eine intakte Familie die Voraussetzung für ein langes Leben ist. In ein Altersheim möchte sie nicht. Dass eine Mutter bei ihren Kindern alt wird, ist für sie das Wichtigste. Und das Kochen auf traditionelle Art, immer noch eine ihrer Lieblingsbeschäftigungen.

Reportage (D 2024, 30 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 19/06/2025

'We Want Our Country Back': Thousands March at Tommy Robinson Rally

Jul 27, 2024 | Thousands of protestors have gathered in central London for a march led by Tommy Robinson with some chanting “we want our country back”.

Streets around the Royal Courts of Justice were blocked by demonstrators wearing Union Flag colours and flying flags as they were heard singing Rule, Britannia!

One demonstrator was seen climbing on top of a phone box, while others held placards that read “Not far right, just right”.

Tommy Robinson ‘could face jail’ over film screening at London protest: Far-right activist accused of contempt of court for making documentary, in which he repeats false claims »

Indian Peace Activist: 'Anti-Muslim Violence in India Is Central to BJP's Ideological Core'

Jul 27, 2024 | Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lost its majority in recent national elections. Yet its Hindu nationalist agenda continues to result in religious extremism and targeting of minorities. According to the Indian Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR), there’s been a surge in religious violence since the start of Modi’s new term. The non-governmental organization has recorded eight lynchings in June alone. By comparison, there were 21 lynchings in the whole of 2023. The fresh spate of attacks have especially put Indian Muslims on edge in states like Uttar Pradesh.

Holocaust Survivor | Herta Weinstein | USC Shoah Foundation

Jul 26, 2024 | With Assistance from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. Supported by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future and by the German Federal Ministry of Finance.

Michael Lambert: Brexit Has Weakened the UK Economy and Made Growth Almost Impossible

Jul 27, 2024 | The new Labour government under Sir Keir Starmer has started well with many excellent new measures which include 40,000 more NHS appointments every week and 700,000 urgent dental appointments per year. All of these new measures are fully funded. However, any further extra spending which is urgently needed will have to come from economic growth.

The UK economy is not doing well with a recent survey showing that almost 540,000 businesses are in significant financial distress and 47,000 are on the verge of collapse.

The previous Conservative government squandered £100 billion which contributed to the current dire economic situation. However, it is Brexit that has caused so much economic damage and made it so much more difficult, if not impossible, for the UK economy to recover. Growth seems impossible.

We all know whom we can thank for that ridiculous Brexit. All the clowns! The first three clowns that come to mind are Cameron for calling the Brexit referendum, Farage for instigating the trouble in the first place, and BoJo for lying to the electorate and making a dog’s dinner of the whole thing. – © Mark Alexander

Kamala Harris Is Like a Breath of Fresh Air!

Kamala is going to blow Trump’s cobwebs away.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Pete Buttigieg Says Voters Are Ready for a Gay Vice President

LGBTQ NATION: His time in politics has shown him it's "extraordinary" how people can look past their biases.

Pete Buttigieg in 2021 | Photo: Robert Scheer/IndyStar / USA TODAY NETWORK via IMAGN

Out Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg believes that, if presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris chooses him as her vice presidential running mate, voters wouldn’t mind the fact that he’s gay. In fact, a recent poll suggests this as well, with voters preferring him and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) from a list of Harris’s possible running mates.

“I’m not saying [homphobia] not a thing, but I’m saying it’s been extraordinary how people look past that,” Buttigieg — the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana — recently told the celebrity gossip website “When I came out, I was in the middle of reelection in my hometown in Mike Pence’s Indiana, and I wound up getting a higher proportion of the vote than the first time, because the city I was mayor of thought I did a good job.” » | Daniel Villarreal | Friday, July 26, 2024

Apostate Aladdin: Inside Islam | Mindshift Podcast #1

Jul 21, 2024

Wer war Rudolf Heß? – Der Stellvertreter Hitlers | SPIEGEL TV

Jun 29, 2024 | Er war der Stellvertreter Adolf Hitlers im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland: Rudolf Heß. Seinen Führer verehrte er fanatisch. Im System der NS-Diktatur war Heß zuständig für die ideologische Ausrichtung der NSDAP und den Machterhalt des Diktators Adolf Hitler. Wie er agierte, wie er lebte und mit welcher rückhaltlosen Überzeugung er den verbrecherischen Führerstaat mit aufbaute – alles in dieser Folge von »Wer war Rudolf Heß?«.

Das NS-Regime und seine Täter. Wie machten die Akteure in Hitlers Reihen Karriere und welche Gräueltaten waren sie bereit umzusetzen? Die Doku-Reihe »Wer war...« porträtiert die NS-Verbrecher mit Archivaufnahmen, Experteninterviews und Rekonstruktionen.

Did Nazi Rudolf Hess have a family link to Wales? When Adolf Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess arrived in a small south Wales town, mystery surrounded why he was there. »