Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Prince Harry Is Set to Release a “Wholly Truthful” Memoir about Royal Life

REFINERY29: The Duke of Sussex will release a memoir about his life, which will hit shelves late next year. In a press release from publisher Penguin Random House, the literary house said that the book, due in late 2022, is an "intimate and heartfelt" look at the young royal's life from childhood to the present day.

It will include "his dedication to service, the military duty that twice took him to the frontlines of Afghanistan, and the joy he has found in being a husband and father." The proceeds of the book will also be donated to charity. » | Natalie Morin | Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Le prince Harry publiera ses Mémoires « intimes et sincères » fin 2022 »

Michael Lucas Shows You a Gay Israel Heaven | Gay Documentary | Israel: Gay Men in the Promised Land

L’Etat de droit, meilleure protection pour les droits LGBT en Europe

LE MONDE : Editorial. L’adoption, le 15 juin par le Parlement hongrois, d’un projet de loi assimilant de fait homosexualité, pornographie et pédophilie, et le refus de l’UEFA d’illuminer le stade de Munich aux couleurs arc-en-ciel ont mis en évidence une fracture entre les membres de l’UE.

Editorial du « Monde ».
L’arc-en-ciel est dans toutes les têtes, mais l’orage n’est pas près de se dissiper. Les foudres que se sont attirées, depuis mardi 22 juin, le premier ministre hongrois, Viktor Orban, puis, par ricochet, l’UEFA, l’organisation qui supervise le championnat de football Euro 2021, à propos des droits des communautés LGBT, montrent à quel point ce sujet cristallise les fractures sociétales intra-européennes.

Le projet de loi adopté le 15 juin par le Parlement hongrois, contrôlé par le parti nationaliste de M. Orban, a provoqué un profond malaise au sein de l’Union européenne. Ce texte, qui prévoit de rendre inaccessibles aux moins de 18 ans les « contenus qui montrent ou encouragent la sexualité en elle-même, le changement de genre ou l’homosexualité », assimile de fait homosexualité, pornographie et pédophilie. » | Éditorial du « Monde » | jeudi 24 juin 2021

Life for LGBT People in Israel

'Keshet' (קשת בענן) is Hebrew for rainbow. – Mark

KESHET UK: Israel is a generally progressive country where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people live freely and openly. British laws against homosexuality were inherited when Israel was founded in 1948. These were formally repealed in 1988.

Protection against discrimination

LGBT couples in Israel have the same pension, inheritance and medical rights as heterosexual couples. This includes equal access to fertility treatment for lesbian women. Since 2005, LGBT people have been able to adopt each other’s children and enjoy full rights as parents. In 1992, employment discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation was outlawed. Inclusion of LGBT people in the Israeli military has been formally accepted since 1993. LGBT people now serve openly in the army, navy and air force, with the same rights as those in heterosexual relationships for their partners.

Same-sex marriage

There is no system of civil marriage in Israel. Marriages can only be performed under the auspices of a small number of recognised religious communities. Israel does, however, recognise those performed in other countries and since 2007 has given full legal recognition to same-sex marriages in this context. LGBT couples may not be able to marry inside Israel, but in 2012 an Israeli family court granted the first same- sex divorce in the country. In 2013, a trans- woman, Chen Arizona, married her husband in a ceremony that was broadcast on national television news. Religious attitudes » | Keshet UK | Undated

Painting the town gay: Tel Aviv prepares for Pride

Keshet UK is the forum working to champion the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and questioning people in all areas of Jewish life in the United Kingdom.

For more information visit keshet.org.uk or contact info@keshet.org.uk

Foreigner - I Want to Know What Love Is (Official Music Video)

Jan 25, 2020 • You're watching the official music video for Foreigner - "I Want to Know What Love Is" from the album 'Agent Provocateur' (1984). "I Want to Know What Love Is" reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was featured on Rolling Stone's list of the greatest songs of all time. | Views on YouTube: 114,169,130

This Is the Best Place for Gay Men to Get Married | Gay Documentary | Gay Men in the Promised Land

About ‘Israel: Gay Men in the Promised Land’: A documentary written by American entrepreneur, columnist, gay activist and gay director Michael Lucas, and co-directed by Lucas and Israeli director Yariv Mozer. In his debut as a documentary filmmaker, Michael Lucas focuses on Israel’s thriving GLBT community through footage of Tel Aviv’s vibrant nightlife, a gay wedding, and candid interviews with a diverse range of local gay Israel men and women.

Why Tel Aviv Is One of the Most LGBTQ-Friendly Cities in the World »

Virus Headwinds Hit Wall St. after Months of Smooth Sailing

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Fear jolted the financial markets on Monday as investors realized that the path to global economic recovery after the pandemic would be anything but straightforward. For months, investors had been behaving as if they expected a full, smooth rebound from the Covid crisis. From January through June, stocks rose 14 percent, one of the best first-half performances since the late 1990s.

But the virus’s potential to upend life all over again caught up with investors, as a spate of worrying news — in particular, new outbreaks involving the highly contagious Delta variant among unvaccinated people — led to a big sell-off on Monday. The S&P 500 stock-market index had its worst decline since May, sliding more than 2 percent during the day before closing down 1.6 percent. The Dow fell 2.1 percent, its biggest one-day loss this year. Europe’s Stoxx 600 fell 2.3 percent.

“The impact of Covid on the stock market isn’t over yet,” said Lori Calvasina, head of U.S. equity strategy with RBC Capital Markets in New York. “We’re not saying it’s going to derail the recovery. We don’t think that, but we do think it could cause some additional bumps.” » | Matt Phillips | Monday, July 19, 2021

The Story behind Monaco’s Relationship with the Vatican

MONACO LIFE: Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State to the Holy See, has visited the Principality to celebrate the 40th anniversary of privileged relations between the two states.

In July of 1981, the Holy See and Monaco signed a convention which stated that the Prince of Monaco was willing to renounce rights to appoint the archbishop of the local diocese, leaving it to Rome to fill the spot. This concession led Pope John Paul II to elevate Monaco to the rank of archepiscopal see.

To commemorate this occasion, Cardinal Pietro Parolin paid a three-day visit to the Principality, notably the second smallest state in the world after Vatican City, and amongst other ceremonial events, presided over a papal mass held on Sunday at the Cathedral of Monaco on the Rock.

He spent the afternoon meeting priests and parishioners, as well as celebrating the office of Vespers. » | Stephanie Horseman | Monday, July 19, 2021

REPORTAGE: Homosexuellen-Verfolgung: "Von Anfang an ohne jede Chance"

TAGESSCHAU: In Berlin wird heute an die Verfolgung von Homosexuellen in der NS-Diktatur erinnert. Unzählige Männer wurden damals drangsaliert und getötet. Eine Reportage über den Buchhändler Emil Haab aus der Pfalz.

Burkhard Jellonnek hält das Grauen in seinen Händen. An seinem Schreibtisch im saarländischen Köllerbach studiert der Historiker Akten aus der NS-Zeit. Ein Schwerpunkt seiner Forschung ist die Verfolgung von Homosexuellen durch Nationalsozialisten.

Experten schätzen, dass in dieser Zeit etwa 100.000 Menschen aufgrund ihrer sexuellen Orientierung drangsaliert wurden. Etwa 50.000 wurden verurteilt, bis zu 10.000 Menschen ermordet.

Buchhändler unter Spionageverdacht

Einer von ihnen war Emil Haab aus Neustadt an der Weinstraße. Jellonnek erforscht den Fall seit fast vier Jahrzehnten. In seiner Dissertation aus dem Jahr 1988 schrieb er über ihn: "Die Gestapo warf Herrn Haab damals - wie es offiziell hieß - 'Unzucht mit anderen Männern' vor. Er war ein gebildeter Mann, Buchhändler, sprach englisch, französisch und italienisch. Es fiel ihm offenbar leicht, auf Menschen zuzugehen. Ihn interessierten Männer."

Ins Visier der Gestapo geriet Haab zunächst, weil man ihn für einen Spion hielt. Haab hatte zahlreiche Kontakte zu französischen Soldaten an der Grenze. Dort war er offenbar auf der Suche nach Liebhabern. Bei einer Hausdurchsuchung entdeckte die Geheimpolizei dann zahlreiche Fotos von Männern. Außerdem hatte Haab Ende der 1920er-Jahre für die Homosexuellen-Zeitung "Der Eigene" einen Artikel verfasst. Der Gestapo reichte das. Homosexuelle wurden als "Staatsfeinde" gebrandmarkt » | Von Axel John, SWR | Samstag, 25. Juli 2021

Der lange Kampf gegen §175 »

Der "Schwulen-Paragraf" musste weg »

‘I Have Sacrificed a Lot’: Growing Up LGBTQ+ in India

[Illustration by Jawahir Al-Naimi/Al Jazeera]

AL JAZEERA: LGBTQ+ Indians who battle family expectations and social pressures to live their authentic lives share their stories.

Like most parents, Sourav’s would like to see him “settled”. In India, however, this is a loaded concept. Being happy, healthy and financially secure are all important, but making a good marriage is the cornerstone of “settling down”. Indeed, 26-year-old Sourav, an IT professional in one of India’s metro cities, would make a wonderful husband to a man of his choice. But that is the problem.

In 2017, when he told his parents he was gay, their illusion of him as the perfect son shattered. He recalled how his mother cried so much, she required emergency hospitalisation for dehydration and low blood pressure. His father did not speak to him for three months.

Unlike Sourav, who confidently asserts himself as a gay man despite the pushback from his loved ones, back in the 1980s and 1990s, I had no terminology to describe what I was. Even growing up in a family that considered itself progressive, I was continually shamed for being non-gender conforming, and coerced to correct myself – forced into feminine clothes, told off for “wanting to be a boy”. It is no surprise, then, that I was convinced I was broken by the time I reached my teens.

Decades of self-hate, low self-esteem and confusion followed. I had zero understanding of sexualities and genders, apart from the fact that to deviate was abnormal and shameful. But just as I paid the price for keeping my inner demons locked inside and pretending to be “normal” – at least “normal enough” – Sourav, who asked that his surname not be used in this article, paid for being honest. » | Payal Dhar | Monday, June 21, 2021

Pedro Castillo Makes Unity Plea after Finally Being Named Peru’s Next President

Former school teacher Pedro Castillo raises his arms from the balcony of the Peru Libre party headquarters in Lima, following the official proclamation of him as Perus president-elect. Photograph: Gian Masko/AFP/Getty Images

THE GUARDIAN: One-time teacher asks for ‘effort and sacrifice’ in first remarks after being confirmed as president-elect

Pedro Castillo, a rural teacher turned political novice, has become the winner of Peru’s presidential election after the country’s longest electoral count in 40 years.

In his first comments as president-elect, he called for national unity. “I ask for effort and sacrifice in the struggle to make this a just and sovereign country,” he said.

Castillo, whose supporters included Peru’s poor and rural citizens, defeated right-wing politician Keiko Fujimori by just 44,000 votes. Electoral authorities released the final official result on Monday in a televised ceremony, more than a month after the runoff election took place in the South American nation.

On Monday night, TV images showed Castillo’s supporters pouring out on to the streets, chanting, “Yes, we could.”

Castillo is set to take office on 28 July for a five-year term as leader of the world’s second largest copper-producing nation. » | Staff and agencies | Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Peru's First Lesbian Lawmaker Vows 'Strong Battle' to Boost LGBT+ Rights. Read all about it here

LGBT Rights in Peru here

Pedro Castillo remporte officiellement l’élection présidentielle au Pérou »

La Belgique se recueille ce mardi en hommage aux victimes des inondations

Selon un bilan encore provisoire, lundi soir, les fortes crues dues à des pluies diluviennes, qui ont provoqué l'effondrement de dizaines de maisons, ont coûté la vie à 31 personnes en Belgique.FRANCOIS WALSCHAERTS / AFP

LE FIGARO : Après les inondations des 14 et 15 juillet qui ont coûté la vie à au moins 31 personnes, le pays observe ce mardi une journée de «deuil national» marquée par une minute de silence à midi.

La Belgique rend hommage mardi aux victimes des inondations d'une ampleur inédite qui ont dévasté la région de Liège les 14 et 15 juillet, avec une journée de «deuil national» marquée par une minute de silence que tout le pays est appelé à observer à midi.

Selon un bilan encore provisoire, lundi soir, les fortes crues dues à des pluies diluviennes, qui ont provoqué l'effondrement de dizaines de maisons, ont coûté la vie à 31 personnes. Et 70 autres étaient «toujours portées disparues ou injoignables», selon le centre de crise, un chiffre qui a diminué ces dernières 48 heures au fur et à mesure du rétablissement des contacts téléphoniques. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mardi 20 juillet 2021

Votre abonnement numérique Le Figaro est disponible ici

Bisou du jour, tendre et gay

Image grâce à Google Images et Morandini.

Le bisou très gay de Christophe Najdovski, candidat écologiste à la mairie de Paris »

Morandini : Cliquez ici

Foreigner - I Don't Want to Live Without You (Official Music Video)

You're watching the official music video for Foreigner - "I Don't Want to Live Without You" from the album 'Inside Information' (1987)

Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love (Official Music Video)

Views on YouTube: 8,892,459

Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (Official Music Video)

Views on YouTube: 136,421,891

Yotam Ottolenghi Visits Crete

Dec 12, 2013 • Channel 4 (More4), the TV station in the UK, presents the series "Ottolenghi's Mediterranean Island Feast". In this episode (first broadcast 21 November 2013) Yotam Ottolenghi visits Crete and explores its rich and complex culinary history.

In the ancient capital of Heraklion, Yotam makes a variation of the Cretan meze dakos, a marriage of tomatoes, crumbled feta, olives and oregano. In the fishing port of Agios Nikolaos, he marries octopus marinaded in wine with tender baby squid, stuffed with tomatoes and okra. On a trip inland, Yotam uses feta for a cheesecake with a ripe cherry compote. He also prepares a feast of spit-roasted pork souvlaki, served with his twist on tzatziki.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Mat George, Podcast Host, Killed in Hit-and-Run at 26

Mat George shared his takes on dating, pop culture, mental health and other topics as a co-host of the podcast “She Rates Dogs.” Credit...Mat George

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Mr. George, the co-host of “She Rates Dogs,” was struck as he crossed a street early on Saturday morning in Los Angeles, the authorities said.

Mat George, the 26-year-old co-host of the podcast “She Rates Dogs” known for his humorous takes on dating, pop culture and his identity as a gay man, was struck and killed by a car in Los Angeles on Saturday in what the authorities called a hit-and-run.

The Los Angeles Police Department said in a statement that the hit-and-run occurred in the Beverly Grove neighborhood of Los Angeles around 2:20 a.m.

A pedestrian had been walking in an unmarked crosswalk when a white BMW struck him and drove away. The pedestrian died at the scene, the police said. » | Alyssa Lukpat and Neil Vigdor | Sunday, July 18, 2021

Madonna - Don't Cry for Me Argentina [Official Music Video]

You're watching the official music video for "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" from Madonna's soundtrack album for the motion picture 'Evita' released on Warner Bros. in 1996. Views on YouTube: 19,901,552

Tucker Carlson Went on the Record with Reporter. Here's What She Learned