Sunday, July 18, 2021

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi: Celibacy Does Not Mean Living without Affection

Jul 16, 2021 • The Cardinal shares his vocation story, from initially rejecting the priesthood to eventually being named Cardinal by Pope Francis.

Kann man Gott beweisen? | Philosophie | Bleisch & Bossart | Spezial | SRF Kultur

Jul 18, 2021 • Was ist Gott? Wenn gläubige Menschen von Gotteserfahrungen berichten, dann sind das individuelle Glaubenszeugnisse. Die können mitunter sehr beeindruckend wirken. Solche Gotteserfahrungen überzeugen aber keinen Atheisten. Denn eine subjektive Gotteserfahrung ist noch lange kein Beweis.

Yves Bossart greift das «Theodizee-Problem» auf und geht der grossen Frage nach: «Was ist Gott?». Dabei liefert euch unser Sternstunden-Moderator eine Zusammenfassung der drei wichtigen Gottesbeweise: des «kosmologischen Gottesbeweises», des «ontologischen Gottesbeweises» und des «teleologischen Gottesbeweises».

Diese Sendung ist eine große Freude für mich und wird sicherlich eine große Freude sein für die, die Schweizerdeutsch (Schwyzertüütsch) verstehen. Viel Vergnügen beim Zuhören und Zuschauen! Übrigens kann ich Schweizerdeutsch verstehen, weil ich vor etlichen Jahren mein Hochdeutsch in der Schweiz gelernt habe. Ja, stellen Sie sich das einmal vor! Hochdeutsch in der Schweiz zu lernen! Ich glaube, daß ich es mit Zuversicht sagen kann, daß es mir gelungen ist. Oder wie Frau Merkel es wahrscheinlich ausdrücken würde, „ich habe es geschafft“!

Ich muß mich wirklich bei etlichen sehr netten und hilfsbereiten Schweizern bedanken und einen speziellen Dank gebe ich der wunderbaren Zeitung, der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung, meiner damals abonnierten Zeitung, und wovon ich so viel gelernt habe. Das waren schöne Zeiten! – © Mark

Floods in Europe Kill Nearly 200 with Over 1,000 Still Missing | DW News

L'actrice espagnole Pilar Bardem, mère de Javier Bardem, est décédée à 82 ans

L'actrice avait remporté un Goya pour son rôle dans Personne ne parlera de nous quand nous serons mortes, de Agustín Díaz Yane. Mercury Films

LE FIGARO : DISPARITION - Fille d'acteurs et sœur du cinéaste Juan Antonio Bardem, la comédienne avait reçu un Goya pour son rôle dans Personne ne parlera de nous quand nous serons mortes.

L'actrice espagnole Pilar Bardem, mère de Javier Bardem, est décédée samedi à l'âge de 82 ans, ont annoncé ses enfants dans un communiqué publié sur les réseaux sociaux.«Nous voulons partager la nouvelle que Pilar Bardem, notre mère, notre exemple, est décédée. Elle est partie en paix, sans souffrance et entourée de l'amour de sa famille», ont écrit ses enfants Carlos, Monica et Javier dans un message publié samedi soir sur le compte Twitter de Carlos.

Née à Séville en 1939, Pilar Bardem était la fille d'un couple d'acteurs et la sœur du célèbre cinéaste Juan Antonio Bardem. Ses trois enfants se sont également consacrés à la profession d'acteur, atteignant, dans le cas de Javier, une renommée internationale avec l'Oscar pour son rôle dans No Country for Old Man [sic] des frères Coen. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | dimanche 18 juillet 2021

About Pilar Bardem in English fromm Wikipedia: Pilar Bardem »

Theme from Love Story (Soundtrack Version)

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group. Theme by Francis Lai

ABBA : Our Last Summer

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group. Views on YouTube: 1,308,308

The Guardian View on Boris Johnson’s Covid Experts: Sadly On Tap, Not On Top

THE GUARDIAN: Scientists cannot shield the prime minister from the fallout of an unethical policy that will see rising deaths

This week Boris Johnson presented the UK with his plan to lift all of England’s Covid restrictions on Monday. He was flanked by Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, and Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser. Both men were there to show that Mr Johnson is following the science. To many experts, it seemed that the scientists were following the prime minister. Many suspect that their presence was political insurance rather than real reassurance.

Such doubts are not unreasonable. England will be the first country in the world to end all constraints in the face of exponentially rising Covid-19 cases. Some experts say this is an unethical strategy of “herd immunity by mass infection”. It is hard to disagree. Other nations in the UK face pressure to follow suit. This policy will lead to more Covid cases, more hospitalisations and more deaths. The NHS risks being overwhelmed. Prof Whitty says the move is demanded by the roadmap out of lockdown. This has been defunct since vaccination rates began freefalling. Doubts persist over a shortage of vaccine stocks, which may explain a reluctance to jab the over-12s. The plan presumed no variants of concern, yet by May we had the highly transmissible Delta variant. Its designation ought to have caused more than just a month’s pause for thought. » | Editorial | Friday, July 16, 2021

Dozens Arrested in Los Angeles as Anti-trans Protest Outside Spa Turns Violent

THE GUARDIAN: Wi Spa, a Koreatown business with a trans-inclusive policy, has become the target of a rightwing media storm

Dozens of people have been arrested in Los Angeles following a chaotic and at times violent demonstration by anti-transgender protesters who targeted a Koreatown spa that has a trans-inclusive policy allowing trans women to use women’s facilities.

Saturday marked the second weekend of violent protests this month in the streets around Wi Spa, a neighborhood business that has found itself at the heart of a right-wing media storm over an alleged incident in which a customer filmed herself complaining about a trans woman in the women’s area of the spa.

The far-right protesters called for a boycott of Wi Spa and chanted baseless claims about paedophilia, as women carrying signs reading “protect female spaces” and “It’s worse in women’s shelters” marched alongside men wearing helmets and masks that covered their faces. » | Lois Beckett and Sam Levin in Los Angeles | Sunday, July 18, 2021

GB News Turns to Nigel Farage as Its Saviour after Ratings Freefall

Nigel Farage has already been a guest on the newly launched TV channel GB News. Its main host, Andrew Neil, is currently off air. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA

THE OBSERVER: TV station also hit by internal dispute over its direction after Guto Harri dropped for ‘taking the knee’

Nigel Farage is to take centre stage at GB News in a victory for the rightwing faction at the beleaguered television channel. The former leader of Ukip is to host a nightly primetime show from Monday as part of a reboot of programming designed to attract more viewers.

The new channel is facing plummeting viewing figures and a split in management between those angling to keep broader-based regional news coverage and those planning to boost coverage of the “culture wars”.

And, if a bigger helping of Farage is not enough to entice audiences, another famous potential saviour could be on hand soon. Piers Morgan, who left Good Morning Britain in March, may step into a high-profile role on the new TV channel. Morgan, 56, is in protracted negotiations with management but must first deal with his contractual ties to ITV.

Farage made his announcement on Twitter on Saturday, urging his followers to “be there or be square”. Farage said he would not be taking the knee “for anyone”, a reference to the controversy that sparked last week’s viewer boycott. » | Vanessa Thorpe | Saturday, July 17, 2021

Tender, Gay Kiss of the Day

Queer kiss of the day courtesy of Queerty.

Jews & Arabs Kiss

Jan 6, 2016 • The Israeli Ministry of Education decided to ban from the school program a book describing an affair between a Jewish woman and an Arab man. So TimeOut Tel Aviv decided to ask Jews and Arabs to meet and to kiss.

Six couples of Jews and Arabs - male and female, gay and straight - decided to do the "forbidden deed" and express love in front of our camera.

Some of them were couples, some just friends, some had never met prior to the shoot. Jews and Arabs refused to be enemies.

The accompanying article in Hebrew here »

Queere Personen haben häufiger mit psychischen Erkrankungen zu kämpfen

DER TAGESSPIEGEL: Wer diskriminiert wird, hat ein deutlich höheres Risiko psychischer Krankheiten. Ansprechstellen wie die Schwulenberatung sind für viele wichtige Schutzräume.

Als die Bars, Szenetreffs und Sportvereine zu Beginn der Pandemie schließen mussten, hatte das gravierende Auswirkungen auf die Community. Denn gerade queere Menschen sind auf Safe Spaces fernab von gesellschaftlichem oder familiärem Druck angewiesen.

Das beobachtete auch Conor Toomey, Leiter des Bereichs psychologische Beratung bei der Schwulenberatung Berlin. „Während der Pandemie sind die Orte, an denen sich LSBTI treffen, fast komplett weggefallen.“ Typischerweise würden sich queere Personen nämlich nicht am Arbeitsplatz, sondern innerhalb der Community kennenlernen. „Dass solche Orte weggefallen sind, hat auf jeden Fall zu einer verstärkten Isolation geführt“, berichtet Toomey. » | Von Inga Hofmann | Montag, 28. Juni 2021

Report: Men in Same-Sex Marriages Make More Than Opposite-Sex Unions

ADVOCATE: But men in opposite-sex marriages have higher rates of employment.

A new analysis from the Pew Research Center has found that that people in same-sex marriages have a different demographic profile than those in opposite-sex marriages — especially men in same-sex marriages.

Pew’s analysis explored adults 18 years or older who had been married in the last decade. It’s based on data released this year by the U.S. Census Bureau, which found there almost 570,000 same-sex married couples in 2019.

Researchers found that men in same-sex marriages had higher levels of education and higher annual incomes than men in opposite-sex marriages. In same-sex marriages, 50 percent of men were found to have a bachelor’s degree, while 38 percent of men in opposite-sex marriages had one.

Women in same-sex marriages faired about the same, with 47 percent of women in same-sex marriages having a degree, while 45 percent of women in opposite-sex marriages had one.

Household incomes for women in same-sex marriages were higher by $10,800 on average than women in opposite-sex marriages, according to Pew.

For men, the difference was $41,600. » | Alex Cooper | Thursday, July 8, 2021

Conférence "De l’interdiction de l’homosexualité dans la Rome Antique" par David Fürdös

Nov 24, 2016 • Cycle de conférences REGARDS CROISÉS SUR L’HOMOSEXUALITÉ

L’homosexualité, dit-on, est entrée dans les mœurs, du moins chez nous. Mais est-ce vraiment le cas ? Et si oui, qu’est-ce qui a permis cette acceptation ? Qu’est-ce qui a fait évoluer les moeurs ?

Les oppositions en France à la loi permettant le mariage entre personnes du même sexe montrent en tout cas que la question continue de diviser le monde occidental. Que sait-on réellement de ces luttes ? Quels sont les arguments des opposants ? Comment les religions se positionnent-elles par rapport à l’homosexualité ? Ont-elles un discours commun ou leurs positions varient-elles en fonction des différentes religions ? Comment l’image des homosexuels a-t-elle évolué dans notre société ? Les points de vue diffèrent-ils quand il s'agit de l'homosexualité féminine ou masculine ?

Ce sont ces questions, et bien d'autres, qui seront abordées dans ce cycle de conférences. Elles viseront autant à nous apprendre à poser un regard neuf sur l'homosexualité qu'à nous permettre de mieux comprendre notre société à travers ce prisme.

Les experts invités partageront avec le grand public leurs travaux et recherches à travers des disciplines aussi variées que la politique, sociologie, l’anthropologie, ou l’histoire des religions.

Related: Williams, Craig A. “Greek Love at Rome.” The Classical Quarterly, vol. 45, no. 2, 1995, pp. 517–539. JSTOR, Accessed 18 July 2021.

Link: JSTOR: Journal Article: Greek Love at Rome by Craig A. Williams

‘No One Is Safe’: Extreme Weather Batters the Wealthy World

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Floods swept Germany, fires ravaged the American West and another heat wave loomed, driving home the reality that the world’s richest nations remain unprepared for the intensifying consequences of climate change.

Some of Europe’s richest countries lay in disarray this weekend, as raging rivers burst through their banks in Germany and Belgium, submerging towns, slamming parked cars against trees and leaving Europeans shellshocked at the intensity of the destruction.

Only days before in the Northwestern United States, a region famed for its cool, foggy weather, hundreds had died of heat. In Canada, wildfire had burned a village off the map. Moscow reeled from record temperatures. And this weekend the northern Rocky Mountains were bracing for ye/>t another heat wave, as wildfires spread across 12 states in the American West.

The extreme weather disasters across Europe and North America have driven home two essential facts of science and history: The world as a whole is neither prepared to slow down climate change, nor live with it. The week’s events have now ravaged some of the world’s wealthiest nations, whose affluence has been enabled by more than a century of burning coal, oil and gas — activities that pumped the greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that are warming the world. » | Somini Sengupta | Saturday, July 17, 2021

L'Homosexualité dans l'Antiquité

Jan 15, 2020 • L'Homosexualité dans l'antiquité nous en apprend beaucoup ! l'histoire de l'homosexualité n'a jamais été linéaire.On peut raisonnablement considérer que l'homosexualité existe depuis la nuit des temps, et cela aussi bien dans le règne animal que chez les êtres humains. L'histoire et l'évolution de l'homosexualité n'a jamais été constante et en parfaite ligne droite. Comme sur beaucoup d'autre sujet d'ailleurs, on constate souvent des alternances entre acceptations, tolérance, et rejet. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, son appréciation continue encore de varier.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Julio Iglesias, Stevie Wonder : My Love

Views on YouTube: 10,128,092

On That Sublime Gay Kissathon in Tel Aviv

I’ve now had some more time to watch this ‘gay kissathon.’ Oh my God! Such a delightful display of love and affection! Can kissing be more beautiful than this? Is it possible? Is it really possible? Little wonder Tel Aviv was set alight by this display of sublime gay affection! Two drop-dead gorgeous men displaying love and affection for each other like no-one has ever seen before. What could be more beautiful, more noble than that? Just what this world needs: more love in all its forms, less conflict. Make love, not war! – © Mark

Permakiss electrifies Tel Aviv »

Annie Lennox: A Whiter Shade of Pale (Tradução)

Harry Nilsson : Without You (1972 HD)

YouTube views : 7,756,872

Isn’t it delightful to see an image of a ‘real man’ who has a cigarette in his mouth? Smoking: a habit that was very naughty, but very, very nice and pleasurable! That was, before the politically-correct, do-gooder snowflakes took over and “de-normalized” the pleasurable habit. For “de-normalized,” read stigmatized.

I used to be a smoker. I was a really “happy camper” as a smoker, in those more tolerant days. These days, people have forgotten all about tolerance and they have also forgotten about the concept of ‘joie de vivre’, if they ever learnt it in the first place. These days, you have to jog, go to the gym, drink oat or almond milk, eschew meat-eating, take copious quantities of statins, and forget all about any of life's pleasures, derived from such good, old-fashioned substances as tobacco. But beware! Now, it's tobacco; soon, it will be alcohol. They've already stigmatized smoking and made people paranoid about the habit. They have also stigmatized smokers. Soon, they'll concentrate their efforts on alcohol and people who enjoy a drink. Addendum and warning: You might not live any longer following all their dubious advice – you probably won't; but it will surely feel like you have!

By the way, if you are a smoker, you are very welcome here. This is a safe space for you. Even though I no longer smoke, I'm still on your side. – © Mark