Monday, January 11, 2021

Republicans Beg Democrats Not to Impeach Trump Again

Republicans are now claiming that impeaching Donald Trump for a second time would just be too darn divisive at a time when the country just needs to heal. The real reason they are against impeachment is because it is going to put them in the tough position of having to publicly stand up to the President, or publicly admit (with their vote) that they are secretly ok with everything he has done. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

Governor Schwarzenegger's Message Following This Week's Attack on the Capitol

This is my message to my fellow Americans and my friends around the world after January 6, 2021.

Trump Impeachment: Democrats Formally Charge President with Inciting Insurrection

THE GUARDIAN: Trump set to become the first president to be impeached twice / Pelosi: Trump a ‘deranged, unhinged, dangerous president’

Donald Trump is set to become the first US president to be impeached twice, after Democrats in the House of Representatives formally charged him with one count of “incitement of insurrection”, over the Capitol Hill riot.

Five people died in the attack last week, which Trump prompted when he told supporters to “fight like hell” in his attempt to overturn election defeat by Joe Biden.

On Monday, as security officials scrambled to ensure that the inauguration next week would not be marred by violence attached to protests planned for the day, Democrats in the House moved swiftly.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who in an interview on Sunday called Trump “a deranged, unhinged, dangerous president”, initiated a plan in two parts.

An initial resolution called on Vice-President Mike Pence to support removing Trump under the 25th amendment. » | Tom McCarthy, national affairs correspondent | Monday, January 11, 2021

Dutch Officials Seize Ham Sandwiches from British Drivers

THE GUARDIAN: Personal imports of meat and dairy products banned from EU since Brexit transition ended

Dutch TV news has aired footage of customs officers confiscating ham sandwiches from drivers arriving by ferry from the UK under post-Brexit rules banning personal imports of meat and dairy products into the EU.

Officials wearing high-visibility jackets are shown explaining to startled car and lorry drivers at the Hook of Holland ferry terminal that since Brexit, “you are no longer allowed to bring certain foods to Europe, like meat, fruit, vegetables, fish, that kind of stuff.”

To a bemused driver with several sandwiches wrapped in tin foil who asked if he could maybe surrender the meat and keep just the bread, one customs officer replied: “No, everything will be confiscated. Welcome to Brexit, sir, I’m sorry.” » | Jon Henley, Europe correspondent | Monday, January 11, 2021

So Brexiteers can't have their cake and eat it too after all! Who would have 'thunk' it! Unfortunately, sensible Brits will now have to pay for the shortsightedness of these people who are stuck in the twentieth century. Fossils and fools all! – ©Mark

Nach Gewalt am Kapitol: Melania Trump „enttäuscht und entmutigt“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Melania Trump hat ihr Schweigen seit dem Gewaltausbruch am Kapitol gebrochen. Gewalt sei niemals zulässig, sagt sie. Und: „Es war die Ehre meines Lebens, als Ihre First Lady zu dienen.“

Amerikas First Lady Melania Trump hat ihr Schweigen seit dem Gewaltausbruch von Anhängern des abgewählten Präsidenten Donald Trump am Kapitol gebrochen. „Ich bin enttäuscht und entmutigt über das, was letzte Woche passiert ist“, erklärte sie am Montag in einer ausführlichen Mitteilung. „Es ist erbaulich zu sehen, dass so viele eine Leidenschaft und Begeisterung für die Teilnahme an einer Wahl gefunden haben, aber wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass Leidenschaft in Gewalt umschlägt. Unser Weg nach vorne besteht darin, unsere Gemeinsamkeiten zu finden und die freundlichen und starken Menschen zu sein, von denen ich weiß, dass wir es r />

Melania Trump drückte den Angehörigen der Toten im Zusammenhang der gewalttätigen Erstürmung des Kapitols ihr Mitgefühl aus, wobei sie zuerst die gestorbenen Teilnehmer nannte und dann die beiden Polizisten, von denen einer außerhalb des Dienstes starb. » | Quelle: dpa | Montag, 11. Januar 2021

Melania Trump pays tribute to dead of Capitol attack but casts herself as victim »

How White Evangelicals Sold Their Soul to Donald Trump to Bring About Armageddon (2018)

Frank Schaeffer, former Evangelical explains how white evangelicals in the United States put faith before country, before human rights, in making a "Devil's Bargain" to support Donald Trump despite his less than Christian actions, for a handful of policy and power goals, namely moving the United States embassy into deputed Jerusalem, all of this to bring about the end of days foretold in the book of Revelations, Armageddon!

Nancy Pelosi: The 2021 60 Minutes Interview

Days after her own office was ransacked by Trump supporters, the speaker of the House talks to Lesley Stahl about what she experienced that day and more.

US Democrats Move Forward with Second Impeachment of President Trump | DW News

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday that she was ready to begin the second impeachment proceedings against US President Donald Trump if his cabinet fails to remove him from office under the 25th Amendment. The Democratic lawmaker said that the House will try to pass legislation on Monday urging Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and "declare the president incapable of executing the duties of his office." If that fails — which is considered the most likely outcome — Pelosi said that the House would move ahead with impeachment proceedings, although she did not say when that would be. "In protecting our Constitution and our Democracy, we will act with urgency, because this President represents an imminent threat to both,'' the House speaker said.

Trump, who is scheduled to leave office on January 20, has received sharp criticism following the violence in and around the US Capitol building on Wednesday. Trump has been accused of inciting the violence, by addressing a large rally on the National Mall in front of the US Capitol, saying he would join them when they "walk down to the Capitol" earlier that day. Since losing the Nov. 3 election, Trump has falsely claimed he was the victim of widespread fraud. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told American broadcaster CBS in an interview that will air Sunday that "the person that's running the executive branch is a deranged, unhinged, dangerous president of the United States." Trump was previously impeached under two articles: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in regards to allegations that Trump sought to discredit then-Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the lead up to the 2020 US presidential election. The articles were written up in 2019 and the trial was held in January 2020.

The Republican-controlled Senate did not find him guilty of either article. A two-thirds majority is required for a conviction.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Trump Got Crushed Worse Than Any President in 100 Years

According to the numbers, the last time a political party lost the White House, the House, and the Senate in a single term was in 1932, meaning that the Republican Party being ruled by Donald Trump was the biggest political loser in the past 100 years. This isn't surprising in the least, as the Party hasn't had a new idea in 40 years, and the public is quickly catching onto that. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

Trump Fear of Prison Could Push Him Toward Resignation and a Pence Pardon | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow points out that of the myriad ways that Donald Trump could be made to leave office early before he can do any more damage to the United States, one he may actually pursue on his own is resignation if he sees it as a way to avoid criminal prosecution. Aired on 1/9/2021.

Capehart to Trump: If You Want to Make America Great Again, Leave | MSNBC

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and more Republicans are called out, in the wake of the Capitol insurrection by a pro-Trump mob, by Jonathan Capehart in his weekly analysis, ‘The Bye Line.’»

Schwarzenegger Rebukes Trump and Compares Capitol Riot to Kristallnacht

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-Republican governor of California compares breach to night in 1938 when Nazi thugs attacked Jewish Germans and their property

Arnold Schwarzenegger issued a stinging rebuke of Donald Trump on Sunday, comparing the riot at the US Capitol which the president incited to Kristallnacht, the night in November 1938 when Nazi thugs attacked Jewish Germans and their property, a harbinger of horrors to come.

He also compared American democracy to a weapon he wielded onscreen as Conan the Barbarian nearly 40 years ago, saying: “Our democracy is like the steel of this sword. The more it is tempered, the stronger it becomes.”

In a video posted to social media and scored to rousing classical music, the 73-year-old former Republican governor of California said he “would like to say a few words to my fellow Americans and to our friends around the world about the events of recent days”.

“I grew up in Austria and was very aware of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass,” he said. “It was a night of rampage against the Jews carried out [by] the Nazi equivalent of the Proud Boys [a quasi-fascist group of Trump supporters].” » | Martin Pengelly | Sunday, January 10, 2021

Saturday, January 09, 2021

Le couvre-feu avancé à 18 heures dans les Bouches-du-Rhône

LE POINT: Le Premier ministre Jean Castex a annoncé que huit nouveaux départements étaient concernés par le couvre-feu avancé à 18 heures à partir de dimanche.

Alors que le Covid-19 circule très activement dans certains territoires, notamment dans le Grand Est, en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté et dans la région Sud, Jean Castex a annoncé que huit nouveaux départements basculeront dimanche 10 janvier sur un couvre-feu avancé à 18 heures. À cette heure, la mesure a été confirmée pour les Bouches-du-Rhône ainsi que pour le Bas-Rhin et pour le département voisin du Haut-Rhin, où le taux d'incidence atteint 229 pour 100 000 habitants et 251 pour les personnes de plus de 65 ans, précise la préfecture. » | (avec AFP) | Publié : vendredi 8 janvier 2021 ; modifié : samedi 9 janvier 2021

Bouches-du-Rhône »

What Began the Rise of Fascism in Europe? | Titans of the 20th Century | Timeline

Winston Churchill struggles to resume a political career; Gandhi begins the fight that will bring his people their freedom; Major Dwight D. Eisenhower serves as Gen. Douglas MacArthur's chief of staff; Ho Chi Minh in Paris; Mussolini grabs power.

Kampfansage aus Nordkorea: Kim Jong-un: «USA bleiben unser grösster Feind»

TAGES ANZEIGER: Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Un hält staatlichen Medien zufolge an seiner feindlichen Politik gegenüber den USA fest.

Vor dem Regierungswechsel in den USA fordert Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong. Un mit neuen Kampfansagen den künftigen amerikanischen Präsidenten Joe Biden heraus.

Beim achten Kongress der herrschenden Arbeiterpartei in Pjöngjang bezeichnete Kim die Supermacht USA als «grössten Feind» und kündigte den Ausbau des Atomwaffenarsenals seines Landes an. «Die aussenpolitischen Aktivitäten müssen sich darauf konzentrieren, die USA zu unterwerfen», zitierten ihn die Staatsmedien am Samstag. Den USA warf er erneut eine feindselige Politik vor. » | sda/oli | Samstag, 9. Januar 2021

Nach dem Sturm auf das Capitol: Auf Trump wartet ein zweites Impeachment

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die Demokraten scheinen fest entschlossen zu sein, Donald Trump aus dem Amt zu entfernen. Künftige Kandidaturen könnten ihm so verwehrt bleiben. Dafür müssten aber auch die Republikaner mitmachen.

Nancy Pelosi, die mächtige demokratische Sprecherin des Abgeordnetenhauses, Nummer drei in der politischen Rangfolge nach dem Präsidenten und dessen Vize, scheint fest entschlossen zu sein, Donald Trump für den Sturm auf das Capitol am Mittwoch zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Am Freitag sprach Pelosi eine Drohung aus, die kaum zurückzunehmen sein wird: Wenn Trump nicht «unverzüglich» zurücktrete oder sein Vize Mike Pence nicht ebenso unverzüglich ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren nach Zusatzartikel 25 der Verfassung einleite, dann werde der Kongress ein zweites Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump beginnen. » | Thorsten Denkler, New York | Samstag, 9. Januar 2021

Extended Conversation with Vicky Ward on “Kushner, Inc.” (2019)

Web-only extended interview with investigative journalist Vicky Ward, author of “Kushner, Inc.: Greed. Ambition. Corruption. The Extraordinary Story of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.”

Rep. Adam Schiff: 'We Can Move Swiftly ... to Impeach This Man' | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rep. Adam Schiff, who was the lead impeachment manager for Donald Trump's first impeachment, emphasizes the determination of the Democratic caucus to protect the United States from further damage by removing Trump from office. Aired on 1/9/2021.

Pelosi Calls Trump “Deranged, Unhinged, Dangerous” and Says He Should Be Prosecuted

Lesley Stahl interviewed the speaker of the House for a story airing Sunday night on 60 Minutes.

Lawrence: “We Learned Nothing New about Donald Trump This Week” | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump’s message to American Nazis this week was “we love you.” Aired on 1/9/2021.