Saturday, October 26, 2019

Brexit: Can Westminster Seal a Deal? | To the Point

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the House of Commons have tried all the tricks in fighting for their interests in the Brexit battle. But who wants what? Our guests: Vendeline v. Bredow (Economist), Derek Scally (Irish Times), Jon Worth (Blogger)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Klimawandel-Debatte: Esst ruhig Fleisch!

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Fleisch ist in Verruf geraten, das Schnitzel nur noch mit Schuld zu verzehren. Dabei macht Fleischverzicht weder gesund noch rettet er das Klima. Der große Fleischreport.

Löschen Sie alles, was Sie in den letzten Jahren über rotes Fleisch gehört haben. Es ist nicht ungesund, und sein Beitrag zum Klimawandel ist geringer als propagiert. Eine jahrzehntelange Kampagne hat das Nahrungsmittel in Verruf gebracht und Menschen zu fleischarmen Diäten gedrängt, die ihrer Gesundheit schaden und den Klimawandel nicht stoppen können. Schlecht fundierte Forschung, kommerzielle Interessen und religiös-ideologische Vorstellungen prägen das Narrativ einer überlegenen fleischfreien Ernährung. Genauer Überprüfung hält dieses nicht stand. » [€] | von Winand von Petersdorff | Freitag, 25. Oktober 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Guardian View on Boris Johnson’s Election Demand: MPs Should Call His Bluff

THE GUARDIAN: There is no good reason to commit to an early general election when parliament has not yet considered the withdrawal agreement bill in detail. First things first

Boris Johnson is the playground bully of British politics. He acts as if he is prime minister with a majority in parliament when in fact he has no majority. Because he cannot govern in that way with parliament, he has tried instead to govern against parliament. The delusion that he can do as he pleases led him to try to prorogue parliament this autumn – a bluff that was called by the supreme court. It then led him to concoct a fantasy legislative agenda by commissioning a Queen’s speech, though none of its measures will ever become law. Now he is trying to make his Brexit withdrawal bill conditional on the Commons agreeing to a general election in December. This proposal, like all the others before it, is merely another bluff, and parliament should duly call it. » | Editorial | Thursday, October 24, 2019

Most Voters Believe Violence against MPs 'Is Price Worth Paying' over Brexit

THE GUARDIAN: Research finds majority of both leave and remain voters feel violence worth it to get outcome they support

A majority of voters in England, Wales and Scotland believe that the possibility of some level of violence against MPs is a “price worth paying” in order to get their way on Brexit, an academic survey has found.

The poll from Cardiff University and the University of Edinburgh asked respondents what they would be prepared to see happen in order to leave or remain within the European Union.

Most leave voters who took part in the Future of England study thought violence towards MPs was a “price worth paying” for Brexit to be delivered – 71% in England, 60% in Scotland and 70% in Wales.

The majority of remain voters felt that potential violence was worth it if it meant we would stay in the EU – 58% in England, 53% in Scotland and 56% in Wales. » | Amy Walker | Thursday, October 24, 2019

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 24, 2019

Should Trump Be Committed to a Mental Health Facility? (April 2019)

Donald Trump's campaign opened with shouts of "Lock Her Up" from his followers and supporters. Two years into his presidency calls for impeaching Donald Trump are using that phrase against him.

Now Dr. Justin Frank, Psychoanalyst, and author of 'Trump on the Couch' joins the Thom Hartmann program to call for locking Donald Trump up in a Mental Health facility,

Is it time to put Donald Trump in the funny farm? Is the President's mental health out for lunch?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Österreich: FPÖ schmeißt Straches Ehefrau raus

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Im Streit über ihr Mandat im österreichischen Parlament hat die rechtspopulistische FPÖ Konsequenzen gezogen: Philippa Strache, Ehefrau von Ex-Parteichef Heinz-Christian Strache, wurde ausgeschlossen.

Die FPÖ hat Philippa Strache aus der Partei ausgeschlossen. Als Grund nannten die österreichischen Rechtspopulisten eine schriftliche Stellungnahme der 31-jährigen Frau von Ex-Parteichef Heinz-Christian Strache. Sie hatte darin mitgeteilt, ihr Mandat im Parlament anzunehmen. Laut FPÖ hatte die Mitteilung "eindeutig parteischädigenden Charakter".

Philippa Strache saß am Mittwoch bei der ersten Sitzung des neuen Parlaments als fraktionslose Abgeordnete hinter den SPÖ-Parlamentariern.

Die Straches sind bei der FPÖ mit ihrem neuen Chef Norbert Hofer in Ungnade gefallen. Gegen beide ermittelt die Staatsanwaltschaft. Heinz-Christian Strache soll private Rechnungen auf Kosten der Partei abgerechnet haben. Er und seine Frau bestreiten die Vorwürfe. Die Spesen-Affäre und das Ibiza-Video dürften die wichtigsten Gründe für das Wahldebakel der rechten Partei sein. Die FPÖ stürzte am 29. September um fast zehn Prozentpunkte auf 16,2 Prozent ab. » | als/dpa | Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2019

Is Russia the New Power Broker in the Middle East? Inside Story

Russia and Turkey reach deal on northern Syria after US brokered ceasefire expired.

Russia and Turkey are on opposite sides of the war in Syria. Moscow backs the Syrian president, while Ankara supports opposition rebels who want to remove Bashar Al Assad. However, the two sides have been working more closely in recent months.

On Tuesday, Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave Kurdish fighters six days to retreat from the Syrian-Turkish border. They reached the agreement just before the end of a US-brokered ceasefire that halted Turkey's military offensive in the region.

As Washington pulls back from the region, is Russia becoming the new power-broker? And what are the implications for the wider Middle East?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Yusuf Alabarda - Retired Colonel of the Turkish Armed Forces; Pavel Felgenhauer - Russian Defence and Military Analyst; Samuel Ramani - Researcher at Oxford University and a member of the Valdai Discussion Club, a Moscow-based think tank and discussion forum

US Healthcare: Is Medicare Supplements Availability Disappearing? (w/ Alex Lawson)

Will Medicare Supplements programs change? Republicans drilled holes into Medicare, and now private insurance companies are taking advantage to take away your coverage.

Benny Gantz to Be Tasked with Forming Israeli Government

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-military chief expected to have 28 days to forge coalition and avoid third election in year

Israel’s president is expected to task the former military chief Benny Gantz with forming a government after Benjamin Netanyahu failed to do so following an inconclusive election last month.

Neither Gantz’s Blue and White coalition nor the incumbent prime minister’s Likud party came out with a clear win, and few expect the opposition leader to form a coalition through deals with disparate political parties with ease.

He will have 28 days to try, after which parliament can nominate a third candidate, although that appears extremely unlikely given the divided makeup of Israel’s legislature, the Knesset.

If no contender can end the political crisis, the country will face an unprecedented third election in a year. » | Oliver Homes in Jerusalem | Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Could Donald Trump Actually Be Impeached?

Things are getting serious for Donald Trump. The swiftly unrolling Ukraine scandal could cause him to become only the third president to be impeached.But what is impeachment? How does it work? And how likely is it to happen? Adam Gabbatt has the answers

Dan Rather, Sam Donaldson Have Dire Warning about Trump

Dan Rather and Sam Donaldson tell CNN's Don Lemon that they think that President Donald Trump is dangerous for the country because Trump is only interested in protecting himself.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Debate: Brexit Can Wait: Can Johnson's Divorce Deal Pass without Strings Attached

Abschiedsrede im Parlament: Juncker: Bekämpft den dummen Nationalismus

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nach fünf Jahren an der Spitze der EU-Kommission verabschiedet sich Jean-Claude Juncker vor dem Europaparlament. Er mahnt: „Frieden ist nicht selbstverständlich.“

Mit einer emotionalen Rede hat EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker sich nach fünf Jahren Amtszeit verabschiedet und seine Erfolge herausgestrichen. „Ich scheide aus dem Amt nicht betrübt, auch nicht übermäßig glücklich, aber im Gefühl, mich redlich bemüht zu haben“, sagte der 64-Jährige am Dienstag im Europaparlament. „Ich war stolz darauf, während langer Zeit und vor allem in den letzten fünf Jahren ein kleines Teilchen eines größeren Ganzen zu sein, das wichtiger ist als wir.“

Der Luxemburger erinnerte daran, dass die Europäische Union vor allem ein Friedensprojekt sei. „Frieden ist nicht selbstverständlich, und wir sollten stolz darauf sein, dass Europa den Frieden erhält“, sagte Juncker. Darüber müsse man auch mit jungen Menschen reden. Den Parlamentariern gab er mit auf den Weg: „Bekämpft mit aller Kraft den dummen Nationalismus.“ Seine Rede schloss Juncker mit den Worten: „Es lebe Europa!“ » | Quelle: nto./dpa/AFP | Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2019

Remember Thatcher’s Britain? That’s Where This Brexit Deal Would Take Us

THE GUARDIAN: Without a second referendum we face a decade of deregulation, and a repeat of the 1980s assault on working people

Hopes for a second referendum on Brexit are receding, as more and more Tories show their true colours and fall in line behind Boris Johnson and his controversial deal. They have passed through all the stages of grief to arrive at acceptance of a Brexit that they know will make Britain poorer and weaker. One of their leading lights, the former home secretary Amber Rudd, explicitly acknowledged that the deal would “hurt the economy” – but she said “it’s the right thing to do because we had a referendum”.

Pursuing an economically devastating Brexit is a choice, not a necessity. The referendum was a mandate to change the political basis of our relationship with Europe, not to terminate all our economic cooperation altogether, as envisaged in the new withdrawal agreement. The proposal would give Britain the same economic relationship with the EU as distant countries such as Mexico or Canada. That’s why the extremist interpretation of the 2016 referendum that was begun by Theresa May and accelerated by Johnson can and must be resisted. If that cannot be achieved by a second referendum – even the most ardent campaigners now accept they don’t have the numbers – then it is vital that politicians return to the arena of compromise. » | Tom Kibasi | Tuesday, October 22, 2019

There’s a message in this story: Never trust the Tories with the economy again! It’s high time for the Tories to go the way of the Whigs – into oblivion! – Mark

Dominic Raab

The author of 'The Assault on Liberty' says that we must keep questioning the claims made by the Government, as it attempts to take away rights and liberties.

Monday, October 21, 2019

George Michael, Aretha Franklin – I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) (Official Video)

Boris Johnson in Final Push to Ram Through Brexit Deal

THE GUARDIAN: PM will seek to win two crucial votes on Tuesday in bid to leave EU by 31 October deadline

Boris Johnson will make a final bid on Tuesday to force Brexit through by the 31 October “do or die” deadline, amid growing signs he will make a renewed push for a general election whether his deal passes or not.

Johnson has already requested a delay to Brexit, by sending the letter to Brussels required by the backbench Benn act after MPs declined to support his deal on Saturday – something he said he would rather be “dead in a ditch”than do.

But if the government can force its Brexit bill through parliament in time, the UK could in theory still leave the EU by next Thursday’s deadline. » | Heather Stewart and Rowena Mason | Monday, October 21, 2019

Netanyahu Fails to Form a Government. Israel Turns to Gantz.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Israel’s president will offer the chance to form a government to Benny Gantz.

JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel gave up on his latest attempt to form a government on Monday, clearing the way for Benny Gantz, the former army chief who narrowly defeated him in last month’s election, to try to become the country’s next leader.

Mr. Netanyahu, who turned 70 on Monday and has been prime minister since 2009, told President Reuven Rivlin that he had been unable to put together a 61-seat majority coalition in Parliament.

Mr. Rivlin said he would give Mr. Gantz, 60, leader of the centrist Blue and White party, the mandate to form a government “as soon as possible.” Under the law, Mr. Gantz will have 28 days to do so.

“The time of spin is over, and it is now time for action,” Mr. Gantz’s party said in a statement. “Blue and White is determined to form the liberal unity government, led by Benny Gantz, that the people of Israel voted for a month ago.” » | David M. Halbfinger and Isabel Kershner | Monday, October 21, 2019

Prince William Worried about Harry after TV Interview Discussing Their 'Rift', Source Claims

THE TELEGRAPH: The Duke of Cambridge has been left concerned for the wellbeing of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, it is claimed, after the couple told a television audience of millions of their personal unhappiness and a rift in the Royal Family.

The Duke is said to be “worried” about his younger brother, who on Sunday night publicly confirmed the siblings are on “different paths” and spending less time together.

A palace source told the BBC of household fears the Sussexes are in a “fragile place”, with Prince William hoping they “are alright” after Prince Harry unexpectedly laid bare details of their private relationship in a television documentary.

Acknowledging a “rift” in conversation with friend and broadcaster Tom Bradby on ITV, Prince Harry admitted "inevitably stuff happens" under the pressure of royal life.

His decision to speak about the brothers’ relationship immediately placed them at the centre of a worldwide conversation, detailed on the front page of five leading British newspapers and headline news on radio and television from the Today programme to Loose Women. » | Hannah Furness, Royal Correspondent | Monday, October 21, 2019