Thursday, October 24, 2019

Most Voters Believe Violence against MPs 'Is Price Worth Paying' over Brexit

THE GUARDIAN: Research finds majority of both leave and remain voters feel violence worth it to get outcome they support

A majority of voters in England, Wales and Scotland believe that the possibility of some level of violence against MPs is a “price worth paying” in order to get their way on Brexit, an academic survey has found.

The poll from Cardiff University and the University of Edinburgh asked respondents what they would be prepared to see happen in order to leave or remain within the European Union.

Most leave voters who took part in the Future of England study thought violence towards MPs was a “price worth paying” for Brexit to be delivered – 71% in England, 60% in Scotland and 70% in Wales.

The majority of remain voters felt that potential violence was worth it if it meant we would stay in the EU – 58% in England, 53% in Scotland and 56% in Wales. » | Amy Walker | Thursday, October 24, 2019