Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Brexit ‘Shambles’ Has Ruined UK Reputation, Says Senior Diplomat

THE GUARDIAN: Outgoing high commissioner in Singapore says Britain seen as divided and ‘careless of truth’

Scott Wightman, Britain’s outgoing senior diplomat in Singapore, has said Britain is now seen worldwide as a country beset by division, obsessed with ideology and careless of truth.

In a valedictory note, he compared Brexit to the fall of Singapore in 1942 and said major investors expect future investment in Europe to be directed more towards Germany and France.

The remarks, first reported by Politico, came as the high commissioner left his post to take up a job in his native Scotland.

Ironically, many Brexiter MPs have claimed the UK can become a free-market haven like Singapore once it is freed from the regulations associated with the European single market.

Wightman said that as a result of Brexit, the nation that Singaporeans “admired for stability, common sense, tolerance and realism grounded in fact, they see beset by division, obsessed with ideology, careless of the truth … I fear many around the world share their view.” » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Monday, June 10, 2019

'US Turns Blind Eye to Saudi Atrocities' as Teen Sentenced to Death for Joining Anti-Government Rally

Human rights organizations and the media are urging the Saudi government to not execute a teenage boy, for among other 'alleged crimes', 'taking part in anti-government rallies'.

With the activists now sounding the alarm, it's not the first time the Saudi authorities are being accused of violating human rights.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 10, 2019

Saturday, June 08, 2019

How Donald Trump and Boris Johnson Threaten Democracy

FT chief political commentator Philip Stephens says the US president and the Tory leadership favourite share a common politics that ignores truth

Friday, June 07, 2019

President Donald Trump Makes 'Totally Undignified' Move in France | Morning Joe | MSNBC

During an interview with Fox News, the president appeared with the graves of U.S. veterans behind him in Normandy, France and took shots at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Robert Mueller. The Morning Joe panel discusses.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 7, 2019

USA schränken Reisen nach Kuba ein

Die US-Regierung holt zum nächsten Schlag gegen Kuba aus - diesmal zielt sie auf die Tourismusbranche. Viele Reisewege nach Kuba wie Kreuzfahrten sind künftig für US-Bürger verboten. Kuba drohen nun weiter immense finanzielle Einbußen. US-Präsident Trump rechtfertigt die Sanktionen, dass das Land die ganze Region destabilisiere. Er prangerte die kubanische Unterstützung für die linksgerichteten Regierungen in Venezuela und Nicaragua an. Im Alltag treffen die Sanktionen vor allem die normalen Bürger: stundenlanges Anstehen, um etwas zu essen zu bekommen.

Secret Recording of Trump Official Goes Public

There has been another leak in the Trump Administration. Ana Kasparian, Maytha Alhassen, and Nando Vila, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Lawrence's Last Word: Trump's Lies about Why He Didn't Serve in Vietnam | The Last Word | MSNBC

Trump says he didn't serve in Vietnam because he was "never a fan" of the war.

After Pelosi’s "Prison" Threat, Dems Clash over "Lock Him Up" | The Beat with Ari Melber | MSNBC

Speaker Pelosi saying behind closed doors she doesn’t want to impeach Trump, she wants to see him “in prison.” The Root’s Jason Johnson says it’s “just as silly” as Trump’s calls to “lock her up” and Pelosi is “speaking against her own base.” The Daily Beast's Margaret Carlson cautions impeaching Trump could embolden his 2020 base.

Life after Brexit: A Trump Trade Deal?

What did Gideon Rachman of the Financial Times and Professor John Bew, biographer of Attlee and author of Realpolitik, make of the week when President Trump came to town?

Thursday, June 06, 2019

Report: Pelosi Told Democrats She Wants Trump in Prison

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Democrats pushing for an impeachment effort that rather than

Trump Completely Embarrassed America During London Trip

Donald Trump put his stupidity on full display this past week during his trip to London where he was allowed to mingle with members of the British royal family. The President appeared almost cartoonish in his tuxedo, lied about protestors, and mocked the mayor of London with untrue statements. But it was his disagreement with Prince Charles on climate change that stands out as one of the most embarrassing moments of the trip, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 6, 2019

Macron to Trump at D-day Ceremony: Fulfil the Promise of Normandy

THE GUARDIAN: French president praises multilateralism of Nato and EU while offering gratitude to US

France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, has appealed directly to Donald Trump to fulfil the “promise of Normandy” by embracing pillars of the postwar peace such as the European Union and Nato as the two leaders marked the D-day landings 75 years ago.

In a speech that trod a fine diplomatic line, Macron offered both sincere expressions of gratitude for the valour of US troops in the second world war and vehement calls for the White House to re-engage with the principles of multilateralism.

Speaking in front of 15,000 people gathered at the American cemetery and memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer, the resting place for 9,387 US troops killed in the Normandy campaign, Macron repeatedly name-checked Trump, even at times turning to face the US president who was sitting behind him. » | Daniel Boffey in Colleville-sur-Mer | Thursday, June 6, 2019

Trump Explaining How Stupid He Is

Trump is so easily manipulated by war hawks. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power

Historian Peter Kuznick joins Paul Jay to discuss the role of Ford, GM, and other industrialists in rearming Germany and supporting Hitler’s rise to power

Trump Likens Irish Border to Wall between US and Mexico

THE GUARDIAN: Leo Varadkar tells US president Ireland wishes to avoid border or wall after Brexit

Donald Trump has started his visit to Ireland by comparing its post-Brexit border with Northern Ireland to the US border with Mexico, along which he wants to build a permanent wall.

Trump, sitting next to a visibly uncomfortable taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, waded into the Brexit debate minutes after Air Force One touched down at Shannon airport on Wednesday afternoon.

“I think it will all work out very well, and also for you with your wall, your border,” he said at a joint press conference. “I mean, we have a border situation in the United States, and you have one over here. But I hear it’s going to work out very well here.”

Varadkar interjected that Ireland wished to avoid a border or a wall, a keystone of Irish government policy. » | Rory Carroll in Shannon | Wednesday, June 5, 2019

King Klown’s understanding of geopolitics is remarkable – remarkably stupid! Each and every time he opens his mouth, his lack of understanding is a dead giveaway. – @Mark

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Trump Protests Wrap

Trafalgar square became the focal point for hundreds of anti-Trump protesters on the second day of the US presidents state visit to the UK. Protesters voiced their concerns on a range of issues including climate change, the impact of a trade deal with the US. Speakers at the event included Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Trump visit brings full spectrum of protesters to Trafalgar Square

THE GUARDIAN: Trump is spreading hate and division, Corbyn tells protesters » | Ben Quinn, Damien Gayle and Poppy Noor | Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Trump Offers Trade Deal to the UK | DW News

US President Donald Trump has offered the UK what he calls "a very substantial" trade deal once Britain has left the EU. On the second day of his state visit, Trump met Prime Minister Theresa May. They held a discussion with business leaders from both sides of the Atlantic. Meanwhile parts of London are on security lock-down to seclude Donald Trump from protesters and anti-Trump rallies.