Friday, August 03, 2018

Is Trump Betraying the American People? With TRNN's Paul Jay

Aaron Maté hosts TRNN Senior Editor Paul Jay in a discussion about the real reasons why Trump should be considered a traitor by the American people.

Is Time Up for Julian Assange? - BBC Newsnight

John Sweeney reports on the change of mood in Ecuador and its London embassy and what an eviction could mean for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Die Fürstenfamilie Liechtenstein | 15. August 2017 | ORF 2

Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein gehört heute zu den reichsten Adeligen Europas. Zudem ist er der einzige Monarch, der einem Staat auch den Namen gibt. Die Dokumentation gibt einen Einblick in die beiden prächtigen Wiener Palais der Familie, in die Gemäldedepots und die Restaurierungswerkstätte.

Assange Enjoying Final Days of Freedom?

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange may be enjoying his final days of freedom. Ecuador’s president, Lenin Moreno, is reportedly preparing to hand Assange over to British authorities. RT correspondent Anya Parampil explores the legal scenarios Assange now faces.

Donald Trump Sparks Protests across the Middle East

Jerusalem is a hotspot of conflict and controversy. It doesn't take much inflame tensions in such a disputed city, and that's exactly what happened when President Donald Trump officially recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital city. The move sparked waves of protest throughout the Middle East, but none was as violent as at the epicentre.

Is Trump Cause of CNN Hatred?

CNN Senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta expressed concern on Tuesday with the way President Trump’s supporters heckle members of the press warning that the president’s rhetoric could “result in somebody getting hurt.” This came after supports at a recent Trump rally heckled Acosta shouting “CNN sucks”. Ned Ryun CEO of American Majority and political commentator Steve Malzberg join us for more.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Thema Spezial: Königliche Liebe 70 Jahre Queen Elizabeth II. und Prinz Philip | 31. Juli 2017 | ORF 2

Queen Elizabeth II. heiratete 1947 den ersten Mann, in den sie sich verliebte: Philip von Griechenland. Diese Ehe feiert 2017 ihr 70-jähriges Bestehen.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Will the Iranians Talk to Donald Trump? | Inside Story

U.S. President Donald Trump has extended an olive branch to Iran, just a week after he threatened the country. Trump now says he's ready to meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani 'anytime' and without 'preconditions'. But his Secretary of State quickly backtracked Trump's statement, adding a few caveats to any potential meeting.

Mike Pompeo wants to see what he calls a change in behaviour from Iran before any negotiations can go ahead. Iran was also quick to set its own conditions, saying the U.S. must rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal before any talks can happen. But what's behind this sudden offer? And how will Trump engage Iran when he's trying to build a regional alliance against it?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom; Guests: Hillary Mann-Leverett - Former White House and State Department official with responsibility for Iran; Foad Izadi - Professor of World Studies at the University of Tehran; Jean-Marc Rickli - Head of Global Risk at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy

Doku: Wie deutsch ist die Queen - Die Wurzeln des Hauses Windsor

Edward und George - Zwei Brüder, eine Krone

Die Dokumentation wirft einen Blick auf die Lebensgeschichte des Vaters (George VI.) und Onkels (Edward VIII.) der englischen Königin, die als Kinder sehr verbunden, später nie mehr zueinander fanden:

11. Dezember 1936 - der britische König Edward VIII. (1894-1972) gibt nach nur 327 Tagen seine Abdankung bekannt und stürzt damit die britische Monarchie in eine ihrer größten Krisen. Am nächsten Tag erklärt er in einer Rundfunkansprache, dass er die Verantwortung nicht mehr tragen kann ohne die Unterstützung der Frau an seiner Seite, die er liebt: Wallis Simpson (1896-1986). Seine Beziehung zu der verheirateten und geschiedenen Amerikanerin stellte ihn vor die Wahl zwischen Krone und Liebe. Die königliche Familie verweigerte Wallis Simpson die Anerkennung. Für seinen jüngeren Bruder Prinz Albert beginnt ein unerwarteter Albtraum: Als George VI. (1895-1952) wird er der Nachfolger seines Bruders und damit König wider Willen. Dennoch wurde aus ihm ein beliebter König - auch wenn ihn sein Stottern und die Angst vor öffentlichen Auftritten bis zum Ende seines Lebens quälten.

Mysterium Merkel

The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Paul Manafort

Before he joined Donald Trump's campaign, Paul Manafort hadn’t been seen around Washington in a while. He had made a name for himself in the DC lobbying world, but he made a fortune overseas, advising strongmen and doing business with oligarchs. Then his past caught up with him.

Wallis Simpson: The Secret Letters | Royal Family Documentary | Timeline

Rewriting the history of one England’s most famous love affairs.

Wallis Simpson found herself at the centre of a national scandal when she was seen to ensnare Edward VIII and lure him from the throne of England. But in this explosive film, biographer Anne Sebba sifts through a newly discovered cache of documents - shown in this film for the first time - that contains 15 secret letters written by Wallis Simpson herself around the time ofthe abdication. These extraordinary personal missives have the power to rewrite both history and our perception of Wallis. They reveal she was deeply in love with another man, and chart her fear, desperation and loneliness as she found herself becoming trapped into marrying the man who should have been king.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Edward on Edward

This is a 1996 documentary on the Duke of Windsor that aired on October 25, 1996.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Right Wing Pastor Warns: Stop Talking about Trump’s Affairs or Face God’s Wrath!

Right wing pastor Franklin Graham, son of the late Billy Graham, has some harsh words for those in the media who are talking about Trump’s payoffs to porn stars and Playboy playmates. Graham says that if they keep talking about these things they will have to face God’s wrath. Graham is just the latest in a long line of false prophets who are earning themselves a one-way ticket to damnation, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Edward VIII the Traitor King – Documentary

Was Edward VIII a Nazi sympathiser? Complete Channel 4 documentary from 1995.

The Lost Tomb Of Jesus | Biblical Documentary | Timeline

The Lost Tomb of Jesus is a documentary which makes a case that the 2,000-year-old "Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries" belonged to the family of Jesus of Nazareth.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Bill Maher Leads Attack on Larry Wilkerson over Trump Meeting with Putin

Trump's Helsinki meeting with Vladimir Putin was absolutely necessary, but unfortunately it was squandered because nuclear weapons were not discussed, which actually is the main issue between the two countries, says Col. Larry Wilkerson

Julian Assange Interviews Imran Khan On His Success In Politics

Friday, July 27, 2018

The Debate – Iran on US Warning

You may start a war but be assured we will be the ones ending it. That message from the Islamic Republic of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani to the United States is one to not be taken lightly. This can be seen in context of Trump’s all-caps tweeted threat to President Rouhani, Bolton’s attendance of the MKO terror group gathering as well as the growing anti-Iran alliance between Israel & Persian Gulf sheikhdoms. As Gen. Soleimani has said, Iran is no pushover & if the US couldn’t even succeed in Iraq or Afghanistan, how can it ever take on Iran? Join me Waqar Rizvi, as we discuss growing threats to Iran.