Monday, June 18, 2018

Trump Defends Separating Families, Falsely Blames Democrats

President Donald Trump blamed Democrats for families being separated at the US-Mexico border, saying the United States will "not be a migrant camp."

The Germans - Bismarck and the German Empire | DW Documentary

Sessions Doubles Down on Immigration

Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended the Trump administration's immigration practices, but said "we do not want to separate children from their parents. We do not want adults to bring children into this country unlawfully, placing them at risk."

Food Fight: How Corporations Ruined Food – Food Industry Documentary – Real Stories

UN Human Rights Chief Al-Hussein Makes Final Public Address | Al Jazeera English

Outgoing UN Human Rights chief Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein has made his final address in Geneva. The outspoken Jordanian royal was the first Muslim to lead the UN human rights body. Al-Hussein chose not to seek a second term because of frustration with the ineffective UN Security Council. Al Jazeera's Charlotte Bellis reports.

Top US News & World Headlines — June 18, 2018

My Holidays in North Korea – North Korea Documentary – Real Stories

Michael Eric Dyson: 'Shame On Donald Trump, Shame On Jeffrey Preston Bezos Sessions' | MSNBC

President Trump is doubling down on falsely blaming Democrats for immigration policy, even after Attorney General Jeff Sessions turned to the Bible to defend the practice of separating migrant children from their parents. Michael Eric Dyson, author of “What Truth Sounds Like,” tells Alex Witt why this was a “misuse of scripture.”

Trudeau Imposes Retaliatory Trade Tariffs Against the US

It is in the long term interest of Canada to unravel the intertwined economy between the two countries says Dimitri Lascaris

The Jewish Community's Place in French Society

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Press TV: The Debate - Trump-Kim Summit

Who Wants Migrants Rescued from the Mediterranean Sea? | Inside Story

The arguments over who should take responsibility for refugees arriving in Europe are heating up again. EU leaders have long been divided about how to handle the migrant crisis, which is being highlighted by the grueling voyage undertaken by 630 migrants now in Spain. They were stranded at sea for more than a week because of a diplomatic row. Italy and Malta refused to accept them after being rescued from overcrowded dinghies off the coast of Libya.

After much debate, the new Spanish government allowed the charity ship Aquarius and two other vessels to dock in Valencia. Anti-immigration sentiment has increased in Europe with right-wing parties who want tougher rules making gains in Austria, Germany and Italy.

There is widespread agreement that the EU needs to overhaul asylum and immigration laws, but disagreement on how. An EU summit is due to discuss new rules in Brussels at the end of this month. Can they overcome their deep divisions?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: William Lacy Swing - Director General, International Organization for Migration; Francesco Galietti - Head of Policy Sonar political risk consultancy

Susan Rice: Kim Jong-un Beat Trump at Summit

Susan Rice. a national security adviser to former President Obama, says that North Korea's Kim Jong Un won the summit with President Donald Trump, because Kim was able gain prestige and got Trump to end “war games” on the Korean peninsula while committing to less than previous North Korean leaders.

Mark Sanford: Trump Movement Has Morphed into 'Loyalty' Test | Meet The Press | NBC News

In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) talks to Chuck Todd about his primary loss to an opponent who more full embraced President Trump