Thursday, December 07, 2017

Germany Offers Money for Refugees to Go Back Home

The number of Afghans being deported from Germany has almost doubled in recent years. Some asylum seekers in Germany are being offered cash if they volunteer to return home before February. The incentive applies to around 100,000 refugees and amounts to about $1,200 per person. Al Jazeera's Aela Callan reports from Bayreuth, Germany.

SIMPATICA: A Family Circumnavigation

SIMPATICA: A Family Circumnavigation from Wences Casares on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Interview with Michael Stürzenberger on Acquittal and New Charges

This is a follow up to the one we did with Michael after his sentencing to 6 months in jail posting a historically accurate photo to his FB page.

Jerusalem Is Israel's Capital: Donald Trump's Full Announcement - BBC News

President Trump has announced that the US now recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Mr Trump described the move as "a long overdue step" to advance the Middle East peace process. The president said the US would support a two-state solution, if approved by both the Israelis and the Palestinians. Ahead of the decision, a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned it would have "dangerous consequences" for the region.

Analysis: Trump's Jerusalem Move a 'Declaration of War on Palestinian Rights'

President Donald Trump has announced that the US formally recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and will begin the process of moving its embassy to the city, breaking with decades of US policy. The president said he ordered the state department to develop a plan to relocate the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Al Jazeera's Marwan Bishara explains why his statement is a "declaration of war against Palestinian rights".

Theresa May Scrambles to Salvage Brexit Breakthrough

Iranians react to Trump's travel ban

A new extended US travel ban is due to come into effect. One of the original countries blacklisted by the White House was Iran. "Death to America" is a protest chant so synonymous with the country that US President Donald Trump even mentioned it in his recent policy speech as one of the reasons Iran's leaders could not be trusted. And though Iranians may resent the US government’s new visa restrictions, how they feel about America as a country is a little different. Al Jazeera's Zein Basravi reports from Tehran.

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Top US News & World Headlines — December 5, 2017

Saudi Arabia's House of Cards - BBC News

Saudi Arabia is seeing dramatic developments after decades of slow change. Modernisation, women’s rights and squaring up to Iran are all on the agenda, driven by the kingdom’s new, young crown prince. BBC Arabic's Ahmed Zaki tells us why it has suddenly happened. Producer: Dina Demrdash; Graphics: Albert Villa Alsena

Monday, December 04, 2017

Dr. Richard Wolff – Economist: Economic Update: Which Way For US Economy

This show is available at no cost to public access and non-profit community stations! Contact your local channels and let them know you would like them to add Economic Update to their programming. Let us know if you've reached out: info(a)

Will the US Move Its Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem? - Inside Story

For some it's a red line, for others it could ignite violence across the region. So why is the U.S. government considering moving its embassy in Israel, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

Arab leaders have been very vocal about their opposition to such a move; some have even accused Donald Trump of "playing with fire," others say it will fuel extremism. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has previously warned the White House against moving the embassy.

In 1995, during the Clinton Administration, the U.S. Congress passed legislation on moving the embassy. It was supposed to happen by May 31st, 1999. But there was a provision in the law that allowed the president to sign a waiver every six months - in the name of national security. Every president since 1998 has done so, even Donald Trump himself back in June.

Putting the embassy in Jerusalem is controversial because the eastern part of the city is Palestinian territory being illegally occupied by Israel. So, what message is the Trump Administration sending with this plan to relocate the embassy?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie. | Guests: Mustafa Barghouti - Secretary General, Palestinian National Initiative; Daniel Levy - President of U.S.-Middle East Project; Hussein Ibish - Senior Resident Scholar, Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington

Rep. Keith Ellison: GOP Tax Bill Would Reorder Society & Create “Hereditary Aristocracy” for Rich

On Saturday morning, Senate Republicans passed a nearly 500-page tax bill that will have dramatic impacts not only the U.S. tax code, but also healthcare, domestic spending and even oil and gas drilling. The plan would cut taxes by nearly $1.5 trillion. Major corporations and the richest Americans, including President Trump and his own family, would reap the most dramatic benefits. Overall, the bill is expected to add $1.4 trillion to federal budget deficits over the next decade. The bill passed the Senate 51 to 49, with every Democrat voting against the bill and all Republicans voting for it except for Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee. We speak with Minnesota Democratic Congressmember Keith Ellison. He’s the first Muslim member of Congress. Ellison is also the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Top US News & World Headlines — December 4, 2017

Tucker: Trump Retweet Outrage Shows Death of Free Speech

Tucker's Thoughts: The furor over President Trump's retweet of three videos circulated by a British nationalist group's leader shows there's growing fascism and death of free speech in the West - even if the speech is unpopular.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

NY Times' Tom Friedman Presses Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman On Global Policy Views | CNBC

Tom Friedman, New York Times foreign affairs columnist and best selling author of "Thank you for Being Late," discusses his groundbreaking interview with the Mohammad Bin Salman, Saudi Arabian Crown Prince.

This man is talking BS. Wahhabism didn't start in 1979, and nor did it start with the Iranian Revolution. Further, MbS is not restoring Islam to its moderate version. Islam has never been moderate. That's an outright lie. This man has been taken in by MbS. This discussion is sickening to listen to. But it does play into the Western narrative, I suppose. – @Mark Alexander

This comment also appears here

Ex-Muslim Delivers the Greatest Speech I Have Ever Heard from an Arab Atheist

Stephanie: Life Beyond Faith

A Canadian woman who converted to Islam in her late-teens, Stephanie married a Libyan Muslim, and gave birth to two daughters. After a few years of living as a faithful Muslim, Stephanie began to have doubts. Recognizing the immorality and irrationality of Islam, Stephanie grew detached from the faith and concerned about her children being raised in such a context. In 2011,

Stephanie left their residence in Libya for a short trip to see her father in Canada. When safely out of Libya en route to an airport in a neighboring country, her husband unveiled his plan for her: he would never allow her to even visit her daughters again unless she gave up her Canadian custody of the kids.

Knowing that retention of custody of her daughters gives them a small chance of gaining their freedom, she refused his offer. Today, Stephanie lives in Canada, coping with the loss of her dearest loved ones and hopes to one day be reunited with her girls.

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Colliding Worldviews: What is the Andalusian Problem?

BBC Question Time from Scarborough - November 30, 2017

David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Scarborough, with a panel including Conservative MP and prisons minister Sam Gyimah, Labour's Chuka Umunna, Ukip's new leader Henry Bolton, deputy editor of The Sunday Times, Sarah Baxter and the economist and former finance minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis.

Senate Republicans Kill Democratic Measure To Force Companies To Spend Tax Cuts On Workers

In an attempt to force the Republican Party’s hand on the tax bill, Senate Democrats proposed adding a new provision to their corporate giveaway legislation that would have forced companies to spend their tax cuts on workers and wages, something that Republicans say will happen if we give corporations more money. Every single Republican in the Senate voted against that measure, and Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins offers up some explanations as to why that happened.