Friday, August 18, 2017

Breitbart Editor Pollack: If Trump Tries To Reinvent, Support 'Will Erode'| Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Joel Pollack, the Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News, joins Ali Velshi to talk about Steve Bannon's departure from the White House and whether he will return to Breitbart.

Steve Bannon on the Crisis of Capitalism and the Divine Right of Billionaires

Mathew Fox and Paul Jay discuss Bannon's alliance with the far-right Catholic Opus Dei, and his vision of the Judeo-Christian West

How Will the Right React to Steve Bannon's Ouster?

Aug. 18, 2017 - 3:46 - Could Bannon turn on members of the Trump administration? Reaction from Politico's Josh Gerstein

President Trump Removes Steve Bannon from Administration

Read the Fox News article here

Max Blumenthal Live with Paul Jay on Bannon Firing

Max Blumenthal and Paul Jay talk about the forces that backed Bannon and what his firing from the White House means for far right politics in the US

Anne Frank Center: Trump's Personal Twitter Account Amplifies Hate and Should Be Suspended

President Donald Trump continues to face outrage over his response to last weekend’s deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where racism and anti-Semitism were on clear display. We speak with Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, which is calling on Twitter to suspend Trump’s personal account, after branding him an accomplice to domestic terrorism.

Former Briebart Editor Ben Shapiro: Steve Bannon Marginalized for Months | MSNBC

Ben Shapiro, former Brietbart editor and colleague of Steve Bannon, explains how Bannon’s activity this past week foreshadowed the eventual departure.

Stephanopoulos Puts Kellyanne Conway In Her Place When She Won't Stop Lying | Full Interview | August 6, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Kellyanne Conway About Trump Damage Control

The White House is trying to do some damage control after Trump’s latest press conference. They reportedly sent a memo to Republicans in Congress with talking points to use when discussing Charlottesville like saying that Trump’s comments on the violence were “entirely correct.” So we got in touch with Kellyanne Conway in Washington to discuss these allegations and get some answers.

Steve Bannon Out At White House | MSNBC

Two senior White House officials confirm that Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon will be leaving the White House after a chaotic tenure.

Police: Man Shot After Stabbing Several People In Finland | MSNBC

Police in Finland say that they have shot a man after he stabbed several people in the city of Turku. NBC's Ali Arouzi reports.

Jimmy Kimmel's Plan to Save Us from Trump

After one of the craziest days in Donald Trump’s presidency, Jimmy delivers a message to those who voted for him and presents a plan that could solve all of our problems.

Republicans Run Out Of Patience With The President | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Trump is getting some tough, straight talk from top-ranking Republican Senator Bob Corker, who says that the president's conduct requires 'radical changes.'

Top US News & World Headlines — August 18, 2017

Undercover Nazi Michael German: Police Inaction Encourages White Nationalist Groups | MSNBC

As a former undercover Nazi for the FBI, Michael German relates his covert experiences to the outbreak of white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, VA, this week.

Is Germany Becoming More Right-wing? – BBC Newsnight

The German election is a little over a month away and Angela Merkel is on course to win her fourth term as chancellor. But her CDU party is under mounting pressure from the populist right-wing Alternative for Germany party. Gabriel Gatehouse visited Hamburg to ask what's motivating its supporters.

Lawrence: Donald Trump Responds To Barcelona Terror Attack With A Lie | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell reacts to President Donald Trump's newest lie about fighting terrorism, as well as top Republican senator Bob Corker saying Donald Trump lacks the "stability" and "competence" to be president.

Spain Attacks: Bigger Attacks Were Planned, Police Say – BBC News

The Barcelona and Cambrils attackers had been planning bigger attacks than the ones they carried out, police have said.

Catalan police chief Josep Lluis Trapero told a press conference officers believed the group had been preparing the attacks at a home in Alcanar. But an explosion in the house on Wednesday, which killed one person, wounded seven and destroyed material they were planning to use in the attacks, meant they had to carry them out in a "more rudimentary way", Mr Trapero said.

The four people arrested include three Moroccans and one Spanish national, police have said.

None of them had a criminal history relating to terrorism, police chief Josep Lluis Trapero told a press conference. Three were arrested in the village of Ripoll and one in the town of Alcanar, where the house at the centre of the investigation exploded on Wednesday night. The youngest person arrested was 21, while the others were 28, 34 and 27 years old, Mr Trapero said.

'We Are in the Midst of a Global Jihadist Insurgency' – Maajid Nawaz on Fox News

Watch Quilliam Founder Maajid Nawaz appear on Fox News discussing the Barcelona Terror Attack.

Terror Attack, Trump Turmoil Rattle Stock Markets