Friday, May 05, 2017

The Trumpcare Disaster

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The House speaker, Paul Ryan, and other Republicans falsely accused Democrats of rushing the Affordable Care Act through Congress. On Thursday, in a display of breathtaking hypocrisy, House Republicans — without holding any hearings or giving the Congressional Budget Office time to do an analysis — passed a bill that would strip at least 24 million Americans of health insurance. » | The Editorial Board | Thursday, May 4, 2017

REPLAY - Watch the Full French Presidential Debate between Macron and Le Pen

Tale of Two Frances: The Presidential Race Seen from a Small Village

The France 24 Debate heads to Bonnelles, a village 45 km from Paris that sits astride the two sides of France which seem to be going head to head in the 2017 presidential election. On one side, the France of the cities and urban areas which are fully integrated into the globalised economy. On the other, the rural France that feels left behind and isolated. Sunday’s election between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron will determine which of these two Frances makes their voice heard. | Produced by Charles WENTE, François WIBAUX, Laure ABONNAT.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

LE DÉBAT - Emmanuel Macron – Marine Le Pen – Élection Présidentielle 2017

Trumpcare Would Be ‘Tragedy for America’ – Congressman

The House GOP purportedly still lacks the votes to repeal and replace Obamacare. Republican leaders are weighing amendments they think will win over moderates who oppose the demands of the Freedom Caucus. Former Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Florida) joins “News with Ed” to describe the disastrous outcome he foresees should the US repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with so-called Trumpcare.

Face to Face: Le Pen, Macron Square Off In Final Debate

UK - PM Theresa May Says Brexit Warnings ‘Deliberately Timed To Affect’ UK Elections

Top US & World Headlines — May 3, 2017

Yanis Varoufakis On Brexit: 'How Can These Smart People Be So Deluded' - BBC Newsnight

Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister, resigned back in 2015 at the height of the crisis there. He has now written a book about the whole experience, Adults in the Room - and he spoke to Evan Davis about Brexit and the UK's general election.

Merkel Presses Putin On Gay Rights - BBC News

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to help protect gay rights. Activists say police in the republic of Chechnya have arrested and tortured dozens of gay people in a crackdown. Mrs Merkel raised the issue during her first visit to Russia since 2015, which saw her hold talks with Mr Putin at his summer residence in Sochi. Relations between the two nations have been strained over Syria and Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

Brexit Talks Will Not Be Quick Or Painless, Says EU's Chief Negotiator

Michel Barnier says he hopes to reach an entente cordiale with UK and refuses to confirm reports of possible €100bn exit bill

Read the Guardian article here

French Presidential Elections: The Final Countdown

Sparking an Outrage: Saudi Arabia Elected to UN Commission on Women's Rights

Bahrain: Government Is Not Working for a Reconciliation

L’heure du choix : Emmanuel Macron face à Jean-Jacques Bourdin

Présidentielle: Macron dévoile ses trois premiers chantiers en cas de victoire »

Terror Attacks in France: A Gift to Marine Le Pen?

WIKIPEDIA: Gilles Kepel »

'The Chips Are Down': Theresa May Vows to Stand Firm against EU