Monday, April 10, 2017

Tillerson, on Eve of Russia Trip, Takes Hard Line on Syria

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson is taking a hard line against Russia on the eve of his first diplomatic trip to Moscow, calling the country “incompetent” for allowing Syria to hold on to chemical weapons and accusing Russia of trying to influence elections in Europe using the same methods it employed in the United States.

Mr. Tillerson’s comments, made in interviews aired on Sunday, were far more critical of the Russian government than any public statements by President Trump, who has been an increasingly lonely voice for better ties with Russia. They seemed to reflect Mr. Tillerson’s expectation, which he has expressed privately to aides and members of Congress, that the American relationship with Russia is already reverting to the norm: one of friction, distrust and mutual efforts to undermine each other’s reach. Read on and comment » | David E. Sanger | Sunday, April 9, 2017

US Became Investigator & Judge; This Is a Violation of International Law – Bolivia UN Envoy on Syria Strike

Bolivia envoy slams US missile strike on a Syrian Army airbase after Russia calls for emergency UNSC meeting on the attack.

US Strike Helping ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Enemy US Supposed to Fight against – Ron Paul

The UN security Council is holding an emergency meeting on the US missile attack on a Syrian airbase. To discuss the UN Security Council meeting we're joined by Ron Paul, chairman and founder of The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

‘No Rhyme or Reason to Trump’s Incoherent Policy in Syria’ – Historian to RT

The U.S. says its missile strike was in retaliation for an alleged chemical attack in Idlib province on Tuesday - Damascus has constantly stressed it does not use toxic weapons. However, now just days after President Trump ordered the airfield strikes, his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says participation with the current Syrian government is needed to end the conflict there.

US - What Will Be Donald Trump's Reaction to North Korea Nuclear Missile Tests?

Egypt: Islamic State Group Claims Responsibility for Twin Church Bombings

Le Pen Says France Not Responsible for WWII Roundup of Jews

THE WASHINGTON POST: PARIS — Far-right French presidential contender Marine Le Pen made “a serious mistake” by denying that the French State was responsible for the roundup of Jews in World War II, her main rival said Monday.

Emmanuel Macron, an independent centrist, was among many presidential candidates criticizing Le Pen’s comments Monday.

“Some had forgotten that Marine Le Pen is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen,” Macron, the front-runner in the April 23-May 7 two-round election, told BFM TV.

Le Pen’s father repeatedly has been convicted for anti-Semitism and racism. » | Associated Press | Monday, April 10, 2017

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Kevin MacDonald - Neocons to Remove Assad, Trump Buys the MSM Lie

Jihadi Justin Admits It: M103 Is an Islamic Blasphemy Law

Jihadi Justin admits to House of Commons that M103 is entirely about Islamophobia (not the general anti discrimination motion they said it was). Further more in his speech, he makes it clear criticism of Islam will no longer be tolerated.

This man is out of his depth, methinks. – Mark

Justin Trudeau’s Unhinged Islamophobia Rant

Justin Trudeau is happy you opposed M-103, because you’ve exposed your bigotry.

Sen. Rubio on U.S. Strike on Syria Air Base, Removing al-Assad

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio joins "CBS This Morning" from the Capitol to discuss the U.S. military strike on the Syrian Shayrat air base, believed to be the origin of the plane that launched the latest chemical attack on Syrians. Rubio also discusses the risks behind the strike and how President Bashar al-Assad could be ousted.

Marco Rubio doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He has a simplistic solution to an extremely complicated problem. Sorry, Mr. Rubio, you’re wrong! – Mark

Trump Turns On Assad: How Will US Strikes Impact War in Syria? (Parts 1 & 2)

Lavrov to Tillerson: Attack on Syrian Airbase Plays into Extremists' Hands

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has stressed there is no evidence of Syria's involvement in the Idlib chemical incident. On Saturday he told his American counterpart that the U.S. strike on the Syrian base had played into the extremists' hands.

Statin Side Effects (Excerpt from Statin Nation)

Statin Nation »

U.S. Attack on Syria Cements Kremlin’s Embrace of Assad

THE NEW YORK TIMES: MOSCOW — If Russia once maintained at least a semblance of distance from President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, it rushed to his defense after the American missile strike ordered by President Trump on Thursday. The attack cemented Moscow more closely than ever to the notorious Syrian autocrat.

Even as the United States condemned Mr. Assad for gassing his own citizens and held Russia partly responsible, given its 2013 promise to rid Syria of chemical weapons, the Kremlin kept denying that Syria had any such capability.

By championing Mr. Assad and condemning American “aggression,” President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia seemed to be burying the idea that he could somehow cooperate with the Trump administration to end the conflict on his terms. » | Neil MacFarquhar | Saturday, April 8, 2017

Explosion Rips through Egyptian Church

Multiple people were killed in an explosion as they celebrated Palm Sunday at a Coptic Christian church in Egypt. CNN's Ben Wedeman has more.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Two Explosions Kill at Least 31 at Egyptian Coptic Churches on Palm Sunday »

Forget Islamophobia, Trudeauphobia on the Rise!

From seniors to millennials, from Ontario to B.C Trudeaumania 2.0 has been replaced with Trudeauphobia. No word from the Liberals (yet) on whether they'll introduce a motion banning criticism of the PM.

Syria Crisis: Russia Raises Prospect of War If It Is Given G7 Ultimatum as It Mocks Boris Johnson's No-show

THE TELEGRAPH: Russia has raised the prospect of war with the West as it mocked Boris Johnson for cancelling a trip to Moscow in the wake of the Syrian nerve gas attack.

The Russian Embassy in London posted a series of provocative tweets on its official account in which it suggested that "a conventional war" could be one outcome if the G7 group of nations presents it with an ultimatum later this week.

The Embassy also said it was "deplorable" that Mr Johnson was "unable to stand Western ground" by attending talks with his Russian counterpart.

It came as Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, warned Russia it is responsible for the deaths caused by the Syrian chemical weapons attack "by proxy". » | Gordon Raynor, Political Editor and Kate McCann, Senior Political Correspondent | Sunday, April 9, 2017

US Syria Strike Was Illegal, No Matter Who Carried Out Gas Attack

The US had no right to launch a unilateral attack on Syria Phyllis Bennis tells Paul Jay, and it’s a violation of the UN charter

Interview with Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad - BBC Newsnight

Evan Davis speaks to Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad about the suspected chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun in north-western Syria and the subsequent missile strike against a Syrian air base carried out by the US.