Wednesday, March 29, 2017

'Thank You and Goodbye': Clock Starts on Brexit Negotiations (Parts 1 & 2)

Barbara Kay: Pro-hijab Kids Book Sends Dangerous Message

Columnist's Appearance on 'Tucker' Sparks Firestorm

Mar. 27, 2017 - 6:10 -'s Kate Hopkins upset many people in London, including J.K. Rowling, with her comments about multiculturalism and reference to the UK as a 'nation of ghettos' #Tucker

Katie Hopkins: Right on Islam; wrong on Europe. – Mark

How Did Britain Choose Brexit?

A recap on the events that lead to the triggering of Article 50 by the United Kingdom.

'We Already Miss You': Donald Tusk's Message to Britain

The president of the European council, Donald Tusk, gives his reaction on Wednesday to the letter from the prime minister, Theresa May, triggering article 50, the official start of the Brexit process. Speaking in Brussels, Tusk says: ‘There is no reason to pretend this is a happy day in Brussels or in London’

Read and comment on the Guardian article here

How to Eat Like Muhammad | Anthony Rogers

According to Islam, human beings don't know how to eat properly without guidance from Allah. Fortunately, Muhammad told his followers the correct way to eat. Muslims must eat and drink using three fingers of the right hand. Anyone who eats or drinks with the left hand is imitating Satan, who eats and drinks with his left hand.

Christianity, Islam, and Pork: How Zakir Naik Destroyed Muhammad

In his lectures, Dr. Zakir Naik argues that pork is haraam (forbidden). To support his claim, he often quotes the Bible passages Leviticus 11:7-8 and Deuteronomy 14:8, which say that pig meat was unclean for the Jews. However, the very same passages also say that camel meat and rabbit meat were unclean. Why is this interesting? Because Muhammad and his companions ate both camel meat and rabbit meat. Hence, the passages Zakir Naik quotes actually condemn Muhammad.

Theresa May Calls London Terror Attack "Perversion of a Great Faith"

On March 22, 2017, Khalid Masood launched a terrorist attack that began on Westminster Bridge and ended in Parliament Square. The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack. In response, British Prime Minister Theresa May insisted that the London terror attack was a "perversion of a great faith."

In this video, David Wood shows that if terrorist attacks are a "perversion" of Islam, Islam has been perverted for nearly fourteen centuries, because Muhammad himself slaughtered unbelievers in the name of Allah.

Mika On Sean Spicer Briefing: 'What Is Wrong With Him?' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Top Talkers: WH Press Secretary Sean Spicer told veteran reporter April Ryan to stop shaking her head during a heated press briefing this week, a claim Ryan refutes. The Morning Joe discusses.

What’s to Blame for This Misfortune? David Cameron’s Hubris about Brexit

THE GUARDIAN: He treated politics as a game of chance and allowed the referendum vote to become a virility contest about whether or not Britain could stand alone

Sometime before the 2015 general election, an aeon ago in the history of British politics but less than two years ago in ordinary time, David Cameron told the Financial Times that he wanted to be judged on his success in resolving the two big questions that had overshadowed British politics for nearly a generation. This is how he described them: “One is, does the United Kingdom want to stay together? Yes. Secondly does the United Kingdom want to stay in a reformed European Union? Yes.”

No need to trouble with the score, then.

But where is Cameron, that sunny optimist, on this bleak morning when half his fellow Britons feel as if their country is being severed from Europe like a limb from its body? Where is he today, the day after the Scottish parliament voted in favour of a second referendum? Cameron is famously even tempered in the face of the buffeting of fate. He is a man said by those who know him to be exempt from the dark nights of the soul that keep ordinary folk tossing and turning at night in agonies of self-loathing. But even that David Cameron must have given some thought to the chaos his catastrophic commitment to a referendum on Europe has unleashed. And wondered why he ever thought it was a good idea. Read on and comment » | Anne Perkins | Wednesday, March 29, 2017

‘No Turning Back’: Theresa May's Statement on Leaving the EU – Video Highlights

Prime minister Theresa May confirms article 50 has been triggered and the UK is leaving the EU, describing it as ‘a historic moment from which there can be no turning back’. Speaking in the House of Commons on Wednesday, May say points out there will be ‘consequences’ to leaving, but failing to stand up for European values would be a ‘costly mistake’

Brexit: May wants 'deep and special' partnership with EU as UK triggers article 50 »

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Wife of Presidential Candidate May Face Charges

The wife of french presidential candidate Francois Fillon could face charges over allegations that her husband paid her from state funds for work she didn't do. CNN's Melissa Bell reports

Österreich verbietet die Burka

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Österreich verbietet die Vollverschleierung im öffentlichen Raum. Wer dagegen verstösst, bezahlt 150 Euro.

Das von der Regierung am Dienstag beschlossene und im Vorfeld heftig kritisierte Burka-Verbot ist Teil eines neuen Integrationsprogramms. Die rot-schwarze Regierung hatte sich nach ihrem Koalitions-Neustart im Januar auf die Eckpunkte des Pakets geeinigt. Neben dem Ganzkörpergewand Burka sind noch weitere Kleidungsstücke, die das Gesicht von Frauen verhüllen, im öffentlichen Raum verboten. » | dpa | Dienstag, 28. März 2017

Brigitte Gabriel Exposes The Muslim Brotherhood

Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

Take action: here

Nigel Farage Talks To Ex-Muslim Who Says Islam Should Be Eradicated Like A Cancer

The Glazov Gang - Why the Left Denies the Jihad in London

Netanyahu to Trump: Let’s Vanquish ‘Militant Islam’

JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY: WASHINGTON (JTA) – Echoing the language favored by President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told AIPAC that Israel would work with the United States to defeat the “forces of militant Islam.”

“We must be sure that the forces of militant Islam are defeated,” Netanyahu said in a video address Monday morning to the Israel lobby AIPAC’s annual conference in Washington, D.C. “I’m confident the United States and Israel will stand together shoulder to shoulder to ensure light triumphs over darkness.”

Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, drew criticism from Republicans and Trump for not naming Islam as an element in the threat faced by the United States in the Middle East and domestically. Trump, in turn, has drawn criticism for unnecessarily alienating moderate Muslims for emphasizing Islam in phrases like “radical Islamic terrorism.” » | JTA | Monday, March 27, 2017

Do Russians Care? Kremlin Cracks Down after Anti-corruption Protests

Legendary News Journalist Tells Sean Hannity That He’s Bad For America

Ted Koppel was one of the last great TV news journalists, and during an interview with Sean Hannity recently, he explained to Hannity that his style of reporting, and even just Hannity himself, is bad for this country. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Ivanka Trump And The Politics Of Nepotism | MSNBC

Ari Melber looks at how the White House ducked anti-nepotism laws to give first daughter Ivanka Trump a promotion in a special report on The Point.