Sunday, March 05, 2017

The Teachings of Jesus Christ

Watters: "Illegal Immigrant" Is Not "Hate Rhetoric"

Mar. 04, 2017 - 6:40 - Jesse Watters takes on "Border Angels" founder Enrique Morones over illegal immigration. Morones accuse Watters of "hate rhetoric" and even takes a shot at Fox News.

Beauty and the Beast | US Official Trailers

Watch the brand new trailer for Disney's "Beauty and the Beast," starring Emma Watson & Dan Stevens.

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Lindsey Graham Booed at Townhall after Saying "I Support Donald Trump"

Lindsey Graham harshly booed at townhall after saying ‘I agree mostly’ with Trump

UK Warned It Must 'Honour All Financial Obligations' To EU

THE GUARDIAN: European political leaders and diplomats react to Lords report arguing that Britain could leave EU without paying £52bn

European political leaders and diplomats have reacted furiously to the suggestion that Britain could leave the EU without paying a multibillion pound “divorce settlement”.

The European commission, along with 27 EU member states, have settled on a sum of about €60bn (£52bn) that the UK would have to pay to fulfil the commitments it had signed up to as an EU member.

In a report published on Saturday, the House of Lords EU financial affairs subcommittee argued that the British government would be on strong legal ground if it chose to leave the EU without paying anything, and suggesting that Brussels would have no realistic chance of getting any money. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Saturday, March 4, 2017

France's Fatal Attraction to Islam

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: Instead of fighting to save what is savable, French opinion-makers are already writing the terms of surrender. / By hybridizing cultures and rejecting Christianity, France will soon end up not even teaching also Arabic, but only Arabic, and marking Ramadan instead of Easter. / Instead of wasting their time trying to organize an "Islam of France", French political leaders, opinion makers and think tanks should look for ways to counter the creeping Islamization of their country. Otherwise, we may soon be seeing not only a "Grand Imam de France", but also lashes and stonings on the Champs Élysées.

Two years ago, the rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, Dalil Boubakeur, suggested converting empty churches into mosques, to accommodate the growing Muslim community in abandoned Christian sites. Now, many people in France seem to have taken the idea so seriously that a report released by the foundation Terra Nova, France's main think tank that provides ideas to the governing Socialist Party, suggests that in order to integrate Muslims better, French authorities should replace the two Catholic holidays -- Easter Monday and Pentecost -- with Islamic holidays. To be ecumenical, they also included a Jewish holiday. » | Giulio Meotti | Saturday, March 4, 2017

"I Will Not Yield" - Fillon Defiant Despite Deepening 'Fake Jobs' Probe (Part 2)

Part 1

Trump Accuses Obama Administration of Wiretapping Trump Tower Phones

FOX NEWS: President Trump made a startling claim Saturday that former President Barack Obama had Trump Tower phones tapped in the weeks before the November 2016 election.

In early Saturday morning tweets that began at 6:35 a.m., the president said the alleged wiretapping was “McCarthyism” and “Nixon/Watergate.”

“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism,” Trump wrote. » | Saturday, March 4, 2017

Friday, March 03, 2017

Caught! More “Filthy Jew” Talk in Montréal Mosque

David Menzies reports on yet another Imam, this one from Montréal, preaching genocidal anti-semitic messages. Do we need a hate speech bill for these "rogue" Imams?

Inside Story - Is Donald Trump about to Lose His Attorney General?

Democrats and others are demanding US Attorney General Jeff Sessions resignation, alleging that he lied under oath about two meetings with Russia's Ambassador.

Why Trump Is Refusing to Confront Reality | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

The president lives in a dangerous, delusional cocoon

"There Is No Jewish Future in Sweden"

Visiting Stockholm in 2016, Ezra Levant talks to Stefan Ritter, a Jewish counter-jihadist who tells him what life is like now for the city's Jewish population.

Gay, Trans and Illegal in Lebanon - BBC Pop Up

Homosexual sex is still technically illegal in Lebanon due to an article that prohibits sex against the “laws of nature”. This article has been used in the past to prosecute LGBT people, but has a rare ruling in a recent case sparked a new future for the country’s LGBT community? Benjamin Zand finds out for BBC Pop Up.

My Confession | I'm An Ex-Muslim

I am telling the world that I've abandoned Islam through this video

‘Euro Is Dead Man Walking’: Marine Le Pen Lashes Out at EU, Says Frexit Is Question of Time

After the EU Parliament revoked her parliamentary immunity, French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen accused the European Union of breaking up society, and promised to re-negotiate France's agreements with the bloc. The parliament's decision follows a second round of voting held by EU lawmakers. Le Pen may now face prosecution for tweeting pictures of Islamic State violence. In her latest interview on a French channel, the presidential candidate dubbed the allegations, politically motivated.

Richard Painter: Jeff Sessions Should Resign - BBC Newsnight

Attorney General Jeff Sessions denied any Russian contact in his confirmation hearings, but in fact met the ambassador twice, should he resign? Newsnight spoke to Richard Painter the former Chief Ethics Lawyer to the President, 2005-07.

Egypt: Ex-President Mubarak Acquitted over Protester Deaths in 2011 Uprising

Understanding Islam: Pontifical institute Fosters Study, Dialogue

CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE: VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Between their morning cappuccino and their evening plate of pasta, a group of Catholic students from around the world are studying Arabic and Islam in the heart of Rome's Trastevere neighborhood.

Since 1926, the Missionaries of Africa have sponsored the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, preparing students to live and minister in the Muslim world, promoting dialogue and mutual respect.

"Catholic engagement with Islam, in the spirit and light of Vatican II, must be based on goodwill and an objective knowledge of the other tradition, and not on misconceptions and false ideas inherited from centuries of conflict and hostility," said Father Diego Sarrio Cucarella, a Missionary of Africa and director of studies at the institute, which is known by its Italian acronym, PISAI. » | Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service | Thursday, March 2, 2017

Saudi Arabia Is Redefining Islam for the World's Largest Muslim Nation

THE ATLANTIC: King Salman's historic visit to Indonesia is the culmination of a long campaign for influence.

When Saudi Arabia’s King Salman landed in Indonesia on Wednesday, he became the first Saudi monarch to visit the world’s largest Muslim-majority country since 1970. Officials in Jakarta had hoped the visit would help them strengthen business ties and secure $25 billion in resource investments. That’s largely been a bust—as of Thursday, the kingdom has agreed to just one new deal, for a relatively paltry $1 billion.

But Saudi Arabia has, for decades, been making investments of a different sort—those aimed at influencing Indonesian culture and religion. The king’s current visit is the apex of that methodical campaign, and “has the potential to accelerate the expansion of Saudi Arabia’s cultural resources in Indonesia,” according to Chris Chaplin, a researcher at the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asia. “In fact, given the size of his entourage, I wouldn’t be surprised if there will be a flurry of networking activity amongst Indonesian alumni of Saudi universities.”

Since 1980, Saudi Arabia has devoted millions of dollars to exporting its strict brand of Islam, Salafism, to historically tolerant and diverse Indonesia. It has built more than 150 mosques (albeit in a country that has about 800,000), a huge free university in Jakarta, and several Arabic language institutes; supplied more than 100 boarding schools with books and teachers (albeit in a country estimated to have between 13,000 and 30,000 boarding schools); brought in preachers and teachers; and disbursed thousands of scholarships for graduate study in Saudi Arabia. All this adds up to a deep network of Saudi influence. » | Krithika Varagur | Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Islam Catastrophe Continues

THE DAILY CALLER: Former FBI special agent John Guandolo has written a strong and sobering essay at his website, UnderstandingTheThreat, called “Unfit for Duty.” It argues that two senior Trump administration officials, H. R. McMaster and Sebastian Gorka, are “catastrophically wrong” in their assessment of Islam as publicly stated and that this is “leading America down a disastrous road towards defeat.”

I agree. However, the problem is much, much larger than that. » | Diana West, Author, American Betrayal | Thursday, March 3, 2017