Wednesday, March 01, 2017

See What ISIS Did To This Christian Bible

Ezra Levant of tells the story of an ancient Christian city terrorized by ISIS. It's been liberated, but with Christians under attack, he's inviting everyone to help them.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

“Sharia Law Is the Constitution for Humanity”

David Menzies attends an open house at the Toronto Masjid mosque that was at the centre of recent protests after an Imam's hate-filled sermons went viral.

President Trump Signs Order To Revoke Clean Water Rule

President Trump: The EPA has abused its rules

Nancy Pelosi: Democrats Have Gotten Under President Trump's Skin | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi responds to President Trump's comment calling her "incompetent," and what she thinks about House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes speaking about the Russia investigation.

Spending Blitz: Trump Unveils $54 Billion Hike in the Military Spending (Parts 1 & 2)

Controversial! Jewish Professor Admits All Prophets Were Muslim

Islam has been the only religion since Adam for all those people who think that Islam was the religion of the Prophet Muhammad. Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Jonah and the final Prophet of God Muhammad were all followers of Islam which means submission to the one God (not a trinity), not a man, not Jesus but the one true living God that is not born, never dies, never begets and was not begotten

Frankreich: Scharfschütze eröffnet Feuer während Rede von Präsident Hollande – Zwei Verletzte

Bei einer Rede des französischen Präsidenten, François Hollande, ist es heute zum Schockmoment gekommen. Ein Scharfschütze eröffnete plötzlich das Feuer und gab einen Schuss ab. Zwei Menschen im VIP-Bereich wurden von der Kugel getroffen und leicht verletzt. Hollande reagierte äußerlich gefasst. Er unterbrach seine Rede, schaute sich um, wartete kurz und sagte dann: „Ich hoffe, das nichts Schlimmes passiert ist.“ Danach setzte er seine Rede fort.

Der französische Präsident weihte heute in Villognon eine neue Bahn-Schnellstrecke ein. Der Scharfschütze war zum Schutz der Veranstaltung eingesetzt worden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat wegen der „falschen Waffenhandhabung“ eine Untersuchung eingeleitet.

New Wave of Bomb Threats Rattle Jewish Communities

Feb. 28, 2017 - 1:22 - Laura Ingle reports from New York City

Fillon, Le Pen Cry 'Witch-hunt' Over Corruption Probes (Parts 1 & 2)

Clouds Of Scandal And Rank Incompetence At White House | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump's proposed budget moves are worrying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, as fear grows his ideas could bankrupt the federal government. Lawrence speaks with David Frum, Jonathan Alter, and Nicholas Confessore.

Christian-Muslim Dialogue Pt. 1 & Pt. 2 | Dr. James White & Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Anti-Islamophobia Motion Passes Unanimously in Ontario

BREITBART.COM: As debate rages at the national level over a proposed anti-Islamophobia motion, the Ontario legislature has passed its own motion condemning “all forms of Islamophobia” and rebuking “the notable growing tide of anti-Muslim rhetoric and sentiments” in the Canadian province.

Riding the wave of pro-Muslim sentiment following the attack on a Quebec mosque in late January, the Ontario legislature passed the motion unanimously, by a vote of 81-0.

While undoubtedly motivated by good will, the unfortunately worded motion raises a series of concerns that are currently roiling discussions taking place in the Canadian Parliament over a similar measure. Read on and comment » | Thomas D. Williams Ph.D | Monday, February 27, 2017

Yemeni-American Ex-Muslim Convert to Christianity: My Best Friend Sent Me Death Threats

Gabriel Saleh shares his powerful testimony

Sean Spicer’s Heated Response to ABC News Reporter on Russia-Trump Connections, Stories | February 27, 2017

War between President Trump and the Press

The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 2/27

George W. Bush On President Trump, Putin, Religious Freedom, Immigration (Exclusive) | TODAY

The new book “Portraits of Courage” combines former President George W. Bush’s appreciation for the sacrifices of our veterans with his love of painting. Bush discusses his inspiration for the book with TODAY’s Matt Lauer, and highlights the differences in the first month of Donald Trump’s presidency with his own time in office, including his thoughts on Putin, the need for a free press, the impact of religious freedom on politics and more.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Geert Wilders Talks with Ezra Levant's Ezra Levant sat down with Geert Wilders of the Netherlands on Feb. 23, 2017.

Secrets of the Tobacco Industry

Tobacco Wars - Episodes One, Two and Three

TOBACCO WARS is a comprehensive history of the cigarette, providing an in-depth, balanced, and often shocking look at the tobacco industry. The series' three one-hour episodes are organized chronologically, from the advent of the cigarette through its ascension to one of the most profitable consumer products the world has ever seen. Via first person accounts and insider documentation, TOBACCO WARS vividly portrays what the companies really knew about the link between smoking and disease, explains how mankind became seduced by such a dangerous product, provides a status report on Big Tobacco today, and looks towards the future of this most controversial of industries.

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Ayn Rand: Trump's Favorite Intellectual

ZEIT ONLINE: Libertarian novelist Ayn Rand still sells millions of books in the U.S. years after her death. Why is she so highly admired in the White House?

She was born more than a century ago in Russia, but today the novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand is one of the most powerful intellectual forces in American politics. Speaker of the House of Represantatives Paul Ryan has called her books "the reason I went into public service." President Trump said her novel "The Fountainhead" was one of his favorites. And many of Trump's most prominent team members – including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and CIA director Mike Pompeo – are also fans of Ayn Rand. Year in and year out, her books command a broad popular audience. Combined annual sales of all her books hover around the million mark. Not bad for a writer whose last major work was published in 1957!

What explains the lasting influence of Ayn Rand among American conservatives? And what can her perennial popularity tell us about where the new Trump administration might be headed? » | Guest contribution by Jennifer Burns, Stanford | Monday, February 27, 2017

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