Monday, January 11, 2016

Prince Mohammed bin Salman: Naïve, Arrogant Saudi Prince Is Playing with Fire

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is the powerful
29-year-old favourite son of the ageing King Salman
THE INDEPENDENT: German intelligence memo shows the threat from the kingdom’s headstrong defence minister

At the end of last year the BND, the German intelligence agency, published a remarkable one-and-a-half-page memo saying that Saudi Arabia had adopted “an impulsive policy of intervention”. It portrayed Saudi defence minister and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – the powerful 29-year-old favourite son of the ageing King Salman, who is suffering from dementia – as a political gambler who is destabilising the Arab world through proxy wars in Yemen and Syria. » | Patrick Cockburn | Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Gutfeld: The Latest Incarnation of Islamophobia-phobia

Jan. 10, 2016 - 2:42 - Fox News host accuses leaders of denying facts for fear of appearing bigoted

Scheinbar ist Frau Merkel nicht mehr so geliebt in Deutschland ! Stephanie Schulz - "politisches Irrenhaus Deutschland" ! Teil: 12

Stephanie Schulz redet "KLARTEXT" über Köln !

Germany: Cologne Counter-demo Meets PEGIDA Protest against NYE Assaults

Supporters of the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA) rallied outside Cologne's main train station on Saturday. A counter-protest took place simultaneously, with the two groups being kept apart by the police.

Gunman Shoots Philadelphia Police Officer 'In the Name of Islam'

CNBC: A gunman claiming allegiance to Islamic State militants shot and seriously wounded a Philadelphia police officer, saying he ambushed his patrol car "in the name of Islam," the city's police commissioner said on Friday.

Edward Archer of Philadelphia approached Officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, shortly before midnight and fired 11 rounds, three of which hit the officer in his arm, authorities said.

Police released still images from surveillance video that showed the gunman dressed in a long white robe walking toward the car and firing, eventually getting close enough to shoot at point-blank range through the window. » | Reuters, with | Saturday, January 9, 2016

Paris Police Station Attacker Lived in German Refugee Shelter

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Revelation raises futher questions about country's liberal stance on refugees

A man who attacked a Paris police station last week had lived in a centre for asylum-seekers in Germany, German investigators say, a finding likely to fuel criticism of Chancellor Angela Merkel's liberal stance towards war refugees.

The individual was shot dead by French police on Thursday after he tried to storm a police station in northern Paris, brandishing a meat cleaver and wearing a fake suicide vest.

The assault took place exactly one year since the start of a series of jihadist attacks in France, marked by the killing of 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine on January 7 2015.

On Saturday, German investigators assisting the probe into the police-station attack raided an apartment at a shelter for asylum-seekers in Recklinghausen, in the west of the country.

Their statement gave no other details except to say no indications were found that other attacks had been planned.

A source close to the matter told AFP that the suspect had been registered as an asylum-seeker. » | AFP | Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pat Condell: Let's Blame the Jews

Deutschlands Niedergang. Ein General redet Klartext!

Iran : la soeur jumelle du dernier Shah est morte

LE POINT: Pionnière controversée des droits des femmes dans son pays, la princesse Ashraf Pahlavin est décédée jeudi 7 janvier à l'âge de 96 ans.

C'était une pionnière controversée des droits des femmes dans son pays. Mais c'était surtout la soeur jumelle du dernier Shah d'Iran. La princesse Ashraf Pahlavin est décédée jeudi 7 janvier à l'âge de 96 ans, a annoncé son conseiller. Selon les médias officiels iraniens, la princesse est décédée chez elle à Monte-Carlo. Considérée comme une diplomate de talent, la princesse Ashraf a conduit la délégation iranienne de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU pendant plus de dix ans, a précisé le conseiller de la princesse, Robert Armao. Elle était aussi une porte-parole importante de son frère, dont elle a conduit plusieurs missions diplomatiques, comme en Chine. Considérée comme une pionnière en matière de droits des femmes en Iran, elle fut la première à y apparaître en public sans voile, ce qui lui a valu d'être la cible des extrémistes religieux iraniens. En exil, elle a beaucoup participé à la promotion de l'héritage culturel, artistique et littéraire de l'Iran. » | Source AFP | samedi 9 janvier 2016

Germany after the Sex Attacks: Fences Are Going Up and the Mood Is Ugly

THE GUARDIAN: ‘Cologne’ has become a byword for all the fears, prejudices and – let’s face it – real problems associated with mass immigration

Women are sniggered at, insulted, and find men’s hands down their tops and between their legs. Dark corners are dangerous; girls who are drunk and alone are chased and raped. Security and police are nowhere to be seen. Welcome to Oktoberfest, Munich’s annual beer saturnalia. The worst, say barmaids, are Brits and Italians.

Cut to New Year’s Eve in Cologne. Crowds of people, mostly young men in various stages of inebriation, gather on the square between the cathedral and the station to let off fireworks and let themselves go. The crowd, about 1,000 strong, is watched by around 200 police, worried about youths throwing fireworks at each other.

But something more sinister is going on. Women and girls are surrounded, poked and jeered at as “whores” and “cunts”; their blouses are ripped and their underwear torn off. “I had mens’ hands on every body opening,” a distraught girl told the police. More than 100 women file sexual molestation charges against men “of north African or Arab origin”. Yet the station is not cleared, few arrests are made and, the next morning, the police report a “quiet night”. It takes almost four days for Germany to wake up to what happened. » | Alan Posener | Saturday, January 9, 2016

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Dr. Berg: Maßstab ist nicht das Wohlbefinden von Merkel sondern das des deutschen Volkes

Mehrere tausend Teilnehmer haben am heutigen 18.11.15 in Erfurt wieder Flagge gegen die gescheiterte Asylpolitik der Altparteien gezeigt. Die Veranstaltung stand im Zeichen der islamistischen Terroranschläge von Paris. Deswegen hatte die AfD Thüringen im Vorfeld dazu aufgerufen, aus Solidarität mit den Opfern mit Trauerflor zu erscheinen.

PEGIDA Rally & Counter-protest in Cologne Following New Years Eve Assaults

Supporters of the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA) are rallying outside Cologne’s main train station. A counter-protest is taking place at the same location. The demonstrations come in the wake of mass assaults against women that took place during New Year's Eve celebrations.

Too Little, Too Late! Germany: Merkel Backs Stronger Deportation Laws After Cologne Sexual Assaults

German Chancellor Angela Merkel backed stronger deportation laws in regards to prosecuting those suspected of committing sexual assault in Cologne on New Year's Eve during a presser in Mainz, Saturday, stating that even those asylum seekers who have been given suspended sentences should leave Germany.

LIVE: PEGIDA Rally to Meet Counter-protest in Cologne Following Sexual Assault Allegations

Supporters of the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA) are set to rally outside Cologne’s main train station on Saturday, January 9. A counter-protest is due to take place at the same location on the same day.

Both actions come in the wake of alleged mass sexual assaults against women in the same area during New Year's Eve celebrations. Cologne’s police have said the culprits are believed to be men between 18 and 30 years old with ""origins in the North-African and Arabic region.""

The allegations are expected to heighten tensions around the question of migration and cultural integration, as Germany accepts nearly one million refugees and migrants, mostly fleeing conflict in the Middle East.

Oldest Footage of London Ever

Köstlich! Stephanie Schulz - Politisches Irrenhaus Deutschland! Teil:4

Pat Condell: It's Good to Be Anti-Islam

Europe In Crisis over Sex Attacks by Migrants amid Calls for Emergency EU Meeting

(Left), Police arrest men around the main station in Cologne.
(Right), A note found by police on two suspects.
THE TELEGRAPH: Political tensions over influx of migrants boil over as leaders from central and eastern states declare death of multicultural Europe and call for borders to be sealed

Europe was in crisis on Friday night as mounting fury over sex attacks by Middle Eastern and North African migrants threatened to divide the continent east from west.

Political tensions caused by allowing more than one million migrants to enter Europe in 2015 boiled over on Friday, as leaders from central and eastern countries announced the death of liberal Europe and called for the continent to seal its borders.

“The idea of multicultural Europe has failed,” proclaimed Robert Fico, the prime minister of Slovakia, calling for an extraordinary summit of EU leaders next week to discuss fresh reports of migrant-led sex attacks emerging from Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria and Finland. Bohuslav Sobotka, his Czech counterpart, immediately echoed the call.

“The migrants cannot be integrated, it's simply impossible,” Mr Fico added, citing a “clear link” between the sex attacks and the influx of refugees that has swept through Europe from the failed states of Syria and North Africa.

As Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, promised to step up deportation of immigrants who broke the law, Belgium’s immigration minister tried to calm popular fears over the sex attacks by ordering new migrants to face mandatory “respect for women” courses.

But Hungary’s hardline conservative leader, Viktor Orban, dismissed such measures, calling for a complete halt to migration into Europe and the establishment of a new “European defence line” on Greece's northern borders with Macedonia and Bulgaria. » | Peter Foster, Europe Editor, Justin Huggler in Cologne and Richard Orange in Malmö | Friday, January 8, 2016

Cologne Police Chief Fired But What About Others In German Rape Cover Up?

Ezra Levant reports: The police chief of Cologne, Germany has been suspended. On New Year’s Eve, 1,000 Muslim migrants sexually assaulted German women. But what about all the other members of the German establishment involved in this growing scandal?

Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ On Sale in Germany for First Time Since WWII

An annotated edition of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ (‘My Struggle’), the book, illuminating the origins of Nazi ideology, is on sale for the first time in Germany since World War II. RT’s Peter Oliver has more.