Thursday, December 03, 2015

‘Turkish Government to Blame for Terrorist Funding’ – Retired US Army Major General

Russia is preparing a draft UN resolution aimed at cutting off financing to terrorist groups, including ISIS. The jihadi group makes up to 1.5 million dollars a day from black-market fuel exports. The Russian government says it has proof that most of the oil sold by terrorists makes it way to Middle East markets via Turkey. Paul Vallely, a retired Major General of the US Army, thinks world powers need to put greater pressure on the Turkish government.

Charges for 'Disrespect' in Australian Court after Accused Rejects Any Authority Other Than Islam

Supreme law courts in Sydney, Australia
THE TELEGRAPH: New South Wales will introduce laws to ban disrespectful behaviour after a 25-year-old man refused to stand in court for four judges

The Australian state of New South Wales will introduce laws to ban “disrespectful behaviour” in court after a devout Muslim charged with attempted murder repeatedly refused to stand, saying he did not recognise the authority of the judiciary.

Milad bin Ahmad-Shah al-Ahmadzai, 25, caused a public outcry – and his conduct was criticised by local Muslim leaders - but authorities said his failure to stand did not appear to be illegal under existing contempt laws.

Al-Ahmadzai has been charged with the vicious beating and shooting of a man outside a gay sex club in Sydney, apparently after the man interrupted an attempt to break into a mechanic business next door to the club.

For the past 18 months, al-Ahmadzai has refused to stand in court, insisting he was “not at the behest of any authority other than Islam”.

Dismissing his conduct as unacceptable, Gabrielle Upton, the state’s attorney-general, said she will introduce legislation early next year to create a new offence for disrespectful behaviour in court. » | Jonathan Pearlman, Sydney | Thursday, December 3, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Man who refuses to stand in court to be considered for contempt: The NSW attorney general, Gabrielle Upton, seeks advice on whether man on attempted murder charges should be investigated ‘for breaches of contempt’ » | Australian Associated Press | Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Victim of Sydney sex club shooting shown running for his life in disturbing CCTV »

Vladimir Putin: Terrorists Use Money Made in Turkey to Launch Attacks against West and Africa

THE TELEGRAPH: Russian president says God is punishing the ruling elite of Turkey by taking away their sanity after the deaths of Russian servicemen when Turkey shot down its warplane

Vladimir Putin has launched another scathing attack on Turkey, vowing not to forget its shoot down of a Russian plane, as he opened his annual state of the nation address to parliament, discussing security and Syria.

The Russian president pulled no punches and claimed God was punishing Turkey's leaders by "stripping" away their insanity [sic].

"We will not forget this complicity with terrorists. We always considered and will always consider treachery to be the ultimate and lowest act. Let those in Turkey who shot our pilots in the back know this," Mr Putin told politicians in his address.

Mr Putin told the country that Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) was a "barbaric ideology", suggesting the group were like Nazis that the world must come together and fight against.

"In the 20th century, when people were not willing to join forces to fight Nazism they had to pay for that with tens of millions of innocent lives. Today we face this barbaric ideology, and we should set aside our differences and unite in one anti-terrorist front under international law and the United Nations."

He added: "Terrorists in Syria pose a special threat. They receive money and weapons, build up their forces, and if they win there sooner or later they will come back to Russia and we will have to fight them here.

"Our forces fight in Syria for Russia - for the security of our people, first and foremost. In fighting terrorism Russia is acting with extreme responsibility."

Mr Putin then addressed the escalating war of words with Turkey, claiming yet again that Ankara let Isil terrorists sell oil, an allegation Turkey denies strongly.

"We know who it is who profits in Turkey by letting terrorists sell oil there. Terrorists use that money to plan attacks against us, France, Mali and others. It was in Turkey that terrorists from the north Caucasus used to find refuge, and some of them are still there." » | Roland Oliphant, Moscow | Thursday, December 3, 2015

Russia: ‘Allah Decided to Punish Turkey’s Leaders by Making Them Lose Their Minds’ - Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on Russia's relations with Turkey in the wake of Turkey's downing of a Russian Air Force jet, during his state of the nation address in Moscow on Thursday.

US State Dept Dismisses Russian Evidence of Turkey Aiding ISIS

The Pentagon rushed to defend Turkey, calling it an important partner in the fight against terrorists, despite earlier claims from Washington that Ankara was supporting extremist groups in the region. RT’s Gayane Chichakyan was at a US State Department briefing dealing with these allegations.

Good Grief! Obama Thinks Christmas Is about Loving Tiny Trees

Obama on San Bernardino Shooting: We Should Not Accept This as Normal

Barack Obama comments on the shooting in San Bernardino, California, on Wednesday morning that left 14 people dead and 17 injured. Extending his sympathies to the families of those who were killed, the US president says there is a ‘pattern of mass shootings’ in the country that has ‘no parallel anywhere else in the world’ and steps need to be taken to stop these attacks in the future

Follow the developments on the Guardian’s live blog

Hilary Benn Speech in Full: 'We Must Now Confront This Evil'

Wednesday’s Commons debate will be remembered for Hilary Benn’s extraordinary wind-up speech, in which he powerfully (but politely) challenged his own leader and asserted Labour’s claim to be the party of activist, hard-edged internationalism. Towards the end, he compared the imperative to bomb Isis in Syria to ‘why this entire House stood up against Hitler and Mussolini’

Egyptian Sheikhs Lead Islamization Campaign in Africa: Jesus Is the Slave of Allah and His Messenger

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Erdogan & His Family Involved in ISIS Oil Trade - Russian MoD

Turkish leadership, including Erdogan & his family are involved in ISIS oil trade, Russian MoD announced on Wednesday, showcasing satellites images and footage from oil facilities and Syrian-Turkish border.

Saudi Arabia 'Destabilising Arab World', German Intelligence Warns

Prince Mohammed bin Salman is believed to have played a key
role in Saudi Arabia's decision to intervene in Yemen
THE TELEGRAPH: It is unusual for the BND spy agency to publicly release such a blunt assessment on a country that is considered an ally of the West. Germany has long-standing political and economic ties with Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is at risk of becoming a major destabilising influence in the Arab world, German intelligence has warned.

Internal power struggles and the desire to emerge as the leading Arab power threaten to make the key Western ally a source of instability, according to the BND intelligence service.

“The current cautious diplomatic stance of senior members of the Saudi royal family will be replaced by an impulsive intervention policy,” a BND memo widely distributed to the German press reads.

The memo focuses particularly on the role of Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the 30-year-old son of King Salman who was recently appointed deputy crown prince and defence minister.

The concentration of so much power in Prince Mohammed’s hands “harbours a latent risk that in seeking to establish himself in the line of succession in his father’s lifetime, he may overreach,” the memo notes. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Britain Is Arming Saudi Arabia in Yemen Conflict

MoD confirms is arming Saudi Arabia in Yemen conflict where 80% of the people face humanitarian disaster.

‪'Saudi Arabia Is to Blame for ISIS' Success'‬

Massoud Shadjareh, Chair of the Islamic Human Rights Commission criticized David Cameron's approach to the UK terror threat.

Saudi Ambassador Attacks Corbyn Over ISIS Funding ‘Insult’

Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia
RT: Saudi Araba’s ambassador to the UK has attacked Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for suggesting the kingdom supports Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz al Saud described comments made by Corbyn and former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown as “distortion” and “an insult” to the Saudi Arabian government.

The Labour leader said on Tuesday there were several “very big questions” around the rise of IS which remained unanswered, such as who is providing financial aid to the group.

Corbyn suggested Saudi Arabia may be involved in funding IS, a theory shared by many journalists and Middle East analysts. » | Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Galloway: 'Government Should Tell 'Best' Friend Saudi to Stop Supporting ISIS'

George Galloway believes British attacks against ISIS in Syria are likely to happen but says it's unclear who the allies & enemies of ISIS really are.

'Secret' German Plan to Resettle 500,000 Syrian Refugees across Europe Unveiled This Week

EXPRESS: SECRET plans to bring up to 500,000 Syrian refugees into the European Union (EU) from Turkey are to be unveiled by Germany this week.

According to the Hungarian prime minister, EU and Turkish leaders are set to announce a behind-the-scenes agreement to resettle hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the war in Syria.

It is not known how many of the 500,000 will arrive in Britain, but fears have been raised that a significant number could be drawn to the UK by its relatively generous welfare system.

It comes just days after the EU agreed a €3billion (£2.1bn) funding package for Turkey in return for their help in stemming the flow of migrants passing through on their way to Europe.

Hungary's PM Viktor Orban warned of a "nasty surprise" for Europeans when the deal is announced in the coming days.

He said: "The issue [of resettlement] will be a hot potato in the coming period because even though this could be kept in a semi-secret state...someone somewhere - I think in Berlin this week - will announce that 400,000-500,000 Syrian refugees could be brought straight from Turkey to the EU.

"This nasty surprise still awaits Europeans." » | Tom Batchelor | Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Russia: "Terrorism without Money Is a Beast without Its Fangs" - Antonov

Russian Deputy Minister of Defence Anatoli Antonov gave an exclusive interview to RT after the Defence Ministry briefing in Moscow, Wednesday.

Russia: Turkey's Oil Trade with IS Is Erdogan's "Sparkling Family Business" - MoD

The Russian Deputy Minister of Defence Anatoli Antonov accused multiple members of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's family of being involved in illegal oil trade with the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), in Moscow, Wednesday.

Turks in Russia Hit by Putin's 'Serious Consequences' after Downing of Warplane

THE GUARDIAN: Tens of thousands of Turks fear their lives have irrevocably changed amid diplomatic war between Russian and Turkish leaders

Vildan Seçkiner was looking forward to seeing the sights of St Petersburg during her first trip to Russia. Instead, the 32-year-old was detained at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport for 16 hours, threatened, and deported. Her crime: holding Turkish citizenship.

Seçkiner, a post-doctoral researcher who lives in Romania, had also planned to give a lecture to a small group of students during her visit, but was stopped at passport control and taken to a holding room. Police told her she could not enter Russia as she did not have a hotel booked, but made it clear the real reason was her Turkish passport.

“When they took me to the transit area, there were many Turkish citizens there also being deported. Some had been waiting for 48 hours. Many of them were workers, who had personal belongings in Moscow and didn’t know how they were going to get them back. Others had Russian wives or girlfriends they were planning to visit,” Seçkiner told the Guardian from Bucharest. » | Shaun Walker in Moscow | Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Cameron Accuses Corbyn of Being 'Terrorist Sympathiser'

THE GUARDIAN: Prime minister urges Tory MPs not to vote with Labour leader and ‘a bunch of terrorist sympathisers’ against Syria airstrikes

David Cameron has appealed to Conservative MPs to give him an overall parliamentary majority in favour of military action in Syria by warning them against voting alongside “Jeremy Corbyn and a bunch of terrorist sympathisers”.

Amid Downing Street concerns that support among backbench Labour MPs is weakening, the prime minister told a meeting of the 1922 committee that he needed to win the vote solely on the basis of Tory MPs’ support to achieve his goal of securing a clear consensus.

“You should not be walking through the lobbies with Jeremy Corbyn and a bunch of terrorist sympathisers,” the prime minister reportedly told the committee. » | Nicholas Watt, Chief political correspondent |Tuesday, December 1, 2015