Saturday, October 31, 2015

If Turkey Chooses Erdogan at the Polls This Weekend, Isis Will Gain Strength and the Refugee Crisis Will Worsen

THE INDEPENDENT: The West should make it clear to Erdogan that his destructive policies are starting to overshadow geopolitical and strategic benefits that Turkey has historically brought to the table

This weekend Turkey will once again head to the polls after its last election in June produced a hung parliament and the country's parties failed to form a government. There is much more at stake in these elections than simply deciding who rules and who does not: it will decide whether Turkey’s future is war and bloodshed, or peace and stability. For the latter, Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan simply must go before he leads Turkey further into destruction. » | Ranj Alaaldin | Friday, October 30, 2015

'Islam Worse Than Nazism, Poses Clear and Present Danger to America's Existence'

CHRISTIAN TODAY: Islam is not a religion but a "totalitarian political ideology" worse than Nazism which poses "the clearest and most present danger to America's existence."

This assertion was made by an Egyptian woman who used the pen name Magda Borham in an open letter addressed to the United States and other Western countries, Charisma News reported.

Borham warned in her letter that America faces an Islamic invasion through "immigration."

She said having lived in Egypt for more than 30 years, she has come to know the true meaning of Islam and the mentality of Muslims.

"If you listen to the cries of the Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan and all the other Muslim countries, you will hear the descriptions of the horrors of Islam," she wrote.

Borham said it is very important for Americans to know that "Islam is a supremacist, racist political and social ideology wrapped in a thin peel of religious rituals."

She branded Islam as "worse than Nazism and fascism systems combined without any doubt" since it seeks domination and supremacy over all other systems and religions.

She warned Americans that Muslims will "use your own democratic laws and values against you." » | Hazel Torres | Friday, October 30, 2015

CHARISMA NEWS: Brutal Warning to America From Egyptian Woman: Wake Up or Be Wiped Out » | Bethany Blankley Thursday, October 29, 2015

Friday, October 30, 2015

‘We Are In Deep Trouble’

POLITICO: Orbán stares down Merkel on migration, calls Europe ‘rich and weak.’

MADRID — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán faced down German Chancellor Angela Merkel ahead of a key migration conference this weekend, using his most explosive arguments yet to rally his center-right political allies behind a tougher response to Europe’s refugee crisis.

“We are in deep trouble,” Orbán said in remarks to the European People’s Party annual congress here, building on comments he had made Wednesday night on Hungarian television. “This is an uncontrolled and unregulated process,” one that threatens democracy because governments did not “get authorization from (citizens) for millions to walk into our continent.” » | Ryan Heath | Friday, October 23, 2015

Tensions at Slovenian-Austrian border (30.10.2015)

Thousands of refugees wait to cross from Sentilj, Slovenia to Spielfeld, Austria where they wait for buses to take them further into Austria.

‘All Relevant Actors’ Gather in Vienna for Decisive Syria Talks

Top officials from the US, Russia, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are gathering in Vienna to seek a solution to the Syrian crisis, with Iran getting a place at the table for the first time. RT's Harry Fear is following the top-level negotiations.

China Warns US of Potential War Sparked by Minor Incidents in South China Sea

China has issued its strongest warning yet to the US over an incident during which a US destroyer sailed within territorial waters of China’s man-made islands in the South China Sea, claiming that US faces running the risk of “a minor incident that sparks war.”

Saudi Arabia: Fawning Cameron Starts Charm Offensive as Relations Falter

British Prime Minister David Cameron (L) and Saudi Arabia's
Finance Minister Ibrahim Al-Assaf (2nd L).
RUSSIA TODAY: Prime Minister David Cameron has launched a charm offensive on Saudi Arabia after the repressive Gulf kingdom allegedly threatened to cut diplomatic ties with the UK in the wake of human rights criticism.

Cameron is said to have personally sent a message to King Salman bin Abdul Aziz bin Saud in a bid to reassure the Saudi government over its concerns the British public was turning against them.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond visited the Gulf state on Wednesday. The PM is also planning to visit later this year, according to the Telegraph.

The diplomatic offensive comes after the British government canceled a prison consultancy contract with Saudi Arabia following public outrage at the oil-rich kingdom’s arrest of a British grandfather. » | Friday, October 30, 2015

Masseneinwanderung schadet allen, außer kleiner Elite - Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt

Die Flüchtlings- und Einwanderungskrise drängt mit Macht an die Öffentlichkeit. Trotz monatelanger Gleichschaltung der deutschen Leitmedien zur Vertuschung der katastrophalen Zustände in Deutschland aufgrund der Masseneinwanderung wird immer mehr bekannt, dass es praktisch fast keine Gewinner gibt - außer einer kleinen Eliten. Darüber spricht Hagen Grell im NuoViso Talk mit Historiker und Moderator Michael Friedrich Vogt.

Europe's Mounting Refugee Problem

A summary of facts and considerations with regards to the refugee crisis.

So könnte Merkel über die Flüchtlingskrise stürzen

THÜRINGER ALLGEMEINE: Die angespannte Situation setzt die Koalition unter Druck. Noch sitzt die Kanzlerin fest im Sattel. Fünf Szenarien, wie sie ihr Amt verlieren könnte.

Berlin. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel wollte endlich Pause machen von der Flüchtlingskrise. Beim Besuch in Peking unterzeichnete sie am Donnerstag erst Wirtschaftsabkommen in Milliardenhöhe, dann ließ sie sich die Zusage machen, dass der Berliner Zoo ein Panda-Pärchen aus Peking erhält.

Doch die Krise reist mit – daheim nehmen die Spannungen in der Koalition dramatisch zu. CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer hat Merkel ein Ultimatum für einen Kurswechsel bis Sonntag gestellt, droht mit dem Abzug der CSU-Minister. Am Wochenende sind Krisengespräche der Koalitionsspitzen geplant, im Vorfeld wird sogar ein Ende der Koalition nicht mehr völlig ausgeschlossen.

Stürzt die Kanzlerin über die Flüchtlingskrise? Fünf Szenarien, wie Merkels Kanzlerschaft enden könnte: » | Christian Kerl / TA | Freitag, 30. Oktober 2015

Austria: Scuffles Break Out as Refugees Push through Border Crossing at Spielfeld

Thousands of refugees continued to arrive at the Slovenian-Austrian border crossing near the Austrian town of Spielfeld on Thursday, with hundreds attempting to climb the barriers and break past stringent security measures. Tensions were high and at least one member of the security team was injured when scuffles broke out.

Germany: Thousands of AfD Supporters Demand Merkel’s Resignation in Erfurt

Thousands of protesters gathered in Erfurt, Wednesday, to demonstrate against the EU and Germany's refugee policies. The demonstration was organised by right-wing, Eurosceptic party 'Alternative fur Deutschland' (AfD). The party's spokesperson Bjorn Hocke - who has been accused of hate speech - accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of causing the failure of Germany and Europe, and demanded that she resign.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hundreds of Germans Are Trying to Bring Treason Charges agaist Angela Merkel over Migration Policy

BREITBART.COM: Hundreds of Germans are attempting to bring criminal charges against Chancellor Angela Merkel, accusing her of treason by opening the borders of Germany to mass migration.

The Federal Prosecutors office in Karlsruhe, Germany, has received over 400 letters calling for it to open an investigation into Chancellor Merkel, the elected leader of the German government for high treason. The complaints cite the chancellor’s decision to open the borders of the nation to all comers in September, since when they claim “an unhindered flow of refugees have poured into Germany”.

Under German law, anyone who attempts to affect change to the German republic or damage the constitutional order by force or threat of force is guilty of high treason. The letter, of which dozens more are received by the state prosecutor every day and is reproduced by Compact magazine, insists the migrant flood satisfies the conditions, as demographic change is altering the existence of the republic. » | Oliver Lane | Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Renaissance: A Beginner's Guide

THE TELEGRAPH: The Renaissance is a name given to a period in European history between the 14th and 17th centuries. It literally translates as “rebirth”, and is generally regarded as one of the most important periods in the history of humanity.

If the Renaissance was a rebirth in the sense of artists, poets, mathematicians, scientists and philosophers rediscovering the wisdom and ideals of the Ancient Romans and Greeks, it is also represents a rebirth for mankind.

It is when we, as a species, emerged from the Dark Ages into a more enlightened modern era. It represents a dramatic flowering of culture and civilisation – and its effects continue to resonate today.

The Renaissance began in the Italian city of Florence. The patronage of the ruling Medici family, a sudden influx of Greek scholars after the fall of Constantinople (now Istanbul) and a rise in wealth and social mobility after the ravages of the Black Death all contributed to a desire to rediscover the knowledge and attitudes of Classical civilisations.

The movement quickly spread across Europe – notably to England, where Henry VIII was an enthusiastic proponent of the new cultural ideas – and produced Shakespeare, perhaps the greatest ever poet and dramatist. . » | Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Vorhersage - Merkel Rücktritt in den nächsten 3 Monaten - Muttikulti ist gescheitert

Mit dem sogenannten Fehler in der Flüchtlingskrise hat Angela Merkel sich in eine schwierige Position maneuvriert. Sie verliert zunehmend Rückhalt in Ihrer Partei. Auch die Wahlen in Nachbarländern zeigen die Probleme auf, die die Bevölkerung mit de Flüchtlingskrise hat. Zudem hat Merkels Ausnahmeregelung das Problem für die anderen Länder Europas ebenfalls vergrössert.

The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler

Road to Palmyra: RT Follows Assad Army Assault on ISIS Positions

RT's Lizzie Phelan and her crew report from Palmyra in direct sight of Islamic State militants, who are holding positions among the ruins of the world heritage site. With the terrorists weakened by Russian airstrikes, the Syrian Army is preparing for an offensive to retake Palmyra.

Brits Buying Books on Socialism due to Rise of Corbyn

Many British bookstores are now reporting an explosion in sales of Marxist and left-wing literature. It is believed the increase in sales is linked to the rise of Jeremy Corbyn, the left wing Leader of the UK's opposition Labour party.

Worlds Apart: 'US Soft-power Diminished as a Result of Failed Régime Change Efforts'

Competition between the great powers for influence in Central Asia is seen as the new Great Game of the 21st century. But with the weakening of security in the region and the strengthening of authoritarian regimes as a result, is it time to change the rules of the game? Oksana is joined by Alexander Cooley, a professor of Russian, Eurasian and Eastern European studies and Director of Columbia University's Harriman Institute, to discuss these issues.

Armed to Teeth: Austrians Stocking Up with Guns to Protect Themselves from Refugees

Hand guns and rifle sales are spiking in Austria - with some shops reporting they are even running out of stock. According to a gun shop owner most people are buying weapons to protect themselves from refugees keeping entering Austria.