Tuesday, October 13, 2015

‪Germany: Thousands of PEGIDA Protesters Rally against Refugees in Dresden‬

Thousands of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) supporters marched on the Theaterplatz in Dresden, Monday, against refugees and the so-called "Islamisation" of the West.

David Cameron Insists UK Must Have Close Ties with Saudi Arabia

David Cameron receives the King Abdullah Decoration One
from King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in Jeddah. Cameron said:
The reason we have the relationship is our own national security.
THE GUARDIAN: In heated interview, PM questioned by Channel 4 News on deal with ‘one of most human rights abusing regimes on earth’ but claims there are security reasons

David Cameron has been questioned repeatedly on the UK’s close relationship with Saudi Arabia by Channel 4 News.

Asked by Jon Snow whether he had interceded with the Saudis over the planned execution of the Shia activist Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, Cameron admitted he himself had not raised the issue directly but the foreign secretary and the embassy had.

He did however add: “I will look to see if there is an opportunity for me to raise it as well.”

The teenager was arrested after taking part in Arab Spring protests in 2012, and has been sentenced to death by beheading, followed by crucifixion.

In his first conference speech as Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn urged Cameron to personally intervene in the case, and the prime minister subsequently said his message to the Saudi authorities would be: “Don’t do it.”

Snow continued to press Cameron on the UK’s relationship with Saudi Arabia following the exposure of a secret deal, initiated by the UK, to ensure both states were elected to the UN human rights council.

Snow said: “This sounds a bit squalid for one of the most human rights abusing regimes on earth.”

Cameron responded that he “completely disagreed with them about their punishment routines, about the death penalty, about all those issues”. » | Nicola Slawson | Tuesday, October 6, 2015

British Grandfather Karl Andree Facing 350 Lashes in Saudi Arabia for Making Wine

Pensioner Karl Andree
THE TELEGRAPH: Family of 74-year-old Briton believe the punishment will kill him as they appeal to David Cameron for help

A British grandfather is facing a punishment of 350 lashes in Saudi Arabia for making home-made wine.

Karl Andree, a 74-year-old originally from south London, was arrested in August last year when police found bottles of wine in his car.

He has already served 12 months in Jeddah's brutal Briman Prison, which has a reputation for torture and inhuman conditions.

Mr Andree, who worked as an oil executive in the country, is now facing a public flogging of 350 lashes – a punishment his family fear could kill him as he is still weak from battles with cancer.

His three children Hugh, 46, Kirsten, 45, and Simon, 33, on Monday urged David Cameron to intervene before authorities carry out the sentence.

The urgency of their appeal is increased by the fact that Mr Andree's wife, Verity, has Alzheimer's and is dying. » | Barney Henderson | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

THE SUN: Brit, 74, faces 350 lashes: EXCLUSIVE: Grandad punished over booze » | Exclusive by Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor | Monday, October 12, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Son of Briton facing lashes accuses UK of putting Saudi business concerns first: Simon Andree says in interview that government’s primary responsibility should be to its citizens, as FCO insists it is actively seeking his father Karl’s release » | Damien Gayle | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

EDL Founder Tommy Robinson Addresses Pegida Anti-Islam Rally in Holland

THE INDEPENDENT When Robinson announced he was quitting the English Defence League he declared the group was 'part of the problem'

When Tommy Robinson announced two years ago that he was quitting the English Defence League (EDL) and embracing multi-culturalism it was hailed as one of the more improbable volte faces in recent times.

Appearing alongside two former Islamist activists, the EDL founder declared his group to be “part of the problem” and said he would be working with the counter-extremist Quilliam Foundation to combat Islamism.

But this weekend Robinson seemed to have returned to his roots after he travelled to the Netherlands to address a rally of the anti-Islam movement Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident (Pegida) and declared that he was “proud” to have set up the EDL. The far-right figurehead appeared alongside the leaders of Pegida in the Dutch city of Utrecht to call for a day of protest across Europe. He described his former EDL colleagues as “brave and fearless”. Read on and comment » | Cahal Milmo, Chief Reporter |Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dunkles Deutschland – Die Front der Fremdenfeinde

HoGeSa, PEGIDA, Die Rechte, Der Dritte Weg, NPD, AfD – sie alle arbeiten dran: An einer "Volksbewegung" von rechts, die sich gegen alles Fremde richtet. Mit Macht versuchen Rechtsextremisten, aus Verunsicherung, Wut und Angst der Menschen Kapital zu schlagen und Proteste gegen Flüchtlingsheime zu organisieren. Und sie gehen den entscheidenden Schritt weiter: Auch vor Gewalt schrecken die Hardliner nicht zurück.

Police to Record Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes as a Separate Category - PM

BT NEWS: Anti-Muslim hate crimes are to be recorded as a separate category for the first time by police in England and Wales, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced.

Anti-Muslim hate crimes are to be recorded as a separate category for the first time by police in England and Wales, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced.

The move brings Islamophobia in line with anti-semitic attacks targeting Jews, which have been recorded separately for some time.

It was announced as the Home Office prepared to unveil new statistics which are expected to show a rise in numbers of hate crimes over the past year, continuing the trend seen in 2013/14, when offences involving religious hatred soared by 45% and race hate crime by 4% in the wake of the murder of soldier Lee Rigby.

Mr Cameron also announced he will provide new funding to boost security at religious buildings, as he hosted the first meeting of a new Community Engagement Forum at Downing Street. » | PA | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015

Maryam Namazie – Nude Protest: A Challenge to Islam, the Veil, and Islamism

Maryam Namazie speaking at the 2014 American Atheists National Convention in Salt Lake City, UT.

Maryam Namazie is an Iranian-born political activist, campaigner, journalist, and blogger. She is the spokesperson for Fitnah! Movement for Women’s Liberation, One Law for All (a campaign against Sharia Law in Britain), and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. She is the winner of countless awards for international activism and journalism. In 2011, she was the keynote speaker at the World Atheist Convention in Dublin.

Scheinbar hat Merkel mit ihrer Asylpolitik viele Deutsche sehr wütend gemacht! Stephanie Schulz macht sich Luft über die deutsche Politik

Deutschland: Erneut Tausende bei fremdenfeindlicher Pegida-Kundgebung in Dresden

BLICK.CH: Dresden – Am Montagabend haben sich in Dresden erneut tausende Menschen an einer Demonstration der antiislamischen Pegida-Bewegung beteiligt.

Der Pegida-Mitbegründer Lutz Bachmann wies in seiner Rede auf das einjährige Bestehen von Pegida in der kommenden Woche hin. Die Bundesregierung bezeichnete er als «unsere Berliner Diktatoren» und kritisierte deren Flüchtlingspolitik. Hier sei eine «Kehrtwende dringend erforderlich». Es müsse «unattraktiver werden, in Deutschland Asyl zu beantragen».

Einen Auftritt gab es auch für die ehemalige Hamburger Politikerin der Partei Alternative für Deutschland, Tatjana Festerling. Sie warf Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel vor, aus Deutschland ein «riesiges Dschungelcamp» gemacht zu haben. Den Zuzug von Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchenden bezeichnete sie als «Ansturm der Invasoren». » | SDA | Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Muslims Praise Obama For Banning Non-Halal Meat In 122 Federal Prisons

Racks of pork ribs get smoked at the 2014 World Pork Expo
in Des Moines, Iowa, in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Prisons last
week removed pork products from the menu at 122 penitentiaries.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES: Federal inmates with cravings for bacon wrapped tenderloin must now fork over their own money for crispy pork rinds or dried jerky from the commissary, following a recent decision by the Obama administration to remove all pork meats from the national prison menu. The federal Bureau of Prisons, which runs 122 federal penitentiaries and provides three meals a day to 206,000 inmates, instituted the pork ban with the start of the new fiscal year last month, the Washington Post reported.

The decision was based on a survey of prisoners’ food preferences that found most inmates don’t like the taste of the “other white meat,” prison officials said. But the nation’s pork producers are not buying that explanation and see it as an economic risk to the industry. » | Aaron Morrison | Monday, October 12, 2015

Why Are Kurds Joining Up With ISIS?

Kurds Of The Caliphate: Turkish PM blames Ankara bombing on Islamic State.

How Assad And The Kurds Are Teaming Up Against ISIS

RAW: Protesters Throw Petrol Bombs at Water Cannons, Clash with Police after Ankara Blasts

Anger was vented at Turkish security forces late Saturday night in Ankara as protesters took to the streets in protest against the 96 people killed in Turkey's worst terror attack. Petrol bombs and rocks bombarded police trucks after protesters expressed deep resentment towards the authorities, with some speculating state collusion with the attack. The AKP (The Justice and Development Party) have called the blast a "terrorist act" and have vowed to bring those responsible to justice.

Six Arrested during Pegida Demo in Utrecht Face Charges

DUTCH NEWS: At least six of the 10 people arrested during a demonstration by the anti-Islam Pegida movement in The Hague on Saturday face criminal charges, the public prosecution department said on Monday.

One of the 10 people remains in jail. Two have been released without charge and the investigation into two others is continuing, the department said in a statement.

The six will face a range of charges, including public disorder offences, resisting arrest, using violence against a horse and insulting behaviour. The arrests came after fighting broke out with members of a counter-demonstration, despite the efforts of police to keep them separate.

In addition, the department is looking into the speeches made during the rally, particularly that by Raffie Chohan, who is a visible and vocal anti-Islam campaigner, news agency ANP says. » | Monday, October 12, 2015

Germany's Asylum Policy Fuels 'Rise' in Far Right – Newsnight (BBC)

A senior German intelligence official has told Newsnight that Germany's decision to take in asylum seekers is fuelling a rise in the far right. Hundreds of thousands of migrants have arrived into the country in recent months. Gabriel Gatehouse reports from Saxony in eastern Germany.

Türkische Gemeinde warnt vor Gewalt auch in Deutschland

DIE PRESSE: In Deutschland gingen am Wochenende tausende Kurden und Sympathisanten auf die Straße. Grünen-Chef Özdemir fordert einen Verhandlungsstopp der EU mit der Türkei.

Der Vorsitzende der Türkischen Gemeinde in Deutschland, Gökay Sofuoglu, hat nach dem verheerenden Bombenanschlag in Ankara vor gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen von Kurden und nationalistischen Türken auch in Deutschland gewarnt. "So wie die Stimmung jetzt gerade in der Türkei ist, befürchte ich eine weitere Eskalation auch hier", sagte er dem "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" (Montag). » | APA/dpa | Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Donald Trump Face the Nation : Donald Trump Letting in Migrants Can Be the Next Trojan Horse

Donald Trump in an interview on Face the Nation interview discuses on a wide range of topics on foreign policies, the media and Europe migrant crisis

Australia: Learn from Ankara Blasts: Lib Senator

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH (AU): A LIBERAL senator has warned Australians against resorting to the deadly violence seen in Turkey to express disapproval of controversial Dutch MP Geert Wilders.

MR Wilders has been given a visa to enter Australia for the launch of an anti-Islam party, upsetting Muslim leaders who fear it will prompt more ill feeling against their community.

Senator Chris Back says Australia is a peace-loving nation and in a robust democracy people have a right to hear different views and to disagree with them vehemently. » | AAP | Sunday, October 11, 2015

THE AGE: Entering, stage right, the Geert Wilders political theatre of fear: Geert Wilders' particular brand of fear-mongering seems to attract believers on the fringe, but his message repels most people. | Duncan McDonnell | Monday, October 12, 2015

Trump nennt Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik "irrsinnig"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Donald Trump hat wieder zugeschlagen - und diesmal richtet sich seine Lästerattacke gegen Angela Merkel. Die Flüchtlingspolitik der Kanzlerin sei irrsinnig, sagte der US-Präsidentschaftskandidat. Er prophezeite: "In Deutschland wird es Aufstände geben."

Der republikanische US-Präsidentschaftsbewerber Donald Trump hat die Flüchtlingspolitik von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel kritisiert. "In Deutschland wird es Aufstände geben", sagte Trump in der TV-Sendung "Face the Nation" des Senders CBS. Er habe Merkel immer für eine große politische Führungsfigur gehalten, sagte Trump. Was sie aber nun gemacht habe, sei irrsinnig - und er wiederholte: "Es war irrsinnig, so viele Menschen ins Land zu lassen." » | aar/AFP/dpa/AP | Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

The West Rightly Condemns Isis Vandalism of Ancient Sites – But Not When the Saudis Do It

THE INDEPENDENT: Saudi Arabia's grotesque destruction of Muslim history is directly linked to Isis’s own purgation of the past

Explosives pulverise historic sites in the Middle East, bulldozers erase ancient tombs and shrines, historic forts are torn down and Ottoman facades destroyed. The home of the favourite wife of the most revered man in an entire religion is even turned into a block of toilets. How can the world prevent this wicked desecration and extinction of a heritage that belongs to all mankind? I am, of course, referring to those iconoclastic Wahhabi-Salafist Muslim head-choppers … the Saudis!

And the world will do absolutely nothing. It will screech and rage and curse as the iconoclastic Wahhabi-Salafist Muslim head-choppers of Isis blow to bits the Roman ruins of Palmyra, but will never dare – and has never dreamed – of uttering a pussy-cat’s protest against Saudi Arabia’s wilful destruction of the ancient graves, homes, shrines and buildings of Islam’s Prophet Mohamed and his closest relatives and companions. Naturally, we could conclude that Roman remains are more valuable than the antiquities of Islam. But this would be about as racist a reaction as suggesting that the Roman empire was more important than the Islamic empire. » | Robert Fisk | Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ankara Bombing: Investigation into Turkey's Deadliest Terrorist Attack to Be 'Completely Focused' on Isis

THE INDEPENDENT: Many mourners lay the blame on the government’s door, voicing their anger at the state for failing to prevent the attack

The West’s key frontline ally in the battle against Isis has been plunged into a state of turmoil, engulfed by violence and recrimination after the most deadly terrorist attack in Turkey’s history.

Amid fears that the war in Syria and Iraq has crossed the border on to Turkish soil, the death toll from the blasts at a Kurdish peace march increased from 95 to 128, according to the pro-Kurdish HD party. Security sources said the investigation into the bombings would be “completely focused” on Isis. The attacks bore striking similarities to a suicide attack in Suruc in July this year that killed 33 pro-Kurdish activists. » | Zia Weise | Ankara | Sunday, October 11, 2015