Monday, October 05, 2015

Sachsen: Tausende demonstrieren gegen Flüchtlinge

SPIEGEL ONLINE: In mehreren sächsischen Städten sind am Wochenende Tausende Menschen auf die Straßen gegangen, um gegen Flüchtlinge zu protestieren. Allein in Sebnitz wollten etwa 2500 Demonstranten eine "lebende Grenze" bilden.

Tausende Menschen haben sich am Wochenende in Sachsen an Demonstrationen gegen den Verbleib von Flüchtlingen im Land beteiligt. In Sebnitz an der Grenze zu Tschechien versammelten sich am Sonntagnachmittag nach dpa-Schätzungen 2500 Menschen: Sie wollten eine "lebende Grenze" formieren. Die Polizei machte keine Angaben zu den Teilnehmern, dementierte die Schätzungen aber auch nicht. Zu der Demo war aus dem Pegida-Umfeld aufgerufen worden. » | aar/dpa | Montag, 5. Oktober 2015

Sunday, October 04, 2015

US Being Booted as a Major Political Player in the Mideast?

Oct. 03, 2015 - 5:56 - Russian airstrikes in Syria leave the Obama administration scrambling. The 'Journal Editorial Report' panel reacts

How Many Times Muslims Invaded Europe vs. Europeans Invaded Muslim Countries?

Historical facts and Comparisons: How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries. Muslims launched their ‘crusades’ in 630 A.D. Western Crusades started in 1095 A.D. to STOP MUSLIM INVASION. Crusades were a defensive action against the forcible expansion of Islam into territories that had been part of Christendom for centuries.

#TakeBackMCR March against "Everything Tories Stand For"

Tens of thousands marched on the Tory Conference in Manchester against "pretty much everything the Tories stand for" from austerity to Syria bombings to the Trade Union Bill.

ISIS Culturally Cleansing the Middle East: UNESCO Director

Islamic State has been systematic in its destruction of ancient archaeological sites, temples and artifacts. And though efforts are being made to protect priceless cultural property in Syria and Iraq, the destruction of human life presents an even greater problem. Can organizations such as UNESCO do enough to protect mankind's joint heritage and will it be obliged it to choose between human life and preservation of culture? Oksana is joined by Irina Bokova, the Director-General of UNESCO, to discuss these issues.

Italy: Roman Putin Supporters Laud Russia's Intervention in Syria

Around 50 people gathered at Piazza del Popolo in Rome, Saturday to support Vladimir Putin, and the Russian government for deploying armed forces to help assist the Assad government combat terrorism in Syria.

‘Unity Day’: New Challenges Face Germany

The German Chancellor has arrived in Frankfurt which is hosting the quarter of a century celebrations of unity day. Twenty five years ago the two Germanys - East and West - were re-united into the single unified state we know today. It completed the process that started a year before with the fall of the Berlin wall. RT's Perter Oliver gauged the mood among Germans ahead of the national holiday.

French Politician in Hot Water after Calling France ‘White Race’ Nation

France is a white race nation – the statement made by a French politician, Nadine Morano, has landed her in hot water, but is reopening a long debate over the issue.

Main Migrant Crisis Still to Come

TRINIDAD EXPRESS: The sheer dithering cluelessness of the European Union's leaders, faced with an unexpected surge in the number of migrants seeking refugee status in EU countries, challenges all our previous definitions of incompetence. A new standard has been set. » | Gwynne Dyer | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Horst Seehofer: "Unsere Möglichkeiten sind erschöpft"

Das ganze Interview im Video

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Polish Priest Krysztof Charamsa Comes Out as Gay, Is Sacked by Vatican

THE INDEPENDENT: 'It's time for the Church to open its eyes about gay Catholics and to understand that the solution it proposes to them -- total abstinence from a life of love -- is inhuman'

The Vatican dismissed a priest from his post in a Holy See office on Saturday after he told a newspaper he was gay and urged the Catholic Church to change its stance on homosexuality.

Monsignor Krzystof Charamsa was removed from his position at the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican's doctrinal arm where he had worked since 2003, a statement said.

Charamsa, 43, and a Polish theologian, announced he was gay and had a partner in a long interview with Italy's Corriere della Sera {English] newspaper on Saturday.

He later held a news conference with his partner, a Spanish man, and gay activists at a Rome restaurant. They had planned a demonstration in front of the Vatican but changed the venue several hours before it was due to have started.

The Vatican said Charamsa's dismissal had nothing to do with his comments on his personal situation, which it said "merit respect". Read on and comment » | Philip Pullella | Saturday, October 3, 2015

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Banned in the USA: Putin Explains Who Supports ISIS

Francis: The Modest But Radical Pope Who Is Conscience Of His Era

Pope Francis kisses a baby as he arrives to lead a special
audience at the Vatican
THE TELEGRAPH: Ageing Ponitiff overcomes physical challenges to transform the church and focus minds on the essence of Christianity

Pope Francis has an extraordinary week ahead of him. Today, a summit opens in the Vatican to debate the future of the family – and it could be tumultuous. On Friday, the pontiff might win the Nobel Peace Prize for his dedication to non-violence and combating poverty.

He is a radical figure, obsessed with getting things done, transforming his church and focusing minds on the essence of Christianity. In two short years, he been transformed into the conscience of his era.

The physical challenge is mighty. The Pope is 78 and surgery conducted when he was young left him with one functioning lung. He has spoken honestly about expecting his tenure to be short. “Four or five years,” he told the press, “even two or three.”

Despite the challenges of age, he has thrown himself into international diplomacy, visiting Albania, Bosnia, Ecuador, the Philippines and Bolivia. Next month, he flies to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic. These countries are what he likes to call “the peripheries” – nations that get overlooked by rich foreign leaders.

In September, he spent eight days touring Cuba and the United States. The pairing of these old enemies is significant. As a child of Argentina, birthplace of Che Guevara, he understands the impact on Latin America of US capitalism, Cuban socialism and the violent competition between the two. The recent détente has been credited to Pope Francis – US president Barack Obama thanked him for using his personal influence to bring them together.

When the Pope arrived in Havana, the scenes of joy were astonishing. No one should underestimate the subversive power of popular piety in communist regimes. The cries of “Christ lives!” underscored the sense of change sweeping the island, of the giddy promise of freedom. » | Tim Stanley | Saturday, October 3, 2015

Canada's Conservative Government Brings Up Islam Before Debate

ABC NEWS: Canada's Conservative government said Friday it will create a phone line for Canadians to report those engaged in "barbaric cultural practices," ahead of the final debate in Canada's divisive election campaign.

Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced the police tip line ahead of Friday night's debate and also mentioned a proposed ban on women wearing Muslim face veils at citizenship ceremonies.

Opposition leaders denounced injecting religion into the race. One said Conservatives are "are playing with fire."

The proposed anti-niqab law is popular in the French-speaking province of Quebec and has led to an increase in Conservative support in the tight race. The debate was being held in French and is the last time candidates will square off before the Oct. 19 vote.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's party says polygamy, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation take place in Canada. It says there were over 200 potential cases of forced marriage in Ontario between 2010 and 2012.

"We need to stand up for our values," Alexander said. "We need to do that in citizenship ceremonies. We need to do that to protect women and girls from forced marriage and other barbaric practices."

Former Conservative Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, now the defense minister, took aim at the niqab.

"This practice of face covering reflects a misogynistic view of women which is grounded in medieval tribal culture," Kenney said. » | Rob Gillies, Associated Press | Toronto | Friday, October 2, 2015

Gingrich's Take: Boehner's Resignation, Obama versus Putin

Sep. 28, 2015 - 5:22 - Former House Speaker on soon-to-be former Speaker's decision to step down and what it means, plus Pres. Obama's meeting with Putin after their addresses before the UN General Assembly

Obama Warns Russia's Putin of 'Quagmire' in Syria

REUTERS.COM: U.S. President Barack Obama warned Russia on Friday that its bombing campaign against Syrian rebels will suck Moscow into a "quagmire," after a third straight day of air raids in support of President Bashar al-Assad.

At a White House news conference, Obama frequently assailed Russian President Vladimir Putin, who he accused of acting out of a position of weakness to defend a crumbling, authoritarian ally.

Friday prayers were canceled in insurgent-held areas of Syria's Homs province hit by Russian warplanes this week, with residents concerned that mosques could be targeted, according to one person from the area.

Putin's decision to launch strikes on Syria marks a dramatic escalation of foreign involvement in a more than four-year-old civil war in which every major country in the region has a stake.

It also gives fuel to domestic critics of Obama who say his unwillingness to act on Syria has allowed Moscow to stage its biggest show of force in the Middle East in decades.

But the U.S. president warned that Russia and Iran, Assad's main backer in the Muslim world, have isolated the majority of Syrians and angered their Sunni Muslim neighbors.

"An attempt by Russia and Iran to prop up Assad and try to pacify the population is just going to get them stuck in a quagmire and it won't work," Obama said. (+ video) » | Alistair Bell and Tom Perry | Washington/Moscow | Saturday, October 3, 2015

Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology

Is radical Islam our generation's most dangerous ideology? Is it comparable to what Nazism and Communism were in the 20th century? Or are Islamists no more dangerous than extremist Christians, Jews, and Buddhists? Raymond Ibrahim, author of "The Al Qaeda Reader," explains what radical Islam is, and shows how Muslims and non-Muslims alike can help defeat it.

The People Offering Homes to Europe's Refugees

“Like Yoda said: ‘Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.’” Meet the German family who’ve taken in a Syrian family with a unique take on the refugee crisis.

Radicals: The Proud Racist - BBC News

Eurotunnel Services Suspended as Migrants Storm Tunnel

THE TELEGRAPH: Eurotunnel services were suspended after a "large and co-ordinated" group" of migrants stormed the tracks, services won't resume until after 10am

Eurotunnel services were suspended on Saturday after more than 200 migrants broke into its French terminal in a “massive and organised” assault.

Passenger and freight services through the tunnel were halted for several hours while French police struggled to contain the invasion and remove the migrants.

Two police officers and four migrants suffered minor injuries during scuffles, local authorities of the Pas-de-Calais region said.

Around 100 of the migrants managed to walk as far as 15 kilometres into the Channel Tunnel during the mass break-in before police intervened to stop them getting any further.

"The migrants entered the south tunnel and went quite far, around 15 kilometres," said the top official for the region, Fabienne Buccio.

A Eurotunnel spokesman described the latest incident at its Calais terminal as a "massive invasion and intrusion by a very large and co-ordinated group". » | Patrick Sawer | Saturday, October 3, 2015