Thursday, March 06, 2014
Ron Paul: We Have 'No Business' Being Involved in Ukraine
Ed Miliband: 'I'm a Zionist and Oppose Boycotts of Israel'
THE JEWISH CHRONICLE: Ed Miliband has pledged to protect Jewish customs including brit milah and shechita if he becomes Prime Minister.
Speaking at a Board of Deputies event the Labour leader said he was opposed to boycotts of Israel and warned of the need to be “ever-vigilant”against antisemitism.
Asked whether he would work to ensure religious slaughter and circumcision practices could continue in Britain, Mr Miliband said: “Yes, these are important traditions. The kosher issue has recently been brought to my attention. Ways of life must be preserved.”
He added: “I take antisemitism very seriously. Any kind of delegitimisation of Israel is something we should call out for what it is and not tolerate it.
“I think the boycotts of Israel are totally wrong. We should have no tolerance for boycotts. I would say that to any trade union leaders.” » | Marcus Dysch | Thursday, March 07, 2013
HT: crosscop »
Speaking at a Board of Deputies event the Labour leader said he was opposed to boycotts of Israel and warned of the need to be “ever-vigilant”against antisemitism.
Asked whether he would work to ensure religious slaughter and circumcision practices could continue in Britain, Mr Miliband said: “Yes, these are important traditions. The kosher issue has recently been brought to my attention. Ways of life must be preserved.”
He added: “I take antisemitism very seriously. Any kind of delegitimisation of Israel is something we should call out for what it is and not tolerate it.
“I think the boycotts of Israel are totally wrong. We should have no tolerance for boycotts. I would say that to any trade union leaders.” » | Marcus Dysch | Thursday, March 07, 2013
HT: crosscop »
Krim-Krise: Parlament der Krim stimmt für Anschluss an Russland
Das Parlament der ukrainischen Halbinsel Krim hat nach russischen Angaben für einen Anschluss an Russland gestimmt. 78 der 81 Abgeordneten der Autonomen Republik unterstützten in Simferopol eine entsprechende Beschlussvorlage, meldete Itar-Tass unter Berufung auf den Vizepremier der Krim, Rostam Temirgaljew.
Das Parlament hat 100 Sitze. Russlandtreue Kräfte hatten das Gebäude vor wenigen Tagen gestürmt. Inwieweit dies die Zusammensetzung des Parlaments veränderte, ist unklar. » | ZEIT ONLINE, dpa, AFP, Reuters, tst | Donnerstag, 06. März 2014
Krim-Krise: Obama verhängt Strafmaßnahmen gegen Russland
SPIEGEL ONLINE: US-Präsident Obama reagiert auf die Krim-Krise mit Sanktionen. Ausgewählte Russen und Ukrainer dürfen nicht mehr in die USA einreisen. Ihre Konten sollen eingefroren werden.
Washington - Die US-Regierung hat mehrfach betont, dass sie das Vorgehen Russlands auf der ukrainischen Krim missbilligt. Jetzt hat US-Präsident Barack Obama erste Sanktionen gegen jene verhängt, die er für Verantwortliche der Krise hält.
Washington belegt eine Gruppe von Russen und Ukrainern mit Einreiseverboten in die USA. Die Visabeschränkungen sollen sich gegen eine "Reihe von Regierungsbeamten und Personen" richten. Außerdem soll das US-Vermögen von "Einzelpersonen und Institutionen" eingefroren werden. Namen wurden nicht genannt.
Bestraft werden sollen jene, die die "Souveränität und territoriale Integrität der Ukraine bedrohen" und "die demokratischen Prozesse und Institutionen des Landes" untergraben, heißt es in einer Erklärung des Weißen Hauses. Die USA behielten sich weitere Schritte vor, abhängig von der Lage auf der Krim. » | kgp/Reuters/AP | Donnerstag, 06. März 2014
Washington - Die US-Regierung hat mehrfach betont, dass sie das Vorgehen Russlands auf der ukrainischen Krim missbilligt. Jetzt hat US-Präsident Barack Obama erste Sanktionen gegen jene verhängt, die er für Verantwortliche der Krise hält.
Washington belegt eine Gruppe von Russen und Ukrainern mit Einreiseverboten in die USA. Die Visabeschränkungen sollen sich gegen eine "Reihe von Regierungsbeamten und Personen" richten. Außerdem soll das US-Vermögen von "Einzelpersonen und Institutionen" eingefroren werden. Namen wurden nicht genannt.
Bestraft werden sollen jene, die die "Souveränität und territoriale Integrität der Ukraine bedrohen" und "die demokratischen Prozesse und Institutionen des Landes" untergraben, heißt es in einer Erklärung des Weißen Hauses. Die USA behielten sich weitere Schritte vor, abhängig von der Lage auf der Krim. » | kgp/Reuters/AP | Donnerstag, 06. März 2014
Barack Obama,
End Religious Slaughter of Animals without Stunning First, Urges Top Vet
Religious slaughter of animals to produce halal and kosher meat should be banned if more humane methods are not adopted, the leader of Britain’s vets has said.
John Blackwell, who took over as president elect of the British Veterinary Association (BVA) last year, claimed killing animals by letting them bleed to death after slitting their throats causes unnecessary suffering.
He called on Muslims and Jews to allow the livestock to be stunned unconscious before they are killed.
The farm vet said the ritual slaughter of poultry, sheep and cattle which are still conscious should be outlawed, as it is in Denmark[.]
“As veterinary surgeons, it is one of the most important issues on our radar. This is something that can be changed in an instant.,” he told The Times [£]. » | Miranda Prynne, News Reporter | Thursday, March 06, 2014
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Hillary Clinton Veering from White House Response to Russia?
Hillary Clinton,
White House
Right-Wing Extremism: Germany's New Islamophobia Boom
SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Across Germany, right-wing organizations are using anti-Islam rhetoric to further their ideas -- and finding a receptive audience. Now legal experts are debating whether it's time for a new kind of hate-crime legislation.
Stachus is one of Munich's nicest squares. It is rich in tradition and filled with pedestrians -- and perfect for Michael Stürzenberger's purposes. Hand balled into a fist, he paces back and forth and screams, "The Koran is the most dangerous book in the world." Because a couple dozen people have come to demonstrate against Stürzenberger, police officers in bullet-proof vests are watching over the area.
A decade ago, Stürzenberger, 49, was the spokesperson for the Munich office of the Christian Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian sister party of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union. But since 2012 he has been active in a splinter party called Die Freiheit ("The Freedom"), of which he was elected federal chairman three months ago. He preaches hate against Islam and compares the Koran to Hitler's "Mein Kampf." For two years now, he's been collecting signatures opposing the planned construction of an Islamic center in Munich. He has already held over one hundred anti-Islam rallies.
The Freiheit leader isn't alone. Several supporters, have joined him on Stachus, some carrying signs such as "No mosque on Stachus," or "Stop the enemies of democracy." Stürzenberger screams that Sharia instructs men to hit women. His voice cracks. "We don't want that in Bavaria!" A retiree asks where he can sign "against Islam."
For most Munich residents, Stürzenberger's verbal assaults are an embarrassment. CSU city councilwoman Marian Hoffman compares his incitements to the "droning speeches of the Nazis." The city government of Mayor Christian Ude, a member of the center-left Social Democrats, is worried about possible conflict during the upcoming local elections. Munich, he says, has become the focus of "experimentation" by radical anti-Islamists with the right-wing populists from Die Freiheit testing whether or not their attacks on the Muslim minority have majority appeal. If Stürzenberger gathers enough signatures for a citizens' initiative against the mosque, it would send a signal across Bavaria and beyond that Muslims are not welcome. » | SPIEGEL Staff | Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Stachus is one of Munich's nicest squares. It is rich in tradition and filled with pedestrians -- and perfect for Michael Stürzenberger's purposes. Hand balled into a fist, he paces back and forth and screams, "The Koran is the most dangerous book in the world." Because a couple dozen people have come to demonstrate against Stürzenberger, police officers in bullet-proof vests are watching over the area.
A decade ago, Stürzenberger, 49, was the spokesperson for the Munich office of the Christian Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian sister party of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union. But since 2012 he has been active in a splinter party called Die Freiheit ("The Freedom"), of which he was elected federal chairman three months ago. He preaches hate against Islam and compares the Koran to Hitler's "Mein Kampf." For two years now, he's been collecting signatures opposing the planned construction of an Islamic center in Munich. He has already held over one hundred anti-Islam rallies.
The Freiheit leader isn't alone. Several supporters, have joined him on Stachus, some carrying signs such as "No mosque on Stachus," or "Stop the enemies of democracy." Stürzenberger screams that Sharia instructs men to hit women. His voice cracks. "We don't want that in Bavaria!" A retiree asks where he can sign "against Islam."
For most Munich residents, Stürzenberger's verbal assaults are an embarrassment. CSU city councilwoman Marian Hoffman compares his incitements to the "droning speeches of the Nazis." The city government of Mayor Christian Ude, a member of the center-left Social Democrats, is worried about possible conflict during the upcoming local elections. Munich, he says, has become the focus of "experimentation" by radical anti-Islamists with the right-wing populists from Die Freiheit testing whether or not their attacks on the Muslim minority have majority appeal. If Stürzenberger gathers enough signatures for a citizens' initiative against the mosque, it would send a signal across Bavaria and beyond that Muslims are not welcome. » | SPIEGEL Staff | Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Putin Speaks Ukraine, Yanukovich, Maidan, Crimea (Full Video)
Vladimir Putin,
Hillary Clinton Compares Vladimir Putin’s Actions in Ukraine to Adolf Hitler’s in Nazi Germany
Putin’s desire to protect minority Russians in Ukraine is reminiscent of Hitler’s actions to protect ethnic Germans outside Germany, she said.
Putin has been on a campaign to give Russian passports to anyone who has Russian connections, Clinton said.
The Russian leader has recently done so in the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, which, Clinton said, is similar to what happened in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s. Hitler resettled tens of thousands of ethnic Germans who were living in parts of Europe to Nazi Germany. » | Karen Robes Meeks, Long Beach Press Telegram | Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Adolf Hitler,
Hillary Clinton,
Vladimir Putin
George P Bush Looks to Continue Family's Political Legacy
Land Commissioner candidate George P. Bush speaks during a visitation even while on the campaign trail Wednesday, Feb. 19. 2014 |
George P Bush, the grandson of George HW Bush, has won his first election in Texas as he looks to continue the political dynasty.
The 37-year-old lawyer is the nephew of George W Bush, who was governor of Texas before becoming president, and the son of Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor considered a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate.
The younger Mr Bush is widely hailed as a future star of the party. His mother is Mexican and he speaks Spanish, offering an inroad to Latino voters who vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats. » | Raf Sanchez, Washington | Wednesday, March 05, 2014
George P Bush,
Republican Party,
US politics
Exclusive Interview with Barbara Bush
Barbara Bush
Who Is the Real Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin
Saakashvili: Putin 'Wants to Be Feared'
Mikheil Saakashvili,
Vladimir Putin
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Außenpolitisch ist Barack Obama eine Niete
Was dem regelmäßigen Besucher des "großen Welttheaters", wie Churchill einst die politische Szene von Washington nannte, besonders auffällt in dieser letzten Phase der Obama-Präsidentschaft, ist vor allem in der Ukraine-Krise die Verwirrung und sogar Verzweiflung über die undurchsichtige Außenpolitik des Präsidenten.
Bei aller Anerkennung seiner Rhetorik und seiner Willenskraft in der Innenpolitik wird Obama die Begabung, sich außenpolitisch positiv zu profilieren und durchzusetzen, gemeinhin abgesprochen. In fast allen meinen Gesprächen mit jüngst zurückgetretenen, aber auch weiterhin aktiven hohen Staatsbeamten war eine Enttäuschung über Obamas Außenpolitik zu spüren. Wahrnehmbar ist seine Rückzugspolitik aus den großen Krisenherden der Welt in einem Augenblick, in dem der Einsatz der noch immer führenden Weltmacht USA dringlichst benötigt wird.
Obamas übereilter Rückzug aus Afghanistan, Verteidigungsminister Hagels Entschluss, die Armee auf ihr Vorweltkriegsniveau zu reduzieren, der "Ruck" der Wehr- und Außenpolitik in Richtung Ostasien, aber vor allem die Nicht-Intervention in Syrien haben alte Alliierte vor den Kopf gestoßen und drohen Änderungen auf dem diplomatischen Schachbrett zu Ungunsten der westlichen Alliierten mit sich zu bringen. » | Von Lord Weidenfeld | Dienstag, 04. März 2014
Barack Obama,
Purchasing Power? The Russia Sanction Ripple Effect
View from Moscow: Ukraine Blame: US Criticism of Moscow At Odds with White House Policies
White House
British Officials Oppose Sanctions Because Russia's Elite Are London's Cash Cows
It is the primary residence of Andrey Yakunin. His father, Russian Railways chief executive Vladimir Yakunin, is a former KGB agent and longtime pal of President Vladimir Putin. He was also a lead organizer of the Sochi Olympics and heads National Glory of Russia, an organization that aims to protect Russians from Western culture. (In a barely-readable book called Problems of Contemporary World Futurology, he predicted the collapse of the West in 10-20 years). His wife, Natalya, is in the same trade. She heads Sanctity of Motherhood, which propagates the “many-child family” through traditional Russian values and Orthodox Christianity. Their son Andrey is a fund manager, a graduate of the London Business School, and a specialist in “mid-market business hotels,” particularly ones that adjoin Russian train stations. His son Igor, in turn, attends a posh English private school.
The Yakunin family is Putin’s Kremlin in microcosm, a hypocritical spookocracy that rejects everything about the West except its money, houses, and consumer goods. It also encapsulates the Kremlin’s weakness. If Putin’s Ukraine adventure causes Europe to freeze assets and inconvenience the Kremlin elite, then Putin will find himself losing support fast—from the constituency he needs the most.
Putin may project a macho image by getting his guns out at any opportunity, but his actual power is based on elite support, and the elite supports him because he has made it rich beyond the dreams of avarice. For example, Vladimir Yakunin and Putin were neighbors in St. Petersburg. Putin made Yakunin head of Russian Railways, and now, Yakunin owns a palace outside Moscow, where the bathhouse alone has a reported floor area of 15,000 square feet. Read on and comment » | Oliver Bullough | Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Should White House Impose Sanctions on Russia?
White House
Inside Story: Russian Defence or Dominance?
Inside Story,
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