Thursday, July 26, 2018

More Michael Cohen Tapes Coming? Michael Cohen "Kicks Back" at Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC

Vanity Fair's Emily Jane Fox says the thought process for Michael Cohen when Trump attacks him: "If you want to kick me, I will kick you back. And I will kick you 10 times harder." Jill Wine-Banks and Tim O'Brien also join Lawrence.

Anderson Cooper Calls Out Trump Campaign: Another Big Lie

CNN's Anderson Cooper breaks down Michael Cohen's secret recordings of a conversation with President Trump discussing a possible payment regarding a former Playboy model who has alleged an affair with Trump.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Ambassador Michael McFaul Says His Concerns about Russia Aren't Over | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Amb. Michael McFaul met on Tuesday with President Trump’s top Russia advisor a week after the WH stated Trump was considering Vladimir Putin’s call to interrogate U.S. officials. Amb. McFaul joins Morning Joe to discuss his visit.

President Donald Trump Using Same NK Playbook with Iran: Chris Coons | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., discusses the president's threats and remarks regarding Iran, his thoughts on calls to abolish ICE, Trump's tweet that Russia may be pushing for Dems in upcoming elections and his blocked resolution on intel community on Russian meddling.

President Donald Trump Criticizes NBC News Report and Reporter Reacts | Morning Joe | MSNBC

While delivering a speech at the 199th national convention for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, President Trump criticized an NBC News report from Vaughn Hillyard on concerns from U.S. farmers. Hillyard joins Morning Joe the following day to discuss.

Steve Schmidt: Sarah Sanders Is the Most 'Prolific Liar' | The Beat with Ari Melber | MSNBC

President Trump tells his supporters that what they’re seeing is not real, in a moment critics say is reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984. Former Republican Strategist Steve Schmidt discusses Trump “assaulting objective truth” and what this means for the Republican Party and for the United States. Schmidt slams Republicans for “surrendering their sovereignty, their intellectual autonomy to Donald Trump” and compares White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, to “Baghdad Bob”.

Trump Lashes Out; Spews Fury at Iran, Russia Probe and Helsinki Fallout

CNN's Jake Tapper joins Larry to examine Donald Trump's latest threats to Iran and his Twitter fury over the Russia probe and critics of the Helsinki summit. Plus, a look into Tapper's newest political novel, "The Hellfire Club."

Why Ivanka Trump Is Shutting Down Her Business

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Trump and Putin Debate: How They’ve Changed the World

Diplomacy on Twitter, two of the world's most powerful men making agreements behind closed doors, institutions like Nato and the European Union under attack from their closest ally.

Iraq Vet, Rep. Seth Moulton, Criticizes President Trump's Twitter Threats | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former Marine Corps officer who served four tours in Iraq, Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., joins Morning Joe to discuss the president's recent threats against Iran, the deportation of military veterans and reuniting families separated at the border.

Trump's Rage Tweet Goes Viral

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 24, 2018

Iran's FM Javad Zarif Tweets Back at Trump: 'BE CAUTIOUS!' | Al Jazeera English

Iran's foreign minister has released a tweet mocking US President Donald Trump's late-night threats.

Javad Zarif tweeted: "COLOR US UNIMPRESSED: The world heard even harsher bluster a few months ago; and Iranians have heard them —albeit more civilized ones—for 40 years. We've been around for millennia & seen fall of empires, including our own, which lasted more than the life of some countries. BE CAUTIOUS!"

The US president warned the Islamic Republic of consequences never seen before. And he says he is not concerned that he may be heightening tension. Al Jazeera's Shihab Rattansi reports from Washington, DC

Lawrence O'Donnell: President Donald Trump's Iran Threat Shows ‘Panic’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump threatened war with Iran in a weekend Twitter tirade. Lawrence looks at what Trump is trying to distract from- new developments in the Michael Cohen and Russia investigations.

Anderson Cooper Laughs at Sanders Explanation: That’s Rich

President Donald Trump is considering stripping a half-dozen former national security officials of their security clearances, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Monday, calling their public commentary about the ongoing Russia probe inappropriate.

Sean Spicer's First UK Interview – BBC Newsnight

Ahead of the release of his memoir, The Briefing, former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer speaks to Emily Maitlis in his first UK interview.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Clapper Fires Back at Trump: This Is Petty Retribution for Speaking Out

Former Director of National Security James Clapper says if President Donald Trump were to revoke Clapper's security clearance, it would be a petty way of retribution for speaking out against the president.

#democracynow : US Pushes Confrontation with Iran: Trump Warns of “Consequences,” Pompeo Likens Leaders to “Mafia”

President Donald Trump lashed out at Iran Sunday, warning he was prepared to unleash dire “consequences” on Iran if its president threatens the United States again. Trump’s threat came just hours after Rouhani’s speech earlier Sunday, in which the Iranian president warned the U.S. about pursuing a hostile policy against his government. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a speech Sunday in which he compared Iran’s leaders to a “mafia” and promised unspecified backing for Iranians who are unhappy with their government. Pompeo spoke at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library outside Los Angeles. “This is not an administration that is pursuing a policy of actually trying to find a way to the negotiating table or striking a new deal,” says Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council. “Everything they’re doing right now is only compatible with a policy of confrontation.”

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Iran to US: 'You Cannot Provoke the Iranian People' | Al Jazeera English

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has said his country is growing impatient with the US government. At a meeting of foreign ministry officials in Tehran, Rouhani said that US President Donald Trump will fail to turn the Iranian people against their own government and any pressure will only bring Iranians closer. "You cannot provoke the Iranian people against their own security and interests," he said. The gathering of Iranian diplomats in Tehran came ahead of more US sanctions set to take effect on August 6 after Trump pulled the US out of the 2015 nuclear deal. Al Jazeera's Zein Basravi has more from Tehran.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Russia Wants to Question US Investigator Bill Browder

Since the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki earlier this week that many in the media are asking, who exactly is Bill Browder and why is Putin so interested in him? RT America’s Anya Parampil analyzed with Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute, Daniel McAdams.

Jared Kushner and Family Hit With Massive Lawsuit from Former Tenants They Harassed

The business owned by White House adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner is now being sued by former tenants who claim they were forced out of their rent-controlled apartments so the Kushner family could build a series of high-rent luxury condos. The actions described by these tenants is very clear harassment by Kushner Companies, and this legal case should be a slam dunk for the plaintiffs, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Columbanus: The Monk Who United Europe

Travel through Ireland, France, Austria, Switzerland and Italy to discover the story of a man who brought fresh and radical thinking to a divided Europe in crisis in the wake of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Columbanus, a monk and an outsider from Ireland, built the monasteries which became Europe's first universities, established a writing system to encourage the spread of liberal values, and risked his life when he demanded high standards of leadership from powerful leaders - bishops, kings and even popes. These foundations are said to have preserved Western civilisation through the Dark Ages.

In the often fractured Europe of today; the lessons of Columbanus are just as relevant. Be reminded of how openness and diversity can encourage positive progression.

Draining The Swamp? Trump Has 86 Lobbyists On His Staff

Donald Trump came into office promising to “drain the swamp.” That certainly is a catchy campaign slogan, but his actions since becoming President have done nothing to drain the swamp, and in fact, he’s actually filling it up faster than his predecessors. New analysis by Open Secrets reveals that Trump has 86 lobbyists currently on his staff, showing that not only is he not draining the swamp, but he’s also violating his own executive order. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Former British Intelligence Chief Warns the West of Putin’s Aggression

Robert Hannigan, the former head of the British intelligence service GCHQ, tells Four Corners that Russia’s aggression has reached a new, destructive level.

George H.W. Bush's Heart Doctor Shot, Killed

Dr. Mark Hausknecht, a cardiologist who treated former President George H.W. Bush, was killed in a bicycle-to-bicycle drive-by shooting near Texas Medical Center in Houston, authorities said.

Women and the Saudi Revolution | The Economist

Saudi Arabia is one of the most conservative countries in the world. But a social revolution has begun. The Economist's editor, Zanny Minton Beddoes takes a road-trip around Riyadh to examine what a more moderate Saudi would mean for its women, and the rest of the world.

Tony Blair on Brexit's Second Referendum | The Economist

Tony Blair, Britain's former Prime Minister, spoke to Anne McElvoy, The Economist's head of radio, for The Economist asks podcast.

World This Week: Trump-Putin Summit, France Fêtes World Cup, Macron's First Scandal

’The World This Week’ looks at the Helsinki Summit between Putin and Trump. Specifically discussion centers around a follow-up meeting in Washington proposed by President Trump. A possible first US visit in over 10 years for the Russian President. We then go to France, still revelling in their World Cup success, however one Frenchman may not be so happy. Emmanuel Macron has, this week, been faced with his first Presidential scandal - a security handler sacked over beating protestors.

Joachim Bitterlich: NATO Summit Was a "Humiliation of the Europeans"

Friday, July 20, 2018

When Trump Met Putin – Cartooned | The Economist

President Trump spent two hours alone with President Putin at a controversial meeting in Helskini this week. Our cartoonist Kal imagines the encounter.

Putin's Games with the West | The Economist

Putin's Russia and the Ghost of the Romanovs | The Economist

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his family, the Romanovs, were murdered 100 years ago today by Marxist revolutionaries. What does this anniversary mean for Vladmir Putin?

Morning Joe | July 20, 2018 | MSNBC

#Tucker: Why Question US Obligations to Montenegro

Tony Blair on Brexit, Labour, and Populism – BBC Newsnight

Evan Davis interviews former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Israel Approves Law to Become a Jewish Nation-State

The Israeli parliament has approved a highly controversial law to define the country as a Jewish nation state - and remove Arabic as an official language.

Donald Trump, Jr. May Have Been Caught on Wiretap with Russian Asset

Donald Trump, Jr. should be very concerned – those are the words that Spanish investigators who have been monitoring and wiretapping Russian asset Alexander Torshin used to describe Trump’s meeting with Torshin during his father’s campaign. The Spanish intelligence agency has not yet confirmed that Trump is on one of their wiretaps of Torshin, but they have made it clear that things are looking bad for the little Trump. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

An Israel Law That Divides and Discriminates | Inside Story

Israel's parliament has narrowly passed a law that defines the country as a Jewish state. It gives only the Jews the right to self-determination, discriminating against one-fifth of the population, which includes nearly two million Arab Israelis and other minorities.

The law also demotes Arabic, leaving Hebrew as the only official language. The move has led to widespread anger, even among sections of the Jewish population. Arab Israelis are calling it racist and comparing it with apartheid. So, what's in store for them? How will the regional powers react to the controversial law?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Emmanuel Navon, Tel Aviv University; Prof Mukhaimer Abu Saada, Al Azhar University; Gaza Gil Hoffman, Chief Political Correspondent, Jerusalem Post

Michael McFaul Reacts: I Hope My President Will Swat This Back | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The White House is entertaining Vladimir Putin's proposal to allow the special counsel to interview the Russians indicted in exchange for Russia gaining access to several American officials, including Amb. Michael McFaul. Amb. McFaul reacts.

Madeleine Albright on Putin Summit: I Am Worrying More

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said that after President Trump's summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, she is "worrying more."

'Absolutely Disgusting': Russia Seeks to Question US Officials | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Will the WH allow Russian prosecutors to question some of Vladimir Putin’s biggest critics here within the United States, including Amb. Michael McFaul? The panel discusses.

What's the Legacy of the Trump-Putin Summit? | Inside Story

"Direct, open and deeply productive dialogue." That's how US President Donald Trump described his controversial summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

The two men said they touched on a wide range of international and regional issues during their private meeting in Helsinki on Monday. But one particular topic has overshadowed the talks: Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election, which has been confirmed by the US intelligence community and Congress.

But beyond this controversial issue, what will be the summit's legacy? And is there a new world order?

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: Joel Rubin - Former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; Remi Bourgeot - Associate Fellow at the French Institute of International and Strategic Affairs; Vyacheslav Matuzov - Former Russian Diplomat

What Are the Limits of Foreign Lobbying in the UK? | Inside Story

The British media watchdog Spinwatch says the UAE spent millions of dollars to influence political decision-making. And the watchdog says the Emiratis pressured journalists and think tanks - all aimed at influencing the British government against the Muslim Brotherhood.

Spinwatch says it has leaked emails showing how the Emiratis were involved in what's described as 'clandestine' lobbying tactics in both Britain and the US; and it highlights the UAE's campaign against Qatar and the 2022 World Cup.

The UAE, along with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar 13 months ago - and imposed an economic blockade.

What's the impact of lobbying on decision making by the British government? And does it affect democracy?

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: David Miller - Founder, Spinwatch; Afzal Ashraf - Visiting Fellow, Nottingham University; Kevin Craig, Chief Executive, Political Lobbying and Media Relations

#realnews : Trump A Symptom of a System in Decay

A live interactive Q & A session with Paul Jay, hosted by Aaron Maté about the controversies related to Trump’s meeting with Putin in Helsinki

Trump: John Brennan Is a Total Low-life

CBS's Jeff Glor asks President Donald Trump if he believes members of the intelligence community are out to get him.

Meet the Tommy Robinson Supporters – BBC Newsnight

Tommy Robinson was jailed in May after he admitted contempt of court by filming outside Leeds Crown Court in the UK during a trial.

Here Gabriel Gatehouse meets the people who are fighting to free Tommy Robinson. You also hear from the leader of UKIP Gerard Batten who has taken up Robinson's cause.

Warning: This piece contains strong language and language that some may find very offensive.

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell | July 18,2018

NYT: Donald Trump Has Known Vladimir Putin Ordered Hacks Since January 2017 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The New York Times reports that U.S. officials gave Trump in-depth intelligence in January 2017 before his inauguration that Putin ordered the Russian hacks on our election. Philip Rucker, Clint Watts, & Anita Kumar discuss.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Jacob Rees-Mogg on Not Being Prime Minister, Immigration and Delivering Brexit

Our guest this week is the Conservative backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg MP who will stop at nothing to achieve a hard Brexit.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 18, 2018

Ret. Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters: Trump Is 'Actively Betraying Our Country' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Retired Colonel Ralph Peters tells, tells Ari Melber that after working “against the Russians for several years” he is “convinced” that Donald Trump is a “slave” of Russian President Vladimir Putin and that his actions at the two leaders’ recent summit in Helsinki demonstrate that Trump is “actively betraying” the United States.

Trump Playing into Putin’s Plan ‘Either On Purpose or By Accident,’ Albright Says

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a plan to divide the U.S. from its allies, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Tuesday, and President Donald Trump is “playing into that plan either on purpose or by accident.” Albright joins Judy Woodruff to discuss why she thinks Trump’s remarks, combined with his criticism of NATO allies, “adds up to total confusion” about the role of the U.S.

No-deal Brexit Could ‘Break Up Current Party System’ – BBC Newsnight

As the government survives a key Brexit vote on trade, Evan Davis is joined by Conservative MPs Dominic Grieve and Marcus Fysh to discuss the divisions in Parliament over Brexit.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Chris Wallace Interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin

Putin dismisses claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election, says Russia would react negatively to the expansion of NATO, blames terrorists for civilian casualties in Syria.

Shep Smith Fox News Calls Trump Shameful Disgraceful and a Traitor

Lemon: Trump Went from Alpha Dog to Lap Dog

CNN's Don Lemon goes after President Trump after he publicly sided with Russia President Vladimir Putin who denies any involvement in the 2016 US election.

John Brennan: President Donald Trump is Giving Aid, Comfort to the Enemy | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former CIA Director John Brennan discusses Monday's joint news conference in Finland with President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying Republicans must put pressure on the president after the meeting and that an outcry must be strong.

Bernie Sanders Takes On Billionaire CEOs

Bernie is fighting to bring workers their share of the wealth. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, and Francesca Fiorentini, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

President Donald Trump Behavior in Helsinki 'Un-American': Madeleine Albright | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright joins Morning Joe to discuss Monday's joint news conference in Finland with President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin and why she says Trump's behavior there was un-American.

Lawrence: Vladimir Putin Made a Big Mistake in His Presser with Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence points out that in the Trump-Putin press conference, Putin admitted that he preferred Trump to win the election and that he ordered officers to help Trump win. Lawrence says that reveal by Putin is a "smoking gun" moment.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 17, 2018

Paul Jay on Trump-Putin and the Real Threats to Democracy

Whether the Kremlin meddled in the U.S. election or not, the hyper-focus on Russiagate overlooks bigger threats: Russian elites to the Russian people, and U.S. elites to the American people, says Paul Jay

Brexit: May Government Scrapes through Customs Bill Votes – BBC Newsnight

As the government narrowly avoids a defeat on its Customs Bill after agreeing to Brexiteers' demands to change its wording, Kirsty Wark is joined by chair of the Treasury select committee, Nicky Morgan, former Brexit Secretary David Davis, former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, and shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, Peter Dowd.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Can Trump, Israel, and Gulf Allies Get Putin to Turn on Iran?

Days after Netanyahu's visit to Moscow, Trump will meet with Putin in Helsinki. But despite talk of a "grand bargain" that enlists Russia in helping the US-Israel-Saudi-UAE front against Iran, don't expect it to happen, says professor and syndicated columnist Rami Khouri

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Democratic National Convention (DNC) Chair: Trump Is Putin's Poodle

What's Behind Saudi Arabia's Arrest of Religious Leaders? | Inside Story

Saudi Arabia has arrested prominent preacher and scholar Safar Al-Hawali just days after he published a book criticising the ruling family.

Three of his sons - Abdul Rahman, Abdullah and Ibrahim - were also detained. Rights groups say Abdul Rahman and Abdullah were reportedly taken into custody while attending a family wedding on Wednesday. While Hawali and his son Ibrahim were arrested the following morning.

Hawali became known almost three decades ago as the leader of the Sahwa movement - which advocated for democracy in Saudi Arabia. He was previously detained for opposing the ruling family. Saudi Arabia, under Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, has launched a crackdown against activists, religious figures and opponents in recent months. But how far will this go?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Ahmed Al-Burai - Lecturer at Aydin University; Rami Khouri - Senior Fellow at the American University of Beirut; Saeed Al-Shehabi - Columnist with Al-Quds Al Arabi newspaper

President's UK Visit 'An Opportunity for British People to Unite' Against Trump

President Trump's visit to the UK caused important upheavals both in British politics and society, when over 250,000 took to the streets against his visit. Thomas Barlow, of Real Media, talks about the visit's impact

Ed Miliband on Trump’s UK Visit and Brexit – BBC Newsnight

Former Trump Adviser Sebastian Gorka Lauds the President's UK Visit

Sebastian Gorka's interview with Channel 4 News, discussing Donald Trump holding Theresa May's hand and the President's interview with the Sun.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Meet the Activist Who Called Piers Morgan an “Idiot” for Criticizing Anti-Trump Protests in Britain

President Donald Trump said Friday that immigrants fleeing violence and seeking asylum in Europe are changing “the fabric of Europe. … And I don’t mean that in a positive way.” Trump’s xenophobic comments came during a shocking interview with the Rupert Murdoch-owned British tabloid The Sun. Massive protests have greeted President Trump during his two-day trip to Britain—including a 20-foot-long giant baby Trump blimp outside Parliament. We go to the streets of London to speak with Ash Sarkar, the anti-Trump coalition organizer who confronted Piers Morgan during a “Good Morning Britain” interview Thursday that went viral.

US - UK: What Now for the 'Special Relationship'? | Inside Story

In retrospect, British Prime Minister Theresa May might wonder whether this was really the best week for a visit from Donald Trump.

Arriving straight from a NATO summit that was predictably contentious, the US president has been greeted with massive protests on his first trip to London since taking office. And, as May struggles to hold her own government together, with the never-ending arguments about Brexit negotiations, threatening to tear her Conservative party apart. Only hours after arriving, Trump made the prime minister's life even more difficult, with scathing criticism of her in a newspaper interview. And he went out of his way to talk up one of her main rivals, Boris Johnson, who resigned earlier this week as Foreign Secretary.

Trump said May's in trouble because she ignored his advice on both Brexit and migration. And he thinks Johnson would make a great prime minister. Aside from being an epic breach of both diplomatic protocol and simple manners, Trump's interview brought other questions into sharp relief: Can May survive if Brexit no longer holds the promise of a separate trade agreement with the United States? Can NATO survive the additional strain of a rift between its two top military contributors? And, what about the so-called "special relationship" that supposedly links the British and American governments?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Ian Dunt - Editor,; Inderjeet Parmar - Professor of International Politics, City University of London; Robert Hunter - Former US Ambassador to NATO

Trump Arrives at Windsor Castle for Meeting with the Queen

Trump's UK Visit Day 1: Discussion – BBC Newsnight

President Trump's visit to the UK has divided opinion. So how should the UK approach the visit by a US president who isn't a traditional diplomat? Newsnight's Kirsty Wark is joined by a live panel to discuss.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 13, 2018

#bbcqt : Question Time – July 12, 2018

This week's Question Time, filmed in Dartford. Hot topics include the disastrous Chequers Brexit plan and Trump's visit to the UK. Last Question Time until September. All rights go to the BBC and Mentorn Scotland.

UK Tabloid Reporter: Trump Gave May a ‘Wrapped Hand Grenade’

Tabloid reporter Tom Newton Dunn says that President Donald Trump gave Prime Minister Theresa May a ‘wrapped hand grenade’ after he criticized the British Prime Minister in an interview with The Sun.

President Trump Trashes UK PM's Brexit Plan & Then Meets Her For Dinner | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

After a hectic showing at the NATO meeting, Trump arrives in the UK for a visit and immediately causes a stir with an interview criticizing UK PM Theresa May's Brexit plan. Our panel reacts.

President Trump Talks Baby Blimp, Criticizes British PM In New Interview | The Last Word | MSNBC

Trump confesses that the baby Trump blimp makes him feel unwelcome in London in an interview with The Sun. Pres. Trump also said Boris Johnson would make a great P.M. ahead of his meeting with current P.M. Theresa May. Eugene Robinson and Brian Klaas discuss the interview with Lawrence.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

What Is Brexit? Government Sets Out Most Detailed Plan

Almost a week after Theresa May's showdown at Chequers that led to David Davis, Boris Johnson and various others you probably haven't heard of quitting, the government's Brexit white paper has been revealed, detailing Britain's negotiating position for life after we leave the EU.

Theresa May declared it "absolutely delivers on the Brexit we voted for." But many Tory Eurosceptics disagree and Labour attacked it as muddled and bad for Britain. Those divisions mean instead of clarity, many feel there's more uncertainty than ever, as we get closer to the no deal cliff edge in March.

Could Trump's SCOTUS Pick Shape History?

With Anthony Kennedy retirement as a Supreme Court justice, how will Trump’s Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh, shape history?

President Donald Trump Creates His Own Narrative At Press Conference | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell, Robert Costa and Doris Kearns Goodwin join Morning Joe for a discussion about President Trump's trip to the NATO summit in Brussels and his impromptu press conference on Thursday.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 12, 2018

President Donald Trump Practices 'Diplomatic Malpractice' At NATO Breakfast | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Trump targeted Germany on Wednesday in reiterating his demand that NATO countries step up their defense spending so that they shoulder a greater share of the burden in protecting Europe from Russia.

'Trump Clearly Doesn't Respect Theresa May' – BBC Newsnight

Trump and May "clearly don't like each other", according to the New York Times's European economics correspondent Peter Goodman. After a tumultuous meeting with NATO members, President Trump's visit to the UK and his relationship with the prime minister will be scrutinised.

Trump's UK Visit Expected to Be Met with Large Protests

"He can come but I'm not interested in what he has to say" RT's Anastasia Churkina talks to Londoners as Donald J. Trump's UK visit is expected to be met with large protests.

Trump: I'm Not Captive To Russia, Germany Is!

Trump Escalates 'Diplomatic Trash Talk,' Says Germany Is 'Captive To Russia' | MTP Daily | MSNBC

The MTP Daily panel discusses Trump's divisive language at the NATO summit and how it affects relationships with European allies.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Even Fox News Executives Think Sean Hannity Has Gone Completely Nuts

According to new reports, the management at Fox News is growing increasingly unhappy with the performance of Sean Hannity, and they believe that he has turned into a conspiracy theory-spewing White House propagandist. Unfortunately, they won’t do a thing about it because he still pulls in the network’s best ratings, and those numbers will always trump honest reporting. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

#F24Debate : With Allies Like These... Trump Guns for Germany at NATO Summit

#democracynow : Mark Weisbrot: Trump’s Threats to Invade Venezuela Are Part of US Strategy of Régime Change

The Associated Press is reporting President Trump repeatedly asked senior White House advisers last year about the possibility of a U.S. invasion of Venezuela, in a bid to depose President Nicolás Maduro and his government. Trump reportedly brought up the U.S. invasions of Panama and Grenada in the 1980s. The AP reports Trump’s comment stunned then-National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who warned military action could backfire. But then, the next day, on August 11, Trump raised the issue publicly. We’re joined by Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research and president of Just Foreign Policy.

John Cleese on Brexit, Newspapers and Why He's Leaving the UK - BBC Newsnight

Kavanaugh's Staggering Hypocrisy

Stop Brexit

Russia and Saudi Arabia to Form an Alternative to OPEC?

The world is in a slow energy transition to renewables, which has made it difficult for OPEC to maintain price stability. This transition lies at the heart of Saudi Arabia and Russia's efforts to find new ways for stabilizing oil prices, says Prof. Timothy Mitchell

Ken Clarke MP on Brexit Chaos, Being a Tory Rebel and Answering Critics

Ken Clarke has been a Member of Parliament for almost five decades. As the longest serving MP, he talks to Krishnan about why Brexit is in such chaos, his long-standing Conservative views and why he thinks it’s important politicians talk honestly to the media.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Will Trump's Nominee for Supreme Court Pass the Senate Vote? | Inside Story

The latest political battlegound in the U.S. Senate is soon set to become Donald Trump's choice for Supreme Court judge.

The president's nomination of Republican loyalist Brett Kavanaugh is opposed by Democrats. They say Trump's trying to tilt the nine justices in the highest court in the land towards the conservative right.

Advocacy groups have already begun spending millions of dollars to persuade senators to make the right choice when they vote in the autumn. Their confirmation is expected to shape the Supreme Court for many years to come.

On Inside Story, an in-depth discussion on the rôle of the Supreme Court in the U.S. system.

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: Sandy Levinson, professor of government at the University of Texas Law School; Kenneth Joast, author of the Superme Court Yearbook and legal affiars blog, Jost on Justice; Matthew Mack-o-veeyack, Republican consultant and former aide to President George W Bush

As Brexit Throws UK Government in Turmoil, 'We See Only the Shadows' of What is Really Happening

Prof. John Weeks talks about what is behind the Brexit maneuvering that has led to Boris Johnson's and David Davis's resignations from Theresa May's cabinet and how this will affect the process by which the UK plans to leave the European Union

Brexit Turmoil: Resignations Leave May Fighting for Survival