Showing posts with label white supremacism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white supremacism. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Hundreds Protest Speech By White Nationalist Richard Spencer At Texas A&M University | MSNBC

Around 400 protesters gathered against the controversial white nationalist Richard Spencer's speech at Texas A&M. Two protesters were arrested.

Monday, December 05, 2016

Former White Supremacist Shares Personal Story. Has Donald Trump Has Reignited Movement? | MSNBC

Former white supremacist, Arno Michaelis, talks to NBC’s Sheinelle Jones to discuss whether Donald Trump’s campaign reignited the white supremacist movement.

Monday, October 31, 2011

White Supremacist Who Changed His Life – and Face

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: One of America's most violent and well known white supremacists, Bryon Widner, has undergone months of surgery to remove the hate tattoos that once covered his face.

Bryon Widner rejected the racist beliefs that had made him a notorious figure amongst the American extreme Right, but was struggling to readapt to society because of the web of tattoos that covered his face and neck.

Widner, known as an "enforcer" for US racist groups, was unable to find a job after leaving his past behind.

The former racist, a founder of the Vinlanders gang of skinheads in Ohio, embarked on a painful series of 25 surgeries that took 16 months and cost $32,400 (£20,233). » | Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, April 11, 2010

South Africa: A Separate Homeland for Afrikaners?

THE TELEGRAPH: The death of Eugene Terreblanche has revived Afrikaner demands for their own homeland - and risks civil war. Jane Flanagan reports from Ventersdorp in South Africa

Supporters of slain white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche, salute his coffin as it is driven from the church in Ventersdorp. Photo: The Telegraph

As I drink tea in the sitting-room of Daniel and Margrieta Dreyers, it is easy to forget that apartheid ever ended. The couple, wearing the combat fatigues of the right-wing Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) movement and surrounded by nick-nacks from a lifetime's devotion to preserving the rituals and traditions of the Boers, South Africa's original white settlers, are mourning the loss of their leader.

Mr and Mrs Dreyers have just returned from the funeral of Eugene Terreblanche and are filled with quiet anger over the loss of "Oom Gene" (Uncle Gene), under whose command of the AWB they had served for almost three decades. Looking through their "reminders of the golden years for the Afrikaners" offers them some comfort.

The porcelain ox wagon and drawings of the stout granite Voortrekker monument, arranged carefully around the room, bear testament to the Great Trek into the unforgiving South African hinterland 175 years ago, 
which earned the Afrikaners independence from the British and a reputation for being among the toughest and most resourceful pioneers in history.

"These treasures remind me why Afrikaners belong here, why we could never leave, and why we and South Africa are one and the same," Mrs Dreyers, a 64-year-old grandmother of five, explains quietly.

Her husband adds: "We fight to keep our land because our people suffered so greatly to win it. We fought wars and lost fine men for it, we worked this soil until our hands bled. We made this country what it is. Nothing bad can be done to us that does not serve to make us stronger."

Like an increasing number of Afrikaans-speaking white South Africans, Mrs and Mrs Dreyers believe the lawlessness in rural areas, which claims the lives of two or three white farmers or family members every week, can only end with another separation of whites and blacks. "A homeland for Afrikaners is what we want, and it is what God wants for us," Mr Dreyers, 70, says, before expanding into the sort of rhetoric that made his leader reviled by both the black population and liberal whites. >>> Jane Flanagan in Ventersdorp, South Africa | Saturday, April 10, 2010

THE OBSERVER: After Eugene Terre'Blanche's murder, the boers prepare for war once more: Many Afrikaners believe the killing of Eugene Terre'Blanche was part of a plot to unleash a deadly onslaught against white farmers >>> Alex Duval Smith | Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thursday, June 11, 2009

White Supremacist James W von Brunn Kills Guard at Holocaust Museum

James W von Brunn (left), white supremacist and Holocaust denier, opened fire in Washington’s Holocaust Museum. He killed Stephen Tyrone Johns, one of the guards (right). Photos courtesy of TimesOnline

TIMES ONLINE: An 88-year-old white supremacist and Holocaust denier opened fire in Washington’s Holocaust Museum yesterday, killing a security guard before being shot in the head.

James W von Brunn, who was convicted in 1983 for running towards the boardroom of Washington’s Federal Reserve building with a shotgun, entered the Holocaust Museum just before 1pm wearing a Confederate hat, and opened fire “indiscriminately” with a long rifle. Witnesses said that he had parked his red car directly outside, displaying a disabled badge.

A guard, named as Stephen Tyrone Johns, was hit and later died of his injuries. Two other security officers at the heavily guarded museum, less than a mile from the White House, hit von Brunn in the head with return fire. He was taken to George Washington University Hospital in a critical condition. Officials said he may not survive.

The shooting, at one of Washington’s most popular tourist destinations - filled with schoolchildren - came after a visit last week by President Obama to the Buchenwald Concentration Camp near Dresden, in Germany. It sparked alarm in the heart of the US capital and caused most of the National Mall to be closed down.

Von Brunn, who claims on his own website to have been a decorated PT-boat captain and lieutenant in the US Navy during World War II, has written a book entitled ‘Kill the Best Gentiles!” According to its preface, its purpose it “to present WHITE YOUTH” with factual information to explain that an “age old CONSPIRACY does exist to destroy Western Civilisation.”

Von Brunn also has a Wikipedia user profile in which he champions the virtues of Western culture and the practice of eugenics. In another article he claims that Holocaust history is destroying Western civilization. >>> Tim Reid in Washington | Thursday, June 11, 2009

THE WASHINGTON POST – Photo gallery:

Shooting at Holocaust Memorial Museum >>>

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Festnahmen nach möglichen Anschlags-Plänen gegen Obama

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Denver - Wegen mutmaßlicher Pläne für einen Anschlag auf den demokratischen Präsidentschaftsanwärter Barack Obama während des Parteitags in Denver sind nach Medienberichten vier Menschen festgenommen worden. Wie der lokale Fernsehsender CBS34 am Montag berichtete, sagte einer der Männer den Behörden, sie hätten Obama "von einem "geeigneten Punkt aus mit einem Gewehr erschießen" wollen.

Der Anschlag war angeblich für Donnerstag geplant, wenn Obama vor den Teilnehmern des Parteikonvents offiziell die Nominierung zum Präsidentschaftskandidaten annehmen soll. Festnahmen nach möglichen Anschlags-Plänen gegen Obama >>> | 26. August 2008

LE FIGARO: Un complot contre Obama 
déjoué à Denver ? : Selon une chaîne de télé américaine, un homme lourdement armé et deux autres personnes ont été arrêtés soupçonnés de vouloir s'en prendre au candidat démocrate à la Maison-Blanche. Le FBI enquête pour évaluer le sérieux de la menace >>> | 26.08.2008

THE TELEGRAPH: Plot to Kill Barack Obama: Three 'White Supremacists' Arrested: Three men with suspected links to white supremacist groups are in custody in Denver after being arrested with rifles and a telescopic sight amid fears of a plot to assassinate Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate >>> By Toby Harnden in Denver | August 26, 2008

SPIEGELONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Democrats Divided by an Obama-Shaped Wedge: At the Democratic National Convention this week, it will become clear that the Democrats have a long way to go before they can speak of unity. The party is split into at least three factions >>> By Gabor Steingart | August 25, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>