Showing posts with label presidential election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label presidential election. Show all posts

Monday, May 07, 2012

Socialist Hollande Wins French Presidency

Francois Hollande has been elected president of France, the country's first Socialist leader in nearly two decades. Addressing jubilant supporters in the French capital, Paris, he called for a change in Europe's austerity direction. Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons reports.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

God Told Pat Robertson Who Next President Will Be

Apparently God told Pat Robertson who the next president of the United States will be. Pat reads his message from God. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur mock Robertson. Who do you think will win the GOP nomination, tell us in the comment section below.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Klarer Sieg für Fischer, Wahlbeteiligung auf Rekordtief

DIE PRESSE: Bundespräsident Fischer wird mit knapp 79 Prozent wiedergewählt. Rosenkranz dürfte mit rund 16 Prozent ihr Wahlziel verfehlen, Gehring liegt abgeschlagen. Mehr als die Hälfte der Wahlbeteiligten bleibt den Urnen fern. >>> Ag./kron | Sonntag, 25. April 2010

THE GUARDIAN: Austrian president wins landslide second term: Projections put Social Democrat Heinz Fischer on 78% of vote with far-right Freedom party candidate trailing on 15% >>> Associated Press | Sunday, April 25, 2010

Austrian Voters Reject the Far-right and Its ‘Grandma Rosenkranza’

TIMES ONLINE: Austria bucked the European trend towards far-right parties when Barbara Rosenkranz captured barely 15 per cent of the vote in presidential elections.

The incumbent President, Heinz Fischer, a Social Democrat, was returned to office, with exit polls indicating that he had won 78 per cent of the vote.

Ms Rosenkranz’s colleague Heinz-Christian Strache, leader of the far-right Freedom Party, blamed the poor showing on an “unprecedented media witch-hunt against a very good candidate and her family”.

He had initially said she would win 35 per cent of the vote and spearhead the far Right recovery, helping the Freedom Party to win the powerful position of Mayor of Vienna in October. >>> Roger Boyes | Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hardline Turkish Cypriot Politician Wins Presidential Election

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Turkish Cypriot politician Dervis Eroglu has swept to victory in presidential elections, winning 50.38 per cent of the vote, unofficial final results showed.

Dervis Eroglu celebrates his election win at the party headquarters in Nicosia. Photograph: The Sunday Telegraph

Mr Eroglu's main rival, incumbent leader Mehmet Ali Talat, won 42.85 per cent of the vote, pending ratification by an electoral commission.

Mr Eroglu has vowed to continue peace talks amid fears his victory could grind reunification negotiations with the Greek Cypriots to a halt and scuttle Turkey's bid for European Union membership.

Mr Eroglu is seeking broad autonomy for Turkish Cypriots in reunification talks with Greek Cypriots – a position that the Greek Cypriots object to.

"It's time to find peace," he said.

"No one should expect me to leave the negotiating table," he told the crowd that cheered, honked horns and set off fireworks at an impromptu victory rally.

"We will be at the negotiating table for an agreement that will continue the existence of our people in this land with honour."

The island's division is already hampering Turkey's EU drive and could halt it if peace talks collapse.

Since Turkey is a Nato member such a move also could cripple closer co-operation between the military alliance and the EU, and increase regional instability. >>> | Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chypre du Nord: Eroglu élu au premier tour Le Premier ministre et partisan de l'indépendance de la partie turque de Chypre, Dervis Eroglu, a été élu dès le premier tour de l'élection présidentielle, selon les résultats définitifs officiels portant sur la totalité des bulletins dépouillés. Il est crédité de 50,38% des voix, contre 42,85% pour son rival, le président sortant Mehmet Ali Talat. Selon la commission électorale, le taux de participation s'élève à 75%. Dervis Eroglu devra négocier le règlement du statut de l'île, divisée depuis 1974 entre une partie chypriote turque - non reconnue par la communauté internationale - et une partie grecque qui représente Chypre dans l'Union européenne. [Source:] | Dimanche 18 Avril 2010

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tens of Thousands Defy Ban to March in Tehran in Support of Mousavi

TIMES ONLINE: Tens of thousands of Iranians defied a ban to protest against last week’s hotly-disputed presidential election result as the authorities struggled to contain anger amongst the reformist opposition.

Chanting crowds, some wearing green campaign colours, greeted Mir Hossein Mousavi, the defeated candidate in Friday's poll, as he slowly moved through the streets on the back of a four-wheel drive car.

Scufflles broke out as supporters of Mr Ahmadinejad, riding motorbikes and armed with sticks, attacked the demonstrators along the route.

"The vote of the people is more important than Mousavi or any other person!" said Mr Mousavi, standing on the car roof in Revolution Square and speaking through a loudhailer.

The crowds of young and old who packed several kilometres of his route, shouted back: "Mousavi we support you! We will die but retrieve our votes!" >>> Jenny Booth | Monday, June 15, 2009

Watch BBC video: Thousands of Mir Hossein Mousavi supporters protest in Tehran >>>

REUTERS: Tens of Thousands in Iran Protest

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Israel Opinion: America Turns Left

YNET NEWS: Sever Plocker says Obama win opens unfamiliar social-democratic chapter in US history

It wasn’t about skin color, but rather, about the views. For the first time in history, a statesman who can be characterized as a European-style social-democrat will enter the White House. It never happened before and it wouldn’t have happened now had it not been for the American financial crisis, which exposed the failure of unrestrained, merciless, rampant capitalism.

The broad and overwhelming objection to the collapsing “Wall Street system” enabled Obama to convey his message to the masses: Things will change. No more business as usual! I will lead the change. America under my leadership will forever part ways with the decayed financial system that brought us here, Obama told the young men and women who melted in the face of his gaze and quivered to the sound of his voice.

And what will replace the old system? Obama has remained economical in respect to the details of his presidential plans. However, his latest appearances conveyed great credibility because of the three figures standing by him: Former Treasury Secretaries Larry Summers and Bob Rubin, as well as former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker. The three aces.

Republican candidate John McCain not only lacked such [a] dream team – during his election campaign he relied on the advice of dubious economists bordering on charlatanism. Only towards the end of the campaign he brought in some distinguished characters, such as the plumber from Ohio and the governor of California. But that was too late.

I do not view the election of a dark-skinned citizen as America’s president as a historic revolution. Afro-Americans have already served in the most senior government position: Secretary of state. Had Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice run for president and won, the change in America’s political life would be minor; marginal even.

The great turnaround has to do with the unique blend featured by Obama: Not only is he a social-democrat, he is black too; not only is he black, he is young; not only is he young, he is a Muslim who became Christian; Not [sic] only is [he] a Muslim-turned-Christian, he’s pro-Zionist; not only is he pro-Zionist, he is black too; not only is he black, he’s a social-democrat.

This multifaceted blend excited Americans to the point of losing all senses, including the natural sense of criticism and skepticism. Leading American intellectuals, ranging from columnists to physics professors, from authors to filmmakers, bowed down before Obama. And they were not the only ones. According to a poll by British weekly The Economist, citizens of the world would have granted Obama 80% support, at least, had they been able to vote in the elections. >>> Israel Opinion | November 5, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Bhutto’s Widower Wins Presidency

BBC: Asif Ali Zardari, the widower of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, has won Pakistan's presidential election, election officials say.

The election was called after Pervez Musharraf resigned rather than risk being impeached.

Mr Zardari faces an Islamist insurgency and economic problems that are threatening Pakistan's stability.

Meanwhile a bomb has killed at least 12 people near the city of Peshawar and injured many more. Bhutto’s Widower Wins Presidency >>> September 6, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>