Showing posts with label pregnant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnant. Show all posts

Monday, May 23, 2011

Carla Bruni ist schwanger

Lange wurde spekuliert, nun ist es offiziell. Frankreichs Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy und seine Frau Carla Bruni erwarten ihr erstes gemeinsames Baby

Tagesschau vom 17.05.2011
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy 'Expecting a Boy'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is expecting a boy, a close friend of Nicolas Sarkozy has confirmed, just days after the French president's father let slip his daughter-in-law is pregnant.

Jacques Séguéla – an advertising tycoon who brought the presidential couple together in 2007 at a dinner party – disclosed the sex of the child in an interview with a Belgian newspaper.
He told Brussels daily Le Soir: "I have it on good authority that the baby will a boy."

It will be the couple's first child. France's 43-year-old first lady already has a nine-year-old son, Aurélien, with the media philosopher Raphaël Enthoven.

Mr Sarkozy, 55, has two sons, Pierre, 25, and Jean, 23, from his first marriage to Marie-Dominique Culioli, who he divorced in 1996. He has a 13-year-old son Louis from his second marriage to Cecilia Ciganer-Albeniz, who he divorced in 2007.

This is not the first time Mr Séguéla has filled the public in on the presidential couple's private lives. In 2009, he gave a blow-by-blow account of how they met at an impromptu "blind date" soirée, describing the scene as an "unexpected game of seduction between two wild beasts". » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Monday, May 23, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Carla Bruni enceinte : de la rumeur à la confirmation

LE MONDE: Le père de Nicolas Sarkozy, Pal Sarkozy, a confirmé, dans le quotidien allemand Bild la grossesse de l'épouse de l'épouse du président français, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. "Je me réjouis de l'arrivée de mon petit fils", a-t-il assuré. Une confirmation qui intervient après trois semaines de rumeurs persistantes.

Quand Closer annonce vendredi 22 avril au soir ce "scoop" sur son compte Twitter, lecteurs et observateurs font circuler l'info avec un mélange d'excitation et d'incrédulité. La nouvelle, qui n'est pas confirmée, n'est encore qu'une rumeur. Et de plus, certains se rappellent que cette exacte même information a déjà été annoncée plusieurs fois... et donné lieu à des emballements médiatiques en 2008 eten 2009. "Si j’ai pris du ventre, c’est uniquement parce qu’il m’arrive de boire une bière", avait dit la première dame dans une interview à Métro en juillet 2008, tout en affirmant qu'elle "aimerait être enceinte". Retour sur trois semaines de rumeurs. » | | Mardi 17 Mai 2011 Pal Sarkozy confirme la grossesse de Carla Bruni : Le père du chef de l'Etat a confirmé la grossesse de sa belle-fille dans un quotidien allemand paru ce mardi. » | Mardi 17 Mai 2011

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: Sarkozy's father says Carla Bruni pregnant: Bild » | Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

La première dame accouchera à l’automne L’entourage du couple présidentiel n’a jamais démenti la rumeur qui court maintenant depuis des semaines: Gala vous l’annonce de source sûre, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy accouchera en octobre, et vous livre tous les détails d’une grossesse tellement désirée. Dans Gala en kiosque dès demain, découvrez comment la première dame prépare l’arrivée de son deuxième enfant. » | J.S, J.B | Mardi 10 Mai 2011

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Rachida Dati Keeps Mum on Father

Photo of Rachida Dati courtesy of Google Images

SUNDAY HERALD: EUROPE'S PRESS HAS LAUNCHED ITSELF into a coy game of hunt-the-father after the revelation that France's justice minister Rachida Dati, a single woman and a Muslim, is expecting a baby. Dati, a petite 42-year-old who is a devoted ally of President Nicolas Sarkozy, confirmed on Wednesday what her shape was making it impossible to hide, telling journalists that the pregnancy was a source of huge personal happiness. But she quickly scotched any attempt to discover the paternity, saying only that: "I have a complicated private life. I will not be communicating further on this matter."

French newspapers and broadcast media have tied themselves in contortions trying to reconcile their legal duty not to pry into a minister's private life with the enormous public interest in so fascinating a human tale. For the most part this has meant using their internet sites to report "factually" the gossip being purveyed by more salacious non-French media - thus simultaneously stoking the story and keeping a prudent distance.

The names of several candidates have been aired, including Dominique Desseigne, head of a casino and hotel empire; Henri Proglio, CEO of Veolia Environment; and a popular French television presenter known simply as Arthur. Bizarrely, one Moroccan internet site cited the former Spanish prime ministerJose-Maria Aznar as Dati's lover. Aznar promptly issued a denial, but not before his name had been circulated around the world.

Other sites even suggested artifical insemination. The truth is, though, that no-one outside of Dati's immediate circle knows who is the baby's father, and as she seems bent on remaining unattached, the secret appears secure.

The tittle-tattle over paternity has obscured the more important aspect of the affair, which is surely Dati's determination to push back the limits on what Muslim women may or may not publicly achieve in France. Born in 1965 to a Moroccan bricklayer father and an Algerian mother, Dati was brought up in a high-immigration banlieue in the Burgundy town of Chalons-sur-Saône.

She is the second in a family of 11 children, and two of her brothers have recently been in trouble with the law. Driven by an indomitable urge to prove herself above her unpromising origins, she became an accountant and then a magistrate before being talent-spotted by Sarkozy, who saw in her the embodiment of his ideal of the striving outsider.

According to a profile in Le Point magazine this week, "Sarkozy recognised himself in the courage, the nerve, the self-assurance of this child of immigrants. As she herself has said, There's something in me that creates an echo in him, a kind of mirror effect. Like me, he cannot stand humiliation'." Defiant Muslim Minister Keeping Mum on Father: Tough privacy laws make life difficult for media fascinated by Rachida Dati’s story. >>> From Hugh Schofield in Paris | September 7, 2008

In Paris, Polly's Baby Is a Private Affair >>> By William Langley, Paris | September 8. 2008

The mother of all intrigues: With the announcement of her pregnancy by an unnamed man, France's sharp and ambitious justice minister has given the nation what it loves best: the chance to laugh at its prurient, prudish Anglo-Saxon neighbours >>> By Jason Burke | September 7. 2008

France : Sarkozy’s Former Lover Rachida Dati, Is Pregnant >>> By Elie B Smith | September 5, 2008
Au jeu du Cluedo de la paternité, l'Europe s'en donne à coeur joie! : C'est le nouveau feuilleton Harlequin de la fin d'été: qui est donc le père de l'enfant que porte Rachida Dati? Depuis que José Maria Aznar a démenti cette paternité, les médias européens se perdent en conjectures...

Il s'agit là d'une nouvelle version du Cluedo. Le but n'est pas de trouver l'assassin mais le géniteur. Qui, où et avec quelles armes de séduction? Depuis que le ventre rond de Rachida Dati a émergé de ses pantalons en flanelle, une partie de l'Europe se réveille avec la même question lancinante et aujourd'hui encore sans réponse: qui donc a fait un enfant à notre ministre de la Justice? 

Un homme du monde de la politique, des affaires, du show-biz? Toutes les spéculations sont les bienvenues. Le premier suspect dans cette affaire était l'ancien chef du gouvernement espagnol, José Maria Aznar, mais ce dernier vient de démentir la rumeur lancée par un journal marocain (José Maria Aznar nie être le père de l'enfant de Rachida Dati). Non, il n'est pas le père de Rachida Junior. Il a tout de même fallu un démenti officiel tandis que le site du journal marocain L'Observateur maintient son information. Mauvais joueur!
| Jeudi 4 septembre 2008

Lire sa bio >>>

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Broché) >>>
The Dawning of a new Dark Age (Relié) >>>

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Rachida Dati Is Pregnant; But Won’t Name the Father! Allah Will Not Be Best Pleased! It Must Have Happened Because She Doesn’t Wear the Burqah!

NEWS.COM.AU: FRENCH Justice Minister Rachida Dati, one of the stars of President Nicolas Sarkozy's cabinet, has announced she is pregnant - but won't say who the father is.

The divorced daughter of North African immigrants, 42-year-old Dati has become the public face of President Sarkozy's drive to add some much-needed diversity to French politics.

Since taking office last year, she has appeared almost as often in the glossy magazines as the serious political press, prompting criticism that she is seeking celebrity status rather than concentrating on her job.

On Wednesday, she confirmed rumours that she was pregnant after the weekly magazine VSD splashed her on the front page saying she was expecting a child.

Being a single mother carries no social stigma in modern France and a census released earlier this year showed that for the first time in 2006 more children were born out of wedlock here than to married couples.

"I want to remain prudent, because it isn't yet safe. I'm still in the danger zone," the website of Le Monde daily quoted Ms Dati as saying, referring to the risk of a possible miscarriage.

"I am 42 years old and have always said that (having a child) was fundamental for me," she said. "If it goes ahead, I will be happy and have the feeling I've looped the loop."

Ms Dati is photographed alone when she goes out for evening parties.

"My private life is complicated and I'm keeping it off-limits to the press. I won't say anything about it," she told reporters when asked about the father. MP Pregnant – But Won’t Name the Daddy >>> By Crispian Balmer in Paris | September 3, 2008

Aznar dément être le père de l'enfant de Rachida Dati: L'ancien chef du gouvernement espagnol est en colère: il évoque même de possibles suites judiciaires >>> Agences | 4.9.2008

Rachida Dati: French Justice Minister Who Refuses to Name the Father of Her Unborn Child: The justice minister refuses to name the man by whom she is pregnant, but the affair makes it harder to defend France's custom that politicians' private lives are private, writes William Langley.

Rachida was born in Chalon-sur-Saône, the second of 11 children of a Moroccan father and Algerian mother.

Staunchly secular, she has described herself as "a French woman of French origin", and her prickly relationship with the country's large Muslim population has not been improved by news of her pregnancy.

"It is difficult for Rachida," says Hoffenberg, "because she has been held up as a role model for Muslim girls, and now we have Muslims denouncing her. Most people in France aren't shocked by an unmarried minister getting pregnant. The only real protests have come from her own community, and that must be hard for her."

Dati's wariness of religious dogma is founded on personal experience. In her early twenties, during a visit to the Maghreb, she married a young Algerian – "to please my family" as she put it in a memoir last year.

Arriving back in France, she discovered that not only did she have nothing in common with her husband, she had, effectively, signed the ownership of her life over to him. It took her four years to gain an annulment, by which time she was rising fast as an accountant and business consultant.
By William Langley | September 6, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Broché) >>>
The Dawning of a new Dark Age (Relié) >>>