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Showing posts with label The Dawning of a New Dark Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Dawning of a New Dark Age. Show all posts
Saturday, October 04, 2014
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
My Book The Dawning of a New Dark Age Is Now Available in Several eBook Formats
Please check out the following links for my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, in various eBook formats.
It is available from various vendors. Here is a limited selection:
Barnes & Noble
W. H. Smiths
With sincere thanks,
Mark Alexander
It is available from various vendors. Here is a limited selection:
Barnes & Noble
W. H. Smiths
With sincere thanks,
Mark Alexander
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
In this controversial, thought-provoking, and amazingly frank book, Mark highlights the dangers that Islam, the fastest-growing religion in the world today, poses the Western world. Not simply a religion, Islam is a total way of life, one indivisible whole, recognising no separation of religion and politics.
In the West, this is quite different: Western countries generally draw a line between church and state. As Islam recognises no such separation, and as it grows in the West, problems and conflict will surely increase. Westerners demand freedom: they cherish freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of choice. In contradistinction, Muslims cherish only Allah's words as 'revealed' in the Koran. Muslims, especially devout and practising ones, consider no such Western-style freedoms to be legitimate. Only Allah's words and Allah's injunctions will do! Conflict will surely follow where peoples of such diametrically-opposed world visions live in juxtaposition; indeed, a collision of cultures looms on the horizon. Can this collision be avoided? Can these circles be squared? Can Muslims and 'infidels' learn to live together? Will our politically-correct leadership sell out our liberty for a barrel of oil? These are just some of the thorny questions raised by Mark in his very readable and compulsive book. You won't be able to put it down! Guaranteed!
Mark Alexander is a graduate of London University. He has an honors degree in economics. Further, he has a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education with Distinction. As well as his native language, English, he speaks German fluently, reads French, and has a sound knowledge of Arabic. Over the years, articles of his have appeared on education, languages, and economics in British newspapers such as The Independent, The Times, and The Sunday Times. His international travel has widely influenced his world perspective.
While living and working in the Middle East for many years, Mark’s uncommonly perceptive observations and keen insights led him to predict the Islamic quest for domination which is only now being played out on the world stage.
Mark Alexander is a Western author deeply concerned about the future of Western civilization. In The Dawning of a New Dark Age, Mark has written powerfully about the rise of Islam in the West, and the dangers that lie ahead as a result.
Mark is uncommonly articulate, insightful, and perspicacious. These qualities are particularly evident in his understanding of the Islamic worldview and the intentions of Muslims vis-à-vis the West. You will surely find his message both riveting and shocking!
On September 11, 2001, Muslim terrorists launched an attack on the United States to punish it for being what Osama bin Laden considered ‘the land of the infidels’! In fact, this attack was an attack on the entire Western world and, even more important, it was an attack on Western civilization, the underlying objective being to take civilization back fourteen hundred years to a time of great glory for the Islamic world.
In the wake of the attack by young Muslim extremists, which resulted in the collapse of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, our leaders attempted to assure us that the terrorists did not represent the entire Muslim world. It was said that they were the actions of a minority, of an extreme fringe group. It was, and continues to be, troubling, however, that we have heard very little strong condemnation coming from the supposed moderate Muslim community. Who are these moderates? Why have they not spoken out more vociferously? Do they really exist? When will they speak out with moral indignation? Indeed, will they ever?
For most Westerners Islam is thought to be just another world religion, equal to Christianity and Judaism. But is this really the case? Upon closer study, Islam seems to be far different from the other two religions. Certainly no one would accuse Muslims of being tolerant, non-judgmental, non-violent or peace-loving! While Muslims have been allowed to build hundreds of mosques in Western countries, Christian churches may only rarely be built, if ever, in Muslim countries! Indeed in some Muslim countries such as the Sudan, it is official government policy to demolish churches! In addition, it is difficult to believe that any world religion would advocate treating women as second-class citizens, and actually get away with it!
The concept of brotherhood in Islam is strong. The posture advocated by Prophet Mohammed in the Koran toward non-Muslims, however, is to seek them out and annihilate them. The phenomenon of suicide bombers is at once both pathetic and chilling. On the one hand, it is pathetic that young Muslims are taught that they can gain entrance into paradise by taking people’s lives in such a gruesome manner. Carnal pleasures, of course, await the males upon entrance into heaven! On the other hand, it is chilling to think that there are any people living in the 21st century ready to teach and encourage such savagery. What is the supposed theological justification for holding to such beliefs? Indeed, is there any such thing in Islam as theology in which the tenets of the faith are examined critically? Isn’t it the case, rather, that the teachings of Prophet Mohammed are accepted literally, and without question?
In his book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, Mark Alexander explores these questions, and often finds disturbing answers. Unlike many authors on the subject, Mark actually lived and worked among Muslims for many years; so he has first-hand knowledge of the religion and culture. While on his tours of duty in the Middle East, Mark immersed himself in Islam and Arabic culture, studying the religion both from Occidental and Oriental perspectives. He familiarized himself not only with the Koran, but also with the beliefs and attitudes of Muslims in the street. This experience has given him unusually clear insights into the aspirations of the Muslim world. Mark’s conclusions will not be comforting to those who would like to believe that the long-term threat to the West is limited to the aspirations of a few fundamentalist terrorists.
Douglas Kennedy, Ph.D.
There is a new mood in the land. Political correctness is changing people’s attitudes to many things, including Islam. Political correctness is, in many ways, a middle class phenomenon. People, especially the middle classes, either do not wish to be seen as politically incorrect, or, because new laws have been passed, they are afraid of being so. Political correctness and the politically correct laws that have been passed can only help Muslims living in the West. Muslims are being empowered in our societies like never before, and are being empowered ever more as the months pass by. The changes taking place are subtle but sure. They are going on almost unnoticed.
Because of the backing given Muslims by political correctness, if one dares to criticize Islam, Muslims cry foul and accuse that person of being phobic – Islamophobic. Interestingly and disconcertingly, this political correctness doesn’t seem to work the other way around. It no longer pays to tangle with Muslims!
It goes without saying that if this trend continues, then it can only greatly help the Islamic cause. Unwittingly, we are helping Muslims on their way to getting on top. Will laws soon have to be passed to protect the non-Muslims in society? Or will this unbalanced trend go on unabated?
Political correctness is a particularly powerful tool for Muslims in the West. It is a movement and mood few have the courage to go against. It makes people fearful of speaking out – fearful of falling foul of the politically correct laws that have been passed to protect minorities.
Whilst there is no doubt that political correctness has helped many minority groups gain in strength, it does have a downside: it prevents us from protecting our own culture. In the face of a powerful culture such as Islam, this is a weakness for us indeed. It puts at a disadvantage our own kind in our own countries. What future is there to be for the indigenous population? How are we to protect our own kind? Moreover, in a country such as the United Kingdom with its growing Muslim population and therefore growing clout at the polls, all parties are out to court the Islamic vote! Conservatives, Liberals and Socialists alike offer no route for the ‘Christian’ British to protect themselves. It is worth asking ourselves one simple question: How much protection is afforded a Christian in a country such as Saudi Arabia? There, Christians can be, and are, arrested for praying in the Christian manner! They do not have equality with Muslims in a court of law. Indeed, their position is akin to that of a Muslim woman’s – their power to act as a witness is half that of a Muslim man’s! It is all so one-sided.
If Islam were a benign, spiritual force, a power for good, then it would not be such a problem for us in the long-term. But it is not. Islam is anything but benign: it is a powerful, political movement with ambitious objectives. A worldwide movement with the ambition of establishing Allah’s kingdom on earth! It wishes to beat adherents of all other religions into submission: into the submission of the one true almighty God. Each state will then become the tool of religion – theocratic, restrictive, dominant, and based on Koranic law, Shariah law. That day will be a dark day for the world. It will mark the dawning of a new dark age! Adulteresses and gays, infidels and the non-compliant will be killed in Allah’s name! Democracy, free will and free speech will be relegated to the dustbin of history! Only Islamic opinions will count. The whole world will bow in submission to Allah, in the direction of the Ka’aba. Jerusalem, one of the three most important cities in Islam will be under Islamic jurisdiction. Christianity and Judaism, and all ‘lesser’ religions will have been vanquished. It will be a dark day for humankind!
If you feel that all this is far-fetched, then wait and see! Whoever would have thought that the Communist world would have fallen so quickly and so dramatically? When it fell, it was generally thought that a new world order was in the process of being established on earth. There would be peace and prosperity and unity for all. Just a few years later, we can now see how wrong we were.
The world has been lulled into a false sense of security. Momentous events such as the tearing down of the Berlin Wall overshadowed the dangers that lay ahead. We are only now coming to the realization that our optimism was misplaced. We are being rudely awakened! And the rude awakening is that Islam is becoming the next bête noire – it is taking the place of communism.
Communism was a political system, pure and simple, though it was in many ways like a religion for its adherents. It was not, however, draped in the clothes of a deity. Indeed, a deity was anathema to it. But this, of course, made communism a much easier target for the West. Communism was seen as the total enemy of the West. It stood for all that the West did not: equality for all, lack of diversity, lack of choice, the political power of the communist élite, a low standard of living, sclerotic growth in the economy, and lack of political freedom to name but a few characteristics. The whole system went against everything the West stood for. We disliked it so much that it was easy and fair game to be criticized by all but the few.
Islam is different. As well as being a powerful political movement, it is a bona fide religion too. The West has fought long and hard for religious freedom; so it is far more difficult for us to criticize a religion that is not our own. It is even more difficult to stop someone practising his religion. Anyone who were to try to do so would be liable to the charge of discrimination, and Westerners do not like to be accused of that. Add to that, the power of political correctness, and further add to that the reluctance of people to fight for Christianity, and we find that we have boxed ourselves into a corner – a corner that will be difficult for us to get out of. Where are we going to find leaders willing to criticize another religion, and where, even if we found such people, are we going to find the people willing to follow them? As I write, it would appear that this is the start of the end game for the West! Is it to be downhill all the way for Islam now? Have we created the very conditions for Islam to overshadow us – conditions that Muslims could only have dreamed of some decades ago?
With political correctness and the law on their side, and with people afraid to criticize Muslims and Islam, it is difficult to see how this movement will not be able to steamroller us all into a very much weaker position indeed. Crying Islamophobia will only help them further to achieve their ambitions. It is time for a sea change in attitudes here in the West. Before it is too late!
Buy the book: USA –, USA – Barnes & Noble, and UK – Amazon, and in many other bookshops besides.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I have just received a great review of my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, written by Michael Arch. Naturally, I am very grateful to Michael both for writing it and sending it to me, and it goes without saying that I want to share it with you.
I recently read ‘The Dawning of a New Dark Age’ by Mark Alexander…
There have been a number of books published on the rise of Islam and the threat it poses to the West, especially to Europe and the U.K. I have read a number of these books as this is a subject that interests me greatly. Mark’s book debunks a number of myths surrounding Islam, in particular the much-parroted concept that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’. Mark’s work is well thought-out and clearly laid-out. I found it a very informative read. It compared very well with the other books I have read; indeed, it was better than many of them. My favourite chapter was “Islam – Time to End the Myths”. In fact, in my opinion, pretty much all of the chapters were spot on. I highly recommend ‘The Dawning of a New Dark Age’ if you want to know about Islam and the threat it poses to the West. Read it! Islam is the elephant in the room. Mark is pointing at it with this book. Observe! – Michael Arch, August 2011
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
My heartfelt thanks to these two anonymous customers of Amazon in Canada for taking the trouble to write these two great reviews of my book:
A wake-up call for the West
In his no nonsense book, Mark states clearly, without any equivocation at all, that the West is on a dangerous path -- a path that could well lead to loss of freedom and democracy if it doesn't start minding the store. This is a great read. Highly recommended for all those who need to understand the threat the Islamic world poses to the West. – A Customer
Telling It Like It Is
A MUST READ for Americans who do not understand the forces behind the attacks by Islamic terrorists on Western civilization. Mark Alexander bases his analysis on extensive research in Islamic literature, passages from the Koran, and his own experience gained from living and working in the Middle East. Mark's book is beautifully and powerfully written and is eminently readable. – A Customer [Source:]
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – Canada) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback – Canada) >>>
Ich möchte mich vom ganzen Herzen bedanken für die folgende fünfsternige Rezension meines Buches:
Islam, nicht islamischer Terrorismus, ist das Problem!
In seinem Buch, 'The Dawning of a New Dark Age: A Collection of Essays on Islam', zeigt uns Mark Alexander ganz klar, dass unsere Zivilisation bedroht ist -- bedroht vom Islam! Warum? Wegen 'Political Correctness', weil es uns nicht mehr 'erlaubt' ist, die Wahrheit zu aeussern, und unsere eigene Zivilisation zu erheben; wegen dem Ziel Islams, die ganze Welt zu errobern; und wegen dem Schweigen unsere Politikern, die neigen dazu, von uns die wahre Situation zu verbergen.
Im Gegenteil, Mark Alexander schreibt ueber die Bedrohung Islams genau wie er es empfindet. Seine Schriftweise ist direkt und elegant. Es ist auch kurz und buendig. Mit diesem wichtigen Buch hat Mark Alexander uns ein Buch gebracht, das nicht nur schoen, sondern auch wichtig, zu lesen ist. Es ist ein wichtiges Buch fuer unsere Zeit! – Ein Kunde [Quelle: /]
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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>
Friday, September 12, 2008
With many, many thanks to Judah of Judah’s Journal for this excellent review of my book.
This review is also to be found on the Barnes & Noble website and on Judah’s blog. (The links are given below.)
If anyone else who has read the book would like to send me a review to be placed up on this website, please send it to me at the following address: markalexander1 @ . - Mark
Mark's format, a collection of essays, makes this an extremely readable text that can be picked up and put down as opportunity allows, giving 'thinking time' between reads in order to fully process the knowledge and insights imparted here. Still too much is misunderstood about this aggressively invasive ideology which threatens to overwhelm and subvert our Western civilization. Since Islam seeks to progress an agenda of world-wide domination and universal submission of all to Allah, by the sword if necessary, we most certainly need to understand far more about it. Mark knows Islam intimately, and his writing is both perceptive and authoritative. He clearly outlines the dangers posed by Islam, describing the process of 'Islamicization' that is already happening, supporting his concerns with references (in context) to the Qur'an and to history, identifying the factors in our own civilzation that fosters erosion of our Judeo-Christian heritage and invites the incursion of Islam, and suggesting means by which this could be stopped and reversed. There is a great deal of information packed between the covers of this book and much food for serious thought. To some it will be a horror story, but as frightening as the subject may be, we are wise to have our eyes opened in order to recognize what is happening hopefully in time to help stop the situation from worsening. It may already be too late unless radical measures are put in place, but we all need to know and properly understand the real threat in order that something effective can be done about it. This is an absolute 'must read' for anyone who wishes to know the truth rather than be lulled into complacency by the 'taqiyya' (holy hypocrisy) of the Islamic clerics and apologists. If you have never read anything on this subject before, this is a good place to start. Likewise, it is also an essential read for those who do know the subject, the author becoming increasingly well known for his contributions to major websites devoted to the education of the web-savvy general population interested in knowing more about Islam. I have become well-read on this subject myself, and can testify that the author writes in accord with all else that I have read by other authors with impeccable and relevant credentials. I can recommend Mark's book to all who wish to be properly informed on this subject and, as the author puts it so well, the 'dawning of a new dark age' under Islam. - Judah, well read on this subject
This book review is also to be found here and here.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
I should like to draw my visitors’ attention to the fact that this concept of ‘Christianophobia’ was first raised, I believe, in my book, ‘The Dawning of a New Dark Age’ as ‘Christophobia’. The book was published in 2003. Not as stated here, in 2004. The word is slightly different, but the concept is the same. I am proud to be able to state that I believe I used it first. You will find the word on page 145 of my book. Needless to say, I have contacted 'europe4christ' to draw this to their attention in the hope of getting this error corrected.
THE TELEGRAPH: British Christian traditions are being threatened by "Christianophobia" created by a "politically correct brigade", a Tory MP has warned.
Mark Pritchard, MP, who is leading a parliamentary debate on the issue today, said that he feared that Christianity could be hijacked by extremists if mainstream political parties fail to support this country's Christian tradition. How should we tackle 'Christianophobia'? >>>
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Monday, December 03, 2007
With many thanks to Ray Boyd of Common Sense Against Islam for this great review:
Read up on the subject [Islam], be informed, know your facts. The Dawning of a New Dark Age: A Collection of Essays on Islam is the place to start. It’s easy to read and covers everything you need to know in a hurry. It’s the sort of book you can pick up and put down and then go back to it again and again. No doubt about it, if you need to wise up fast you won’t do better. If you only read one book on the subject this is the one. – Ray Boyd of Common Sense Against Islam (December 3, 2007)Mark Alexander
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Deep gratitude to Jim Ball, Australia’s Number 1 overnight broadcaster, for this great review:
I have read a lot of books on the issue of Islam and by no means consider my self totally across it. As is the case with most subjects, it has the capacity to glaze the eyes if you let it. This book though is a breezy and comprehensive easy read. You can pick it up and put it down at will and not lose the plot. The introduction of Mark Alexander's easy to read reality check, The Dawning of a New Dark Age is Wake Up, West! It is compelling reading. – Jim Ball, 15 April 06
Jim Ball’s Recommended Reading List
Mark Alexander
'The Dawning of a New Dark Age' is an invaluable set of powerfully-written essays on Islam, the most critical issue of our time. A must-read for lovers of liberty everywhere! - The Anti-Jihadist, June 19, 2007
Mark Alexander
And a "debt of gratitude" to Beakerkin for this great review of my book:
Recently, I took a competitive exam that would enable me to be a candidate for permanent hire. The odds of passing this writing test are around 15%. The vast preponderance of people who pass are people fresh out of college and lawyers. We were told we cannot study for this exam. We were told that either one has the ability or one does not. I refused to accept those myths. I quickly realized that my style would not pass that exam. I went through books of short essays and one book stood out above the rest: Mark Alexander's. His simple, no-frills writing style, his eloquence, worked like a charm! Before the exam, I examined Mark Alexander's sentence style for one hundred hours. Mark's style made the rules of grammar come alive! I have to give credit to Mark Alexander for this. Going into the test, I knew I had to produce a first rate essay, and I did. My boss has noted the drastic improvements in my writing style. He even asked me if I had taken a brush-up course at the local University! - Beakerkin
Mark Alexander
My gratitude to Liberty Lover for this wonderful review:
"Mark, I have you to thank for two nights in a row of very little sleep! I have just finished reading your book. Awesome, but very worrying. I have been researching Islam for years now and your book is the latest. I feel that your book is probably the most amazing, and by far the most frank and to-the-point book about this very real and massive problem at hand. From one page to the other I thought about people in my street, my town and my country who are blissfully unaware of the impending peril." - Liberty Lover, October 23, 2006
Mark Alexander
Many, many thanks to Friendly Saviour for this great review:
I can heartily recommend this book.
I obtained it from my local bookshop but it is available online and from the big book-sellers.
It helped clear up a lot of my mixed-up ideas and mis-conceived notions that had accumulated, concerning Islam.
We have all been taken for a ride by the mainstream media, who have been too lazy to analyse the situation vis-a-vis the progression of islam from the cozy religion of peace, to the World-wide threat to our way of life.
There is no doubt that big shocks are planned against the Western countries, indeed even the far-off territories of the Australasias are not immune. With many opening shots already ricocheting around the daily news-stories, who can afford to wait any longer to get their facts straight?
The author has spent time amongst the isalmic culture and has intimate knowledge of the real islam, the one you will hardly ever find out about, outside some weighty academic book.
It is not too late to be aware of these threats and the ideas that support the attacks on our own unique civilisation.
Forewarned is forearmed, they say.
We owe it to our selves, our partners and especially our children, who will have to live the longest in the gathering darkness that closes in on our world.
It is all to easy to dismiss these fears about the growing problems between Islam and every other religion and society.
Why has this all begun to take focus? How much of it it paranoia?
Don't wait until you are forced to learn the hard way, what barbaric fate the Christian world will be thrown into. Why has islam singled out the Jewish people for destruction at the "end of times," which moslems believe we are entering, and towards which, the islamic terrorists are thrusting us ever closer.
Do yourself a favour and read this book soonest! You will not regret it. CercasiDemocrazia - Friendly Saviour
Mark Alexander
With many, many thanks to Limewoody for this excellent review of my book:
Accurate, authoritative and readable essays on the threat to western civilization of Islam Mark's format, a collection of essays, makes this an extremely readable text that can be picked up and put down as opportunity allows, giving 'thinking time' between reads in order to fully process the knowledge and insights imparted here. Still too much is misunderstood about this aggressively invasive ideology which threatens to overwhelm and subvert our Western civilization. Since Islam seeks to progress an agenda of world-wide domination and universal submission of all to Allah, by the sword if necessary, we most certainly need to understand far more about it. Mark knows Islam intimately, and his writing is both perceptive and authoritative. He clearly outlines the dangers posed by Islam, describing the process of 'Islamicization' that is already happening, supporting his concerns with references (in context) to the Qur'an and to history, identifying the factors in our own civilization that fosters erosion of our Judeo-Christian heritage and invites the incursion of Islam, and suggesting means by which this could be stopped and reversed. There is a great deal of information packed between the covers of this book and much food for serious thought. To some it will be a horror story, but as frightening as the subject may be, we are wise to have our eyes opened in order to recognize what is happening hopefully in time to help stop the situation from worsening. It may already be too late unless radical measures are put in place, but we all need to know and properly understand the real threat in order that something effective can be done about it. This is an absolute 'must read' for anyone who wishes to know the truth rather than be lulled into complacency by the 'taqiyya' (holy hypocrisy) of the Islamic clerics and apologists. If you have never read anything on this subject before, this is a good place to start. Likewise, it is also an essential read for those who do know the subject, the author becoming increasingly well known for his contributions to major websites devoted to the education of the web-savvy general population interested in knowing more about Islam. I have become well-read on this subject myself, and can testify that the author writes in accord with all else that I have read by other authors with impeccable and relevant credentials. I can recommend Mark's book to all who wish to be properly informed on this subject and, as the author puts it so well, the 'dawning of a new dark age' under Islam. - Limewoody
Mark Alexander
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
With many, many thanks to Judah of Judah’s Journal for this great review of my book, ‘The Dawning of a New Dark Age: A Collection of Essays on Islam’:
I have referred above to Mark Alexander and his book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age: A Collection of Essays on Islam, and the following is the Editorial Review from I can recommend this book as not only have I read it myself, I actually know Mark personally and that he is scrupulously honest in what he says, that it is well researched and comes from his own considerable knowledge and experience of living and working in the Middle East for a number of years. Mark has a gift for languages and is extremely perceptive, having insight into the Muslim mind, a sound knowledge of Islam (almost converting to Islam himself) and of the cultures of the Middle East. Long before 9/11 occurred, Mark was expressing concern for what he saw was growing and progressing in Islam towards the West, and he suffered tremendous frustration that the Western world was ignoring the signs which did culminate in the 9/11 attack - and to a large extent is still in denial concerning the threat posed to our civilization at the hands of Islam.Mark Alexander
Monday, May 21, 2007
Many thanks go to all people that have reviewed my book in the past. Only a matter of a few days ago, I received this excellentcomment from Norm Ridler, for which I should like to show my deep appreciation.
Mark’s book,’The Dawning of a New Dark Age’, is both forthright and revealing.- Norm Ridler, May 16, 2007
Here are a couple of others I recently received. I would like to thank them, too:
"Mark, I have you to thank for two nights in a row of very little sleep! I have just finished reading your book. Awesome, but very worrying. I have been researching Islam for years now and your book is the latest. I feel that your book is probably the most amazing, and by far the most frank and to-the-point book about this very real and massive problem at hand. From one page to the other I thought about people in my street, my town and my country who are blissfully unaware of the impending peril." - Liberty Lover
“Recently, I took a competitive exam that would enable me to be a candidate for permanent hire. The odds of passing this writing test are around 15%. The vast preponderance of people who pass are people fresh out of college and lawyers. We were told we cannot study for this exam. We were told that either one has the ability or one does not. I refused to accept those myths. I quickly realized that my style would not pass that exam. I went through books of short essays and one book stood out above the rest: Mark Alexander's. His simple, no-frills writing style, his eloquence, worked like a charm! Before the exam, I examined Mark Alexander's sentence style for one hundred hours. Mark's style made the rules of grammar come alive! I have to give credit to Mark Alexander for this. Going into the test, I knew I had to produce a first rate essay, and I did. My boss has noted the drastic improvements in my writing style. He even asked me if I had taken a brush-up course at the local University!” – Beakerkin
Mark Alexander
Friday, May 11, 2007
I should like to remind my visitors that your patronage of the following flower sites help keep this Weblog going. Why not buy your flowers for Mother’s Day from Florabunda, Maple Flowers, Le Jardin en Fleurs, or Einfach Gold ?
For internationalflower order, click Florabunda International.
Obviously, I don’t need to remind you that you can support this Blogspot by purchasing my book, too. It is widely available online, and in many bookshops. For example, it can be bought here
Thank you for your support, and Happy Mother's Day!
Mark Alexander
Thursday, May 25, 2006
The former US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger has re-floated the idea of containment. This is exactly what I proposed in my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age. I suggested that an 'Iron Veil' be dropped between our two worlds. This is another way of stating that Islam should be contained.
Naturally, I am very pleased that Henry Kissinger should have come to the same conclusion as I.
Photo courtesy of the BBC
When Tony Blair and George Bush meet at the White House for dinner on Thursday, they will be contemplating the beginning of the end of a relationship that has seen their policies dominate the world scene but which have left them weakened at home for their final years in office.©Mark Alexander
In one of its perhaps less elegant wordplays, the Economist magazine declared that the two now constituted as "an axis of feeble."
Their common cause in Iraq has not delivered the success they believed was assured.
On this visit, they will seek to justify that cause but they know that some are withholding judgment until events deliver their own verdict.
Others have made their judgment anyway.
And as the curtain prepares to come down, there are already voices being heard offstage calling for an end to the policies of intervention that have characterised the approach of both men.
A return to the past?
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recently seemed to be re-floating the old Cold War policy of containment. Final curtain for Bush and Blair by Paul Reynolds
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