Showing posts with label Silvio Berlusconi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silvio Berlusconi. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2011

'I Made Love to Eight Girls in One Night,' Boasts Berlusconi to Man Who Allegedly Provided Escort Girls for New Year's Eve Party

MAIL ON SUNDAY: Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has boasted of sleeping with eight women in one night.

Mr Berlusconi, 74, made the claim in a bugged phone chat with businessman Giampaolo Tarantini, who allegedly recruited escort girls for his wild parties.

‘Yesterday evening there was a queue outside my door,’ said Mr Berlusconi.

‘There were 11. I had eight because I couldn’t go any further. You can’t do all of them.’ » | Mail On Sunday Reporter | Sunday, September 18, 2011

Friday, September 02, 2011

Abgehörtes Telefonat: Berlusconi nennt Italien ein „Scheißland“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Es ist der jüngste Ausfall von Silvio Berlusconi: Der Milliardär und Regierungschef soll Italien am Telefon ein „Scheißland“ genannt haben, das er in einigen Monaten verlassen wolle. Bei dem Anruf soll es auch um die Sexaffären Berlusconis gegangen sein. » | dpa | Freitag 02. September 2011

THE GUARDIAN: Berlusconi vows to leave 'shitty' Italy in conversation recorded by police: Transcripts from blackmail investigation reveal the Italian prime minister's frustration with his country » | John Hooper | Rome | Thursday, September 01, 2011

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Inside Story: The End of Berlusconi?

Inside Story presenter Felicity Barr, discusses with Nucccia Bianchini, editor at the foreign desk for Italian news agency Agenzia Giornalistica Italia; Andrea Teti, international relations lecturer at the University of Aberdeen; and James Walston, professor of international relations at the American Univeristy. This episode of Inside Story aired from [sic] Tuesday, May 31, 2011.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Italy: Arab Spring Shows Democracy Compatible with Islam Says Berlusconi

ADN KRONOS INTERNATIONAL: Deauville - The unrest that has shaken the Arab world over the past six months and ousted two of the region's autocratic leaders shows that Islam is compatible with democracy, Italy's prime minister Silvio Berlusconi told said on Friday.

"The principle has been established that democracy is not only compatible with western countries and their civilisations, and I believe this is very important," Berlusconi told journalists at the Group of Eight summit in Deauville, France.

The stirrings of democracy seen in the popular revolts that have taken place in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Yemen and other Arab countries are the latest in an "extraordinary period of history" that has unfolded over the past 25 years, he said. » | AKI | Friday, May 27, 2011

How on earth can Berlusconi come to this ridiculous conclusion from the ‘Arab Spring’? The ‘Arab Spring’ shows that the Arabs yearn for freedom of expression, yearn for a different governance, another way of life, another way of being ruled. Precisely what the uprisings do not show is that Islam and democracy are compatible. First of all, we have yet to observe what the outcome of these revolutions will be? Secondly, the sine qua non of democracy is that there be a separation of church and state. In the case of Muslims, that would mean a separation of mosque and state. This is absolutely forbidden in Islam. There is no concept in Islam of such a separation. In fact, there is no concept in Islam of the secular. In Islam, life is meant to be one coherent whole, the 'secular' and the religious and the political all meld into one. So clearly, Silvio Berlusconi needs to go away and do some serious homework. And not of the bunga bunga variety, either! Something rather more profound, something rather more taxing (mentally), and something rather more intellectual.

Ruhollah Khomeini said: "In Islam, the legislative power and competence to establish laws belong exclusively to God Almighty." In a democracy, the opposite is true. Further…
“Secularism cannot be a solution for countries with a Muslim majority or even a sizeable minority, for it requires people to replace their God-given beliefs with an entirely different set of man-made beliefs. Separation of religion and state is not an option for Muslims because is requires us to abandon Allah's decree for that of a man['s].” [Source: Separation of Church and State] | Dr. Ja`far Sheikh Idris ]
– © Mark

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi Accuses His Political Opponents of Not Washing

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Silvio Berlusconi, the president of Italy, has launched a bizarre personal attack on his opponents accusing them of not "washing themselves enough."

Mr Berlusconi, 74, who has been charged with having underage sex with a prostitute, accused the centre left of being smelly as tensions rose ahead of local elections this weekend.

The billionaire media tycoon is currently involved in four separate trials with charges also including abuse of office and corruption. The the election was being seen as a test of his popularity.

During a final rally in the southern Italian city of Crotone, Berlusconi said: "The leaders of the Left don't wash themselves much. When they go into the bathroom, and they don't go often since they don't wash much, they look in the mirror when they shave and surprise themselves."

Mr Berlusconi has a reputation for disliking beards, seeing them as sign of left leaning political sympathies. His obsession with hygiene has also emerged from intercepts of his infamous "bunga bunga" parties.

The phrase is said to refer to a crude after-dinner sex game and from the wire taps girls invited to the parties reveal how Berlusconi asked them to wash before performing sexy stripteases and lap dances for him. » | Nick Pisa in Rome | Saturday, May 14, 2011

Monday, May 09, 2011

Pour Berlusconi, les juges "sont le cancer de notre démocratie"

LE POINT: Le président du Conseil italien a violemment attaqué la magistrature en marge du procès Mills, où il est accusé de corruption de témoin.

Le chef du gouvernement italien Silvio Berlusconi a une nouvelle fois attaqué lundi la magistrature en marge d'un de ses procès, en la qualifiant de "cancer de la démocratie" en pleine journée d'hommage aux victimes du terrorisme, parmi lesquelles de nombreux juges. Les juges "sont le cancer de notre démocratie, il y a de leur part des tentatives réitérées de subversion", a déclaré Silvio Berlusconi, lors d'une pause durant une audience du procès Mills, où il est accusé de corruption de témoin. La prochaine audience dans ce procès a été fixée au 16 mai. » | Le | Lundi 09 Mai 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sarkozy and Berlusconi Find a Common Cause: Keep Immigrants Out

THE INDEPENDENT: Rules on free movement within Europe in doubt after crisis caused by influx of refugees from North African unrest

The leaders of France and Italy yesterday called for an overhaul of the system of passport-free travel across 25 European nations following alarm in Paris over the effect of a wave of migrants fleeing conflict in North Africa.

The Italian premier, Silvio Berlusconi, and French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, said they wanted new border restrictions in a notable watering down of the aims of the 1995 Schengen deal for free movement of people across most of continental Europe.

The pair issued their demand at a summit in Rome designed to repair relations between the two countries that had been damaged by the dispute over the fate of many of the 28,000 people who have fled political turmoil in North Africa. Most of those landed first on the Italian island of Lampedusa, creating a humanitarian and political crisis that the Italian authorities attempted to solve by diverting many to France, prompting a furious response from its north-western neighbour. Mr Berlusconi yesterday acknowledged the greater burden faced by France after the exodus triggered by the revolt in Tunisia, the first nation to topple its leader in the wave of unrest sweeping the Arab world. In another sop to France, Italy hours earlier also agreed to play a role in bombing Gaddafi forces in the French-inspired Libyan campaign.

The leaders detailed their demands in a joint letter to the EU, and said they were working on proposals to change Schengen. Both Mr Berlusconi and Mr Sarkozy – who faces a presidential election in a year's time – are under pressure from right-wing parties to adopt a tough line on immigration.

"We want Schengen to survive, but to survive Schengen must be reformed," Mr Sarkozy told reporters after the meeting. "We believe in free circulation but we believe in a state of law and a certain number of rules." » | Michael Day | Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Immigration: France and Italy to Propose European Border Reform

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: France and Italy will on Tuesday present Brussels with an ultimatum to tear up the free travel European border rules that has been the EU's signature accomplishment for 16 years.

Nicolas Sarkozy is holding emergency talks in Rome with Silvio Berlusconi after a row over Tunisian refugees threatened to spiral out of control and lead to the reintroduction of French border controls.

The Italian prime minister called the meeting after his decision to give more than 25,000 Tunisian refugees residence permits caused the worst border crisis since the EU's 1995 Schengen Treaty.

The French president, who will face a challenge from the anti-immigrant far-Right during elections next year, has responded furiously and criticised "flawed" EU rules that have let the migrants into France. The French sparked a major diplomatic incident last week after closing the rail border with Italy at Ventimiglia, citing risks of disturbances to public order to refuse entry to trains carrying Tunisian migrants.

France has accused Italy of violating the EU's "Schengen" free movement rules by giving the Arab migrants, who are mainly French-speaking, permits and encouraging them to travel to France.

Periodic border checks with Italy have been reinstated and several hundred Tunisians, bearing the residence permits, have been sent back to Italy. » | Bruno Waterfield, Brussels | Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

“Silvio and I Are Closer Together Than Ever” – Berlusconi’s Russian Flame

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Berlusconi: 'Human Tsunami' Arriving in Lampedusa

BBC: The Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, has warned Europe of what he called a "human tsunami" arriving on the island of Lampedusa.

Tens of thousands of migrants have reached the tiny Italian island in recent weeks amid fighting and political unrest in North Africa.

Mr Berlusconi called on his European counterparts to do more to help with the worsening humanitarian situation.
Will Grant reports. Watch video » | Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Berlusconi äussert sich zu Libyen

Al Dschasira zitiert Augenzeugen, wonach Teile Tripolis' unter der Kontrolle Aufständischer sind. Italiens Regierungschef Silvio Berlusconi hat derweil Machthaber Gaddafi die Unterstützung entzogen. Unter den Unruhen leidet auch die Ölproduktion, die inzwischen um mehr als die Hälfte zurück ging


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Berlusconi "Not Worried"

Feb 16 - Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says he is not worried about standing trial for paying for sex with an underage girl. Deborah Lutterbeck reports

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prostitution Probe Could Sink Berlusconi

Italy leader accused of paying for sex

Berlusconi muss wegen Sexaffäre vor Gericht

Silvio Berlusconi: Klage in Mailand zugelassen. Foto: Spiegel Online

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Hiobsbotschaft für Silvio Berlusconi: Der italienische Regierungschef muss sich wegen der Sexaffäre um eine junge Marokkanerin in einem Schnellverfahren vor Gericht verantworten. Im Falle einer Verurteilung drohen ihm bis zu 15 Jahre Haft.

Rom - Jetzt wird es ernst für Silvio Berlusconi. Italiens Ministerpräsident muss vor Gericht. Der Vorwurf der Staatsanwälte: Er soll eine 17-Jährige für Sex bezahlt haben. Eine Richterin in Mailand ließ am Dienstag die entsprechende Anklage zu. >>> sef/AP/Reuters/dpa | Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Women Rise Up Against Berlusconi: 'Italy Is Not a Brothel'

Photograph: Spiegel Online International

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Women, once the most loyal fans of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, are rising up against him. Tens of thousands demonstrated over the weekend against his sex scandals. But their anger won't be enough to bring down the controversial leader.

Some 220 years ago, Johann Wolfgang Goethe was having the time of his life. He traveled to Rome incognito and savored earth's delights to the full, literary historians say, enjoying wine, women and lively discourse. It may be that he had sex for the first time in the eternal city.

If he had been on Piazza del Popolo square, less than a hundred meters from his house in the Via del Corso 18, on Sunday afternoon, he wouldn't have believed his eyes. Once again, the Italians were debating the grand issues of sex, the might of men and morals, but this time they were speechless.

Tens of thousands of women stood in the early spring sunshine and observed a minute's silence for the dignity of their sex. Then someone shouted from a stage: "Se non ora, quando?" If not now, when? It was the motto of the afternoon. The demonstrators punched the air and shouted "Now! Down with Berlusconi, it's enough." Then they played Patti Smith's song "Power to the People," waved their banners and danced.

At least 30,000 people gathered on the Piazza del Popolo. It was one of the biggest women's demonstrations in years. Similar protests took place at the same time in 230 Italian cities, in front of Milan's Duomo cathedral, in Venice, Florence, on village squares in the south. The organizers said more than 1 million Italians took to the streets. There were even demonstrations abroad, in Tokyo, Brussels, London and Paris. The pent-up anger is palpable. Women -- once the most loyal supporters of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi -- are screaming "Ora basta!" They've had enough. >>> Fiona Ehlers in Rome | Monday, February 14, 2011

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi Condemns 'Disgusting' Prosecutors

BBC: Italy's prime minister has said a request by prosecutors in Milan to have him put on trial immediately over his alleged relationship with an underage prostitute is "disgusting".

Silvio Berlusconi said the prosecutors' case was a "pretext" to oust him.

He has denied paying for sex with a 17-year-old girl and abusing his power to get her released by police after she was arrested over another matter.

A magistrate will now decide if there is enough evidence to proceed to trial.

If convicted, the prime minister could face up to 15 years in prison. >>> | Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Monday, February 07, 2011

Anti-Berlusconi Protest Turns Violent

A weekend of protests against Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi came to an end on Sunday night with violent scuffles between demonstrators and police outside the premier's villa in Milan. Video courtesy of Reuters

Verbunden >>>

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Widerstand gegen Berlusconi wächst

Tausende demonstrieren in Mailand und Florenz gegen den Ministerpräsidenten

NZZ ONLINE: Rund 10'000 Personen haben sich in Mailand an einer Protestkundgebung gegen den italienischen Premierminister Silvio Berlusconi beteiligt. Aus ganz Italien strömten Demonstranten zur Kundgebung, die von der Oppositionsbewegung «Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit» organisiert wurde.

An der Kundgebung gegen Berlusconi in einer grossen Mailänder Sport-Arena nahmen unter anderen der ehemalige Staatspräsident Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, Oppositionspolitiker, Intellektuelle, Künstler und Schriftsteller, wie die Star-Autoren Umberto Eco und Roberto Saviano, teil. «Berlusconi, trete zurück!», lautete die Losung der Demonstranten. >>> sda/apa | Samstag, 05. Februar 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco. Photograph: Google Images

Silvio Berlusconi: Catholic Church Warns of Impending 'Anthropological Disaster’ in Italy

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Catholic Church has launched a scathing critique of Silvio Berlusconi, warning that his scandalous private life threatened to turn Italy into a moral vacuum.

The country’s most senior bishop, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, said the prime minister’s conduct was sowing the seeds of an “anthropological disaster”, where young Italians would eschew abiding by the law and working hard in favour of easy money by “selling” themselves.

Cardinal Bagnasco, said the example set by Italy’s leaders suggested that “cunning, social climbing, showing off and selling oneself” was the way to get ahead in life.

Italians were “horrified” by the conduct of politicians, some of whom needed a refresher course in “the ABCs of ethics”, he said. >>> Nick Squires, Rome | Monday, January 24, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pope Weighs In as Silvio Berlusconi Sex Scandal Deepens

THE GUARDIAN: Officials must 'rediscover moral roots', says pontiff, as Italian PM digs in amid growing evidence of sexual misconduct

Prosecutors investigating Silvio Berlusconi were today told that he would not answer their questions as a witness came forward with new, apparently damaging evidence against him.

The evidence came from Nadia Macri, a prostitute who went to a police station in Milan to give a statement. Late on Thursday, she told a television interviewer she had been with Karima el-Mahroug, the teenager at the centre of the Berlusconi affair, at a party in the Italian prime minister's mansion that became an orgy.

Macri said that on 24 April last year the then 17-year-old Mahroug, known as Ruby Rubacuori (Ruby the Heartstealer), was dancing topless and a bit drunk round a pole in a specially equipped room at Berlusconi's home outside Milan. In a remark which may have been aimed at Italy's beleaguered prime minister, Pope Benedict XVI told an audience of police officers that public officials must "rediscover their spiritual and moral roots". >>> John Hooper in Rome | Friday, January 21, 2011

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Model in Milan prostitution investigation admits sleeping with Berlusconi: The sex scandal engulfing Silvio Berlusconi deepened when, for the first time, one of the women named in a prostitution investigation admitted that she had sex with the prime minister. >>> Nick Squires, Rome | Saturday, January 22, 2011