Showing posts with label PEGIDA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PEGIDA. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

PEGIDA Dresden: Rede von Tatjana Festerling (16.11.2015)

PEGIDA Dresden 16.11.2015 Rede von Tatjana Festerling (1) vor über 30 000 Patrioten.

Germany: PEGIDA Holds First Rally Since Paris Attacks

Thousands of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) supporters gathered at Theaterplatz in Dresden, Monday, to march through the city centre in protest against Merkel's policies on Europe's ongoing migrant and refugee crisis.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Pegida-Demo: Mehr als 9000 Teilnehmer am Montagabend

DIE PRESSE: Die antiislamische Bewegung hat nach den Anschlägen in Paris offenbar etwas mehr Zulauf bekommen. In Dresden waren Plakate mit Aufschriften wie "Gestern in Paris - morgen in Deutschland" zu sehen.

Drei Tage nach den Anschlägen in Paris hat die fremdenfeindliche und antiislamische Pegida-Bewegung in Dresden offenbar etwas mehr Zulauf bekommen. Nach ersten Schätzungen der Studenteninitiative "Durchgezählt" kamen zu der Pegida-Kundgebung am Montagabend 9000 bis 12000 Menschen. Vor einer Woche hatte Pegida bis zu 8500 Anhänger auf die Straße gebracht.

Zum Beginn der Kundgebung vor der Semperoper legten die Demonstranten eine Schweigeminute für die Opfer der Anschläge in Paris ein. Einige Demonstranten trugen französische Fahnen mit Trauerflor. Es waren Plakate zu sehen mit Aufschriften wie "Je suis Paris", aber auch "Gestern in Paris - morgen in Deutschland". » | APA/AFP | Montag, 16. November 2015

PEGIDA: Dresden Abendspaziergang (16.11.2015)

Pegida Dresden Abendspaziergang live vom Theaterplatz Dresden

Monday, November 09, 2015

09.11.2015 PEGIDA Dresden – Live

Pegida Abendspaziergang live vom Theaterplatz Dresden

Germany: PEGIDA Make Human-wall to 'Stop Migrants' at Czech Border

Hundreds of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) supporters, as well as right-wing Czech activists, gathered at Schirnding municipality at the German-Czech border to form a 'human wall' in protest against a record influx of refugees and migrants coming to both EU countries.

Monday, November 02, 2015

SPD empört über Goebbels-Maas-Vergleich von Bachmann

DIE WELT: Am Montagabend haben sich in Dresden Tausende "Pegida"-Anhänger versammelt. Cheforganisator Bachmann verglich in seiner Rede Justizminister Maas mit NS-Propagandachef Goebbels. Die SPD ist empört.

Die SPD fordert Ermittlungen gegen Pegida-Chef Lutz Bachmann, der am Montagabend in Dresden Justizminister Heiko Maas (SPD) mit Nazi-Propagandaminister Joseph Goebbels verglichen hatte. SPD-Parteivize Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel sagte der Deutschen Presse-Agentur: "Verfassungsfeinde wie Bachmann sind ein klarer Fall für den Staatsanwalt und schon lange für den Verfassungsschutz."

Den "rechtsextremen Kriminellen" in der Führung von Pegida dürfe keinen Millimeter Raum gegeben werden. "Der Hass von Pegida bereitet den Boden für die Schlägerrudel, die Flüchtlinge überfallen oder Wohnheime anzünden", sagte der hessische SPD-Landeschef. » | dpa/mak | Montag, 2. November 2015

Verfassungsschutz beobachtet besorgte Bürger: Asyl, Flüchtlinge, Pegida, AfD

Kontaktversuch: "Lügenpresse" trifft Pegida | Panorama | NDR

Panorama hat die Pegida-Demonstranten zu Wort kommen lassen. Nach Ausstrahlung teilte der bei Minute 03:02 interviewte Mann mit Mütze mit, er sei für RTL dort gewesen. Dies war uns nicht bekannt.

PEGIDA Dresden – Abendspaziergang (November 2, 2015)

Großer Abendspaziergang von PEGIDA Dresden. Live vom Neumarkt an der Frauenkirche.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

'Like a Poison': How Anti-immigrant Pegida Is Dividing Dresden

Lutz Bachmann, leader of the Pegida movement.
THE GUARDIAN: A year since its launch, German protest group has evolved into slick operation whose polarising rhetoric is increasingly blamed for attacks on refugees

The wrath at Pegida rallies is reserved almost exclusively for Angela Merkel, who is repeatedly referred to as a “traitor of the people”. The German chancellor – whom many hold responsible for the crisis, namely for her “open door” policy towards asylum claims – is depicted as everything from a euro dictator, dressed in a Nazi-style uniform with red arm bands showing euro signs instead of swastikas, to a state security informant called Erica.

In between speeches the crowds chant “Merkel raus!” (Merkel out), “Widerstand” (resistance) and “Wir sind das Volk” (We are the people) – a rallying cry stolen from the 1989 dissident protests that were crucial in bringing down the Berlin Wall. Alongside German flags, scores are waving what under the bright lights initially looks like the Norwegian flag but is the black, red and gold cross emblem of the Nazi resistance movement led by Claus von Stauffenberg – who was executed after his failed attempt to assassinate Hitler on 20 July 1944.

“We are resistance fighters like him,” an elderly woman trying to push a bike through the crowds says. “We have hardly ever been so vulnerable in our history as we are now, with the borders open and everyone and anyone, including suicide bombers and economic freeloaders, pouring in.” Like many here, she declines to give her name or any other details that might identify her.

Read the whole article and comment » | Kate Connolly in Dresden | Tuesday, October 27, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Bavaria threatens legal challenge to Merkel's open door refugee policy: State’s leader Horst Seehofer has been at loggerheads with the chancellor for weeks and blames her for the scale of the refugee crisis in Germany » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Friday, October 9, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Germany: Thousands of PEGIDA Supporters Rally in Dresden

Around 10,000 PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident) supporters took to the streets of Dresden, Monday.

Monday, October 26, 2015

LIVE: Counter-protest Meets PEGIDA Demo in Dresden

Antifa protesters are due to rally in Dresden on Monday, October 26, threatening to disrupt a march of the far-right movement Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA). The first of PEGIDA’s evening marches took place on October 20, 2014. Numbers kept growing until a record 20,000 supporters gathered in Dresden on October 19, 2015.

Anti-immigrant and anti-Islam protests have dogged Germany for the last year, with a spike in hate crimes against refugees over the last few months as the impact of Europe's refugee crisis continues to grow.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

ZDF Heute: Drei maßgebliche Männer hinter PEGIDA [2015]

Nicht jeder, der mit Pegida "spazieren geht", ist gleich ein Neo-Nazi oder Rassist. Andere aber sehr wohl. Mannheimer, Stürzenberger, Nobile - Diese Männer geben bei Pegida Ton und Richtung an.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Germany: EDL Founder Robinson Addresses Thousands at PEGIDA Rally in Dresden

PEGIDA leader Lutz Bachmann spoke to a 20,000-strong crowd of supporters alongside former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson at a rally in Dresden's Theaterplaz on Monday evening.

Tatjana Festerling »

Warnings over Resurgence of German Far-Right Movement Pegida Sparked by Refugee Crisis

THE TELEGRAPH: The anti-immigration movement held its biggest rally in months in Dresden with up to 20,000 people attending

Fears are growing in Germany of a far-Right resurgence stoked by the refugee crisis, after nearly 20,000 took to the streets of Dresden in the biggest rally by the Pegida anti-immigrant movement for months.

Martin Schulz, the German president of the European parliament, warned of the potential for “far-Right violence and brutality” while Sigmar Gabriel, the German vice-Chancellor, accused Pegida’s leaders of using the “battle rhetoric” of the early Nazi party.

The charge came as one of the speakers at a massive Pegida rally in Dresden spoke of regret that “the concentration camps are out of action”.

Between 15,000 and 20,000 people took part in a demonstration to mark the first anniversary of Pegida’s founding on Monday, according to police. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Germany: Tensions Soar before Ruptly Cameraman Is Attacked Filming PEGIDA Rally

Ruptly cameraman Jose Sequeira was attacked by PEGIDA supporters as he filmed a rally organised by the anti-migrant group in Dresden, Monday.

Thousands Gather in Dresden for Anniversary of Pegida Movement

People gather for an anti-immigration demonstration
organised by Pegida in Dresden.
THE GUARDIAN: One person injured after being set upon by rival protesters as anti-migration group draws thousands to east German city – and similar numbers of counter-protesters

At least one person has been seriously hurt after thousands of people massed in the eastern German city of Dresden to mark the first anniversary of the anti-migrant movement Pegida. Thousands more came out in counter-protest.

Dresden police said in a tweet that a Pegida supporter had been attacked by unidentified assailants, leaving him seriously injured.

Carrying placards bearing images of burqa-clad women crossed out, or slogans referring to the German chancellor such as: “Go [Angela] Merkel: you give the Judas kiss”, Pegida supporters gathered in downtown Dresden on Monday, the birthplace of the movement. One of them, Hannelore, told AFP: “We are here for our children and grandchildren. We are proud to be here and that many people are here. We are glad that people have the courage to speak out.”

“Pegida is not a brown-shirt movement. Never,” said the protester in her 60s, referring to the Nazis, adding: “Frau Merkel is driving our country against the wall.” » | Agence France-Presse in Dresden | Monday, October 19, 2015