Showing posts with label Koran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Koran. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Afghanistan Erupts Over Koran 'Burning'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Furious protesters firing petrol bombs and slingshots have besieged the largest US-run military base in Afghanistan after reports that Nato troops had set fire to copies of the Koran.

The enraged crowd shouted "Death to Americans" and "Death to infidels" at guards at Bagram airbase, north of Kabul. The guards responded by firing rubber bullets on the crowd, said an AFP photographer, who was hit in the neck.

US helicopters fired flares to try to break up as many as 2,000 demonstrators who massed outside several gates to the base.

Hundreds of other people protested in the Afghan capital as security forces dispatched reinforcements in a bid to stop the demonstrations from spiralling out of control in the fiercely conservative Islamic country.

The US commander in Afghanistan, General John Allen, apologised and ordered an investigation into a report that troops "improperly disposed of a large number of Islamic religious materials which included Korans". » | Source: agencies | Tuesday, February 21, 2012

THE GUARDIAN: 'Qur'an burning' at Bagram base sparks protest – in pictures » | Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Don't Say 'Holy Quran'

Holy in the arabic language is (transiteration) 'Muqaddas' , And Allaah ta'Alaa has never refered to the Quran as being, Quran-il-Muqaddas, nor will you find in the reliable books of Sunnah Qurana-il-Muqaddas (The Holy Quran). Allaah called the Quran, Quran-il Kareem(Noble Quran), Quran-il Hakeem (The Wise Quran), Quran-il Majid (The Glorious Quran)etc. So in-shaa'Allaah lets refer the Qurran according to the names Allaah had given it, not simply imitating the christians without intending to do so. And Allaah ta'Ala knows best.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

One of the World's Oldest Qur'ans Goes on Display at the British Museum in London

ISLAM TODAY: One of the oldest known manuscripts of the Qur'an in existence went on show at the British Museum Friday ahead of a new exhibition.

The Qur'an, lent by the British Library, will be part of the exhibition, "Hajj: Journey To The Heart Of Islam:, the first-ever major collection dedicated to the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca in what is today Saudi Arabia.

The copy of the Qur'an is thought to date from the 8th century AD, according to the British Library.

Known as the Ma'il Qur'an, it was probably copied in Mecca or Madinah. The script is known as Ma’il, meaning sloping, on account of the pronounced slant to the right, and it is one of a number of scripts developed in the early Islamic period for the copying of the Qur'an. » | Islam Today/Agencies | Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Muslime können den Koran nicht lesen, so Imam Hübsch

Monday, June 13, 2011

I Read the Koran Every Day, Says Former Prime Minister Tony Blair Who Claims It Keeps Him 'Faith-literate'

MAIL ONLINE: He was notoriously reluctant to discuss religion while Prime Minister, with his chief spin doctor Alastair Campbell famously commenting: ‘We don’t do God.’

But since leaving Downing Street in 2007, Tony Blair has become increasingly open about the importance of religion.

Mr Blair, who converted to Catholicism months after leaving Number 10, has now spoken of how he reads the Koran every day.

Reading the Islamic religion’s holy book - considered by Muslims to be the exact words of God - ensured he remained ‘faith-literate’, the former Labour leader said.

In an interview with the Observer magazine, published yesterday he said: ‘To be faith-literate is crucial in a globalised world, I believe.

‘I read the Qur’an [Koran] every day. Partly to understand some of the things happening in the world, but mainly just because it is immensely instructive.’

Mr Blair believes that a knowledge of the faith informs his current role as Middle East envoy for the Quartet of the United Nations, United States, European Union and Russia.

The former PM’s work, which has cost British taxpayers more than £2million, aims to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mr Blair has previously praised the Muslim faith as ‘beautiful’ and said the Prophet Mohammed had been ‘an enormously civilizing force’.

In 2006 he said the Koran was a ‘reforming book, it is inclusive. It extols science and knowledge and abhors superstition. It is practical and way ahead of its time in attitudes to marriage, women and governance’. » | Ian Drury | Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday, June 06, 2011

The Koran. Image: Google Images

Meanwhile, at the Hay Festival...

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH – EXTRACT: …Simon Schama, 66, the historian, said that the Muslim adherence to the Koran and utter certainty in its tenets is depressing.

Schama joked that a fatwa would be issued against him for speaking out against Islam. While the Koran is “sane and compassionate and merciful” in parts, strict adherence to it can be at odds with modern society, he argued.

He said: “I suppose like bits of the Old Testament it is really immoderate. Islam, as I understand it, means submission. And there is a kind of adamant, utter certainty about the Koran.

“In the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible which I know well, people are constantly arguing with God.

“The Koran isn’t really quite like that. It has a lyrical softness combined with a fierce sword-sharpened intemperance which you can’t help but register.

“In some sense, the notion that anyone holds up a book based on revelation as an absolute law around which the entirety of civil society be constructed is still depressing.” Bob Geldof: I was detestable ... until love saved me » | Anita Singh, Showbusiness Editor | Monday, June 06, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Latest Raw, Uncut And Exclusive Interview Of Pastor Dr. Terry Jones

HT: Faith Freedom »

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pastor Terry Jones to Appeal Ruling in Dearborn

DETROIT FREE PRESS: The Rev. Terry Jones is to file an appeal today in Wayne County Circuit Court over a Dearborn court's decision against him last week that thwarted his plans to protest outside the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, an attorney said Monday.

"It was a clear violation of the First Amendment's right to free speech," said Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel for the Ann Arbor-based Thomas More Law Center, which is representing Jones.

Jones, the Florida pastor who ordered the burning of a Quran last month, was to protest Friday outside the mosque in Dearborn, but Wayne County prosecutors filed an unusual complaint against him, saying he would breach the peace if he rallied. » | Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press Staff Writer | Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Utah Church Offers Free Korans in Easter Gesture

REUTERS: A Utah church is giving away free copies of the Koran in an Easter season ecumenical riposte to the recent burning of the Islamic holy book by a controversial Florida pastor.

The Wasatch Presbyterian Church has ordered 50 copies of the Koran to be distributed at a local bookstore starting on Monday.

"We're not promoting Islam, we're not saying the Koran is the Bible," said Scott Dalgarno, the church's pastor. "We're just saying that if people are curious, if they want their consciences informed on this issue ... then let them pick up a copy on us and read it and decide for themselves what to think."

Dalgarno says each Koran, which the world's nearly 1.6 billion Muslims believe is God's final testament, will have a bookmark insert that reads: "This book was donated by the leaders of Wasatch Presbyterian Church who are not afraid of truth wherever it can be found."

He said the giveaway was a response to Terry Jones, the leader of a fringe, fundamentalist church in Gainesville, Florida. » | James Nelson | SALT LAKE CITY | Friday, April 22, 2011

EXAMINER.COM: SLC Presbyterians provide free copies of Islam’s holy book: SALT LAKE CITY - The Wasatch Presbyterian Church is buying dozens of copies of the Quran and giving them away in the hope of bridging the gap created by extremists last March. » | Alison Peek, Salt Lake City Political Buzz Examiner | Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Anti-BNP Protest Divides Muslims at Swansea Mosque

SOUTH WALES EVENING POST: MUSLIMS clashed outside a Swansea mosque over a demonstration against Koran burning.

Worshippers at the mosque accused the demonstrators, who came from outside the city, of being hot-headed publicity seekers who came to Swansea to cause trouble.

But the 20 or so demonstrators — a group called the Ummah of Muhammad — said it was wrong for Muslims to keep silent about any violation of their holy book, and unfurled banners urging Muslims to rise up against "the crusaders".

There were heated arguments outside the St Helen's Road mosque before police boxed the marchers in front of the nearby Rowlands Exchange and Mart store.

One of the protesters, Abu Abdul-Malik, of Cardiff, said the demonstration was about the burning of the Koran in America last month, and a similar alleged incident in Swansea.

BNP Assembly candidate Sion Owens, of Caerphilly Avenue, Bonymaen, Swansea, was charged with a public order offence earlier this month in connection with the incident. The case was subsequently dropped in Swansea Magistrates Court, but the prosecution said inquiries would continue.

Mr Abdul-Malik, 27, said: "We should not remain silent when the Koran is being desecrated. » | Richard Youle | Saturday, April 23, 2011
Pastor Terry Jones Imprisoned to Prevent Detroit Koran Burning

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The US pastor whose burning of a Koran sparked deadly violence in Afghanistan was briefly jailed in a heavily Islamic suburb on Friday after a court banned his protest outside a mosque.

A local judge jailed Pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida and his associate Wayne Sapp after a court found their planned protest outside the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan, could lead to violence.

During his court appearance, Pastor Jones argued that the Koran "promotes terrorist activities around the world."

He also insisted that his right to protest against Islam was protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

"The First Amendment does us no good if it confines us to saying what is popular," he pointed out.

But Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad testified that his department had received information about serious threats made against Pastor Jones from local residents, and argued that his protest could lead to violence if allowed.

Prosecutor Robert Moran argued that the protest had nothing to do with the First Amendment and at stake were security and peace in the community. » | Saturday, April 23, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Koran-Burning Pastor Plans Michigan Mosque Protest

Apr 21, 2011 – Controversial pastor vows to hold Good Friday demonstration outside Dearborn Islamic Center even after city denied his permit

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Charred Koran Pages Left at Islamic Center

UPI.COM: SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Charred remains of burned Korans and a threatening letter were found at the Islamic Center of Springfield in Missouri, its leaders say.

The leaders said the pages of the Koran were discovered Sunday. The letter turned up the same day.

The FBI told The News-Leader of Springfield it is investigating an alleged civil rights violation, and police records show the incidents were reported. No details were released.

The Rev. Mark Struckhoff, executive director for the Council of Churches of the Ozarks, released a copy of the five-line typed letter. It also had a drawing of a ram's head captioned "Death to Islam."

The writer said "Islam will not survive" and its adherents "stain the earth.” Read on and comment » | UPI | Friday, April 15, 2011

THE NEWS-LEADER: Editorial: Bigotry at Islamic Center is an affront to all »

Monday, April 11, 2011

BNP 'Koran Burning' Charge Dropped

PRESS ASSOCIATION: A British National Party election candidate accused of publicly burning a copy of the Koran has been freed after the charge against him was unexpectedly dropped.

Sion Owens, 41, of Bonymaen, Swansea, South Wales, was arrested and charged at the weekend under Section 29 of the Public Order Act.

The BNP candidate in next month's Welsh Assembly elections spent the weekend in custody before appearing at Swansea Magistrates' Court.

He has been warned that police are continuing to investigate the alleged incident and to expect further action.

It is understood that his release was due to a technicality regarding the Act under which he was arrested and charged. » | UKPA | Monday, April 11, 2011

Related »
Burning the Koran Makes You a Dummkopf, Not a Criminal

TELEGRAPH BLOGS – DANIEL HANNAN: Book-burning neatly symbolizes the know-nothing bellicosity that lies behind so many authoritarian movements. As the fascist general, José Millán-Astray, screamed when confronted with an idea he disliked: ¡Muera la inteligencia! ¡Viva la muerte!

Sion Owens, a BNP candidate in Wales who was arrested when police discovered that he had burned a Koran in his garage, was behaving with extraordinary narcissism. Even the BNP dunderheads who troll this blog can’t have failed to notice that a similar stunt has led to a spate of murders in Afghanistan. What Owens was effectively saying was: “My right to indulge in this little jape matters more to me than any increased threat to my country’s interests or citizens”. He would no doubt argue that he is not to blame for any bloody consequences and, in a sense, this is true: any retaliation will be entirely the responsibility of its perpetrators. But so what? At best, Owens is causing needless offence; at worst, he is seeking to provoke a violent response. The man is evidently – there is no way of putting this gently – a total dick. Continue reading and comment » | Daniel Hannan | Monday, April 11, 2011

My comment:

One of the things I hate about my country is that there is nothing written on paper that explains our rights. In other words, there is no written constitution. Our rights are merely those that Her Majesty and Her government think our rights ought to be – they are fluid, to say the least.

This is anachronistic; and if something isn't done about it soon, I fear that I shall turn from being a pro-monarchist into a full-blown republican! I am sick to death of politicians – most of whom I would not rate as being very intelligent – telling me what I can, or can't, do – and it's usually the latter! 'Ban' seems to be the middle name of so many of the Dummköpfe (thickos, dimwits, fools)! One immediately springs to mind: Tony Ban Blair! And when so many politicians have a love affair with banning, having a written constitution becomes more important than ever.

Regarding burning the Koran, especially on one's own property, is, or should be, no concern of the police at all. How dare the police interfere in one's private affairs! He was not creating any public disorder. So what's the big deal? As Archbishop Cranmer said: The police wouldn't react in this way if one were burning the Bible. They wouldn't give a damn! So why is the Koran given special treatment?

Personally, I would not burn the Koran, because I don't think it serves any purpose. I would prefer to show better. But it is rather irksome to think that my country has travelled so far down the road of dhimmitude. And that it has done so does not auger well for the future; on the contrary, it bodes ill.

One cannot help but ask oneself the question: Has the fact that Sion Owens – It appears that he can't spell his own name! It should be spellt 'Siôn', being as it is Welsh (of Hebrew origin) for John – is a BNP candidate in Wales got anything to do with this arrest, I wonder? Were they trying to discredit him?

Be all that as it may, I am sick to death with spineless politicians (of all hues) using political correctness as a reason to do nothing about the growth of Islam in Europe in particular, and the West in general. Perhaps if they were to take a stand for Judeo-Christian culture, there would be no need for extremists to take matters into their own hands and burn Korans. – © Mark

This comment also appears here

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ann Barnhardt Rebuts Lindsey Graham's Remarks Regarding the First Amendment

Part 2 »
BNP Election Candidate Arrested Over Qur'an Burning

THE OBSERVER: Footage leaked to the Observer shows Welsh Assembly candidate setting fire to Islamic holy book in his garden

A senior member of the BNP who burned a copy of the Qur'an in his garden has been arrested following an investigation by the Observer.

Footage of the burning shows Sion Owens, 40, from south Wales and a candidate for the forthcoming Welsh Assembly elections, soaking the Qur'an in kerosene and setting fire to it.

A video clip of the act, leaked to the Observer and passed immediately to South Wales police, provoked fierce criticism from the government.

A statement from the Home Office said: "The government absolutely condemns the burning of the Qur'an. It is fundamentally offensive to the values of our pluralist and tolerant society.

"We equally condemn any attempts to create divisions between communities and are committed to ensuring that everyone has the freedom to live their lives free from fear of targeted hostility or harassment on the grounds of a particular characteristic, such as religion." » | Mark Townsend | The Guardian | Saturday, April 09, 2011

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Florida Pastor Does Not Plan To Burn More Qurans

NPR: The pastor of a Florida church says he does not plan to burn any more Qurans — but Terry Jones has said that before.

Jones first made headlines around the world last September, when he announced — and then called off — plans to publicly burn a copy of the Quran at his church in Gainesville, Fla. But on March 20, he actually did it — and though it drew little media attention at the time, it has since sparked protests in Afghanistan that have claimed 20 lives.

Jones' event was markedly different from the scene outside his church last year, when reporters, cameras and satellite trucks made him a dubious worldwide celebrity — at least for a while.

To make sure the word got out, Jones' church, the Dove World Outreach Center, videotaped the event and put it up on its website. It was a mock trial, complete with a prosecutor, a jury of church members and a judge played by Jones himself. The charges: "The Quran is charged with death, rape, torture of people worldwide whose only crime is not being of the Islamic faith."

At the conclusion of the trial, Jones and his jurors pronounce the Quran guilty, and a kerosene-soaked copy of the Muslim holy book is placed on a barbecue grill and set aflame.

Jones says he did it to raise awareness about the nature of radical Islam and was surprised when it attracted little notice at first. A few days later, however, the small flame Jones lit in Gainesville was kindled into something much larger half a world away.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai strongly condemned the act, leading to a series of protests in Afghanistan that have claimed more than 20 lives, including those of seven U.N. employees.

Jones says he feels no responsibility for those deaths. » | Greg Allen | Wednesday, April 06, 2011