Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Albert de Monaco et Charlene : Le mariage religieux

Ensemble des vidéos consacrées au mariage à Monaco du Prince Albert et de Charlene Wittstock. Événement du 02 juillet 2011. Commentaire de Stéphane Bern et Marie Drucker

Toutes les vidéos du mariage ici

Monday, May 23, 2011

Remember That Atrocious Hat Princess Beatrice Wore to The Royal Wedding? It’s Just Sold for $131,000 on eBay! At Least the Money Is Going to Good Causes

Money from Ebay bid for Princess Beatrice's bizarre headpiece will go to Children in Crisis and Unicef

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good Morning America: Sarah Ferguson on ‘Oprah,’ Speaks Out On Royal Wedding Snub

Related »
Royal Wedding: Sarah, Duchess of York Speaks of 'Difficult' Snub

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Sarah, Duchess of York has spoken publicly for the first time about being snubbed by the Royal Family over the guest list to the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

The Duchess, who was a close friend of Prince William’s mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, told a US talk show that it had been “difficult” not to have been invited.

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, she said that she had gone to Thailand while the wedding was taking place.

Her daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, attended the Westminster Abbey service with their father, the Duke of York.

The two princesses attracted lively discussion in fashion forums for their striking choice of hats by the designer Philip Treacy.

The Duchess, who is to have her own show on Winfrey’s cable channel, is understood to have turned down a slew of lucrative offers from US television channels to offer commentary on the day of the wedding. » | John Bingham | Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Royal Wedding: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Go on Honeymoon

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have gone on their honeymoon, 10 days after their Westminster Abbey wedding.

Their romantic break was confirmed by St James’s Palace.

On Monday, the couple were seen leaving their Anglesey home with large amounts of luggage[.]

One report claimed that they were heading for the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean.

Prince William and his new bride were expected to go on honeymoon on April 30, the day after their wedding attracted more than a million people to the streets of London. » | Caroline Gammell | Tuesday, May 10, 2011

£4,000 a Night Tropical Honeymoon in Seychelles for William, Kate

MAIL ONLINE: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have left for a two-week honeymoon in a secret hideaway in the Indian Ocean.

The newlyweds will stay in an exclusive villa that costs £4,000-a-night and is located on one of the most beautiful and romantic islands in the world.

The Duke and Duchess are believed to have flown out by private jet yesterday before being taken by helicopter from the mainland to the tropical retreat.

William's car was apparently seen leaving Anglesey, north Wales, yesterday accompanied by a police Range Rover piled high with luggage.

A spokesman for St James's Palace said he would not confirm their honeymoon destination, although according to reports, the couple may have headed for the Seychelles. Wish you were heir! Prince William whisks Kate away on a £4,000-a-night tropical honeymoon 'in the Seychelles' » | Rebecca English | Tuesday, May 10, 2011

WIKI: Seychelles »

Lien en relation avec l’article »

Monday, May 09, 2011

Elisabeth II a un œil sur Pippa

La popularité de la sœur de Kate irriterait la reine Un peu plus d’une semaine après le mariage du prince William et de Kate Middleton, le public n’a d’yeux que pour Pippa, la sœur de la mariée. Une popularité qui aurait tendance, murmure-t-on outre-Manche, à agacer Elisabeth II...

Pippa vole la vedette à Kate, Pippa affole la toile, Pippa ceci, Pippa cela, Pippa, Pippa, Pippa… depuis une semaine, tout le monde ne parle que d’elle. Il n’est pas un jour sans qu’une nouvelle info sur la sœur de Kate Middleton ne vienne embraser le web ou qu’une nouvelle photo ne vienne alimenter les conversations. Comme si la star du mariage, c’était elle! » | Jean-Christian Hay | Lundi 09 Mai 2011

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Kate et William : ils partent demain pour les Seychelles

PARIS MATCH: Dimanche, le Duc et la Duchesse de Cambridge devraient s'envoler pour une lune de miel qui ressemble fort à un retour aux sources de leur amour.

La nouvelle est tombée cet après-midi sur le site du Daily Mirror : le couple princier part demain aux Seychelles en voyage de noces. « Ils ne peuvent plus attendre de prendre du recul et d'évoquer ensemble les semaines incroyables qui viennent de s'écouler » confie au tabloïd un proche des jeunes mariés.

Depuis des semaines Kate et William ont parcouru virtuellement la moitié de la planète, au gré de l'imagination baladeuse de la presse britannique : Kenya, île Moustique, Amérique-du-Sud, Jordanie... Les destinations défilaient aussi vite que les stations du métro londonien. » | David Ramasseul, | Samedi 07 Mai 2011
The Royal Wedding: How William and Kate Lit the Touch Paper for the New Era of the Monarchy

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: William and Kate are the new stars of the Royal family – and the public love them for their spontaneity, says Patrick Jephson

A week has passed in the new royal era. Prince William is back at his airbase. Kate is in the supermarket. The Queen is at Windsor Castle. The media circus has packed its satellite dishes and left town. The bunting has been recycled. Like a cartwheeling verger, we’ve watched the world turn upside down and then revolve right-way up again. Everything looks as it did before. But everything has changed.

These unremarkable days are actually momentous. Historians of tomorrow may look back on them as the point at which either the British Crown reinvented itself to prosper for another 100 years… or at which it gave one final hurrah before slipping into terminal irrelevance.

A touch melodramatic? Consider the options. On the one hand, with the wedding of the decade triumphantly behind us and the prospect of royal babies growing closer by the day, the monarchy is set fair. But on the other, by any realistic actuarial assessment, the next two candidates for the throne will be grandparents by the time they ascend it. That’s not in itself a bad thing – wisdom being one of the qualities most prized in a king – but in a country inexorably ageing, who could blame today’s teenagers for being disenchanted by a system that will never deliver a head of state for their generation. Continue reading and comment » | Patrick Jephson* | Saturday, May 07, 2011

*Patrick Jephson was equerry and private secretary to HRH the Princess of Wales 1988-96

Patrick Jephson »

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Royal Wedding Mesmerised US: Obama

THE GUARDIAN: The glittering royal wedding of Prince William and new wife Kate left America mesmerised, President Barack Obama has told the Prince of Wales.

The US leader said many Americans watched the nuptials, which attracted an estimated worldwide television audience of two billion last week.

The comments came when the heir to the throne sat down for informal discussions in the famous Oval Office of the White House with Mr Obama.

The president described how he was impressed by William and Kate's handling of the pressure of the big day, and joked with Charles how he could not have coped with such a situation himself - he had just 300 guests at his wedding to Michelle.

Mr Obama and his wife were not present at the Westminster Abbey ceremony but his comments suggested he watched some of the event. » | Press Association | Thursday, May 05, 2011

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Pippa, l'autre star du mariage de Kate Middleton et William Dans le sillage du fastueux mariage de Kate Middleton avec le prince William, une femme a polarisé l'attention : Pippa Middleton. La ravissante demoiselle d'honneur a presque volé la vedette à sa soeur, le jour de ses noces princières. 

En portant la traîne de son aînée devant l'abbbaye de Westminster le vendredi 29 avril, Pippa a conquis le Royaume Uni et bien plus. Elle est devenue en peu de temps une véritable star du web. Sculpturale dans sa robe fourreau ivoire, signée Sarah Bruton [sic] pour Alexander Mc Queen, la jeune femme de 27 ans a fait l'unanimité avec cette tenue qui épousait parfaitement ses formes. Continuez à lire et ajouter un commentaire » | Mercredi 04 Mai 2011

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Prinzenhochzeit: „Ich hoffe, wir haben ihren Geschmack getroffen“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Nach der Trauung gab es bei der Königin köstliche Häppchen, aber keinen Pimm's: Hochzeitsgast Philipp Fürst zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, der Großneffe der Queen, erzählt, was die Fernsehkameras nicht filmten.

Philipp Fürst zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, wie begann für Sie der große Tag?

Ganz entspannt. Wir haben uns ins Taxi gesetzt und sind ganz früh in der Westminster Abbey gewesen. Die Stadt war erstaunlich leer, zumindest die Straßen, auf denen wir gefahren sind.

Dann gab es aber bestimmt strenge Sicherheitsvorkehrungen?

Es gab schon Schleusen und einen Metalldetektor. Und es war auch ein bisschen wie am Flughafen. Wir wurden kontrolliert, nachdem wir unsere Zulassungskarte vorgezeigt hatten. Die Karten hatten unterschiedliche Farben, je nachdem, wo man saß. Unsere Karte war orange. Aber weil wir so früh da waren, ging das alles ganz schnell.

Saßen Sie mit der Königsfamilie zusammen hinter der Chorschranke und damit nahe am Altar?

Ja. Wir hatten ganz wunderbare Plätze. Meine Frau und ich saßen direkt hinter der königlichen Familie - vielleicht neun Meter vom Altar entfernt. William und sein Trauzeuge Harry waren ja auch schon früh in der Kirche und sind zweimal direkt an uns vorbeigelaufen in die Sakristei. » | F.A.S. | Die Fragen stellte Peter-Philipp Schmitt | Dienstag, 03. Mai 2011

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Philipp Fürst zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg: Der Hochzeitsgast von der Jagst – Philipp Fürst zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg ist zur Prinzenhochzeit geladen - als einer von wenigen Deutschen. Der Grund: Einer seiner Vorfahren war mit einer der Schwestern von Philip Mountbatten verheiratet, dem Großvater des Bräutigams. » | Von Peter-Philipp Schmitt, Langenburg | Donnerstag, 28. April 2011

WIKI: Philipp zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg »

WIKI: Hohenlohe (Adelsgeschlecht) »

WIKI: Philipp, Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg »

WIKI – Français: Philipp zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg »

WIKI: Langenburg »

WIKI: Schloss Langenburg »
The Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton

Complete coverage of the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Royal Wedding: The Rise and Rise of Pippa Middleton

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: A star is born, but let's pray Kate's little sister is not the new Princess Margaret.

Kate Middleton may have won the nation's hearts on Friday, but as the day's celebrations drew to a close it was clear that her little sister, Pippa, had captured the eyes.

Arriving back at The Goring Hotel close to 3am in a slinky, long emerald gown, with diamanté embellishment, she retained the poise and serene sparkle that had bewitched onlookers all day.

From the moment Pippa arrived at Westminster Abbey, clad in an audaciously simple cowl-necked ivory sheath that skimmed like a glove over her slender yet shapely figure, the nation swooned; you could almost hear the collective male gasp every time she bent to straighten Kate's dress.

By the time Friday's royal wedding service was halfway through, Pippa's crepe-covered derrière was "trending" wildly on social media site Twitter, and by the day's end there were three separate Facebook pages dedicated to praise of her posterior – with the "Pippa Middleton *** Appreciation Society" leading the panting field. Many other admirers, however, had eyes only for the tantalising glimpses of cleavage afforded by her dress's teasing neckline.

What was interesting was that women were every bit as captivated as male onlookers.

While I was waiting in BBC Newsnight's green room on Friday night to discuss the day's great events with half a dozen pundits of varying royalist and republican tendencies, the talk was in perfect accord when it came to the impact of the younger Middleton sister: everyone thought she was utterly ravishing. » | Rowan Pelling | Sunday, May 01, 2011
Frost Over the World - The Royal Wedding

It is estimated that about two billion people around the world watched the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. What does that say about the popularity of the British royal family, or more particularly this newly-wed couple?

Windsor Wonderland: William and Kate Celebrate Dream Wedding

Photo: Spiegel Online International

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Britain celebrated the royal wedding of William and Kate with a grand patriotic spectacle. Friday's ceremony also sent out a message: With these two at the helm as the future king and queen of England, the monarchy will be less distant from its subjects in the years to come -- and also a little more human.

If you want to know just how important a particular event is to the Brits, you just have to look at the bets that the bookmakers are accepting. In the runup to the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton on Friday, you could, for example, bet that the bride or groom would drop the wedding ring during the ceremony in Westminster Abbey (something which did not happen), or that Kate would mix up the first names of her husband, like Diana before her (she did not), or that Prince Philip would fall asleep during the ceremony (fortunately he did not) or that the Queen would wear a yellow hat (which she did).

The British had been preparing for the royal wedding for weeks. Some had chosen the best place to observe the proceedings and had camped out on the sidewalk for days. Others chose to use the public holiday to hold royal-themed parties.

There were certainly enough attempts to make money out of the occasion. The high-end supermarket chain Waitrose, for example, had a royal couple made out of gingerbread on sale. Demand rapidly increased in the past few days, and hundreds of the gingerbread royals were sold.

The route that Kate and William traveled after the ceremony in their century-old coach had resembled a carnival scene for days. People were already camped out on Thursday evening to reserve the best places along the route. More and more arrived over the course of the evening, braving the cold. The sense of anticipation grew by the hour. Across the country, around 5,000 street parties were held in what was no less than an impressive patriotic spectacle.

The wedding was also a kind of national festival. The British were celebrating their royal family and their own Britishness. Early on Friday morning, hundreds had gathered at the Goring Hotel, where Kate Middleton spent her last night as an unmarried woman together with her parents and siblings. Spectators outside Westminster Abbey fought fiercely for the best seats. Some of them had left their homes or hotels at the crack of dawn to get a place in the front row, and were not willing to settle for less.

Even after the wedding, people continued celebrating -- some out of conviction, others simply because everyone else was doing so. The euphoria did not let up. » | Marco Evers, Barbara Hans and Carsten Volkery in London | Friday, April 29, 2011



Saturday, April 30, 2011

Les plus beaux chapeaux du mariage princier

Miriam Gonzales Durantez, femme de Nick Clegg. Photo : Paris Match

PARIS MATCH: À la galerie » | Samedi 30 Avril 2011

LA TIMES PHOTOGALLERY: Top hats at the royal wedding: There was an abundance of head adornment amid the displays of grace and elegance at the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey in London. These are our top picks. Enjoy! » | Jerome Adamstein | Sunday, May 01, 2011
Royal Wedding: Inside Kate and William’s Extraordinary Palace Reception

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Guests at Prince William and Kate Middleton’s reception for their closest friends have described the “magical” night in Buckingham Palace after the wedding.

Just as Prince William had pledged that his late mother should share “in all the fun and excitement” of his engagement by giving his bride the ring she once wore, so the sons of Diana, Princess of Wales made sure that she was not forgotten in the royal wedding celebrations.

Prince William and his best man, Prince Harry, both paid tribute to their mother in their speeches at the intimate evening reception on Friday night, telling their closest friends and family “how much she would have liked to have been here” as Prince William married Kate Middleton.

The emotional moments when both Princes remembered their late mother in their respective speeches followed an evening reception at Buckingham Palace, described by one guest as “the most magical party imaginable”.

There were fireworks, a live band led by the pop star Ellie Goulding, and the Palace’s magnificent Throne Room was transformed into a “massive nightclub”.

After a lunch-time reception at Buckingham Palace for 650 guests hosted by the Queen for the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, only the couple’s true inner circle - 300 of their most trusted friends and family - retired their homes or London hotels to rest and then change into their evening wear for the reception at the Palace, hosted by the Prince of Wales.

Prince William wore black-tie and was accompanied by his new bride - looking every inch the Princess in another flowing white satin dress, accessorised with a diamante detail at the waist and an angora bolero cardigan, again by the wedding dress designer Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen - as he emerged from Clarence House shortly after 7pm, before heading to the Palace with Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall. » | Roya Nikkhah, Royal Correspondent | Saturday, April 30, 2011
Royal Wedding: Security Fears Hit Prince William and Kate Middleton's Honeymoon Plan

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Prince William and his new wife have postponed their honeymoon abroad in a surprise last-minute announcement.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – the Prince and Kate Middleton's new titles – revealed they would not be immediately travelling overseas for the traditional post-wedding break, choosing instead to spend time at an undisclosed location in the UK before the Prince returns to work next week.

The sudden change, announced on Saturday, came despite aides having said consistently that the honeymoon would immediately follow the wedding, and Miss Middleton shopping for sundresses and bikinis last week.

There was speculation it may have been prompted by security concerns.

The couple were originally believed to have booked a honeymoon in Jordan, where the Duchess lived for two years as a child.

The trip was thought to have included visits to the Wadi-Rum desert and the ancient city of Petra.

However, potential security hazards surrounding the continuing unrest throughout the Middle East may have prompted them to rethink their plans. » | Roya Nikkhah, Royal Correspondent | Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hear Music From The Royal Wedding

WGBH.ORG: England's Royal Wedding of 2011 for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge included stunning musical performances. Hear them on demand here.
Sarah Burton, the Royal Wedding Dress Designer Who Will Avoid the Limelight

THE GUARDIAN: McQueen's successor said designing Kate Middleton's dress had been the 'experience of a lifetime', but Sarah Burton is unlikely to try to cash in on her newfound fame

The long-rumoured yet never-quite-confirmed designer of Kate Middleton's wedding dress, Sarah Burton, took over as creative director of the Alexander McQueen label in May 2010, following its founder's suicide in February of that year. » | Imogen Fox | Saturday, April 30, 2011

LA TIMES PHOTOGALLERY: Kate’s royal wedding dress: After weeks of speculation that at times verged on the absurd, Kate Middleton emerged in a wedding gown by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen. The wedding gown was classic-looking, in silk gazar with long, intricate Chantilly lace sleeves and a V-shaped neckline, and it represents the grandest British fashion gesture the young royal could have made. » | Jerome Adamstein | Sunday, May 01, 2011