Showing posts with label Islamic schools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic schools. Show all posts

Friday, April 18, 2014

A Weak Establishment Is Letting Islamists Threaten British Freedoms

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Birmingham council and police must do all they can to uncover extremist subversion in the city's schools. All Islamist schools of thought are hostile to democracy

Sunday is Easter Day, but the pupils of 25 or so state schools in Birmingham probably do not know what that means for Christians. Argument rages about Islamist infiltration of these schools, and the exclusion of non-Muslim beliefs that results. There is an apparent plot by Muslim extremists to get their people into school governorships and install like-minded heads. This week, Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, boldly appointed Peter Clarke, a former senior policeman, as his commissioner to look into the whole thing. » | Charles Moore | Friday, April 18, 2014 (Good Friday)

My comment:

"A weak establishment is letting Islamists threaten British freedoms" – Charles Moore

I, and many others, have been saying this for aeons. But we have been shouted down for being Islamophobic. But it is very refreshing indeed that MSM journalists, especially journalists of such repute as Charles Moore, are at last having the courage to say what we have been saying for so long.

Tony Blair made a very big mistake to encourage the proliferation of such faith schools. Faith schools, as long as they were CofE or even Jewish schools, were pretty benign, and offered some excellent educational opportunities to our young people. But Islamic schools are a very different story. Islamic schools are subversive and exclusive. They do not foster broad thought, and encourage pupils to have a feeling of superiority. Further, they discourage integration of pupils into the mainstream of society, to say nothing of their effects on girls' education. These schools need to be monitored and their negative effects checked constantly; and if necessary, they should be closed down. – © Mark

This comment appears here too.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Islamic Schools Making Girls Wear Veils and Burkas

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Young girls are being forced to wear burkas or full-face veils by Islamic schools in Britain.

A number of the religious schools enforce uniform policies where such clothing is mandatory, even for girls as young as 11.

Under the dress code stipulated by the Madani Girls’ School in Tower Hamlets, East London, all pupils must wear a black burka and long black coat when outside.

The girls must also wear headscarves in the classroom and the school says on its website that its uniform rule "conforms to the Islamic Code of dressing and must be adhered to at all times".

The Ayesha Siddiqa Girls School, in Southall, West London, insists its pupils wear a navy blue burka or Jilbab, a long, loose-fitting garment that does not cover the face, when walking between lessons, The Times reported.

According to the school’s website, it is "not willing to compromise on any issues regarding uniform". » | Rosa Silverman | Wednesday, September 2013

My comment:

There was a time in which I was truly proud to be British. Those days are long gone. How can I be proud of being British anymore when the establishment is too weak to stand up for the British way of life, too weak to stand up for what we believe in?

Do the politicians and so-called leaders not realise that to force girls as young as eleven to cover themselves up in this way is a form of child abuse? These children are being deprived of normal contact with other children, they are being deprived of their childhood, and they are being deprived of sunlight, which could lead to rickets. It will certainly not be good for their young skin; it will make many of those young girls spotty.

This practice should be stopped forthwith. The wearing of full veil coverings is not a requirement of Islam anyway. Islam demands of its female adherents modesty, not the full covering of all body parts. The wearing of the burqah and other complete coverings stems from Middle Eastern culture; it has little or nothing to do with Islam. (Not that I am making excuses for that backward religion.)

It is interesting to note that pre-pubescent girls are not forced to cover up even in Saudi Arabia. Even in Saudi Arabia, little girls are allowed to be little girls, and they can play with their contemporaries freely. So if little girls are allowed not to cover themselves before puberty in Saudi Arabia, why should we allow them to be covered up in these ridiculous garments here in the United Kingdom? These garments are unhealthy in more ways than one. They should be banned forthwith. – © Mark

This comment appears here too.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Islamic Schools Should Be Banned

Islamic schools should be banned. They inculcate a sense of superiority, encourage their pupils to hate, teach that the West must be conquered, that the West is in a state of Jahilliyyah, or pre-Islamic chaos. To them, the world is split into two: the House of Islam (Dar ul Islam) and the House of War (Dar ul Harb). Jihad will be waged until the latter is turned into the former. Is this what we want British children to believe, regardless of their ethnic background?

Islam is anathema to Western-style liberal democracy. Indeed it is its enemy. – © Mark

This comment also appeared here.

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Dark Age Alert! Muslim Pupils Learn to Cut Off Hands of Thieves

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Muslim children are being taught how to chop off thieves’ hands and that Jews are plotting to take over the world at a network of Islamic schools, it has been disclosed.

A diagram from one of the text books. Diagram: The Daily Telegraph

Up to 5,000 pupils attending weekend schools across Britain are being exposed to textbooks claiming that some Jews were transformed into pigs and apes, and that some offences could be punished with stoning. One book for six year-olds warns that those who do not believe in Islam will be condemned to “hellfire” in death.

Another text for 15 year-olds teaches that thieves who break Sharia law should have their hands cut off for a first offence and their feet amputated for a subsequent crime. Teenagers are presented with diagrams showing where the cuts should be made.

Tonight’s Panorama on BBC One will claim that the books were discovered at a network of 40 private schools teaching the Saudi Arabian national curriculum. The programme claims to have uncovered evidence apparently linking the schools to the Saudi embassy. Officials at the embassy deny any link.

Panorama also found examples of private Muslim schools using extremist sentiments on their websites. >>> Graham Paton | Sunday, November 21, 2010

Muslim-schooling Is Anti-Semitic

BBC: The BBC's Panorama programme has found evidence that Muslim schoolchildren in England are being taught anti-Semitic and homophobic material from a Saudi textbook.

The syllabus used at a network of more than 40 weekend schools details the correct way to chop off the hands and feet of thieves and advocates the death penalty for homosexuality. Watch video here or here.

Panorama will be on TV tonight at 8:30pm.

BBC: British Schools, Islamic Rules: Investigation which uncovers disturbing evidence that some Muslim children are being exposed to extremist preachers and fundamentalist Islamic groups. We also expose the part-time schools where hate is on the curriculum. The programme asks why school inspectors have missed the warning signs and examines the impact this could have on young Muslims' ability to integrate into mainstream British life. >>> | Monday, November 20, 2010

Watch: Panorama: British Schools, Islamic Rules >>>

This is just the start! Islam is not compatible with a liberal democracy. Our politicians and the powers that be had better learn this simple lesson soon, before it’s too late. We have no obligation to tolerate this backward, dark-age excuse for a religion in our country. We do not have to tolerate the intolerant. Muslims WILL turn the clocks back to a DARK AGE. It’s in their DNA! Do something about it! NOW! – © Mark

The Dawning of a New Dark Age >>>

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Ofsted Praises Islamic Schools Which Oppose Western Lifestyle

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Ofsted and the Charity Commission are today accused of "whitewashing" hardline Islamic schools which are helping to radicalise a new generation of young British Muslims.

Among the schools directly inspected by Ofsted was the Madani Girls' School, a private Islamic school in London's East End. Photo: The Daily Telegraph

An investigation by The Sunday Telegraph has established that the education watchdog has published positive reports praising Muslim schools for their contribution to community cohesion — even in the case of a school which openly states that Muslims “oppose the lifestyle of the West”.

The Ofsted inspector responsible for many of the reports, Michele Messaoudi, has been accused of having links to radical Islamist organisations.

This newspaper can reveal that another recent Ofsted inspector, Akram Khan-Cheema, is the chief executive of a radical Muslim educational foundation, IBERR.

Its website describes Islamic schools as “one of the most important factors which protect Muslim children from the onslaught of Euro-centrism, homosexuality, racism, and secular traditions”.

Ofsted has also passed the inspection of dozens of Muslim schools to a new private “faith schools watchdog”, the Bridge Schools Inspectorate, which is co-controlled by Islamic schools’ own lobbying and trade body, the Association of Muslim Schools.

The Bridge Schools Inspectorate allows Muslim head teachers to inspect each other’s schools.

Among the schools directly inspected by Ofsted was the Madani Girls’ School, a private Islamic school in London’s East End.

Its Ofsted report, written by Mrs Messaoudi, said it made pupils “aware of their future role as proactive young British Muslim women” and left them “well-prepared for life in a multicultural society”.

However, the Madani Girls’ School’s own website openly states: “If we oppose the lifestyle of the West, then it does not seem sensible that the teachers and the system which represents that lifestyle should educate our children.”

It says that under western education “our children will distance themselves from Islam until there is nothing left but their beautiful names”. >>> Andrew Gilligan | Saturday, November 06, 2010

Saturday, October 02, 2010

British Schools Where Girls Must Wear the Islamic Veil

THE TELEGRAPH: Hundreds of girls are bring forced by British schools to wear the Islamic veil in a move which has been heavily criticised by mainstream Muslims.

Islamic schools have introduced uniform policies which force girls to wear the burka or a full headscarf and veil known as the niqab.

Moderate followers of Islam said yesterday that enforcement of the veil was a "dangerous precedent" and that children attending such schools were being "brainwashed".

The Sunday Telegraph has established that three UK institutions have introduced a compulsory veil policy when girls are walking to or from school. They are:

• Madani Girls' School in east London;
• Jamea Al Kauthar in Lancaster;
• Jameah Girls' Academy in Leicester.

All three are independent, fee-paying, single-sex schools for girls aged 11 to 18. Critics warned that the spectacle of burka-clad pupils entering and leaving the schools at the start and end of the day could damage relations between Muslim and non-Muslim communities.

Ed Husain, co-director of Quilliam, the counter-extremist think-tank, said: "It is absurd that schools are enforcing this outdated ritual – one that which sends out a damaging message that Muslims do not want to fully partake in British society.

"Although it is not the government's job to dictate how its citizens dress, it should nonetheless ensure that such schools are not bankrolled or subsidised by the British taxpayer."

He added: "The enforcing of the niqab on young girls is not a mainstream Islamic practice – either in Britain or in most Muslim-majority countries.

"It is a desert practice which belongs to another century and another world."

Dr Taj Hargey, an imam and chairman of the Muslim Educational Trust of Oxford, said: "This is very disturbing and sets a dangerous precedent. >>> David Barrett, Home Affairs Correspondent | Saturday, October 02, 2010

It is becoming increasingly clear that most of the problems that the West is facing are being caused by Islam and Muslims. Until the West rids itself of the cancer of Islam, there is little hope of improvement; inevitably, the West will sink deeper into the mire as time marches on. Alas, the politicians haven't the spunk to do anything about our slide into backwardness and darkness. – © Mark

This comment also appeared here

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Smacking Ban Extended to Muslim Madrassahs and After School Clubs

MAIL ONLINE: Islamic schools are to be banned from smacking after a report warned that children were at risk of physical abuse.

Children's Secretary Ed Balls today acted to extend the ban on smacking to all who teach or care for children outside the family including leaders of Muslim madrassahs.

The move followed an investigation by Government adviser Sir Roger Singleton which found evidence youngsters in madrassahs were sometimes given physical punishments, including a 'clip round the ear' or the 'hen' position, where fingers are squeezed around a pencil.

'I do not think that there should be any scope to conceal reality by dissembling with words,' said Sir Roger, chief adviser on child safety.

'A "clip round the ear" could result in a damaging blow to a child's head.'

He went on: 'I was told of other physical punishments such as the "hen" position where fingers are laced with a pencil and squeezed.'

He also raised concerns about treatment of children in some fundamentalist Christian part-time schools, where biblical references to chastising youngsters are taken literally.

Existing laws outlaw smacking by teachers in schools. But those who tutor children outside school, in part-time educational settings and weekend and evening faith schools are not covered.

These include Britain's estimated 1,600 madrassahs. >>> Laura Clark | Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ed Balls Comes Out Fighting - for 'Racist' Islamic Schools

THE TELEGRAPH: A trustee of one of the schools which Ed Balls is defending has written in a Hizb ut Tahrir journal condemning the "corrupt western concepts of materialism and freedom," observes Andrew Gilligan.

We connoisseurs of Ed Balls, a small but happy band, know from experience that the moment he gets that complacent little smile playing round his lips is the time to set the video; the moment when Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families is once more about to walk, unknowingly, into an open manhole.

Mr Balls has been having good sport with the Tories this week. On Newsnight on Wednesday, the little smile was in full operation as he expressed mock sympathy with their communities spokesman, Paul Goodman, for having to defend the "factual errors" and "irresponsible politics" of his leader, David Cameron, in the row over Islamic schools.

The Tories should have "checked their facts", he chided. Ofsted, he told Radio 4, "have satisfied themselves that there were not problems in these schools". The whole episode "casts real doubt on David Cameron's judgment", he said, sorrowfully.

Cameron had said that two schools run by members or activists of a thoroughly nasty extremist organisation, Hizb ut Tahrir, had been paid £113,000 of public money. The allegationcame from a story of mine in the Telegraph four weeks ago.

The central charge is perfectly true, thoroughly documented – and a scandal. But Cameron made some mistakes in the detail, sending the Westminster media chasing down one of their classic "process issue" cul-de-sacs (whether the schools were registered, and which particular part of the Whitehall cake this slice of cash had come from) and allowing Balls to launch his attack on Cameron. He clearly thought he'd scored a bullseye: one-nil to the forces of Gordon. >>> Andrew Gilligan | Friday, November 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Pakistan’s Islamic Schools Fill Void, but Fuel Militancy

The madrasas offer almost no instruction beyond the memorizing of the Koran, creating a widening pool of young minds that are sympathetic to militancy. Photo courtesy of The New York Times

THE NEW YORK TIMES: MOHRI PUR, Pakistan — The elementary school in this poor village is easy to mistake for a barn. It has a dirt floor and no lights, and crows swoop through its glassless windows. Class size recently hit 140, spilling students into the courtyard.

But if the state has forgotten the children here, the mullahs have not. With public education in a shambles, Pakistan’s poorest families have turned to madrasas, or Islamic schools, that feed and house the children while pushing a more militant brand of Islam than was traditional here.

The concentration of madrasas here in southern Punjab has become an urgent concern in the face of Pakistan’s expanding insurgency. The schools offer almost no instruction beyond the memorizing of the Koran, creating a widening pool of young minds that are sympathetic to militancy.

In an analysis of the profiles of suicide bombers who have struck in Punjab, the Punjab police said more than two-thirds had attended madrasas.

“We are at the beginning of a great storm that is about to sweep the country,” said Ibn Abduh Rehman, who directs the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, an independent organization. “It’s red alert for Pakistan.” >>> By Sabrina Tavernise | Sunday, May 3, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Surprise! Surprise!

MAIL Online: Some Islamic schools are promoting fundamentalist views and encouraging children to despise Western society, a report warns.

An investigation by the Civitas social policy think-tank found websites of some of the UK’s 166 Muslim schools are spreading extreme teachings, while a handful had links to sites promoting jihad, or holy war.

Examples include web forums forbidding Muslims from reading Harry Potter books, playing chess or cricket and listening to Western music.

The Civitas report, entitled Music, Chess and Other Sins, claims Ofsted inspectors are incapable of scrutinising Muslim faith schools properly, and demands an inquiry by MPs.

Many of the websites featured in the report were shut down or edited in the hours before it was published.

Islamic schools educate thousands of Muslim children. Most operate in the private sector although increasing numbers are seeking state funding. Some Muslim Schools 'Make Children Despise the West': Ban on Cricket and Harry Potter >>> By Matthew Hickley | Friday, February 20, 2009

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