Monday, November 22, 2010

New Dark Age Alert! Muslim Pupils Learn to Cut Off Hands of Thieves

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Muslim children are being taught how to chop off thieves’ hands and that Jews are plotting to take over the world at a network of Islamic schools, it has been disclosed.

A diagram from one of the text books. Diagram: The Daily Telegraph

Up to 5,000 pupils attending weekend schools across Britain are being exposed to textbooks claiming that some Jews were transformed into pigs and apes, and that some offences could be punished with stoning. One book for six year-olds warns that those who do not believe in Islam will be condemned to “hellfire” in death.

Another text for 15 year-olds teaches that thieves who break Sharia law should have their hands cut off for a first offence and their feet amputated for a subsequent crime. Teenagers are presented with diagrams showing where the cuts should be made.

Tonight’s Panorama on BBC One will claim that the books were discovered at a network of 40 private schools teaching the Saudi Arabian national curriculum. The programme claims to have uncovered evidence apparently linking the schools to the Saudi embassy. Officials at the embassy deny any link.

Panorama also found examples of private Muslim schools using extremist sentiments on their websites. >>> Graham Paton | Sunday, November 21, 2010

Muslim-schooling Is Anti-Semitic

BBC: The BBC's Panorama programme has found evidence that Muslim schoolchildren in England are being taught anti-Semitic and homophobic material from a Saudi textbook.

The syllabus used at a network of more than 40 weekend schools details the correct way to chop off the hands and feet of thieves and advocates the death penalty for homosexuality. Watch video here or here.

Panorama will be on TV tonight at 8:30pm.

BBC: British Schools, Islamic Rules: Investigation which uncovers disturbing evidence that some Muslim children are being exposed to extremist preachers and fundamentalist Islamic groups. We also expose the part-time schools where hate is on the curriculum. The programme asks why school inspectors have missed the warning signs and examines the impact this could have on young Muslims' ability to integrate into mainstream British life. >>> | Monday, November 20, 2010

Watch: Panorama: British Schools, Islamic Rules >>>

This is just the start! Islam is not compatible with a liberal democracy. Our politicians and the powers that be had better learn this simple lesson soon, before it’s too late. We have no obligation to tolerate this backward, dark-age excuse for a religion in our country. We do not have to tolerate the intolerant. Muslims WILL turn the clocks back to a DARK AGE. It’s in their DNA! Do something about it! NOW! – © Mark

The Dawning of a New Dark Age >>>