Showing posts with label cricket team. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cricket team. Show all posts

Friday, February 20, 2009

Surprise! Surprise!

MAIL Online: Some Islamic schools are promoting fundamentalist views and encouraging children to despise Western society, a report warns.

An investigation by the Civitas social policy think-tank found websites of some of the UK’s 166 Muslim schools are spreading extreme teachings, while a handful had links to sites promoting jihad, or holy war.

Examples include web forums forbidding Muslims from reading Harry Potter books, playing chess or cricket and listening to Western music.

The Civitas report, entitled Music, Chess and Other Sins, claims Ofsted inspectors are incapable of scrutinising Muslim faith schools properly, and demands an inquiry by MPs.

Many of the websites featured in the report were shut down or edited in the hours before it was published.

Islamic schools educate thousands of Muslim children. Most operate in the private sector although increasing numbers are seeking state funding. Some Muslim Schools 'Make Children Despise the West': Ban on Cricket and Harry Potter >>> By Matthew Hickley | Friday, February 20, 2009

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