Showing posts with label François Hollande. Show all posts
Showing posts with label François Hollande. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

France’s New Reality: Hollande Claims Country At War With ISIS, Predicts Long Battle

France is in a state of war and it's going to be a long battle... words of warning from President Hollande. It comes after a deadly terror act at a Catholic church. Security's now to be boosted at the country's religious sites.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

France Church Attack: Hollande Vows to Fight Extremism

BBC: President Francois Hollande has said the Islamist threat to France and Europe has never been as severe as now and promised that he would win the fight against radicalisation.

He was speaking after two armed men, pledging allegiance to so-called Islamic State, stormed a church and killed an elderly priest. BBC video » | Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Monday, November 30, 2015

France: Climate Change as Much a Priority as the War on Terror - Hollande at COP21

Tackling climate change alongside terrorism is among the major global challenges that must be overcome, said French President Hollande in Paris, Monday, adding "we must leave our children more than a planet free of terror."

Friday, November 27, 2015

LIVE: Putin and Hollande Give a Joint Press Conference Following Their Meeting - English Audio

Russian president Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande will hold a joint press conference following their meeting in Moscow on Thursday, November 26.

French President Francois Hollande is scheduled to travel to Moscow to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss French and Russian actions in combating terrorism as well as the Syrian Crisis on Thursday, November 26.

Russia, which already launched its bombing campaign against militants in Syria on September 30, will negotiate with France for an international anti-terrorism operation in Syria. Hollande called for a broad coalition including the USA after the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militant group claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris last week, that killed 130 people and left hundreds injured.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Obama & Hollande Speeches, Press Conference after ISIL Talks

U.S. president, Barack Obama, speaks after talks with Francois Hollande, the President of France, to discuss strategy against ISIL in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. The talks took place at the White House in Washington, D.C.

Hollande-Obama : les principales déclarations

LE POINT: Après Mohammed VI et David Cameron, le président français a rencontré son homologue américain pour obtenir un renforcement de la lutte contre Daech.

Voici les principales déclarations faites par François Hollande et Barack Obama au terme de la rencontre qui a eu lieu ce mardi entre les deux chefs d'État.

« Nous sommes tous français »

« Nous sommes tous français », a lancé, en français, le président américain Barack Obama aux côtés de son homologue français François Hollande, lors d'une conférence de presse conjointe mardi à la Maison-Blanche. Onze jours après les pires attentats jamais perpétrés en France, le président Obama a affirmé que les États-Unis et la France étaient « unis » et « totalement solidaires » dans la lutte contre le terrorisme. « Nous aimons les Français », a encore lancé Barack Obama, rappelant que Paris était traditionnellement le « plus ancien allié de l'Amérique », en allusion à la Révolution américaine de la fin du XVIIIe siècle appuyée par des Français et que la France s'était tenue aux côtés des États-Unis lors des attentats du 11 Septembre 2001 avec le fameux « Nous sommes tous américains ». Le président des États-Unis a également assuré que les Américains ne se laisseront « pas terroriser » par les menaces terroristes, au lendemain d'une alerte mondiale lancée par le département d'État sur les risques de voyager à l'étranger pour ses ressortissants. À cet égard, le président Obama a exhorté l'Union européenne à partager avec les États-Unis les informations relatives aux passagers du transport aérien. » | Le (avec AFP) | mardi 24 novembre 2015

Les visites compliquées de François Hollande à Washington et Moscou

LE MONDE: François Hollande est arrivé aux Etats-Unis, mardi 24 novembre dans l’après-midi, pour une rencontre avec le président Barack Obama, destinée à accentuer la mobilisation contre l’Etat islamique (EI). La veille, M. Hollande a reçu le soutien du premier ministre britannique, David Cameron, accueilli à l’Elysée.

La partie s’annonce plus compliquée pour le président français à Washington puis, ensuite, à Moscou, jeudi. Avec Barack Obama, les relations ont toujours été tendues sur la Syrie, depuis le revirement d’août 2013, lorsque la Maison Blanche a renoncé à frapper le régime de Bachar Al-Assad qui venait pourtant de franchir une « ligne rouge » édictée par M. Obama en utilisant des armes chimiques contre sa population. » | Par Yves-Michel Riols | mardi 24 novembre 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015

France Is Trying to Create a Coalition to Destroy Isil, But President Obama Isn't Interested

THE TELEGRAPH: Will the leader of the free world please stand up?

Tell me: What’s a suicide bomber doing with a passport? He’s not going anywhere. And, though I’m not a religious scholar, I doubt that a passport is required in paradise for a martyr to access his 72 black-eyed virgins.

A Syrian passport was found near the body of one of the terrorists. Why was it there? Undoubtedly, to back up the Islamic State boast that it is infiltrating operatives amid the refugees flooding Europe. The passport may have been fake, but the terrorist’s fingerprints were not. They match those of a man who just a month earlier had come through Greece on his way to kill Frenchmen in Paris.

If the other goal of the Paris massacre was to frighten France out of the air campaign in Syria -- the way Spain withdrew from the Iraq War after the terror attack on its trains in 2004 -- they picked the wrong country. France is a serious post-colonial power, as demonstrated in Ivory Coast, the Central African Republic and Mali, which France saved from an Islamist takeover in 2013.

Indeed, socialist President Francois Hollande has responded furiously to his country’s 9/11 with an intensified air campaign, hundreds of raids on suspected domestic terrorists, a state of emergency and proposed changes in the constitution to make France less hospitable to jihad.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama, titular head of the free world, has responded to Paris with weariness and annoyance. His news conference in Turkey was marked by a stunning tone of passivity, detachment and lassitude, compounded by impatience and irritability at the very suggestion that his Syria strategy might be failing.

The only time he showed any passion was in denouncing Republicans for hardheartedness toward Muslim refugees. One hundred and twenty-nine innocents lie dead but it takes the GOP to kindle Obama’s ire. » | Charles Krauthammer | Friday, November 20, 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

France: Hollande Says France Is 'At War,' Calls For Large Anti-IS Coalition

War on Terror: ISIS Threatens the Whole WORLD and Needs to Be ANNIHILATED, Says Hollande

EXPRESS: FRENCH President Francois Hollande has called for a “large coalition” against Islamic State to “annihilate” the terror group.

In a televised address today Francois Hollande said military operations in the Middle East would be intensified just days after it launched attacks on ISIS, also known as Daesh, destroying a number of targets.

He announced plans to form a coalition with USA and Russia “to carry out strikes on Dash because Daesh is guilty”.

The president added: “What’s at stake is annihilating an army that threatens the whole world and not just some countries.”

He told the nation “we are at war” and promised there would be increases recruitment for the both the judiciary and police forces. » | Rob Virtue | Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

France Will Be in a State of Emergency for Three Months: Hollande Vows to 'Destroy' ISIS and Pledges 'No Barbarians Will Prevent Us from Living How We Have Decided to Live'

DAILY MAIL: Francois [sic] Hollande is sending more jets to 'destroy ISIS' for the 129 dead / President also calling for UN resolution to fight on the ground in Syria / Army will stay on streets and strict border controls will last until into 2016 / He said: 'Terrorism will never destroy the republic, because the republic will destroy terrorism'

France will be in a state of emergency for the next three months and is now 'at war' with ISIS, Francois [sic] Hollande said today.

The French President told MPs in Paris he 'will destroy' the terror group by intensifying bombing raids on targets in Syria and is sending an aircraft carrier packed with jets this week.

In a speech at Versailles this afternoon Mr Hollande announced he wants a new UN Security Council resolution to fight ISIS, which could in theory lead to a coalition ground invasion.

He said: 'France is at war. No barbarians will prevent us from living how we have decided to live. To live fully. Terrorism will never destroy the republic, because the republic will destroy terrorism'.

To make France safer from future attacks he said he would change the law to revoke terrorists of their French citizenship and ban them from entering the country. Read on and comment » | Martin Robinson for MailOnline | Monday, November 16, 2015

Les principales annonces du président de la République devant le Parlement réuni en Congrès

[REPORTAGE] Les principales annonces du... by elysee

Château de Versailes »

François Hollande to Congress after Paris Attacks: "We Need to Do More in Syria"

France Launches 'Massive' Airstrikes In Wake Of Paris Attacks

THE GUARDIAN: As planes took off for Syria to strike Isis, French police issued wanted notice for Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam, thought to be involved in attacks

France launched “massive” airstrikes against the Islamic State’s de facto capital in Syria on Sunday as French and Belgian police hunted a fugitive who was among the perpetrators of Friday’s bloody wave of suicide bombings and shootings in Paris.

As evidence mounted of a sophisticated, multinational terror operation with links to at least three European countries and the Middle East, 12 French aircraft including 10 fighter jets dropped a total of 20 bombs on a jihadi training camp and munitions dump in the city of Raqqa.

A French defence ministry statement said the strike, launched in coordination with US forces from airfields in Jordan and the Persian Gulf, was the biggest since France extended its bombing campaign against the extremist group to Syria in September.

Meanwhile in Paris, French police had released a wanted notice for Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old man born in Brussels, thought to be one of three French brothers living in Belgium who were involved in the attacks, which killed 129 people and left more than 350 injured, including nearly 100 critically. Belgian police also issued an international arrest warrant in Abdeslam’s name. » | Jon Henley in Paris and Ian Traynor in Molenbeek | Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hollande va s’adresser aux parlementaires pour «rassembler la nation»

LE MONDE: Deux jours après les attentats de Paris et l’annonce du président François Hollande de la tenue d’un Congrès extraordinaire, lundi 16 novembre, les forces politiques du Parlement se mettent en marche pour organiser cet événement exceptionnel, qui sera suivi d’un débat entre parlementaires.

Pour la deuxième fois de l’histoire de la Ve République, et même depuis 1848, un chef de l’Etat s’exprimera devant tous les parlementaires réunis en Congrès à Versailles, une allocution rendue possible depuis la réforme de la Constitution, en 2008. Nicolas Sarkozy avait été le premier à utiliser ce droit, en juin 2009, pour présenter ses orientations économiques et sociales. » | Par Hélène Bekmezian | dimanche 15 novembre 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

François Hollande-Hassan Rouhani Elysée Lunch Binned Over 'Wine Row'

THE TELEGRAPH: Official lunch between the presidents during the Iranian president's historic trip to Paris next week scrapped after French decline request to serve halal meal and no wine

Wine is considered a key ingredient of France's global prestige and the French president perhaps its ultimate ambassador.

So when Iran's president asked for bottles of Bordeaux and Burgundy to be removed from the table at the Elysée Palace during his historic trip next week, the answer was a polite "non".

Hassan Rouhani is visiting Paris as part of a four-day tour of Italy and France beginning November 14, making him the first Iranian president to travel to Europe in a decade.

He had been due to join François Hollande for a formal lunch at the presidential palace on November 17, but the meal was scrapped after the Elysée reportedly rejected Iran's request to serve a halal meal with no wine. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Tuesday, November 10, 2015

LE MONDE : Hassan Rohani refuse de participer à un repas à l’Elysée où sera servi du vin » | Par Yves-Michel Riols | mardi 10 novembre 2015