Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Strache Claims to Be Haider's Heir in the Third Camp

WIENER ZEITUNG: FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache has said that he sees himself as the only heir of former BZÖ leader and Carinthian Governor Jörg Haider in the so-called "Dritte Lager" or right-wing Third Camp of Austrian politics.

The "Dritte Lager" includes right-wing, nationalist and economically-liberal voters in Austria and is the country’s third big camp after Social Democrat (SPÖ) and People's Party (ÖVP) members and sympathisers, respectively.

Strache said that the BZÖ had represented only Haider himself after he split from the FPÖ and formed the BZÖ in 2005.

Strache added that he was inviting "all reasonable forces", voters and politicians to support the "solid path of the FPÖ".

Strache expressed appreciation for the work of his former mentor Haider, with whom he fell out before the BZÖ was founded.

Strache said that Haider had created a new style of politics and made the FPÖ into a strong party.

Strache claimed that he was very pleased that he had had an opportunity to discuss issues with Haider in a meeting last week. Strache, however, ruled out reunification of Austria’s right-wing parties. [Source: Wiener Zeitung] | 14. October 2008

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