Showing posts with label Frexit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frexit. Show all posts

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Le Pens Euro-Kehrtwende: Au revoir, "Frexit"!

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Marine Le Pen verabschiedet sich von ihrem wichtigsten Wahlversprechen - der Abkehr vom Euro. Die Front-National-Chefin hofft wohl, so EU-Freund und Konkurrent Emmanuel Macron in der Stichwahl abzufangen.

"Frankreich seine Souveränität zurückgeben - bei Geldpolitik, Gesetzgebung, territorialer und wirtschaftlicher Verantwortung": Der Rückzug auf die Nation gehört zum Credo von Marine Le Pen und ziert als Punkt Nummer eins ihre 144 Wahlversprechen für ein "freies Frankreich."

Die Abkehr von der Gemeinschaft, der Bruch mit dem Euro - es waren bislang zentrale Kernaussagen im Programm der rechtspopulistischen Präsidentschaftskandidatin des Front National (FN). Brüssel und die "Herrschaft der Technokraten" waren die Urheber aller Übel der Nation; der Euro ein Symbol der ökonomischen "Unterwerfung" unter den Dirigismus von Angela Merkel. » | Von Stefan Simons, Paris | Sonntag, 30. April 2017

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

‘Frexit’ Concerns ahead of French Election

Five days before the first round of the French presidential election the candidates are frantically canvassing for votes.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Brexit and... Frexit? - BBC Newsnight

Euroscepticism is on the rise in France, where the Front National is on the rise. So how is Brexit playing out across the channel?

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Frexit: Le Pen Promises to Take France Out of EU & NATO

French presidential candidate and far-right National Front party leader Marine Le Pen's once again warned she could take France out of the EU and NATO if she is elected.

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Brexit makes far-right stronger, says Marine Le Pen - BBC Newsnight‬

France's far-right leader Marine Le Pen has called the UK's Brexit vote "the most important moment since the fall of the Berlin Wall". The National Front leader was speaking to Emily Maitlis in her first broadcast interview since the referendum. Ms Le Pen said her party had been given a boost by the result.

Frexit - BBC Newsnight

Euroscepticism is on the rise in France, where the Front National is on the rise. So how is Brexit playing out across the channel?

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Britain Leaving EU Would Be Like Fall of Berlin Wall, Says Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen is keen for Britain to exit the EU
THE TELEGRAPH: Leader of the far-right Front National tells the Telegraph that her support in France, which goes to the polls for regional elections on Sunday, is only growing

If the British public were to vote to leave the European Union it would be the modern equivalent of the toppling of the Berlin Wall and herald the beginning of the end for the bloc, says Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s National Front.

In a week when Denmark rejected “more Europe” in their latest EU referendum, and David Cameron was rebuffed in Brussels over his demands to cut welfare benefits to newly arrived EU workers, the new, softer face of France’s far-Right is clearly dreaming big.

“Brexit would be marvelous - extraordinary - for all European peoples who long for freedom,” she told The Telegraph on Friday on a frantic last day of campaigning ahead of Sunday's regional elections in France where the polls put her party on the cusp of a new electoral breakthrough.

“Objectively, it will be the beginning of the end of the European Union,” she adds, “I compare Brussels to the Berlin Wall. If Great Britain knocks down part of the wall, it’s finished, it’s over.”

And if Britain did knock a hole in the European project, then Ms Le Pen, with her hardline anti-immigrant, anti-Europe, anti-globalisation mantra wants to be there in 2017, leading France through the breach. » | Peter Foster, Europe Editor and Henry Samuel in Senlis | Saturday, December 5, 2015

Call me Madame Frexit »