Thursday, September 22, 2022

heute 19:00 Uhr vom 22.09.2022 Unruhen in Russland, UN-Sicherheitsrat, Energiekrise, Iran

Gegen die Teilmobilmachung in Russland regt sich Widerstand. Viele Menschen verlassen fluchtartig das Land, während andere eingezogen werden. Diese und weitere Nachrichten des Tages in den ZDFheute Nachrichten um 19 Uhr.

Women Burn Hijabs in Iran as Protests Escalate over Killing of Mahsa Amini by "Morality Police"

Protests in Iran continue after the death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman in custody of the so-called morality police. Mahsa Amini died last week after being detained for allegedly leaving some of her hair visible in violation of an Iranian law requiring women to cover their heads. Witnesses said Amini was severely beaten by police, but authorities claim she died of natural causes. Thousands of people, often led by young women, have taken to the streets in outrage over Amini's death, chanting slogans against the morality police and the government, with some burning their headscarves in a show of defiance. "This anger against the morality police and the violence they are committing on the streets has been building up for years," says Iranian American journalist Negar Mortazavi.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 22, 2022

Why Hate Is Fuelling Politics

Hate is fuelling politics in America and Britain, as arguments over racial justice, transgender rights

Labour May Abolish House of Lords If It Wins Next Election, Leaked Report Reveals

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Constitutional review by Gordon Brown also recommends devolving economic powers

Gordon Brown was commissioned to undertake the constitutional review by the Labour leader, Keir Starmer. Photograph: Russell Cheyne/Reuters

Labour is considering abolishing the House of Lords and replacing it with an upper house of nations and regions, as well as handing sweeping new powers to local regions and devolved nations, a leaked report has revealed.

The constitutional review by the former prime minister Gordon Brown, which has been seen by MPs and shadow cabinet ministers, recommends devolving new economic powers, including over taxation, and creating new independent councils of the nations and for England.

The review, seen by the Guardian, recommends: » | Jessica Elgot Chief political correspondent | Thursday, September 22, 2022

‘It’s a 100% Mobilisation’: Day One of Russia’s Drive to Build Its Army

THE GUARDIAN: Reports ethnic minorities may be disproportionately affected while protesters in Moscow drafted on arrest

There were emotional scenes in the eastern Siberian republic of Buryatia as drafted men said goodbye to their families. Photograph: Ayuna Shagdurova

Summons delivered to eligible men at midnight. Schoolteachers pressed into handing out draft notices. Men given an hour to pack their things and appear at draft centres. Women sobbing as they send their husbands and sons off to fight in Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The first full day of Russia’s first mobilisation since the second world war produced emotional showdowns at draft centres and even signs of protest, while it appears Russia could be considering far more than the 300,000 new conscripts claimed by the defence minister Sergei Shoigu.

One woman in a small village in the Zakamensky region of Buryatia in eastern Siberia, said she first felt something was amiss when the dogs began barking about midnight. » | Andrew Roth in Moscow | Thursday, September 22, 2022

‘I will cross the border tonight’: Russians flee after news of draft: Border guards cite ‘exceptional’ number of people leaving the country after ‘partial mobilisation’ announcement »

Men Flee Russia as Mobilization Begins »

Apparently Brexit Was Never about a Free Trade Deal with the US

Sep 21, 2022

Liz Truss's Dodgy Economics

Sep 22, 2022

We Have to Be Prepared for War with Russia | Sir Richard Shirreff

"The way to manage the risks is to be prepared to face up to them. That means being prepared for the worst case, which is war with Russia."

Nato must be ready with a "very powerful deterrent" to control Putin, former Nato deputy supreme commander Sir Richard Shirreff tells #TimesRadio.

Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II Marks Five Decades on the Throne with Muted Celebrations

Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II scales back her jubilee festivities in light of her UK counterpart’s -- and first cousin's -- death.

Britons Freed in Russia-Ukraine Prisoner Swap

ive Britons have been released from Russian detention in a prisoner swap brokered with help from Turkey and Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince.

The exchange took place unexpectedly, following Russian President Vladimir Putin's threat to use nuclear weapons.

The Psychic Trauma of Being Queer in Singapore

Jasjyot Singh Hans


THE NEW YORK TIMES: I was at a watch party last month, waiting excitedly for the expected announcement that Singapore would finally decriminalize consensual sex between gay men.

Section 377A of Singapore’s Penal Code, a holdover from British colonial times, has loomed as a barrier to queer rights, setting the tone for discrimination in broader areas like housing, health care and employment.

Although the government had years ago stopped enforcing it, repeal gave gay Singaporeans like me hope that we might finally be accepted, and cheers went up when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered the news. But the room went silent moments later.

Anxious to reassure conservatives, Mr. Lee quickly added that marriage was defined as between a man and a woman and would be protected from further legal challenge through a constitutional amendment. No changes were mentioned in other policy areas that marginalize us. The status quo, justified by the familiar refrain of family values, would be maintained.

Rather than a gesture of reconciliation, the government cynically validated bigoted factions that have historically abused and organized against queers. » | Joel Tan * | Thursday, September 22, 2022

* Joel Tan is a Singaporean playwright and artist based in London. His play Tango dramatized the human cost of Singapore’s homophobic policy environment.

Trumps Inflated Net Worth by Billions, Says NY State Lawsuit

Read the article here.

Protests & International Condemnation: How the World Reacts to Putin's Escalation of the Ukraine War

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a rare televised address to the Russian people on Wednesday morning when he announced a "partial mobilization," saying the measure was needed to protect Russian people from what he called "the entire war machine of the collective West" in Ukraine.

Putin followed the announcement with repeated assurances that this mobilization is just "partial." He emphasized that it only concerns reservists and those who have previously served in the army or have military experience.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu also addressed the public, saying conscripts and students would not be called up to fight and that only 300,000 people would be drafted under the new mobilization measure.

The measure was not completely unexpected. Discussions about whether Russia would need more soldiers took on a new urgency this month after Ukraine retook control over more than 6,000 square kilometers (about 2,320 square miles) of territory that had been under Russian control.

Throughout the war, there have been reports about a drive in Russia to enlist more men to fight, including advertisements on jobseeker websites promising fast cash. In mid-September, footage circulated on social media that allegedly showed Kremlin-linked businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin recruiting Russian prisoners to fight in Ukraine as part of the Wagner mercenary group.

Military experts argue the recent Russian retreat marks a turning point in the war. Putin's announcement Wednesday made the call to arms official. But his order, published on the Kremlin website, has raised questions. The document outlined the legal status of the soldiers being drafted in 10 points, but the seventh point was never published. Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov has said it concerned the number of conscripts and was intended only for administrative use. That has raised questions about whether the Kremlin only intends to conscript 300,000 soldiers.

Hundreds Arrested and Flights Out of Moscow Sell Out amid Russia Military Call-up - BBC News

Russian police are reported to have arrested hundreds of protesters rallying against the Kremlin's decision to call up thousands of extra troops to fight in Ukraine.

Russian human rights group OVD-Info put the total at more than 1,300, with the largest numbers arrested in St Petersburg and Moscow.

Flights out of Russia sold out fast after Vladimir Putin's announcement.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

En Iran, la colère grandit après la mort de Mahsa Amini, devenue le symbole de la brutalité du régime

LE MONDE : Malgré la répression, les manifestations se poursuivent dans tout le pays en réaction au décès de la jeune femme de 22 ans, le 16 septembre, après son arrestation par la police des
mœurs. Six personnes auraient été tuées lors d’affrontements avec les forces de l’ordre.

Des manifestants protestent contre la mort de Mahsa Amini, à Téhéran, le 19 septembre 2022. AP

Du Kurdistan à Téhéran, la colère ne retombe pas en Iran. Pour le troisième jour consécutif, villes et universités ont été le théâtre de manifestations contre le régime. La mort de Mahsa Amini, le 16 septembre, après son arrestation par une patrouille de la police des mœurs, a fait office de catalyseur. La jeune femme de 22 ans, arrêtée dans une rue de la capitale pour un foulard jugé « mal porté », est devenue un nouveau symbole de la brutalité de l’Etat iranien.

Les slogans des manifestants – « Femme, vie, liberté ! », « A bas le dictateur ! », « Mort à Khamenei ! [le Guide suprême et la plus haute autorité du pays] » – visent le régime et ses fondements. A commencer par le port obligatoire du voile, un dogme de la République islamique d’Iran. » | Par Ghazal Golshiri et Madjid Zerrouky | mercredi 21 septembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Mobilisation in Russia

“The House Is On Fire”

Watch Konstanin’s 'short' on it here.

Justin Timberlake: Can’t Stop the Feeling! | From DreamWorks Animation's "Trolls" | Official Video | Reupload

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Les évêques flamands ouvrent la voie à la bénédiction des unions homosexuelles

LE MONDE : Cette décision est en porte-à-faux avec la doctrine officielle de l’Eglise catholique.

L’un des initiateurs du projet le qualifie lui-même de « révolutionnaire » et de « signal envoyé au monde entier » : en Belgique, les évêques flamands ont pris position, mardi 20 septembre, en faveur d’une ouverture de l’Eglise catholique à la communauté homosexuelle. Les évêques ont annoncé la création d’une liturgie spécifique pour bénir des couples homosexuels. L’institution catholique de Flandre instaurera aussi un « point de contact » pour les croyants homosexuels. Cette annonce, qui passe outre un avis du dicastère (ministère du Vatican) pour la doctrine de la foi de mars 2021 et semble en porte-à-faux avec la doctrine catholique sur l’homosexualité, a aussitôt déclenché l’émoi dans l’Eglise.

Le coordinateur du projet, Willy Bombeek, ancien porte-parole du réseau d’enseignement catholique de Flandre, est lui-même homosexuel. « C’est pour cette raison que les évêques m’ont demandé d’accepter cette mission, a-t-il expliqué à la chaîne de télévision VRT. Il est important de relever que l’Eglise a spécifiquement voulu une personne LGBTI à ce poste. » Chaque diocèse sera invité a désigner un responsable de cette question. » | Par Cécile Chambraud et Jean-Pierre Stroobants (Bruxelles, Correspondant) | mercredi 21 septembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

'Putin Is a Liar,' Says Former Ukrainian President

Former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has praised "international support" for Ukraine and has said Russian President Vladimir "Putin is a liar," regarding Russian war casualties.