Thursday, December 18, 2014

Niederlande: Wilders muss wegen Äußerungen zu Marokkanern vor Gericht

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Der niederländische Rechtspopulist Wilders muss sich wegen Diskriminierung und Aufhetzerei vor Gericht verantworten - die Staatsanwaltschaft erhob Anklage. Hintergrund sind Wilders' Äußerungen gegen marokkanische Migranten.

Den Haag - Die niederländische Staatsanwaltschaft hat Anklage gegen den rechtspopulistischen Politiker und Vorsitzenden der "Partei für die Freiheit" (PVV), Geert Wilders, erhoben. Der Politiker müsse sich wegen Diskriminierung und Aufhetzerei strafrechtlich verantworten, teilten die Ankläger in Den Haag mit. Wilders werde vorgeworfen, "eine Gruppe von Menschen wegen ihrer Rasse beleidigt" zu haben, hieß es weiter. Politiker könnten in ihren Äußerungen grundsätzlich "weit gehen", dies sei Teil der Meinungsfreiheit, erklärte die Staatsanwaltschaft. Das Diskriminierungsverbot schränke die Meinungsfreiheit aber ein. Ein Termin für den Prozess steht noch nicht fest. » | anr/dpa/AFP | Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014

After the Pakistan School Attack, We Need to Talk about Islam

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Pretending that Islamist extremism has nothing to do with Islam simply plays into the radicals' hands: it is time to discuss religious reform

"There is nothing in Islam that justifies acts of terror." (Prime Minister David Cameron reacting to the beheading of British soldier Lee Rigby by two Islamists who shouted “Allahu Akbar" and quoted 22 verses from the Koran.)

"They don’t represent Islam or Muslims in Britain or anywhere else in the world." (David Cameron’s reaction to the massacre by Islamists in Nairobis’s Westgate shopping centre of anyone who failed to name the mother of the founder of Islam or recite verses from the Koran.)

"This hateful ideology has nothing to do with Islam... Let the message go out that we know Islam is a religion of peace." (Theresa May’s speech to Conservative Party Conference, 2014.) Islamic State has "nothing to do with the great religion of Islam, a religion of peace." (David Cameron, denying any connection between the creation of an Islamic caliphate and Islam.)

"[The massacre in Pakistan] is nothing to do with one of the world's great religions - Islam, which is a religion of peace." (Prime Minister David Cameron speaking after a group of Taliban gunmen murdered 141, including 132 children at a school in northern Pakistan.)

Please. Enough.

The mantra that Islamism "has nothing to do with Islam" is well-intentioned. It aims to delegitimise the terrorists and strengthen the vast majority of Muslims who oppose terror. It is no doubt what the "comms" experts are telling the Prime Minister to say. But they are wrong. The unthinking, kneejerk, pro-forma and near-Orwellian denial of the deep and manifold connections between Islam and Islamism has to stop.

Forget Alistair Campbell. We have to start "doing religion" because, as I learnt in 2008-2010 when interviewing 25 young British Muslims who had taken a journey in and out of extremism, we have to start "doing" Islam if we are to defeat Islamism.

We are petrified of speaking obvious truths. When a lord recently dared to invite Muslim leaders to address the violence in the Koran, he was condemned.

This groupthink has to stop. » | Alan Johnson * | Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Alan Johnson is the editor of Fathom and a Senior Research Associate at The Foreign Policy Centre

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Around 15,000 Turn Out for Dresden's Biggest Ever PEGIDA Anti-Islam Rally

Netanyahu Slams European "Hypocrisy" as Court Orders Removal of Hamas from Terror Blacklist

Masked Hamas members take part in a rally in support of the
armed Palestinian factions in Rafah
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Decision to remove group from list on "technical" grounds comes as European parliament votes in faour of Palestinian statehood

Benjamin Netanyahu accused Europeans of failing to learn from the Holocaust on Wednesday after Europe's second highest court removed the Palestinian militant group Hamas from the EU's terror blacklist.

The Israeli's prime minister's furious broadside came on a day of frenetic diplomatic manoeuvering that saw the European parliament adopt a resolution backing Palestinian statehood while Palestinian officials at the UN prepared to table a motion setting a timetable for a peace agreement.

Mr Netanyahu ignored those developments in remarks issued by his office but instead focused on the European court decision, along with a meeting in Switzerland of signatories to the Geneva Convention which he said was aimed at examining war crimes allegations levelled against Israel.

"Today we witnessed staggering examples of European hypocrisy," the Israeli leader said, pointedly comparing European conduct to the "friendship of the people of the United States" in remarks welcoming the visit of Joni Ernst, a newly-elected US Republican senator.

"In Geneva they call for the investigation of Israel for war crimes, while in Luxemburg the European court removed Hamas from the list of terrorist organizations.

"Hamas that has committed countless war crimes and countless terror acts. It seems that too many in Europe, on whose soil six million Jews were slaughtered, have learned nothing.. The friendship we see from the United States stands in complete contrast to what we are seeing regretfully in Europe." » | Robert Tait, Jerusalem | Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Kommentar: Der unheimliche Islam - Warum Pegida so viel Zulauf hat

DEUTSCHE WELLE: Jetzt demonstrieren sie also wieder, die "Patriotischen Europäer". Wieder in Dresden und wieder gegen die "Islamisierung des Abendlandes". Die Aufregung ist groß - zu Unrecht, wie Daniel Heinrich findet.

"Pegida" ist ein Label. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Es ist ein Label für eine Bewegung, die weit mehr ist als Pegida, Hogesa, die AfD oder bierselige CSU-Parteitage in Niederbayern, auf denen die Wertegemeinschaft des christlichen Abendlands beschworen wird. Denn eigentlich ist es, um beim Bayerischen zu bleiben, schon fast "wurscht" wie man das Ganze nennt. Fakt ist: In Deutschland haben viele Menschen momentan Angst vor "dem Islam". Es ist ein diffuses, unkonkretes Gefühl des Unwohlseins, das sich speist aus einer ganzen Melange von Ereignissen und Themen: der 11. September und die allgegenwärtige Angst vor islamistischem Terror, Debatten um Kopftücher und Burkas, die Radikalität des "Islamischen Staates", Muslime aus Deutschland, die als Dschihadisten dort hinreisen, der Zustrom von Flüchtlingen aus den Ländern, in denen der IS wütet - und der Dauerbrenner, ob die muslimische Türkei jetzt zur EU gehört oder nicht. » | Von Daniel Heinrich | Montag, 15. Dezember 2014

Runa Khan: 'All Muslim Women Should Be How I Am'

BBC: A mother-of-six has been jailed for five years and three months for promoting terrorism on Facebook.

Runa Khan, 35, of Maple Road West, Luton, had admitted inciting terrorism in Syria by posting a picture of a suicide vest and messaging details of a route into the country on Facebook.

Before her sentencing, reporter Rani Singh met Khan on several occasions and on Sunday interviewed her for BBC Newsnight.

Khan talked about what she had done and was challenged about her views. (Watch BBC video) » | Friday, December 12, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Anti-Islam Demos: Merkel warnt vor „Pegida“

HANDELSBLATT: Die Anti-Islam-Gruppe „Pegida“ hat viele Sympathisanten. Jeder zweite Deutsche hat Verständnis für die Demonstranten, die Mehrheit der Bürger fürchtet den Einfluss radikaler Islamisten. Die Kanzlerin ist alarmiert.

Berlin. Jeder zweite Deutsche hat Verständnis für islamfeindliche Demonstrationen wie die von „Pegida“: So lautet das Ergebnis einer repräsentativen Yougov-Umfrage im Auftrag von Zeit Online. Ganze 30 Prozent der Befragten gab an, voll und ganz Verständnis für Demonstrationen wie in Dresden zu haben, weitere 19 Prozent stimmten für „eher ja“. Nicht einmal ein Viertel der Befragten hat kein Verständnis für die Demonstranten.

Gruppierungen wie Pegida, die „Pflichtbewussten Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes“, spielen erfolgreich mit der Angst vieler Deutscher: Fast drei Viertel aller Bundesbürger hat Sorge vor einem wachsenden Einfluss radikaler Auswüchse des Islams wie etwa der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat. Für die Umfrage wurden 1107 Deutsche zwischen dem 12. und 15. Dezember befragt.

Auch bezogen auf die deutsche Flüchtlingspolitik stimmt eine Mehrheit der Bundesbürger mit den Ansichten der Anti-Islam-Bewegung überein: 30 Prozent der Befragten sind der Meinung, Deutschland nehme „deutlich zu viele Flüchtlinge“ auf, für weitere 29 Prozent sind es „eher zu viele“. » | Montag, 15. Dezember 2014

Tagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 15.12.2014

Themen der Sendung: Erneut "PEGIDA"-Demonstration in Dresden, Diskussion über "PEGIDA"-Bewegung, Geiselnahme in Sydney gewaltsam beendet, BER-Chef Mehdorn kündigt Rücktritt an, Urteil zugunsten von HRE-Aktionären, EU-Kommission zu Mautplänen, Generalstreik in Belgien, Achtelfinal-Auslosung der Champions League, Das Wetter

Wieder "Pegida"-Demonstration in Dresden | Journal

Offene Fremdenfeindlichkeit oder demokratischer Protest? Die Organisation „Pegida“ löst heftige Reaktionen aus. Bei einer erneuten Demonstration in Dresden hat das rechtskonservative Bündnis mehr Sympathisanten denn je mobilisiert. Aber auch der Widerstand gegen die Rechtspopulisten wächst.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Angela Merkel condamne les manifestations anti-islam en Allemagne

SAPHIR NEWS: La chancelière allemande a condamné, vendredi 12 décembre, « avec la plus grande fermeté » les manifestations « anti-islamisation » qui se déroulent en Allemagne depuis plusieurs semaines, principalement à Dresde, dans l’est du pays.

« Il n'y a pas de place en Allemagne pour la haine religieuse, quelle que soit la religion d'appartenance », a déclaré la porte-parole d’Angela Merkel, Christiane Wirtz. « Il n'y a pas de place en Allemagne pour l'islamophobie, l'antisémitisme, la xénophobie ou le racisme », a-t-elle insisté.

Un groupe baptisé « Européens patriotes contre l’islamisation du pays » (Pegida) organise depuis quelques semaines des « manifestations du lundi », calquées sur celles qui ont conduit à la chute du régime communiste de l’ex-RDA. Pegida, emblématique de cette mouvance populiste, a récupéré le slogan de l’époque, « Nous sommes le peuple ». Lundi dernier, il a crée la surprise en réunissant 10 000 personnes à Dresde (et 9 000 contre-manifestants), en surfant notamment sur les fantasmes quant à l'influence de l'islam dans les société européennes. » | Rédigé par La Rédaction | vendredi 12 décembre 2014

Le «Pegida» fait grossir la vague anti-islam

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le succès grandissant des «manifestations du lundi» contre l’islam et les réfugiés inquiète de plus en plus les autorités

Le cortège grossit chaque lundi et prend une ampleur qui commence à inquiéter les autorités. Les «manifs du lundi», dont les initiateurs revendiquent l’héritage des mouvements citoyens qui ont fait tomber le mur de Berlin, descendront de nouveau dans la rue aujourd’hui aux cris de «nous sommes le peuple» comme il y a vingt-cinq ans dans l’ex-RDA.

Mais le mouvement «Pegida», qui est l’abréviation en allemand de Patriotes européens contre l’islamisation de l’Occident, n’a rien à voir avec la révolution pacifique de 1989. Les revendications sont clairement dirigées contre l’islam et les réfugiés, et les cortèges infiltrés par les néonazis. » | Par Christophe Bourdoiseau, Berlin | TDG | Dimanche 14 décembre 2014

Pegida-Bewegung mobilisiert noch mehr Anhänger

DIE WELT: Auch an diesem Montag sind in Dresden Tausende auf die Straße gegangen. Anhängern der islamkritischen Pegida-Bewegung stellten sich Demonstranten des Bündnisses "Dresden für alle" entgegen.

Die Anti-Islam-Bewegung Pegida mobilisiert ungeachtet der Kritik etablierter Parteien an ihren Parolen immer mehr Sympathisanten. Am Montagabend folgten in Dresden rund 15.000 Menschen – mehr als je zuvor – dem Demonstrationsaufruf der "Patriotischen Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes"[.]

Zeitgleich mit den Pegida-Anhängern gingen in Dresden erneut deren Gegner auf die Straße. Zu Gegenkundgebungen, zu denen die Bündnisse "Dresden für alle" und "Dresden Nazifrei" aufgerufen hatten, kamen laut Polizei mehr als 5600 Menschen. Das waren deutlich weniger als noch vor einer Woche, als 9000 Gegendemonstranten gezählt wurden.

Nach der Kundgebung vor der Semperoper zogen die Gegner weiter zum Rathaus, wo sie in Sichtweite der Pegida-Auftaktkundgebung gegen Rassismus protestierten. » | dpa/epd/fp | Montag, 15. Dezember 2014

Dresden Marchers Fan Anti-Islam Flames in Germany

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: More than 10,000 people march against the "Islamisation of the West" in Dresden

Heavily armed riot police were out in force on the streets of Dresden on Monday night as more than 10,000 people demonstrated against the "Islamisation" of the country, in the latest show of strength of a far-right populist movement that mainstream politicians have described as "a disgrace to Germany".

Pegida, a German acronym for Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West, is leading a grassroots movement that is setting the political agenda in Germany, despite being just two months old and with no links to existing parties.

The Justice Minister, Heiko Maas, said they were a "disgrace to Germany", while a state minister in North Rhine-Westphalia called them "Nazis in pinstripe".

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, condemned the protests earlier on Monday and called on those taking part to "take care that they were not exploited" by the far-Right.

"There is freedom to demonstrate in Germany, but there is no place for propaganda and slander against people who come here from another country," Mrs Merkel said.

In Dresden, police were out in force to keep rival protestors apart as thousands also took part in a counter-demonstration.

"Muslims come here and they want to build mosques and wear burqas, but if we go to their countries we have to follow their rules," said one of the Pegida protestors, a nurse who gave her name only as Bianca. » | Justin Huggler, Dresden | Monday, December 15, 2014

Sydney Siege Press Conference: Police Say Attack Was an 'Isolated Incident'

Police confirm that three people have been killed following a dramatic police shoot-out which ended a 16 hour siege at a cafe in Sydney's city centre

Read the Telegraph article here | Telegraph Video and agencies, video source APTN | Monday, December 15, 2014

Sydney Siege: Hostages Held in Lindt Café

BBC: Several people have been taken hostage by at least one armed man at a Lindt cafe in Sydney, Australia.

Hundreds of armed police have sealed off the normally busy Martin Place in the central business district.

At least three people have been seen inside the cafe with their hands up against a window, and holding up a black flag with Arabic writing.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has described the incident as "deeply concerning".

He said it was not yet clear who was behind the incident but that it could be politically motivated, and that the National Security Committee had been briefed.

"I can think of almost nothing more distressing, more terrifying than to be caught up in such a situation, and our hearts go out to these people," he said.

About six hours into the siege, three people were seen running from the building. The circumstances of their exit from the building are not clear. (+ BBC videos) » | Monday, December 15, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

CIA-Folterbericht: Grossbritannien liess Passagen schwärzen

Die britische Regierung liess Passagen des US-Folterberichts unkenntlich machen. Worin liegt das Interesse Grossbritanniens, dass nicht der gesamte Bericht öffentlich wird? Gespräch mit Grossbritannien-Korrespondent Martin Alioth.

The Number of Britons Choosing Islam Doubled in the Past Decade

WORLD BULLETIN: Inter-faith think report survey shows approximately 5,200 converts to Islam across Britain

The number of Britons choosing to become Muslims has nearly doubled in the past decade, with one of the most comprehensive attempts to estimate how many people have embraced Islam, according to news source the Independent.

While previous estimates placed the number of Muslim converts between 14,000 and 25,000 an inter-faith think tank estimates the real figures could be as high as 100,000 with nearly 5,000 converts each year nationally. » | World Bulletin/News Desk | Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Britain's Unrequited Love

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: Willing to be endlessly open and hospitable, Britain finds itself at a loss when that hospitality is neither respected nor returned.

It is worth asking why British Muslims should have their scripture represented in the coronation of the new monarch, when many will not even pray in their mosques for the well-being of that monarch. Including passages from the Quran in the coronation is a mistake because of the old problem of reciprocity — and at the same time as no Christian (let alone a Jew) can even set foot in Mecca. Then what about also representing Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and atheists?

In synagogues in the UK, British Jews every week in their service have a prayer for the long life and happiness of the Queen. It is a moving and heartfelt moment, not to mention a clear signal that Jews in Britain are utterly loyal to the state. So why should British mosques not have a similar prayer? Because many Muslims in Britain simply do not share the good Lord Harries's kindness, tolerance, inclusivity or indeed liberalism.

What is the answer? Perhaps bit more kindness, a bit more generosity, the offering up of a few more of our treasured traditions. That will do it, we think, surely?

The tradition of liberal tolerance, fostered in Britain, was one of the greatest gifts this country gave to the world. That inclusive tradition of John Locke and John Stuart Mill, however, always leaves itself open to abuse by people willing to use liberalism's flaws — not least its tolerance of intolerance — to end liberalism. » | Douglas Murray | Monday, December 08, 2014

Germans Rise Up Against Islamization

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: There is a mounting public backlash over what many perceive as the government's indifference to the growing influence of Islam in German society. This backlash represents a potentially significant turning point.

Despite efforts by German politicians and the media to portray PEGIDA as neo-Nazi, the group has taken great pains to distance itself from Germany's extreme right. The group says that it is "apolitical" and that its main objective is to preserve what is left of Germany's Judeo-Christian culture and values.

"Many people in Germany have legitimate concerns about the spread of radical Islamic ideology, which promotes violence against non-Muslims, robs women and girls of their natural rights, and seeks to require the application of Sharia law.... Because the rule of law, tolerance and freedom of religion are fundamental Western values, the PEGIDA movement must leave no doubt that it is precisely these values that it seeks to defend." — Bernd Lucke, leader, Alternative for Germany Party and professor of macroeconomics, Hamburg University.

Thousands of German citizens have been taking to the streets to protest the growing "Islamization" of their country.

The protests are part of a burgeoning grassroots movement made up of ordinary citizens who are calling for an end to runaway immigration and the spread of Islamic Sharia law in Germany.

The guardians of German multiculturalism are fighting back: they are seeking to delegitimize the protesters by branding them as "neo-Nazis" and by claiming that the Islamization of Germany is a myth contrived by misinformed citizens.

But there is a mounting public backlash over what many perceive as the government's indifference to the growing influence of Islam in German society. This backlash represents a potentially significant turning point—one that implies that the days of unrestrained German multiculturalism may be coming to an end. » | Soeren Kern | Saturday, December 13, 2014

French Front National Vice President Florian Philippot 'Outed' as Gay

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Closer reveals that Florian Philippot, Front National number two, is homosexual, releasing photos of him with his boyfriend in Vienna, sparking row over private life, public interest and the FN's ambivalent attitudes to gays

A French gossip magazine sparked outrage across the political spectrum on Friday by "outing" the far-Right Front National's vice president, Florian Philippot, as homosexual.

The rare breach of Gallic press protocol is an embarrassment for the FN, whose attitude towards homosexuals has historically ranged from ambivalent to downright homophobic.

Closer, which scored a global scoop in January by publishing photos of French president, François Hollande, visiting his secret lover Julie Gayet, on Friday released pictures of Mr Philippot with his boyfriend, an unnamed TV journalist, on a trip to Vienna last week.

"At last a real weekend away from Paris," it headlined, followed by an inside article entitled: "Yes to love for all" – a play on words with France's recent Marriage for All bill legalising gay marriage.

Politicians across the board slammed the revelation as an unacceptable breach of Mr Philippot's private life. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Friday, December 12, 2014