Thursday, July 25, 2024

„Brat“ Kamala Harris in einigen Umfragen vor Donald Trump: Wie sind ihre Chancen?

Jul 25, 2024 | Obwohl Donald Trump derzeit als schwer zu besiegen gilt, hat sich seine Ausgangslage stark verändert. Seine Kampagne muss neu ausgerichtet werden und egal, wer Bidens Nachfolge antritt, sie wird deutlich jünger sein als Donald Trump. Die schlagfertige Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris ist der klare Favorit. Nach ihrer Ankündigung, kandidieren zu wollen, kamen innerhalb eines Tages bereits 81 Millionen Dollar an Spendengeldern zusammen – ein historischer Rekord. In einer aktuellen Reuters-Umfrage führt Harris erstmals mit zwei Prozentpunkten vor Trump.

Das Trump-Team hat ein Dossier erstellt, um Kamala Harris anzugreifen, ihre früheren Aussagen zu diskreditieren und alles zu tun, um sie mit Joe Biden in Verbindung zu bringen. Sie habe Bidens Klima- und Migrationspolitik mitgestaltet. "Sie ist für all diese Misserfolge verantwortlich", schreibt Trumps Vizepräsidentschaftskandidat J. D. Vance auf X. Kann Kamala Harris die am Boden liegende Kampagne der Demokraten retten? Wovor muss sich Donald Trump fürchten und was hat sie politisch vor? Das bespricht Moderatorin Dilan Gropengiesser in der 50. Folge von Was jetzt? – Die Woche mit Klaus Brinkbäumer, Journalist und Autor mit USA-Fokus.

Mit Kamala Harris als Präsidentin haben die Amerikaner die Chance, vorwärts statt rückwärtszugehen. Es ist zu hoffen, daß sie den richtigen Weg wählen. Hoffen wir, daß sie das Licht der Dunkelheit vorziehen. – © Mark Alexander

You’re Never Too Old to Be True to Yourself! 95-year-old Comes Out as Gay | Reupload

Mar 2, 2017

How 'Trad Wives' Are Transforming America | The Story

Jul 25, 2024 | Millions of social media users are flocking to follow the Trad Wives: stay-at-home mothers who champion a life making meals from scratch and serving their husband’s and children’s every need. Our reporter goes to meet the woman behind the most popular account: Hannah Neeleman of Ballerina Farm. Is she selling a feminist dream or an unattainable lifestyle?

Guest: Megan Agnew
Senior Features Writer, The Sunday Times
Host: Manveen Rana

Anthony Scaramucci: "JD Vance Looks Like a Homosexual Care Bear that Married Chucky"

Jul 25, 2024 | Scaramucci joined Brian Shapiro on PTL, as he hammered JD Vance, Donald Trump, and many others within the Republican Party.

Sen. Bernie Sanders Shares What It Will Take to Endorse Kamala Harris

Jul 23, 2024 | Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speaks with CNN's Anderson Cooper about endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 Presidential campaign.

Peter Stefanovic: Tory Leadership Hopeful Tom Tugendhat Makes Pitch to Right-wing by Refusing to Rule Out Leaving ECHR

Jul 25, 2024

Pork Schnitzel à la crème with French Fries | Akis Petretzikis

Jul 25, 2024

Get the full recipe here.

Stock Markets Tumble amid Jitters over Tech Companies’ Growth

THE GUARDIAN: Losses in Europe and Asia are driven by AI-related groups including Nvidia, Tesla and Google-owner Alphabet

Stock markets in Europe and Asia took a tumble on Thursday, as jitters over the future growth of major tech companies sparked a global sell-off.

The pan-European Stoxx 600 dropped 1.3% to its lowest level since May this year, having been hit by a 2.75% decline in the Dutch chipmaker ASML, a 5.5% drop in Germany’s Infineon Technologies, and a 12.8% fall in Switzerland’s semiconductor company STMicroelectronics.

The rout began in the US overnight, where the tech-focused Nasdaq fell 3.6% on Wednesday, marking its biggest single-day decline since 2022. About $1tn (£776bn) was knocked off the value of the Nasdaq 100, which covers the most valuable firms on the index. » | Kalyeena Makortoff | Thursday, July 25, 2024

60 Minutes Archives: Le Carré

Dec 14, 2020 | John le Carré was the pen name of David Cornwell, an ex-spy for Britain's famed MI6, whose page-turner spy thrillers made him one of the most successful authors of the past 60 years. Steve Kroft reported on him in 2017.

John le Carré's Final Interview on British TV

Dec 15, 2020 | Channel 4 interview from 2010 with John le Carré, former MI5 and MI6 officer turned spy author and political commentator.

Another interview with John le Carré here.

Monarchy to Receive Extra £45m due to Soaring Profits | Charlotte Griffiths | Graham Smith

Jul 25, 2024 | "It's outrageous when we're being told we can't scrap the two-child benefit cap but we can give the Royals millions of pounds more."

Graham Smith from anti-monarchy organisation Republic debates the Mail on Sunday's Charlotte Griffiths on the news that the Royal Family is set to get a boost to their funding, to the tune of £45 million.

Considering that this country is on its beam ends, we really must ask ourselves one simple question: Can we really afford the luxury of having a horrendously expensive royal family?

When governments are asked for more money for the needy, they always plead poverty; however, when the royal family demands an increase, untold millions can be found. Is this 1789 or 2024? – © Mark Alexander

Related article here.

Hitlers Aufstieg zur Macht | Terra X

Jun 15, 2023 | Views on YouTube: 2,377,415 | Wie konnte aus einem "Niemand" in wenigen Jahren ein Machtmensch werden, der eine Demokratie zu Fall bringt? Wo liegen die Momente, die Hitler zu Geltung und Einfluss verhalfen? Wer waren seine Unterstützer? Welche Stimmungen in der Bevölkerung kamen ihm entgegen?

"Der Aufsteiger" heißt die erste Folge der dreiteiligen ZDF-Dokumentation "Hitlers Macht" zum 90. Jahrestag der Regierungsübernahme am 30. Januar 1933.

Kamala Harris’ Husband’s Ex-wife Comes to Her Defense amid ‘Childless’ Attacks

Jul 25, 2024 | The ex-wife of second gentleman Doug Emhoff defended Vice President Kamala Harris against sexist criticisms about her lack of biological children, calling them “baseless” and expressing her gratitude for the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Republicans must be pretty desperate to assert that someone who is childless doesn’t qualify to be POTUS. What a dumb assertion! There are millions of childless people in the world who would in no way qualify to be the president of the USA!

Having children is not the sine qua non of a successful presidency. Using that yardstick, many political leaders shouldn’t be in their positions! Emmanuel Macron has no biological children, only stepchildren, ditto Angela Merkel. Shinzo Abe has no children, along with many others.

By contrast, Justin Trudeau has children. Does that fact make him a more successful Prime Minister of Canada? And what about Trump himself? He has five children. How successful a POTUS did that make him? You decide! – © Mark Alexander

Brian Tyler Cohen Shuts Down Piers Morgan on his Own Show over Kamala & Trump

Jul 25, 2024 | Brian Tyler Cohen SHUTS DOWN Piers Morgan on his OWN show over Kamala & Trump

Brian Tyler Cohen’s book Shameless »

Biden Out, Harris In: “This Is Exactly What the Trump Team Feared” | Amanpour and Company

Jul 24, 2024 | Tim Alberta has had a front-row seat at what has been a dramatic turn of events for Donald Trump and his team. Alberta spent months behind the scenes of Trump's campaign, and just two weeks ago reported that they were planning for a landslide victory -- on the condition Joe Biden didn't drop out. Now that their worst fears have come true, Alberta discusses with us how the Trump campaign is shifting its approach to confront a new Democratic nominee. | Originally aired on July 24, 2024

Biden Says It Is Time to Step Aside for a Fresh, Younger Voice

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In an Oval Office address, President Biden praised Vice President Kamala Harris and said “it’s been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years.”

President Biden told the American public in an Oval Office address on Wednesday that he had abandoned his re-election campaign because there is “a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices — yes, younger voices.”

His words, lasting 11 minutes in all, were the first extensive ones from Mr. Biden since his decision to step aside, and expanded on his initial announcement, delivered in a post on social media on Sunday, that he was dropping out of the race. His tone was wistful and his speech was an early farewell.

“It’s been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years,” he said.

Sitting behind the Resolute Desk and surrounded by photos of his family, Mr. Biden ticked through the accomplishments of his term, ranging from the choice of the first Black woman to be a Supreme Court justice to pulling the country out of a paralyzing pandemic. He expressed gratitude to the American people for allowing a “kid with a stutter” from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pa., to reach the pinnacle of American politics.

Just beyond the camera, dozens of aides and several members of his family, including Jill Biden, the first lady, watched as Mr. Biden said he would walk away from the office they had worked to help him reach for decades. » | Katie Rogers, Reporting from Washington | Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Listen to the address here.

FDP-Generalsekretär Djir-Sarai im tagesthemen-Interview

Jul 24, 2024 | Jessy Wellmer spricht mit FDP-Generalsekretär Bijan Djir-Sarai über die Folgen des Verbots des Islamischen Zentrums in Hamburg.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Netanyahu Delivers a Forceful Defense of Israel to Applause in Congress

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The symbolism of the speech by Israel’s leader was almost as notable as anything he said, as criticism of the country’s war in Gaza grows.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel addressed a joint meeting of Congress at the Capitol on Wednesday. | Kenny Holston/The New York Times

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Wednesday issued a full-throated defense of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, during an address to Congress that laid bare deep divisions in Washington over a war that has killed tens of thousands of Palestinians.

In a speech in which he angrily pushed back on criticism of Israel’s conduct of the war that has cleaved the Democratic Party and disrupted American college campuses, Mr. Netanyahu linked Israel’s security directly to that of the United States, insisting: “We’re not only protecting ourselves; we’re protecting you.”

“Our enemies are your enemies; our fight is your fight; and our victory will be your victory,” Mr. Netanyahu said, emphasizing the strategic role of Israel in countering Iran. The fact of Mr. Netanyahu’s speech was almost as notable as anything he said. In the face of increasing international censure and dissent both in Israel and in the United States, Mr. Netanyahu was seeking to use Congress to lift his sagging political fortunes — and leaders in both parties obliged with a bipartisan invitation to receive him.

But in the House chamber as he spoke, there was clear evidence of how the longstanding bipartisan consensus to back Israel has eroded in Congress since the Hamas attack of Oct. 7 and the offensive in Gaza that followed. Dozens of Democratic members, including two top senators and Representative Nancy Pelosi, the former speaker, boycotted the speech. Vice President Kamala Harris declined to preside, as is traditional for the vice president, citing a scheduling conflict. » | Annie Karni, Reporting from the Capitol | Wednesday, July 24, 2024

200 Years of German Immigration in Brazil | DW History and Culture

Jul 21, 2024 | On July 25, 1824, 39 German emigrants arrived in São Leopoldo, southern Brazil, establishing their own colony. Two centuries later, DW reporter Guilherme Becker, whose ancestors emigrated to Rio Grande do Sul, embarks on a personal quest to uncover their story.

Guilherme explores why many Germans, including his grandparents, left their homeland in the 19th and 20th centuries. He learns about the Brazilian government's motivations for encouraging immigration, its connection to the end of slavery, and the impact on the Afro-Brazilian population. In São Paulo, he visits a museum preserving the history of these settlers, and in Pomerode, he meets descendants maintaining their ancestors' lifestyle and language.

In Blumenau, founded in 1850 by Hermann Blumenau, Guilherme discovers the town’s rich German heritage, symbolized by its annual Oktoberfest, and visits an indigenous community affected by colonial land seizure. He also delves into his family's loss of the German language and the role of Nazism. Guilherme visits the Jewish Museum in São Paulo to learn about Jewish exiles helped after the Nazis' rise to power.

Back in Berlin, Guilherme meets Brazilian nurse Thaiana Santos at Charité University Hospital, highlighting the modern parallels of immigration and recruitment.

Join Guilherme on this journey through history, family, and the enduring impacts of immigration in Brazil.

Intimations - John le Carré (BBC)

Oct 24, 2023 | [In this] BBC documentary first transmitted in 1966, Malcolm Muggeridge talks to the novelist John le Carré, who at the age of 34, had written the best-seller The Spy Who Came In From The Cold. Although their conversation covers much about the author's influences and ambitions - with the notable exception of any mention of his time as a spy - much of the interview looks at the modern phenomenon of the secret service agent as a hero.

In a revealing insight, le Carré explains that his dislike of James Bond stems from the fact that Bond doesn't exist in a political context, making him more of an "international gangster" than a spy. Although Malcolm Muggeridge talks about his own, very brief, period of spying, John le Carré remains close-lipped about his (much more extensive) career in espionage. Le Carré (real name David Cornwell) began working for MI5 in 1952 and transferred to MI6 in 1960. There he remained until 1964, when a combination of Kim Philby's defection, which exposed many British agents, and his own growing success as a novelist caused him to leave the secret service. Le Carré remained secretive about his former career for many decades