Thursday, July 25, 2024

Monarchy to Receive Extra £45m due to Soaring Profits | Charlotte Griffiths | Graham Smith

Jul 25, 2024 | "It's outrageous when we're being told we can't scrap the two-child benefit cap but we can give the Royals millions of pounds more."

Graham Smith from anti-monarchy organisation Republic debates the Mail on Sunday's Charlotte Griffiths on the news that the Royal Family is set to get a boost to their funding, to the tune of £45 million.

Considering that this country is on its beam ends, we really must ask ourselves one simple question: Can we really afford the luxury of having a horrendously expensive royal family?

When governments are asked for more money for the needy, they always plead poverty; however, when the royal family demands an increase, untold millions can be found. Is this 1789 or 2024? – © Mark Alexander

Related article here.