Monday, August 02, 2021

Doku & Reportage - Prinzessin Dianas gefährliches Erbe

Jun 8, 2021 • Prinzessin Dianas gefährliches Erbe - Film von Ulrike Grunewald Sie war der Superstar der Windsors – und eine Herausforderung für die britische Monarchie: Ein schmutziger Scheidungskrieg und ihr Unfalltod stürzten das Königshaus in eine schwere Krise. ZDF 2021 | Views auf YouTube: 88,289

Grace Kelly - Mythos Monaco

Le président afghan explique l’avancée des talibans par « la brusque décision américaine » de retirer les troupes du pays

LE MONDE : Le retrait des forces étrangères doit être achevé d’ici le 31 août. Depuis trois mois, les insurgés islamistes contrôlent de plus en plus de territoires et menacent, désormais, des capitales provinciales.

Pour Ashraf Ghani, président d’un Afghanistan qui est en train de perdre pied militairement face aux talibans, le coupable est tout trouvé. « La situation actuelle est due à la brusque décision américaine » de retirer définitivement les troupes du pays.

Devant les parlementaires afghans à Kaboul, M. Ghani a aussi accusé Washington d’avoir poussé à « la destruction de la République » et à la « légitimation » des talibans en négociant directement avec eux. Ces pourparlers ont abouti, en 2020, à un accord prévoyant le départ des troupes étrangères d’Afghanistan. » | Le Monde avec AFP et Reuters \ lundi 2 août 2021

On Falling in Love

Many thanks to Pinterest and Devon McFarland.

I’m Human!

Great quote on gay labels

Photo thanks to Gay on Pinterest

Just Married!

Gerade verheiratet! / Tout juste marié !

Photo thanks to Pinterest

Quand on se sent passionné...

Wenn du dich leidenschaftlich fühlst... / When you feel passionate...

Photo grâce à Google Images et Good Reads et Damon Suede (écrivain)

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Julio Iglesias Duet with Dolly Parton - When You Tell Me That You Love Me

Views on YouTube: 6,278,310

Audrey Hepburn - Unforgettable

Views on YouTube: 1,365,087

Warsaw 1939

Views on YouTube: 1,579,746

A French Dinner for the Queen - in the Kitchens of the Élysée Palace

Aug 9, 2019 • On the occasion of D-Day commemoration ceremonies, the Queen of England is paying an official state visit in France and attends a banquet as the guest of honor at the official residence of the President of the Republic of France, the Elysée Palace.

This documentary describes the event from the kitchens of power, the true vitrine of French gastronomy which has been on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2010.

We follow the work of the teams of the famous chef Guillaume Gomez, from the conception of the menus to the selection of products with the best French producers as well as the installation of the reception hall. A true challenge for a prestigious guest. | Views on YouTube: 1,735,889

Princess Margaret: Rebel without a Crown - British Royal Documentary

Feb 22, 2021 – A look at the monarch's glamorous, gregarious little sister. Princess Margaret, became one of the most photographed women of her day, lived life to her own rules. | Views on YouTube: 1,123,891

I have only just watched the end of this rather interesting documentary. It's bizarre! Had I known it had such a ridiculous ending, I wouldn't have posted it. My apologoes to you all. It's a bit late to take it down now: some people are watching it. I find those ads so disrespectful and out of place, I must say. Off the wall! Again, my apologies. – Mark

Frauenhandel in Europa: Die nigerianische Mafia in Italien | DW Reporter

Aug 1, 2021 • Die nigerianische Mafia breitet sich in Europa aus. Eine ihrer wichtigsten Einnahmequellen: Menschenhandel. Tausende junge Nigerianerinnen fallen den Banden zum Opfer. Eine von ihnen ist Juliet Osabo.

Could Hong Kong's New Immigration Law Ban Residents from Leaving? | DW News

Aug 1, 2021 • A new amendment to Hong Kong's immigration law takes effect today. Critics say the change could give the government power to ban residents from leaving the city.

Hong Kong’s administrators say the law, part of China's crackdown in Hong Kong, targets "illegal refugees." But it has prompted a growing exodus.

The United Kingdom, Canada and Australia are offering extended work and residency permits to those who have left Hong Kong, and the US Congress is debating a bill to give special visas and refugee status to Hong Kong citizens fleeing political persecution.

The Long Kiss Goodbye: Will Covid End the French Bise Forever?

In 2010, Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain and his wife, Samantha Cameron, greeted President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, with a bise in London.Credit...Carl Court/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Social distancing made the cheek kiss a much rarer greeting, and polling suggests it may stay that way. Some say good riddance, but others miss the warmth of times past.

Twice a year, Louise Al-Hakkak would sit on her front porch in Burgundy, waiting for her sister Flora and dreading the moment of “la bise.” In this Franco-Iraqi family, only Flora enjoyed France’s traditional two-kiss greeting on the cheeks. For Ms. Al-Hakkak and her father, “It was more a chore than anything else.”

But times have changed.

“Covid made us stop doing the bise,” said Ms. Al-Hakkak, 23. “It’s a lot easier now. I don’t need to ask myself tons of questions about whether I should do it or not.”

In France, the bise is a longstanding tradition for greeting loved ones, or even strangers, that was upended by the coronavirus. Throughout the pandemic, French authorities have urged people to avoid physical contact to prevent the virus from spreading.

But now, with more than half of the French population at least partly vaccinated and most lockdown restrictions lifted, many are split over whether to go back to the way greetings used to be and questioning whether the bise was all that great to begin with. » | Gaëlle Fournier | Saturday, July 31, 2021

Quelle horreur ! Ce serait comme du fromage sans le vin ! – Mark

Turkey Is Next as Wildfires Afflict Mediterranean Countries

Turkey struggled to contain the dozens of wildfires burning this week, as local residents and tourists along the Mediterranean Coast were forced to evacuate.CreditCredit...Kaan Soyturk/Reuters

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Turkish authorities said they were investigating the causes of fires that killed at least six people and threatened popular tourist destinations.

Firefighters in Turkey struggled to contain dozens of wildfires raging for a fourth day on Saturday, as fast-spreading blazes forced popular holiday resorts and dozens of rural areas along the Mediterranean coast to be evacuated.

The fires, which authorities say may have been sparked by arson or human negligence, have killed at least six people, officials said Saturday, and injured roughly 200 others.

As tourists were forced to flee hotels, some on boats as flames licked closer, local residents in rural areas watched the fires burn their homes, kill their livestock and destroy their businesses.

“Our lungs are burning, our future is burning,” Muhittin Bocek, the mayor of Antalya, a resort city, said in a telephone interview from the ravaged town of Manavgat, about 50 miles east along the coast.

The blazes are part of a broader pattern of wildfires afflicting the Mediterranean this summer, with areas in Lebanon, Syria, Greece, Italy and Cyprus also battling fast-moving fires. » | Elian Peltier and Asmaa al-Omar | Published: Friday, July 30, 2021; Updated: Saturday, July 31, 2021

Eine Dating-App wühlt Amerikas Katholiken auf

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Ein Internetportal behauptet, der Generalsekretär der amerikanischen Bischofskonferenz verkehre in Schwulenbars – und beruft sich auf gekaufte Mobilfunkdaten. Für die einen ist das eine „Hexenjagd“, für andere legitime Recherche.

Die katholische Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten wird von einer Big-Data-Affäre erschüttert. Der Skandal hat schon ein prominentes Opfer gefordert: Jeffrey Burrill, Generalsekretär der katholischen Bischofskonferenz der Vereinigten Staaten, hat nach nur acht Monaten Dienstzeit seinen Rücktritt erklärt. Ob es auch in der ebenfalls von dem Skandal betroffenen Erzdiözese Newark im Bundesstaat New Jersey und vielleicht sogar im Vatikan personelle Konsequenzen gibt, steht dahin.

Der Vorsitzende der amerikanischen Bischofskonferenz, Erzbischof José Gómez, äußerte sein Bedauern über die Demission Burrills. Die Bischofskonferenz habe am Tag vor dem Rücktritt ihres Generalsekretärs Kenntnis erhalten von „bevorstehenden Medienberichten über das möglicherweise unangemessene Verhalten von Monsignore Burrill“. Man habe dessen Rücktritt akzeptiert, um eine Belastung für die Arbeit der Bischofskonferenz abzuwenden. Gomez, der seit 2011 die Erzdiözese Los Angeles führt und 2019 als erster Latino an die Spitze der amerikanischen Bischofskonferenz gewählt wurde, hob hervor, es würden gegen Burrill aber „keine Vorwürfe wegen Fehlverhaltens gegenüber Minderjährigen“ erhoben. » | Matthias Rüb, Politischer Korrespondent für Italien, den Vatikan, Albanien und Malta mit Sitz in Rom. | Freitag, 30. Juli 2021

Um den Rest des Artikels weiterzulesen, muß man abonniert sein. Derzeit kann man als Sonderangebot ein Abonnement für 30 Tage kostenfrei testen. Siehe unten der Seite.

Related article: Commentary: That a Catholic Priest May Be Gay Isn't Cause for Sadness »

Auch verwandt: «Die Mehrheit der Priester im Vatikan ist schwul» | Sternstunde Religion | SRF Kultur »

Une vague de chaleur accélère la fonte des glaces au Groenland

Deuxième calotte glaciaire après l’Antarctique, avec une surface de près de 1,8 million de kilomètres carrés, la couche de glace qui recouvre le Groenland suscite l’inquiétude des scientifiques JEAN-WILLIAM ET RACHEL CHALOPIN / JEAN-WILLIAM ET RACHEL CHALOPIN / NATURIMAGES

LE MONDE : Sur le petit aéroport de Nerlerit Inaat, dans le nord-est du Groenland, le mercure a atteint 23,4 degrés jeudi, le plus haut niveau mesuré depuis le début des relevés de la station météo.

Une vague de chaleur au Groenland, avec des températures plus de dix degrés supérieures aux normales saisonnières, a provoqué cette semaine un épisode de fonte « massive » de la calotte glaciaire groenlandaise, ont averti des glaciologues.

Depuis mercredi, la calotte glaciaire qui recouvre le vaste territoire arctique a fondu d’environ 8 milliards de tonnes chaque jour, soit le double du rythme moyen lors de la période estivale, selon les données récentes du Polar Portal, un outil de modélisation géré par des instituts de recherche danois. » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 31 juillet 2021

Anger as Poland Plans Law That Will Stop Jews Reclaiming Wartime Homes

Shoshana Greenberg in Tel Aviv last month with a portrait of her parents. Photograph: Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images

THE OBSERVER: Daughter of Holocaust survivor pledges to continue her fight for family property seized by Nazi occupiers

A few years ago, Shoshana Greenberg stood outside a building in Lodz, Poland, once owned by her family, with an old photograph in her hands and tears running down her face.

Greenberg, now 74 and living in Tel Aviv, was on a quest to reclaim property lost during the Holocaust. Her father was head of a prominent, wealthy Jewish family in Lodz that owned industrial buildings, residential homes and holiday properties.

When the Nazis came, the property was confiscated along with the family jewellery. They were forced into the Lodz ghetto. Later, Greenberg’s father and his siblings were sent to Auschwitz, and only her father survived. After the war, the new communist government in Poland nationalised property that had been confiscated while destitute Holocaust survivors rebuilt their lives from scratch elsewhere.

Since the fall of communist Europe in 1989, most countries in the former Soviet bloc have taken steps to provide restitution and compensation to their pre-war Jewish citizens. Poland is the only major country that has not implemented such a programme – and now it is on the verge of making recompense even harder. » | Harriet Sherwood | Sunday, August 1, 2021

Boris and Carrie Johnson Expecting Their Second Child

Boris and Carrie Johnson. ‘I feel incredibly blessed to be pregnant again,’ she says. Photograph: Reuters

THE OBSERVER: In a message on Instagram, prime minister’s wife also reveals she had miscarriage at start of the year

Boris Johnson and his wife, Carrie, are expecting their second child, as the prime minister’s wife revealed she had a miscarriage at the start of this year.

The couple, who married in secret at Westminster Cathedral in May, had their son, Wilfred, in April 2020.

Carrie Johnson announced that she is expecting their second child on her Instagram page, saying a miscarriage had left her “heartbroken”.

“I feel incredibly blessed to be pregnant again but I’ve also felt like a bag of nerves. Fertility issues can be really hard for many people, particularly when on platforms like Instagram it can look like everything is only ever going well. » | Harry Taylor | Sunday, August 1, 2021