Sunday, March 07, 2021

Justin Welby Condemns Nigerian Archbishop's Gay 'Virus' Comments

THE GUARDIAN: Archbishop of Canterbury says Henry Ndukuba’s comments that homosexuality should be ‘expunged’ are unacceptable

The archbishop of Canterbury has issued a rare public condemnation of a fellow Anglican primate who described homosexuality as a “deadly virus” which should be “radically expunged and excised”.

Justin Welby, who is the leader of the global Anglican church, said the comments made by Henry Ndukuba, the archbishop of Nigeria, were unacceptable and dehumanising.

His criticism was endorsed by senior Church of England colleagues, including Stephen Cottrell, the archbishop of York, and Sarah Mullally, the bishop of London.

In response to a statement on the pastoral care of gay people issued by the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) in January, Ndukuba said: “The deadly ‘virus’ of homosexuality has infiltrated ACNA. This is likened to a yeast that should be urgently and radically expunged and excised lest it affects the whole dough.” » | Harriet Sherwood | Saturday, March 6, 2021

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Winston Churchill - Zurich Speech - "United States of Europe" - September 1946

Speech of Winston Churchill - United States of Europe Zurich, 19th September 1946

The words of a great man! “Let Europe arise!” Are you listening, Boris? – ©Mark

Eating Meat 'Raises Risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes and Pneumonia'

THE GUARDIAN: UK researchers find link between regular meat intake and nine non-cancerous illnesses

Eating meat regularly increases someone’s risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, pneumonia and other serious illnesses, research has found.

It is already known that intake of red and processed meat heightens the risk of being diagnosed with bowel cancer. But these findings are the first to assess whether meat consumption is linked to any of the 25 non-cancerous illnesses that most commonly lead to people being admitted to hospital in the UK.

The academics from Oxford University who have published the study found that consumption of red meat, processed meat and poultry meat such as chicken and turkey, either alone or together, at least three times a week was linked to a greater risk of nine different illnesses. » | Denis Campbell, Health policy editor | Tuesday, March 2, 2021

If you believe this, you’ll believe anything! How can the consumption of meat or poultry possibly lead to diabetes, still less pneumonia? In German, the original word for diabetes is Zuckerkrankheit, or sugar illness or disease. The original word for pneumonia in German is Lungenentzünding, or inflammation of the lungs. How can the consumption of meat and poultry possibly lead to these illnesses? This is total nonsense! It is a perfect example of fake news! – ©Mark

Monday, March 01, 2021

Supporters of Detained Saudi Princess Call for UK to Help Secure Release

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: letters to Dominic Raab and Lady Scotland say Princess Basmah requires urgent medical treatment

Supporters of a prominent Saudi Arabian princess detained with her daughter in Riyadh have appealed to the British government to help secure their release.

In two letters to both foreign secretary Dominic Raab and Commonwealth general secretary Patricia Scotland, the princess’s supporters urged them to intervene on behalf of Princess Basmah bint Saud bin Abdulaziz al-Saud and her daughter Souhoud Al Sharif, arrested in Jeddah two years ago.

They said that the princess suffers from a heart condition that requires urgent medical treatment. “We believe her life depends on her release,” said the family’s legal adviser Henri Estramant and Lucy Rae of the British human rights organisation Grant Liberty in the letter. » | Ruth Michaelson in Dubai | Monday, March 1, 2021

Friday, February 26, 2021

Saudi Crown Prince Approved Killing of Jamal Khashoggi, US Report Says

THE GUARDIAN: New sanctions expected as a declassified intelligence assessment says Mohammed bin Salman had hand in journalist’s death

The Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, approved the 2018 murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, according to a declassified assessment of the killing released to the Congress by US intelligence agencies.

The four-page report confirmed the long-suspected view that the 35-year-old future king had a personal hand in the violent and premeditated murder of one of his most prominent critics, a columnist and former Saudi insider who was living in exile in the US and used his platform to decry the prince’s crackdown on dissent.

Friday’s release of the assessment was expected to be accompanied by further actions from the Biden administration, which are expected to be unveiled by the State Department. »| Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington | Friday, February 26, 2021

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Nazi Princesses – The Fates of Top Nazis' Wives & Mistresses

What happened to the wives and girlfriends of Hitler's inner circle when the war ended? Find out about Emmy Goering, Gretl Braun, Gerda Bormann, Margarete Himmler and several others.

Dr. Mark Felton is a well-known British historian, the author of 22 non-fiction books, including bestsellers 'Zero Night' and 'Castle of the Eagles', both currently being developed into movies in Hollywood. In addition to writing, Mark also appears regularly in television documentaries around the world, including on The History Channel, Netflix, National Geographic, Quest, American Heroes Channel and RMC Decouverte. His books have formed the background to several TV and radio documentaries. More information about Mark can be found here

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

New Record as Estimated 18m Americans Identify as LGBTQ, Poll Finds

THE GUARDIAN: Gallup finds increase ington | reflection of ‘the way society is changing’

Polling released Wednesday confirmed that more Americans than ever before identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer. The number of Americans who self-identify this way increased by 60% between 2012 and 2020, according to Gallup.

Researchers say the findings are partly due to an emerging generation of young people who have chosen to live openly with an identity other than heterosexual.

“It reflects what we are seeing in society and the way society is changing,” Gallup senior editor Jeff Jones said, later telling NBC News that “younger people are growing up in an environment where being gay, lesbian or bisexual is not as taboo as it was in the past”. » | Kenya Evelyn in Washington | Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Boris Johnson 'a Liar' Who Will Blame Brexit Costs on Covid, Says Diplomat

THE GUARDIAN: Sylvie Bermann, former French ambassador, puts PM’s handling of pandemic alongside Donald Trump’s

Boris Johnson is “an unrepentant and inveterate liar” who feels he is not subject to the same rules as others, Sylvie Bermann, the former French ambassador to the UK during the Brexit vote, says in a new book.

She also claims some Brexiters are consumed with hatred for Germany and gripped by a myth that they liberated Europe on their own, describing Brexit as a triumph of emotion over reason, won by a campaign full of lies in which negative attitudes to migration were exploited by figures such as Johnson and Michael Gove.

Bermann, who served as the French ambassador to the UK from 2014 to 2017 and has been one of the most senior diplomats in the French diplomatic service, including as ambassador to China and to Russia, assesses the British handling of the Covid pandemic as among the worst in the world alongside that of Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. She predicts Johnson will seek to use Covid to mask the true economic cost of Brexit on the UK economy.

Johnson, she says, comes from an Eton and Oxford University class that believes they are entitled to use language to provoke. Describing him as intelligent and charming, she says he uses “lies to embellish reality, as a game and as instrument of power. The ends justify the means. He has no rules.” » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Jamal Khashoggi: US Report Expected to Name Saudi Crown Prince as Complicit in Murder

THE GUARDIAN: President Biden to call King Salman as his administration prepare to release intelligence report in ‘long awaited step’

Joe Biden is expected to call Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Wednesday, as his administration prepares to release an unclassified intelligence report that many experts expect will name the royal’s son and heir as complicit in the grisly murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

Biden’s plan to call to the 85-year-old ruler was reported on Tuesday night by Axios.

The decision comes as the White House is facing calls by human rights activists and Saudi dissidents to “strike a blow” against Saudi human rights violations with new sanctions that they say could help rein in Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s crackdown on dissidents and turn the page on the Trump administration’s “embrace of despots”. » | Stephanie Kirchgaessner | Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Peter Hayes – Why Did the Holocaust Happen?

Peter Hayes, Professor Emeritus of Holocaust Studies at Northwestern University and author of Why? Explaining the Holocaust, discusses crucial questions in Holocaust Studies. From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, at the JCC of Harrison, NY.

Brexit Is a Machine to Generate Perpetual Grievance. It's Doing Its Job Perfectly

THE GUARDIAN: The story of plucky Britain standing up to bullying Brussels spares leavers the discomfort of admitting they voted for a con

Brexit has changed everything about Britain’s relationship with the European Union, and also nothing. For anyone trying to do business across borders newly gummed with bureaucracy, the comparison is stark and painful. But in politics, an old pattern is playing out – a cycle of suspicion and self-sabotage that began long before the 2016 referendum.

It starts with the belief that Britain does not depend on its neighbours for trade or anything else. That leads to neglect of the diplomacy required to make the partnership work. Going against the grain of economics and geography escalates every negotiation into a test of national self-esteem. Each adjustment for reality is resented as a surrender of sovereignty.

Euroscepticism is a machine for generating perpetual grievance. It works by making Brussels the enemy, spoiling relations and serving up the soured mood to a domestic audience as proof that the other side does not want to be friends. » | Rafael Behr | Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Brexit Britain is a country going to the dogs being run by the dogs! – ©Mark Alexander

Elon Musk No Longer World’s Richest Person as Tesla Shares Fall

THE GUARDIAN: Electric carmaker’s CEO falls behind Amazon founder Jeff Bezos after tweet saying bitcoin price ‘seems high’

Elon Musk, the maverick boss of Tesla, is no longer the world’s richest person after shares in the electric car company dropped 8.6% on Monday, wiping $15.2bn (£10.8bn) off his fortune.

Musk, who last month leapfrogged Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to take the title of the world’s wealthiest person, dropped back into second place with a $183bn estimated fortune behind Bezos’ $186.3bn.

The 8.5% drop in Tesla’s share price on Monday – the sharpest one-day fall since September – was partly fuelled by Musk tweeting that the prices of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies “do seem high”. Tesla’s shares were down a further 6% in pre-market trading on Tuesday. » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Dr. Peter Hayes: "German Corporate Complicity in the Holocaust"

Brought to you by the Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies at the University of Texas at Dallas, the Burton C. Einspruch Holocaust Lecture Series speaker Dr. Peter Hayes and his lecture "German Corporate Complicity in the Holocaust" on Monday, October 29, 2018.

Inside Nazi Germany

Private amateur films capturing life under the Nazi regime from the inside include footage shot by Hitler's secret mistress of Nazi officials at leisure, Hitler greeting jubilant crowds in Vienna upon the German annexation of Austria in March 1938, and the violent backlash against Jews there, and the Nazi invasion of Poland.

Wie der harte Brexit die Reichen noch reicher machen soll | WDR Doku

Am 1. Januar 2021 ist Großbritannien den letzten, endgültigen Schritt seines Brexit-Prozesses gegangen und hat die Zollunion und den Binnenmarkt der EU verlassen. Auch wenn das komplette Chaos eines Austritts ohne Anschlussabkommen in letzter Minute verhindert wurde, so handelt es sich doch um einen harten Bruch zwischen Großbritannien und der EU. Einen Hard Brexit also – mit Auflagen für Handel und Dienstleistungen sowie Wirtschaftseinbußen in Milliardenhöhe, die Experten für beide Seiten vorhersagen. In wessen Interesse ist das? Die Dokumentation folgt der Frage, wer die Akteure sind, die den Hard Brexit um jeden Preis wollten, und zeigt, mit welchen Mitteln sie dieses Ziel verfolgt haben. Es ist eine investigative Reise, bei der diskrete Londoner Adressen, neoliberale Think Tanks und eine Partei, die eigentlich eine Firma ist, eine Rolle spielen.

Der britische Premier Boris Johnson bezeichnet das Referendum über den Brexit gerne als Sternstunde der direkten Demokratie, als Rebellion der „kleinen Leute“ gegen die gesichtslose EU-Bürokratie. Doch was, wenn es beim Brexit letztlich gar nicht um den „Willen des Volkes“ ging, sondern um die Interessen einer kleinen britischen Elite?

Dieser Film zeigt bislang unbekannte Hintergründe des Brexit- Prozesses. Er belegt, dass es innerhalb und außerhalb der Tory-Partei von Anfang an eine Kampagne für einen harten Brexit gab, die mit Geld aus den tiefen Taschen der britischen Finanzelite wurde. Hat diese kleine Gruppe gut vernetzter Geschäftsleute und Finanzinvestoren tatsächlich bestimmt, was „Brexit“ jetzt für Großbritannien und die EU bedeutet? Frances Coppola, eine Wirtschaftsexpertin, die den Brexit intensiv beobachtet hat, sagt, das Ziel der Verfechter eines vollständigen Austritts aus dem EU-Binnenmarkt und der Zollunion sei es von Anfang an gewesen, aus Großbritannien „eine Art Singapur des Westens“, eine komplett deregulierte Steueroase, zu machen. Das habe mit der tatsächlichen EU-Skepsis vieler Briten und den öffentlich propagierten Zielen des Brexit, „die Kontrolle über das eigene Land zurückzugewinnen“, nur wenig zu tun. Sonia Sodha, prominente Autorin des „Observer“, urteilt: „Es besteht eine massive Diskrepanz zwischen der politischen Elite, die für den Brexit ist, und den Menschen, die für den Brexit gestimmt haben.“

Die Story von Tom Costello schildert diese bislang verborgene Seite des Brexit mit den Einschätzungen von britischen und EU-Politikern, investigativen Journalisten und Ökonomen und wirft Licht auf ein Milieu aus geheimnisvollen Think-Tanks, scheinbaren Graswurzelbewegungen und geschickt agierenden Lobbyisten, die mit allen Mitteln versucht haben, ihre Vision für die Zukunft Großbritanniens durchzusetzen.

Monday, February 22, 2021

‘“I Regret Voting Brexit” – Fish Industry in Ruins

Ian Perks runs a huge fish export company in Devon. Recently, the massive piles of paperwork have left him in a really difficult situation.

The Truth about Boris Johnson

Populist Prime Minister Boris Johnson is more celebrity than politician. In this brief rundown of the Prime Minister's history, Byline Writer Otto English delves into what made the man born Alexander into Boris Johnson and calls into question whether the man the country affectionately calls 'Boris' is really quite such a loveable buffoon after all.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Truth about Nigel Farage

Otto English breaks down the career history of Nigel Farage, from UKIP to The Brexit Party, from LBC to Reform.