Friday, February 12, 2021

The Guardian View on Queen's Consent: The Crown Does More Than It Seems

THE GUARDIAN: End the flummery that enables a Queen’s gambit and ministers making moves that suit the monarch

In Britain the Queen is supposed to act on the advice of her government. The monarch, it is said, merely signs the laws that ministers bring her. The charade is conducted in the manner of a magician, with pomp and ceremony shielding the public so they fail to realise what is going on. The Guardian this week pulled back the curtain and let the daylight in. The truth is that the government often acts on the advice of the Queen.

Under our unwritten constitution, the monarch does have the power to withhold royal assent to a bill. It’s never been used. The Queen, wrote the Victorian thinker Walter Bagehot, "must sign her own death-warrant” if parliament sends her a law to that effect. Yet documents in the National Archives reveal that Her Majesty managed, in secret, to get laws changed – in favour of her personal interest – before they were introduced. The Guardian found four instances between 1968 and 1982 where the palace had lobbied to get the law altered. In 1973 the Queen’s lawyers intervened to allow her to hide her private wealth from the public. » | Editorial | Friday, February 12, 2021

Lisbon - What Makes Portugal's Capital City So Attractive? | DW Documentary

Lisbon, Portugal’s "White City", is an old multifaceted city in Europe. Lisbon has experienced many periods of prosperity and has survived many crises.

But what makes Lisbon so attractive today – especially among young people? A film crew met a range of mainly young people in Lisbon, and asked them about their relationship to the Portuguese capital city. Lisbon’s history has been significantly shaped by its harbor, which made it a central hub of trade in Europe and the starting point for voyages of discovery and conquest in the late Middle Ages. Vasco da Gama embarked on his last trip to India from Lisbon, and enjoyed a hero’s welcome on his return in 1499. From Bairro Alto and the National Museum of Ancient Art to the Tower of Belém and countless palaces, churches and hotels, Lisbon has a lot to offer tourists. But what makes the Portuguese capital such an attractive destination for young people in the present day? The friendly and carefree nature of the Portuguese people, says one blogger, who quit his job in a bank in order to photograph his city for an image campaign. The incomparable light of Lisbon, says a city historian committed to the conservation of Portugal’s colorful glazed wall tiles: azulejos. The sense of melancholy, adds a singer, who is just as enthusiastic about modern electronic as she is about the traditional fado, which she herself performs on stage. Culinary specialties made from locally fished seafood are the secret, says an acclaimed chef and craftsman. And for an avid surfer, the city’s appeal lies in the impressive waves along the coastline.

Growing Global Concern over Coronavirus Variants | DW News

In the UK, coronavirus testing is now being stepped up to discover virus variants and stop them from spreading. Up to 10% of positive tests will now be sent on to labs for further genome analysis. It's part of a growing effort to catch the more contagious mutations before they take hold.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Former US Muslims Break Silence, Imam Supports Their Choice (2015)

It’s estimated that more than a quarter of Americans have left the faith they were raised in. And while all major faiths have lost adherents, many of those who abandoned Islam face particular hardships. VOA religion correspondent Jerome Socolovsky went to a support group that helps former Muslims who may feel ostracized or disoriented, and reports.

Margaret Thatcher - Speech to the College of Europe ("The Bruges Speech") [1988]

In this impressive speech in Bruges, Margaret Thatcher spoke strongly in favour of the Single Market. Indeed, the Single Market was Thatcher’s baby. Today’s Conservatives under BoJo have betrayed Thatcher’s legacy. Whilst Maggie was anti-federalism, she was certainly pro-European free trade; and she was certainly very much against erecting barriers to European free trade, which Brexit does. All I can say is this: Thatcher must be turning in her grave! All her hard work has gone up in smoke. – ©Mark Alexander

Leaving the Faith - Former Muslims | People and Politics

A growing number of Muslims in Germany are either converting to another faith or turning their backs on religion altogether. Some have faced intimidation and even death threats. Refusing to be put off, they write blogs and provide advice for others who want to follow them.

Ex-Muslims Share Their Experiences | The Economist

The decision to turn your back on your religion can have huge ramifications. Two women who were shunned by their families and community share a rarely seen perspective on faith—and on losing it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Saudi Women's Rights Activist Loujain al-Hathloul Released from Prison

THE GUARDIAN: Campaigner was held in custody for 1,001 days on charges denounced as politically motivated

The prominent Saudi dissident and women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul has been released from prison after 1,001 days in custody.

Following a concerted campaign by her relatives and global rights groups, Hathloul was granted probation by a judge in Riyadh and released to her family on Wednesday afternoon. Her sister Lina published a photo of a smiling Loujain on Twitter early evening Riyadh time – the first image of the most celebrated political prisoner in the Kingdom since she was detained almost three years ago. “Loujain is at home !!!!!!”, the accompanying message said.

Another sister, Alia, said in a separate post that Hathloul was at their parents’ home in Saudi Arabia, adding “this is the best day of my life”. » | Martin Chulov, Middle East correspondent | Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Die Nazis, die Arbeit und das Geld | Doku | ARTE

Im Juni 1940 führte Hitler Feldzüge in ganz Europa, obwohl Deutschland kaum noch Geld, nur wenige Rohstoffe und keine Devisen mehr hatte. Wie konnten die Nationalsozialisten mit einer solch schwachen Wirtschaft die zerstörerische Maschinerie des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Gang setzen?

Der Dokumentarfilm basiert auf neueren wissenschaftlichen Forschungen der Professoren Adam Tooze von der Columbia University, Richard Overy von der University of Exeter, Frank Bajohr vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte in München und der Privatdozentin Marie-Bénédicte Vincent von der Universität von Angers. Sie zeigen in ihren Forschungen zur NS-Zeit, welch treibende Rolle wirtschaftliche Aspekte für das Familienleben, die Arbeitswelt und die Kriegsführung im Deutschen Reich gespielt haben. Animationen im Stil der Collage-Kunst der 30er Jahre veranschaulichen die außerordentlichen Währungsmanipulationen der Nationalsozialisten. Damit wird der Blick auf einen bisher wenig beachteten Kriegsschauplatz gelenkt, nämlich auf die Fabriken des Deutschen Reichs, auf die Sparbücher der deutschen Familien, die Planungsbüros der Manager und kaum bekannte Protagonisten, die agierten: der Generalfeldmarschall und Staatssekretär in Görings Reichsluftfahrt-Ministerium Erhard Milch(1892-1972) etwa, der die gesamte Flugzeugbau-Industrie umstrukturierte und bereits 1954 aus der lebenslänglichen Haft entlassen wurde, der NSDAP-Gauleiter von Thüringen Fritz Sauckel(1894-1946), der in seiner Funktion als Generalbevollmächtigter für den Arbeitseinsatz für die Zwangsarbeit von Millionen von Menschen verantwortlich war und in Nürnberg hingerichtet wurde, oder SS-General Herbert Backe(1896-1947), der als Reichsminister und Leiter des Ministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft die rigide kriegswirtschaftlich und rassenideologisch begründete Hungerpolitik in Osteuropa plante und organisierte und sich in Nürnberg durch Suizid der Verantwortung entzog.Der Dokumentarfilm zeigt, wie die Nationalsozialisten ihr rassistisches und antisemitisches Weltbild in allen Bereichen der Großindustrie, der Landwirtschaft und der Finanzwelt implementieren konnten. Sie schufen damit ein abscheuliches, auf Währungsmanipulation, Gewalt, Raub und Völkermord beruhendes Wirtschafts-„Modell“, das nur durch Krieg und Unterdrückung funktionierte und zur Zerstörung Europas führte.

Dokumentarfilm von Gil Rabier (F 2020, 90 Min)

Twitter Says Trump Ban Is Permanent – Even If He Runs for Office Again

THE GUARDIAN: Chief financial officer says ‘when you’re removed, you’re removed … our policies don’t allow people to come back’

Donald Trump’s ban from the social media platform Twitter is going to stick even if he runs for the White House again – and even if he won again, a senior executive said on Wednesday.

The former president’s permanent block from Twitter is permanent, Twitter chief financial officer Ned Segal said during an interview on CNBC when he was asked whether Trump’s tweeting privileges could be restored if he ever returns to power.

“The way our policies work, when you’re removed from the platform, you’re removed from the platform,” Segal said.

He added: “Whether you’re a commentator, you’re a CFO, or you are a former or current public official. Remember, our policies are designed to make sure that people are not inciting violence, and if anybody does that, we have to remove them from the service and our policies don’t allow people to come back.” » | Guardian staff | Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Queen's Consent Is a Constitutional Outrage – Parliament Must Abolish It

THE GUARDIAN: If an MP or peer sought to secretly influence a draft bill in this way, it could lead to a criminal charge

The practice of Queen’s consent, on which the Guardian has shone a welcome light in recent days, is a constitutional outrage. It gives an unelected person the opportunity to require changes to draft legislation in order to benefit herself financially, or to exempt herself from laws she does not like, and to do so in secret without any public accountability.

If an MP or peer sought to secretly influence a draft bill to advantage themselves in this way, it would be called corruption. It could lead to a criminal charge.

The palace likes to pretend that the practice of Queen’s consent is all ceremonial, somehow rather quaint. “Any assertion that the sovereign has blocked legislation is simply incorrect,” they say. This is both accurate and entirely misleading. The Queen does not block legislation because she does not need to. The draft bill is sent to the palace and to her legal advisers. If they have objections, they will ring the Cabinet Office and relay these. Nothing is normally put in writing these days, to avoid a written record. The bill is then altered to meet the Queen’s wishes and the revised version is then sent back and gains her consent. You see? Nothing has been “blocked”. » | Norman Baker | Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

What Did Ancient Rome Look Like? (Cinematic Animation)

What Did Ancient Rome Really Look Like? Ancient Rome reconstruction featuring realistic 3D animation.

What Did Ancient Greece Look Like? (Cinematic Animation)

What Did Ancient Greece Really Look Like? Watch this Ancient Greece recreation featuring realistic 3D animation to find out.

What Did Ancient Egypt Look Like? (Cinematic Animation)

Watch this Ancient Egypt recreation featuring realistic 3D animation to find out. Get Ancient Egypt

Reaching for That Pack of Smokes? You Aren’t the Only One

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Lots of people seem to be smoking again or more during the pandemic, if anecdotal evidence and preliminary sales figures for tobacco products are any measure.

“Good quality surveys operate at a lag,” said Vaughan W. Rees, the director of the Center for Global Tobacco Control at Harvard University, referring to reliable smoking studies from institutions like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “But we are seeing interesting blips. The decline in tobacco sales has slowed in the past 10 months.”

While tobacco sales in the United States have generally fallen in recent decades (14 percent of Americans smoked in 2019, compared with nearly 21 percent in 2005, according to an annual report from the C.D.C. that tracks smoking rates), the decline flattened last year.

“The total volume of cigarettes sold in the U.S. typically declines by 3 or 4 percent,” said Adam Spielman, a managing director at Citi who follows the tobacco industry. “But in 2020, volume is flat and that’s a significant change, driven mostly by the fact that people have less things to spend money on right now.” Smokers also cited stress as a reason for lighting up. » | Monica Corcoran Harel | Saturday, February 6, 2021

Saturday, February 06, 2021

Fury at Gove as Exports to EU Slashed by 68% since Brexit

THE OBSERVER: Hauliers say Cabinet Office minister ignored warnings, amid fears that worse is to come with introduction of import checks in July

The volume of exports going through British ports to the EU fell by a staggering 68% last month compared with January last year, mostly as a result of problems caused by Brexit, the Observer can reveal.

The dramatic drop in the volume of traffic carried on ferries and through the Channel tunnel has been reported to Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove by the Road Haulage Association after a survey of its international members. In a letter to Gove dated 1 February, the RHA’s chief executive, Richard Burnett, also told the minister he and his officials had repeatedly warned over several months of problems and called for measures to lessen difficulties – but had been largely ignored.

In particular he had made clear throughout last year there was an urgent need to increase the number of customs agents to help firms with mountains of extra paperwork. The number now, around 10,000, is still about a fifth of what the RHA says is required to handle the massive increase in paperwork facing exporters. » | Toby Helm | Saturday, February 6, 2021

Muslim Revert Stories - From Jewish Atheist to Islam

1. A revert to Islam describes his early life born in a Jewish family but strongly atheist and his first encounters with Muslims. 2. Early encounters with Islam. Spiritual awakening and seeking proof Islam is the truth. 3. Born to a Jewish family but throughout life atheist in belief a Muslim revert describes how he finally accepts Islam and becomes Muslim. 4. Muslim revert born to a Jewish family gives advice to Muslims as well as Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims.

The Guardian View on Republican Extremism: Trumpism Flourishes

THE GUARDIAN: Some of the party’s elite may be belatedly awakening to the costs of their cynical choices, but others are doubling down

That someone is ludicrous doesn’t stop them being dangerous, as Donald Trump and now Marjorie Taylor Greene have demonstrated. The new Georgia congresswoman has not only repeatedly spread racist and antisemitic statements; she has suggested a Jewish banking family might have been involved in starting wildfires with “space lasers”, repeatedly endorsed QAnon conspiracy theories and questioned whether the Pentagon was attacked on 9/11. Her views are no less poisonous and extremist for being so bizarre.

The most frightening and extraordinary thing about her, however, is that she is now welcome at the heart of the Republican party. Though Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, has described her “loony lies and conspiracy theories” as “a cancer for the Republican party”, his diagnosis comes much too late. Kevin McCarthy, his counterpart in the House, boasts of a “big tent” – so large that it now includes those who have supported the killing of political opponents. It took Democrats to strip Ms Greene of her committee positions via a House vote on Thursday, an unprecedented move that should never have been necessary. They are happy to seize the opportunity to portray the GOP as Ms Greene’s party. But they are not so wrong to do so. » | Editorial | Friday, February 5, 2021

Biden: Trump Should Not Receive Intelligence Briefings due to His 'Erratic Behavior'

THE GUARDIAN: Biden says predecessor shouldn’t have access to briefings, which are traditionally offered to presidents even after leaving office

Joe Biden has said that he doesn’t believe his predecessor, Donald Trump, should have access to any intelligence briefings due to his “erratic behavior”.

“I think not,” Biden said in a Friday evening interview, when asked by the CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell if Trump should get the briefings.

“Because of his erratic behavior unrelated to the insurrection,” Biden said, referring to the 6 January storming of the US Capitol by Trump’s supporters. Former US presidents traditionally receive some intelligence briefings even after they have left office. » | Reuters | Saturday, February 6, 2021

Fox News Cancels Lou Dobbs Tonight

THE GUARDIAN: Dobbs, who hosted Fox Business Network’s highest-rated show, was a key driver of baseless election fraud claims

Fox Business Network has canceled the show of Lou Dobbs, the ardent Donald Trump supporter with a history of espousing misinformation who promoted baseless conspiracy theories of voting fraud after the election.

Friday evening marked the final airing of Lou Dobbs Tonight, Dobbs’ regular weeknight program. The Fox host was a major contributor to the false narrative that the election was stolen and continued espousing those views on his program even after admitting that they lacked actual proof.

“Eight weeks from the election and we still don’t have verifiable, tangible support for the crimes that everyone knows were committed,” he said on air in January.

Dobbs, 75, has hosted the program since 2011. Trump considered it must-see TV and even reportedly patched the host through during key policy meetings. » | Gabrielle Canon and agency | Saturday, February 6, 2021

Good riddance! – Mark