Saturday, January 30, 2021

How Big a Threat Is Navalny to Putin's Power? | DW News

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been coming under unusual pressure. A billion-dollar palace allegedly paid for illegally has been making global headlines, while young Russians flood TikTok with calls for protests. Thousands hit the streets in some of the most widespread demonstrations in years. And the president himself faced the public to deny accusations of stolen wealth. Much of the agitation was sparked by Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, now watching from prison.

With parliamentary elections looming, does Navalny pose a growing threat to President Putin's rule?

Corona-Krawalle in den Niederlanden: So knallhart greift die Polizei jetzt durch

Es ist Freitag, 21.24 Uhr. Seit 24 Minuten greift die nächtliche Ausgangssperre. Bis 4.30 Uhr morgens müssen alle Niederländer in ihren Häusern bleiben. So will die Regierung die Zahl der Corona-Neuinfizierungen in den Griff bekommen und Krawalle unterbinden.

Jetzt greifen die Behörden in den Niederlanden hart durch. Dutzende Polizisten sind im Einsatz, um für Recht und Ordnung zu sorgen.

One on One - Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia

The Crown Prince with No Kingdom

Crown Prince Alexander is royalty, but he has no kingdom to rule. CBC News spoke to the crown prince about his views on Serbia's democracy, bringing back a monarchy, and the excitement over the British Royal Family's latest wedding.

'Half-friends Is Not a Concept': UK Should Decide Who Its Allies Are, Says Macron

THE GUARDIAN: History and geography don’t change – I don’t think British destiny is different to ours,’ says French president

Emmanuel Macron has warned that Boris Johnson’s government has to decide who its allies are, insisting that “half-friends is not a concept”.

“What politics does Great Britain wish to choose? It cannot be the best ally of the US, the best ally of the EU and the new Singapore … It has to choose a model,” the French president said, in an interview with the Guardian and a small group of other media.

“But I have the impression the country’s leaders have sold all these models [to the people]. If it decides on a completely transatlantic policy then we [the EU] will need clarification, because there will be divergence on rules and access to markets.

“If it decides to be the new Singapore, which it has once suggested … well, I don’t know. It’s not for me to decide, but I would like good, peaceful relations. Our destinies are linked, our intellectual approach is linked, our researchers and industrials work together … I believe in a sovereign continent and nation states; I don’t believe in neo-nationalism.

“I am for common ambition and a common destiny. I hope Boris Johnson is also on that path, because I think the British people are. We remain allies. History and geography don’t change, so I don’t think the British people have a different destiny to ours.” » | Kim Willsher in Paris | Saturday, January 30, 2021

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Remarkable Private Pictures of the Russian Royal Family Found in a Remote Urals Museum

THE SIBERIAN TIMES: Tsar Nicholas II appears in a photograph to be teaching his daughter Grand Duchess Anastasia how to smoke.

Another picture taken by the emperor dated 1916 shows Tsarevich Alexei - heir to an autocratic throne that would be abolished the following year - posing on a tree in winter with his beloved pet spaniel Joy.

These images of the Russian royal family, captured in photographs taken by the Tsar himself or his children, mostly date from the years of the First World War, and some very soon before the Romanov dynasty crumbled, to be rapidly replaced by Communism.

Found in a vault in Zlatoust, the album shows the private moments of the royals as the storm clouds gather over a dynasty that had ruled for more than three centuries.

The smoking picture shows the youngest princess Anastasia, then 15, evidently imbibing from a cigarette with every encouragement from the Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias. At the time there was not the same stigma attached to smoking and in fact a year earlier Anastasia had written to her father: 'I am sitting here with your old cigarette that you once gave me, and it is very tasty'. » | The Siberian Times Reporter | Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Diary of Olga Romanov: Smoking Cigarettes »

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Poland to Implement Near-total Ban on Abortion Imminently

THE GUARDIAN: Move comes three months after original ruling prompted country’s biggest protests in recent history

A controversial ruling that imposes a near total-ban on abortion in Poland will come into effect imminently, the government has announced, three months after the original ruling prompted the biggest protests in the country’s recent history.

The announcement led protesters to gather again in Warsaw and other cities on Wednesday evening. “We are inviting everyone, please, go out, be motivated, so we can walk together, make a mark,” said protest group leader Marta Lempart.

The ruling, handed down by the constitutional tribunal in October, found that terminating pregnancies due to severe foetal abnormalities is unconstitutional. Poland already has some of the strictest abortion laws in Europe, and most of the small number of legal abortions that take place in the country are cases of foetal defects.

Once the ruling goes into effect, abortion will only be permitted in cases of rape, incest or when the mother’s life is in danger. » | Shaun Walker, Central and eastern Europe correspondent | Wednesday, January 27, 2021

American Psychosis - Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges on the US empire of narcissism and psychopathy.

2021 International Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration

Eight decades after the Holocaust began, people worldwide paused on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz to honor the memory of Europe’s Jews, who were targeted for annihilation. During this ceremony, Holocaust survivors and leaders from the United States and Europe conveyed the urgent responsibility we all share to protect the lessons and legacy of this history and to defend the truth—now more than ever.

US Issues Terrorism Alert Early in Biden’s Term

CHICAGO SUN TIMES: The Department of Homeland Security issued a national terrorism bulletin Wednesday warning of the potential for lingering violence from people motivated by anti-government sentiment after President Joe Biden’s election.

WASHINGTON — The Department of Homeland Security issued a national terrorism bulletin Wednesday warning of the potential for lingering violence from people motivated by anti-government sentiment after President Joe Biden’s election.

The department did not cite a specific threat, but pointed to “a heightened threat environment across the United States” that it believes “will persist” in the weeks since Biden took office. DHS said it consulted with law enforcement and intelligence agencies before issuing the alert about the potential for homegrown violent extremism.

“Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence,’’ the bulletin said. » | Associated Press | Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Romanovs: The Real Story

Unknown and unrevealed facts, which evince that many truths in regard to the life and death of the Romanovs remain silenced or distorted to this day. Nicholas II was surrounded by the forceful presence of his mother, the Dowager Empress, and his uncles. This generation of Romanovs could have, under normal circumstances, expected another two decades of service to and influence over their nation, and it was with both regret and misgivings that they kissed the hands of their new young sovereign and his Hessian bride.

This video is produced as part of the project for the book "The Romanov Royal Martyrs”, which is an impressive 512-page book, featuring nearly 200 black & white photographs, and a 56-page photo insert of more than 80 high-quality images, colorized by the acclaimed Russian artist Olga Shirnina (Klimbim) and appearing here in print for the first time.

European Union: Video Message on the Occasion of the Holocaust Remembrance Day

Video message by Charles MICHEL, President of the European Council, on the occasion of EJA International Holocaust Remembrance Day event (European Jewish Association), on 27 January 2021, in Brussels.

Holocaust Memorial Day: Remembering the Victims of All Genocides

Holocaust Memorial Day is dedicated to the millions of people, including six million Jews, who were murdered under Nazi rule during the Second World War and this year, its scope has been widened to include all victims of genocide.

In the decades since the Holocaust, the world has seen many more acts of genocide and Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis says lessons have not been learnt from the horrors of the Holocaust, with the plight of Uighur Muslims in China being frighteningly similar to the genocide of Europe's Jews many decades ago.

Verfahren gegen Trump: Fast alle Republikaner im Senat gegen Impeachment

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nur fünf republikanische Senatoren stimmen mit den 50 Demokraten für den Fortgang des Amtsenthebungsverfahrens gegen den früheren amerikanischen Präsidenten. Die anderen halten es für verfassungswidrig. Damit wird eine Verurteilung extrem unwahrscheinlich.

Die Hoffnungen der amerikanischen Demokraten auf eine Verurteilung des früheren Präsidenten Donald Trump im Impeachment-Prozess haben einen deutlichen Dämpfer erlitten. Bei einer Abstimmung stellten sich am Dienstag 45 der 50 republikanischen Senatoren hinter einen Antrag, den Prozess wegen der Erstürmung des Kapitols für verfassungswidrig zu erklären. Nur fünf Republikaner stimmten mit den 50 Demokraten.

Das lässt es zunehmend unrealistisch erscheinen, dass im Senat die für eine Verurteilung Trumps notwendige Zweidrittelmehrheit zustande kommen wird. Sollten die 50 demokratischen Senatoren geschlossen für eine Amtsenthebung stimmen, müssten sich ihnen noch mindestens 17 Republikaner anschließen. » | Quelle: AFP/dpa | Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2021

Steve Schmidt Thinks Rand Paul Has ‘Soiled His Oath’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the Lincoln Project, calls out the current Republican party for its role in the insurrection and says the party is a “real life autocratic movement”. Aired on 01/22/2021.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Boris Johnson 'Deeply Sorry' as UK Covid Death Toll Passes 100,000

Boris Johnson said it was ‘difficult to compute the sorrow’ for every life lost to Covid as the official UK death toll passed 100,000. The prime minister said he took ‘full responsibility’ for the government's response to the crisis, and insisted the government 'did everything we could' to limit deaths

Keilar Calls Out Dr. Birx's Post-Trump Reputation Rehab Tour

Dr. Deborah Birx, former President Donald Trump's coronavirus task for coordinator, is making the rounds on television revealing the dysfunction in the Trump White House. CNN's Brianna Keilar rolls the tape on some of the times Birx could have spoken out about Trump but did not.

Monday, January 25, 2021

The Romanov Dynasty and the Hunt for Russia's Incredible Tsar's Treasure

By tracing the way, in which the royal treasures were appreciated in the nearly 100 years since the murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his family in 1918, we get a very intimate and special look at Russia and its heritage – past and present.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Romanovs. The History of the Russian Dynasty

It was 20 years before the beginning of the XX century. The country was in fever. Never before tsar’s power had been as unstable as at that time. It was Alexander III Aleksandrovich who had to take on responsibility for the future of the empire. He was able to extricate the country from economic crisis and turn it into one of the world’s mightiest powers. It was in this condition – at the peak of its power – that the country was inherited by Nicholas Aleksandrovich Romanov. Nobody could even guess at that time that the Russian Empire would collapse soon and Nicholas would be its last ruler, the last monarch of the great dynasty, the House of Romanov.

The most vivid pages of Russian history and the establishment and consolidation of Russian state power are associated with the eighteen Russian Tsars of the House of Romanov which include such historic names as Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Nicholas I and Alexanders I, II and III. The dynasty ended with the brutal assassination of the last Tsar, Nicholas II and his family by the Bolsheviks in Ekaterinburg in 1917.

The Romanov dynasty played a hugely important role in world history, and the series highlights the life stories and characters of the tsars, recounting their rise to power and their contribution to the dynasty, their merits and their faults, their achievements and mistakes, their victories and defeats in war.

Courtrooms and Creditors Likely to Loom Large in Trump's Post-presidency Life

THE GUARDIAN: Carter campaigned for human rights, Bush painted … but Trump faces several criminal investigations and a mountain of debt

Each US president has charted a unique course after leaving the White House, taking up vocations from philanthropy to human rights to oil painting.

Donald Trump’s post-presidency appears likely to be taken up by meetings with lawyers and creditors, possible sworn depositions about tax practices or sexual assault allegations and, in some long-tail scenarios, fines, criminal charges, bankruptcy or other legal sanction.

With Trump gone from Washington, and now lacking the immunity protections of the presidency, prosecutors in at least three jurisdictions are either weighing or actively pursuing criminal cases against him, and a fourth prosecutor is investigating allegedly fraudulent business practices inside the Trump Organization.

Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, is reportedly a major figure in two of the investigations, over more than $700,000 in “consulting fees” she allegedly received from the Trump Organization, which then allegedly claimed those fees as tax-deductible business expenses. » | Tom McCarthy | Sunday, January 23, 2021