Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Decoded: When Bibi Met MbS

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a secret meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the future city of Neom - an encounter the Saudis deny. Decoded this week tries to zoom in on the facts and significance of when Bibi met MbS.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Trump Losing Twitter Followers Since Election – as Biden Gains Them

THE GUARDIAN: President has lost 133,902 followers since 17 November as president-elect has gained 1,156,610

Donald Trump has been losing Twitter followers since he lost the presidential election to Joe Biden – while the Democratic president-elect has been adding them.

According to Factbase, a website dedicated to tracking Trump’s public utterances, the president has lost 133,902 followers since 17 November while the president-elect has gained 1,156,610.

In a Sunday tweet, the CNN host and media reporter Brian Stelter said that while Twitter followers were “surely not the most important metric in the world”, it was “still worth noting: for the first time since 2015, Trump is consistently losing followers”.

Factbase, he pointed out, had “measured small declines for 11 days in a row”.

Trump has 88.8 million followers, to whom he continues to tweet baseless claims of electoral fraud and all-out conspiracy theories surrounding his loss to Biden. » | Martin Pengelly in New York | Monday, November 30, 2020

Spain Appeals for Covid 'Common Sense' after Shopping Crowd Scenes

THE GUARDIAN: Minister urges people across country to behave responsibly amid second coronavirus wave

The Spanish government has called on people to behave responsibly and use their “common sense” after pictures over the weekend showed the streets of Madrid and other big cities heaving with crowds despite the country’s ongoing struggle with the second wave of the coronavirus.

Spain has been in a state of emergency since the end of October and is subject to an overnight curfew. The prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, has asked people to drastically curtail their social lives and limit their movements for the common good.

However, a combination of Black Friday, seasonal shopping and the switching on of Christmas lights appears to have brought large numbers of people out on to the streets of Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Málaga over the weekend. » | Sam Jones in Madrid | Monday, November 30, 2020

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 30, 2020

Almost 700,000 Driven into Poverty by Covid Crisis in UK, Study Finds

THE GUARDIAN: Total includes 120,000 children, according to thinktank that is calling for anti-poverty strategy

Almost 700,000 people in the UK, including 120,000 children, have been plunged into poverty as a result of the Covid economic crisis, according to a thinktank analysis.

The Legatum Institute also said an additional 700,000 people had been prevented from falling below the breadline by the chancellor’s temporary £20-a-week boost to universal credit, introduced in April to help claimants cope with the extra costs of the pandemic.

Overall, the pandemic has pushed the total number of people in the UK living in poverty to more than 15 million – 23% of the population – according to the institute, which uses poverty measures developed by the independent Social Metrics Commission. » | Patrick Butler, Social policy editor | Monday, November 30, 2020

Pubs in Wales to Close by 6pm under New Covid Restrictions

THE GUARDIAN: Pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes will also not be allowed to sell alcohol from Friday

Pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes in Wales will have to close by 6pm and will not be allowed to sell alcohol, the Welsh government has said, under restrictions to come into place from 6pm on Friday.

Indoor entertainments such as cinemas, bingo halls, soft play areas and casinos will also have to close.

The Welsh first minister, Mark Drakeford, said the facts behind the new regime were “stark”. He said that unless the government responded now it had been advised that by 12 January there would be 2,200 people in hospital in Wales with Covid and between 1,000 and 1,700 preventable deaths could take place this winter.

The decision to put stricter restrictions on hospitality across the country has been criticised by the Conservatives in Wales and is causing huge concern to owners of bars, pubs and restaurants. » | Steven Morris | Monday, March 30, 2020

Sunday, November 29, 2020

President Trump on Alleged Election Fraud: The DOJ Is 'Missing in Action

Nov. 29, 2020 - 7:55 - President Trump tells 'Sunday Morning Futures' in his first interview since Election Day that he has 'not seen anything' from the Department of Justice or the FBI on investigating alleged election fraud.

This man is whacko! – Mark

Trump Has Now Told More Than 23,000 Lies Since Taking Office

According to the Washington Post fact checkers, Donald Trump has now told more than 23,000 lies since being sworn in as President of the United States. The saddest part is that most of these lies were absolutely unnecessary and easily verifiably false, but he had to tell them to soothe his own ego. Farron Cousins discusses this.

Donald Trump Admits 'It's Hard to Get to the Supreme Court' as Legal Options Dwindle

CNN's Amara Walker, Carl Bernstein and Brian Stelter discuss President Trump's admission during a Fox News interview that "it's hard" to get cases to the Supreme Court and how Trump's continued legal challenges could undermine future election processes.

Paris Police Clash with Protesters over New Security Bill | DW News

Authorities clashed with protesters in the French capital Paris over a new security bill that would restrict the right to publish images of police officers. The issue came into focus after footage emerged of police beating up and racially abusing Black music producer Michel Zecler. Opponents say the law would prevent such images becoming public -- and could cover up official misconduct.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Iran Vows Revenge after Top Nuclear Scientist Apparently Assassinated

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has vowed revenge and to continue the country's "scientific" activities after the killing of the country's chief nuclear scientist, as top Iranian officials pile blame on Israel over the killing. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who became the face of Iran's controversial nuclear program, was killed in a district east of Tehran, in what Iranian officials are calling an assassination.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika: Australia Revokes Citizenship of Terror Plotter

BBC: Australia has cancelled the citizenship of an Algerian-born Muslim cleric convicted of planning a series of terror attacks in 2005.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika was jailed for 15 years in 2009 and is eligible for release from next month.

But Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said it was "appropriate" to revoke his citizenship to protect Australians.

The move makes Benbrika the first person to be stripped of Australian citizenship while still in the country.

His lawyer has declined to comment on the government's decision, ABC News reports.

"If it's a person who's posing a significant terrorist threat to our country, then we'll do whatever is possible within Australian law to protect Australians," Mr Dutton told reporters in Brisbane.

Under Australian law, the government can only strip people of citizenship if they are dual citizens, ensuring they will not be left stateless. » | Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Path to Nazi Genocide

This 38-minute film introduces the history of the Holocaust. It begins by looking back at the major changes from 1918 to 1933 that created the political climate for the birth and rise of the Nazi Party in Germany. It explores the basis for the party’s support among ordinary Germans and the military, government, and business establishment before and after Hitler was appointed chancellor in January 1933.

After 1933, Nazi leaders used violence and intimidation, propaganda, laws and decrees, and parliamentary maneuvers to quickly destroy the remains of democratic rule. Having established a dictatorship, leaders began pursuing ideological goals. These included the purification and strengthening of the “superior” German “race” and the return of Germany to great power status through economic revival and the build-up of the military.

Jews, who were viewed in Nazi ideology as a separate and dangerous “race,” went from being German citizens with full equal rights to outcasts. They were pressured to immigrate and excluded from the racially based “people’s community” that gave many Germans, especially youth, a sense of belonging. Other excluded groups included Roma, persons with disabilities, gay men, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and political opponents.

During World War II, which began in 1939, German military conquests and alliances endangered Jews living in countries across German-dominated Europe. The German invasion of the Soviet Union in summer 1941, envisioned by Nazi leaders and the German military as a “war of annihilation,” was a key turning point on the path to the genocide of Europe’s Jews. The murder of 6 million Jewish men, women, and children required the active participation or acquiescence of countless Germans and Europeans from all walks of life.

Iran: Rouhani Vows to Avenge Killing of Nuclear Scientist Fakhrizadeh

Iran's President Rouhani has reacted defiantly to the killing of a leading nuclear scientist. Hassan Rouhani blamed Israel for the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh - the man suspected of masterminding a secret nuclear weapons program. Rouhani said his death showed what he called the depth of the enemy's despair and said it would not slow down Iran's nuclear ambitions. Iran state media describes Fakhrizadeh as an eminent nuclear scientist. But he was also a member of the powerful Revolutionary Guard. Whose job is to guard the country's cleric-dominated system.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Trump Flips Out on Reporter: 'I'm the President of the United States!'

President Trump condemned a reporter after being asked if he would concede the election if the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden.

I may well be wrong, and I hope I am, but in my humble opinion, this arrogant, objectionable man has no intention of leaving office in January. Is the Electoral College being bribed to vote for Trump, perhaps? This is a coup d’état in the making! – © Mark

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Trump's Last Days in Office: Lame Duck or Raging Bull? | To The Point

Donald Trump's days in the White House finally seem to be numbered. The question is: how much damage can he still do? Our guests: Susanne Koelbl (Spiegel), Ali Fatholla-Nejad (analyst), Erik Kirschbaum (LA Times),

A Feared Law to Protect the Monarchy Returns Amid Thailand’s Protests

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The country’s lèse-majesté law, which makes insulting the king punishable by years in prison, is being used against the protesters’ leadership for the first time.

BANGKOK — The number 112 strikes fear in Thailand. It refers to Section 112 of the country’s criminal code, which makes insulting or defaming the king and his close kin an offense punishable by three to 15 years in prison.

On Tuesday night, a leader of the protest movement that is calling for changes to Thailand’s monarchy and political system received a summons to face multiple charges of lèse-majesté, as the crime is known. It was the first time that Section 112 had been applied during the protests, which have brought thousands of people onto the streets since July.

The protest leader, Parit Chiwarak, commonly known as Penguin, must report to a police station by Dec. 1 to face the charges, which stem from speeches he gave in September and this month. In those speeches, Mr. Parit and others called for the monarchy to come under the Thai Constitution and for the public to be allowed to scrutinize its considerable wealth. » Hannah Beech and Muktita Suhartono | Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic: Germany Seeks EU Deal to Close Ski Resorts

BBC: Germany is seeking an agreement with EU countries to keep ski resorts closed until early January, in an attempt to curb the spread of coronavirus.

Chancellor Angela Merkel told parliament that efforts were being made to reach a Europe-wide decision.

Italy and France have expressed support for a co-ordinated approach. But Austria has voiced concern.

Some of the early European coronavirus hotspots were at ski resorts, helping spread infections across the continent. » | Thursday, November 26, 2020

Joe Biden's Thanksgiving Address: 'Our Democracy Was Tested This Year'

Biden appeals for resilience and unity in Thanksgiving address to America »