Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Sanders Discredits Woodward Book on Trump

In an interview on ABC, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the new book on President Trump written by journalist Bob Woodward does not depict what is going on inside the White House.

Parkland Victim Father: Kavanaugh Turned Away When I Brought Up My Daughter | The Last Word | MSNBC

Fred Guttenberg gets The Last Word on the day that Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee turned away from him when he tried to introduce himself at Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. Guttenberg explains what happened and why he is concerned about Brett Kavanaugh’s record.

Brexit: Sympathy without Support from Europe – BBC Newsnight

Why Austria's sympathy for Brexit doesn't necessarily translate into solid support.

Lawmaker Questions Why Trump Picked Kavanaugh

CNN's Don Lemon speaks to Senator Cory Booker about the clash between Democrats and Republicans during the first day of hearings to confirm or deny President Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Don Lemon on Woodward Book: This Is Really Ominous

CNN's Don Lemon discusses the revelations from the new book "Fear: Trump in the White House" by Bob Woodward.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Jeffrey Toobin: Trump Tweet May Be Impeachable

CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin discusses President Trump's tweet that blasted Attorney General Jeff Sessions over the Justice Department's decision to bring charges against two GOP congressmen.

Welcome to the 'Nazi Village'! | DW Documentary

The Lohmeyers stand up to the neo-Nazis in their German village with a rock festival.

Birgit and Horst Lohmeyer live in a village mainly inhabited by staunch neo-Nazis. Once a year the couple takes a public stand against the right with a rock festival that attracts such iconic bands as “Die Ärzte”. The tiny village of Jamel in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern can be quite frightening. Almost all of the 40 inhabitants are staunchly right-wing, but Birgit and Horst Lohmeyer are exceptions. They want to do something to counter the rising blood-and-soil ideology. For the past eight years, they’ve been putting together a music festival in their village that takes a stand against the far right. Some local residents have reacted with hostility, and tried to drive the couple out. Their barn was even burned down by an unknown assailant. The Lohmeyers say it’s an oppressive atmosphere, except for a few days each year when bands and fans fill the village. Cult bands like “Die Ärzte”, “Die Toten Hosen” and “Fettes Brot” have already joined the event to stand up for tolerance and openness. The right, however, won’t stand for it. Will things remain peaceful? A report by Mariel Müller.

Monday, September 03, 2018

Brexit Feud between May and Johnson

"Two thirds of Diddly Squat" is what we'll get from Theresa May's Chequers Brexit plan, according to Boris Johnson. In reply, her office said that his criticisms were not accompanied by an alternative plan. So began the back-to-school Brexit bickering, which looks like it's fast developing into a full-scale feud between the Prime Minister and her former foreign secretary.

Bannon Says Trump’s Presidency Will "Grind to a Halt" If Republicans Do Badly in Mid-term Elections

Steve Bannon, the chief strategist for President Donald Trump tells Four Corners the stakes are very high for both Republicans and Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.

C-SPAN Interview with Roberta McCain

C-SPAN interview with Roberta McCain, mother of presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Diana – Her True Story

Diana - Her True Story, Andrew Moreton. Mariella Frostrup talks to Andrew Morton about the revelations, controversy and the legacy of Diana: Her True Story

How President Donald Trump Is Increasingly Becoming 'President Non Grata' | Deadline | MSNBC

WaPo’s Ashley Parker, former FBI assistant director Frank Figliuzzi, former RNC chairman Michael Steele, Daily Beast politics editor Sam Stein and MSNBC analyst Elise Jordan on Trump’s reaction to John McCain’s death and a key consequence of his reluctance to adhere to presidential norms

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Was France Right to Ban the Burqa? (2010)

The Burqa Battle (2010): Sarkozy's ban on burqa's has stirred up a lot of controversy in France, but what do Muslims actually think of it?

How Much of a Threat Is the Far-right in Germany? – Inside Story

The city of Chemnitz, in the east German state of Saxony, has seen a series of violent anti-migrant protests. They began last Sunday after the fatal stabbing of a 35-year-old German man…and the arrest of two suspects...asylum seekers from Iraq and Syria.

Briefly, the streets were owned by far-right protesters, who chanted Germany for Germans, and who reportedly gave Hitler salutes and chased anyone who looked foreign. Police struggled to keep control them and fights continued the following day between far-right and left-wing demonstrators.

The violence has raised concerns that the city is a neo-Nazi stronghold, and has shown divisions in German society about immigration.

Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed more than a million migrants into the country at the height of the refugee crisis in 2015. The biggest opposition party, the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) seized on what it saw as an open-door policy, winning 92 parliamentary seats in last year’s elections.

Is anti-migrant sentiment growing in Germany?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Philipp Sauter, Student Activist and anti-Fascism campaigner; Cynthia Miller-Idriss, Professor of Education Sociology at the American University; Mona El Omari, political activist and community educator

President Donald Trump's Disapproval Soars, Robert Mueller Approval Solid | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump reached his highest disapproval number yet and nearly half of Americans want him impeached, but there is a number that is "stunning” says Michael Tomasky, Neera Tanden and Jonathan Alter join Ali Velshi to talk Trump's rising unpopularity.

Chris Hedges, "America: The Farewell Tour"

A longtime foreign correspondent, Hedges has reported from more than fifty countries. His latest book is a profound exploration of one of the most troubled: today’s United States. Hedges, author of American Fascists and War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, cites the opioid crisis, the increases in gambling and magical thinking, and the explosion of xenophobia as symptoms of a society that has lost hope. He traces this disillusionment to the twin ills of a de facto corporate coup d’état and a failed democracy. The anger and frustration these have spawned helped bring Trump to power and Hedges issues a passionate call to action to reverse them.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Full Interview: Lebanon PM Hariri on the Syrian War, Putin as an Ally, and Hezbollah

Right-wing Protests in Chemnitz: What Is the Root of This Hate? | DW English

Rage and violence in the streets of Chemnitz. A deadly knife attack by refugees on a German man has led to riots and the targeting of foreigners. Right-wing demonstrators and anti-fascist counterdemonstrators are facing off. Are police and politicians out of their depth? Our guests: Karen Taylor (Policy Advisor), Hans Pfeifer (DW), Malte Lehming (Tagesspiegel)

Koch Brothers Backed Conservative Archbishop Attacks Pope and "Homosexuals in the Church"

On the heels of the sexual abuse disclosures conservative Archbishop accuses Pope of hiding sexual abuse and attacks "homosexual underground" in the Church. He is backed by the Koch brothers and other right wing Catholics

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Secrets Donald Trump Doesn't Want You To Know About: Business, Finance, Marketing

David Cay Boyle Johnston (born December 24, 1948) is an American investigative journalist and author, a specialist in economics and tax issues, and winner of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for Best Reporting.